Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2)

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Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2) Page 18

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Sarah had to blink back tears.“Me neither. And thank you, Naomi. I truly needed a friend like you.”


  Later that night, Aidan and Naomi lay ensconced in their new bedroom. The wind had picked up outside, and it howled around their cabin, venting its impotent fury. Inside, they were snug and warm, thanks to the hard work of Brian and Liam. Not a single draft of cold air came through the walls or seeped in around the snug window frame.

  “Your brothers did a fine job on this cabin,” Naomi murmured, stroking Aidan’s arm where it lay wrapped around her waist.“They must love you very much.”

  Aidan smiled and kissed her hair, squeezing her tighter against his side.“They do. I was overwhelmed by their generosity and thoughtfulness.”

  Naomi craned her neck to look up at him. She was lying partially across his chest, her limbs entwined with his. He was usually completely at ease following their lovemaking, but he seemed distracted, thoughtful, worried.

  “What’s the matter, Aidan? What are you thinking about?”

  He met her eye and sighed.“I’m just concerned about Brian. He seems to be getting into deep water with Sarah. I don’t know how to help. I can’t say I approve of him living openly with a woman outside of marriage, and yet, I can’t tell him to do anything different.” He laughed wryly.“He wouldn’t listen, even if I did. He’s always had a mind of his own.”

  Naomi frowned thoughtfully.“I don’t really understand what the problem is. They love each other. As soon as Sarah’s memory comes back, they can get married. And it’s not as if anyone else knows they are living together. No one even knows Sarah is here. What’s so concerning about that?”

  Aidan had to bite his tongue to keep from telling Naomi the truth about Sarah and why he was really so worried. Brian had taken him aside after supper. He had explained the situation, including Sarah’s loss of memory and the fact that she was wanted for murder. He had sworn Aidan to secrecy.

  Brian didn’t want either Sarah or Naomi to be frightened or upset. Although it went against Aidan’s better judgment, he had reluctantly agreed to maintain his silence on the matter. After all, he didn’t want to worry his pregnant wife either.

  Realizing that Naomi was watching him with growing curiosity, he squeezed her bottom fondly.“I see how it is,” he teased.“It took me long enough to convince you to marry me, but now that you’ve taken the plunge, you think every other woman should follow suit.”

  “Well, of course,” Naomi said, rising on her elbow to grin down at him.“If I had known that marriage could be this much fun, I would have insisted on you taking me to a preacher that very first day.”

  “Ah, so you like being married to me, huh?” Aidan pulled her onto his chest, using both hands to caress the globes of her bottom.“I think you just enjoy using my body.”

  Naomi giggled as she spread hot, open-mouthed kisses along his neck and upper chest. She sat up, straddling his waist.

  “Mmmm,” she agreed in a husky moan, “and it’s such a lovely body too. So beautiful.” She traced the line of his nose, lips and jaw slowly with her fingers.“So strong.” Her hands cruised slowly over his wide shoulders and upper arms, kneading his muscles with hands of heated velvet.“So firm.” She explored his ridged abdomen, tracing the lines on his rock hard belly.

  She gave him an impish smile and lifted up on her knees, sliding backward so that his throbbing erection was in front of her. She grasped him in both hands, gripping with her fists as she stroked him. Her eyes met his, and her smile turned delightfully wicked.“And so magnificently large.”

  “Jezebel,” he growled, thoroughly content to be seduced by her yet again.

  Naomi assumed a wide-eyed look of disappointment. She thrust her bottom lip out in a playful pout.“You don’t like what I’m doing?” she asked, fondling his balls with one hand.

  “You know good and well that I love it, you little minx.”

  Her sultry chuckle made him shiver with pleasure.“Mmmm,” she agreed with another throaty moan.“I do know you love it.”

  With a growl, he gripped her upper arms and lifted her onto his chest once more. He seized her mouth, drinking greedily from her soft lips as he rolled her beneath him. He nudged her thighs wide apart and started to thrust into her, but stopped himself. He needed to be inside her, but he hesitated.

  Naomi wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to urge him to take her. Seeing the uncertainty on his face, she frowned up at him.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Are you sure this won’t hurt the baby?”

  Naomi giggled and stroked his cheek.“Yes, silly. I’m sure. Couples make love all the time while women are pregnant. Now, hurry. I’m dying for you.”

  Aidan needed no further prodding, and he gently stroked into her depths. His groan of satisfaction was long and heartfelt. He gradually relaxed until he was invading her with deep, probing strokes. She clutched him to her, moaning and gasping as he pressed her onto higher and higher slopes of passion. Each thrust became more demanding, each caress more blatantly possessive, each kiss more heated.

  Aidan rose onto his arms to better appreciate the sensual tableau beneath him. Naomi’s eyes were heavy lidded, her lips parted, her ivory breasts bounced each time he thrust into her sweet body. He watched with fascination as his shining, engorged staff stretched her outer lips and disappeared inside her again and again and again.

  Naomi was frantic, arching and straining as she met every thrust. Her moans turned pleading, and her eyes begged him for relief. With a flurry of strokes, he drove her into the madness, and his hoarse howl of triumph hung in the air as he emptied himself into her welcoming haven. He collapsed onto her, nuzzling her neck as he enjoyed the contractions of her inner muscles. Aidan smiled, breathing deeply of her womanly fragrance. It had never felt so good to be home.


  Christmas came and they all enjoyed the season thoroughly. The three McKenzie brothers hadn’t really enjoyed a Christmas since they had left their home in Kentucky. As bachelors, they hadn’t had the time or inclination to make the season truly festive.

  With two women around, there was an abundance of delicious food. Sarah and Naomi cooked a feast, with roasted goose, ham, stuffing, and all the trimmings. And for dessert, there were home baked breads, cookies, pies, and candies. Naomi and Sarah also decorated the two cabins with cheerful boughs of greenery, candles and bright ribbons and bows. The air smelled of cinnamon and spruce.

  Gifts were exchanged, and each member of the happy family received a few items to cherish. Brian gave Sarah with a silver locket that he had bought for her. He loved seeing her reaction, as she eagerly clasped it around her neck. He wished he could give her a wedding ring, but unfortunately, she still had yet to regain her memory.

  She surprised him with a beautiful drawing of their farm. Once again, he was awed by her talent.

  “Thank you, Sarah. I will treasure this always. Now, open your other gift.”

  He smiled while she carefully peeled off the paper, and he laughed when she squealed with joy. He had purchased her a new sketchbook and materials. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, making the others laugh as well.

  “Oh Brian, thank you! I love it.”

  “I saw that your other sketchbook was almost full. I wanted you to be able to continue with your drawings. We all love them.”

  Sarah smiled at him and the others.“Thank you,” she said shyly.

  Her heart filled with joy. The only thing that bothered her was the uncertainty of her past. If only she could remember, she could lay it to rest for good and enjoy being part of this incredible family.

  The next morning, Sarah woke early. The first rays of dawn were just beginning to stream through the window. The sight of Brian, sound asleep beside her made her smile.

  She carefully slipped from his arms and retrieved her new sketchbook and charcoals. Wrapping a quilt around her shoulders, she settled gingerly against the foot board, car
eful not to jostle him awake.

  Her fingers flew across the page as she captured Brian’s likeness. He was so sinfully handsome that it made her heart ache. He was lying on his back, with one arm above his head and the other relaxed at his side, resting palm up. He looked boyish in repose, with his long, dark lashes casting shadows on his upper cheeks. He was always hot at night, and he had pushed the quilts down around his waist.

  Sarah drew the sculpted lines of his ridged abdomen, the swell of his rippling muscles, and the multitude of veins visible along his forearms and hands. She painstakingly filled in the details of his strong fingers. She loved the lean lines of his masculine beauty, and she rendered them in great detail. She gave a naughty grin as she sketched the bulge of the quilts over his morning erection.

  Just as she was finishing, his eyes fluttered open, and he gave her a heart stopping smile.“Good morning, angel.”

  “Good morning,” she whispered, with an answering smile.

  He noticed her sketchbook, and he raised one dark brow in question.“What are you doing?”

  “Just drawing.”

  “Let me see,” he said, reaching for her book.

  She handed it to him and watched his reaction as he looked at her work. She could see surprise and admiration in his eyes.

  “This is incredible, Sarah. Do I really look like this?”

  “I think so,” she said.“Do you like it?”

  “Yes.” He laid the book aside and snared her hand. He hauled her onto his chest, smiling when she gave a little squeal of surprise.“I’m glad to see you making use of your Christmas present. Did you have a Merry Christmas?”

  She nodded and smiled, but her eyes dimmed briefly before she looked down.

  “What is it, angel?”

  “It’s just that …” she hesitated and sighed.“I just wish that I could remember my past. The only thing that would have made Christmas any more perfect would have been to marry you and be a real member of your family.”

  Brian squeezed her upper arms and waited until she met his eye.“You are a real member of my family, Sarah. In fact, you are the most important person in the world to me. I love you with all my heart.”

  “I know. I love you too. I just wish we could get married and declare our love to the entire world.”

  “We will, angel. I promise. I want it just as badly as you do, but we have to wait until you regain your memory.”

  Her eyes clouded again, and she sighed.“Brian, maybe I should go into town. Maybe someone will know me there and can help me remember my past.”

  “No, Sarah!”

  Brian managed to keep the panic from showing on his face, but his fierce tone still surprised her. The last thing he wanted was for her to be recognized and arrested for murder. He would be helpless to defend her, if she couldn’t even remember what had happened. He took a deep breath and continued more gently.

  “I’ve told you, you can’t go into town without ruining your reputation.”

  “I don’t care about that, if it will help me remember.”

  “I care. Now, promise you won’t go into town.” He could see that she wanted to argue with him.“Sarah,” he said sternly, “promise you will obey me. I don’t want you to go anywhere other than our farm until your memory returns.”

  “Yes, Brian. I promise.”

  He visibly relaxed and released a sigh of relief. She wondered briefly why the thought of her going into town worried him so much. Still, she had promised.

  Brian watched her, realizing that she was bothered by their conversation. He wanted to distract her and give her something else to think about. He lifted her chin until she met his eye and then gave her a devilish grin.

  “Now, my naughty angel. Since you have seen fit to memorialize my morning erection in your drawing, the least you can do is to take care of it for me.”

  She blushed delightfully, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red.“Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah,” he growled.

  He loved it when she blushed. Her mixture of boldness and shyness was intoxicating. It made him ache for her every time. He tossed the quilt aside and guided her downward until her face was even with his cock. When she gave him a sexy pout, he laughed.

  “You’re so demanding,” she sighed.

  The excitement and hunger in her eyes belied her protest. He gently fisted his hand in her hair and rubbed the tip of his cock against her moist lips. When she opened her mouth eagerly, he shoved inside with a groan of delight.

  “That’s it, my naughty angel. Take care of me first, and then we will see to your pleasure.”

  He reclined against the pillows and enjoyed the sight of her. She was unbelievably beautiful. The only thing that dimmed his pleasure was the knowledge that Sarah wasn’t entirely safe, and that he couldn’t do anything about it. He prayed that her memory would return soon, and that when it did, she would remember something that could help him protect her.


  January came, and snowfall was heavier than usual. They all began to feel cooped up. Since they were running low on a few supplies, Brian offered to make a trip into town. He knew Sarah wanted to accompany him, but she didn’t ask. To soothe her hurt feelings, he brought her a tin of candies and some pretty fabric for a new dress. She was thrilled with the gifts.

  A few days later, Brian developed a bad cough. He insisted that he was fine, and he carried on with his usual chores around the farm. By the evening of the second day, his cough had worsened. It was obvious that he was truly ill. He ran a slight fever, and his cough sounded terrible.

  Sarah plied him with chicken soup and hot tea laced with honey and lemon. She insisted that he rest rather than work. Aidan and Liam supported that notion. Brian lay in bed, surrounded by the three of them looking worried, and he reluctantly agreed. Sarah also suggested that they send for a doctor, but Brian adamantly refused.

  “It wouldn’t help anyway. The only doctor for miles around is a useless quack,” he grumbled.

  He didn’t mention that he didn’t want anyone to know about Sarah. He sent Aidan and Liam pointed stares, and he saw them give subtle nods of understanding.

  “Besides, it’s just a cold. I’ll be better by tomorrow,” Brian said with a frown. “I don’t intend to be in this damn bed any longer than I have to.”

  Sarah shook her head and heaved a sigh. “I might have known you would be a grump when you’re sick,” she teased. “Has he always been like this?”

  Aidan and Liam were standing at the foot of the bed looking down at their sick brother. Aidan shot her a grin.

  “Always. He used to give Mama fits when she tried to make him stay in bed.” He ignored Brian’s scowl. “But he is right about the doctor.”

  “Well, in that case, I had best make him a nice, hot mustard plaster. There’s nothing like it to loosen a bad cough.” Sarah frowned and looked at Aidan and Liam. “How on earth did I know that?”

  “Did you have another memory?” Liam asked hopefully.

  She shook her head. “No. The thought of a mustard plaster just popped into my head.”

  “Oh well,” Aidan said, “I think you’re right. Mama used to make them for us, and they usually worked like a charm.”

  “You’re not going to put one of those damn things on me …” Brian broke off with a harsh coughing fit.

  Sarah sighed and headed for the door. “I’ll mix one up right away. In the meantime, there’s no point in everyone getting sick. I think it would be best if the rest of you stayed in the other cabin until Brian is better.”

  “I don’t want to leave you here to nurse him on your own,” Liam said with a frown.

  “Liam’s right. He and I can take turns helping,” Aidan added.

  Sarah was already shaking her head. “Nonsense. I’m perfectly capable, and you both have plenty to do. And besides, Naomi is pregnant. You don’t want her to get sick do you?” She gave Aidan a pointed stare.

  He frowned, remembering when she had been sick a few months
before. It had scared the hell out of him. Now that she was pregnant, it would be even worse.

  “No. I didn’t think about that.”

  Sarah gave a brisk nod. “Well, you should. Now, leave this to me. I’ll take good care of Brian.”

  Aidan and Liam exchanged glances and then shrugged. “Alright,” Aidan mumbled. “But if he gives you any trouble, let us know. If we need to, we can tie him to the bed for you.”

  Brian scowled at them. “You try, and I’ll beat the living tar …”

  Sarah interrupted Brian’s angry retort. “That won’t be necessary. Now shoo. Out with you both.”

  She herded the two brothers out. Then, she mixed mustard powder, flour and steaming hot water into a paste. She carried the mixture, along with several large cloths into the bedroom.

  Brian was propped up on several pillows. He frowned at her as she approached. He started to say something, but he was beset by another coughing fit. When he finally managed to catch his breath, he was frowning even worse than before. His voice came out as a raspy croak.

  “You don’t honestly think I’m going to let you put that stuff on me, do you?”

  Sarah fixed him with a stern look. “You most certainly are, Brian McKenzie. You’re going to let me take care of you for a change, and I don’t want to hear another word about it.”

  Brian lowered his brows ominously. “Listen, angel …”

  “No, you listen. If I were sick, wouldn’t you want to take care of me?”

  “You know I would, but …”

  “And wouldn’t you expect me to make it easier for you by cooperating?” Her expression softened, and her voice took on a pleading tone. “I’m worried about you, Brian. I haven’t slept a wink in two days, because I’ve been so concerned. You don’t want me to worry or get sick myself, do you?”

  Brian growled, causing another coughing fit. Sarah sat on the edge of the bed and waited for the coughing to subside. Then she smiled down at him, and she stroked his forehead lovingly.

  “Please, Brian. Don’t be difficult. Lay back and be still, and I promise this will make you feel better very soon.”

  He realized that she knew just which strings to tug to make him bend to her will for a change. Brian looked none too pleased, but he consented to allow her to apply the dreaded plaster to his chest.


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