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Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2)

Page 19

by Lynn Coppersmith

  She laid a cloth over his entire chest and began gently spreading the potent paste. She had made it as hot as he could stand, and he sucked in a hissing breath as she coated his chest with a liberal layer. Then, she covered it with a second cloth and pulled the quilt over him to keep the heat inside.

  Almost immediately, his chest began to feel uncomfortably warm. He squirmed slightly and frowned up at her. She smiled at him and brushed her soft fingers through his hair to soothe him.

  “I hate these things,” he grumbled. “I always have. It burns like fire.”

  “It’s just for a few minutes, sweetheart. Then, I’ll wash it off, and you’ll feel better.” Seeing his continued frown, she sighed and shook her head. “You look like a naughty, overgrown boy right now,” she said with a tender smile. “I can just imagine you giving your mother fits.”

  “It’s not true. I was always an angel,” he said, looking offended at the accusation.

  Sarah giggled and stroked his forehead. “I know better. You’re a wicked, handsome devil, and I love you just as you are. I know your mother does too.” She grinned at him. “If you ever start acting like an angel, I’ll be really worried.”

  He started to chuckle, but it ended in a series of coughs. When he managed to stop, she held his head up for a few sips of hot tea. Although the plaster was burning like the dickens, he decided it wasn’t so bad being sick when he had such a beautiful angel to take care of him.

  Sarah peeked under the edge of the cloth a couple of times to make sure his skin wasn’t blistering. After about twenty minutes, she removed the plaster altogether. Brian sighed with relief when she bathed his chest with warm water and soap. Once he was clean and dry again, she tucked the quilts up around his shoulders.

  “There, see? That wasn’t so bad was it?”

  Brian narrowed his eyes at her, but she could tell he wasn’t really mad. “It was awful. And when I get better, I’m going to punish you properly. A good spanking is definitely in order.”

  She raised one brow and gave him a saucy smile. “In that case, I’ll look forward to you getting better really soon.”

  Once again, Brian started to laugh, but it quickly changed into another coughing fit. Sarah sighed and dropped a kiss on his forehead once he finished coughing.

  “Get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll bring you some more chicken soup in a little while.” She gathered the basin and cloths and headed for the door.

  “Angel,” Brian murmured. When she turned to face him again, he gave her a boyish smile. “I love you.”

  Her answering smile was radiant. “I know, Brian. I love you too.”

  After Sarah left, Brian contemplated what had just happened. She had very efficiently managed to politely evict his two stubborn brothers and sweetly manipulate him into letting her apply the dreaded mustard plaster. Apparently, beneath her shy, submissive exterior, she had a backbone of finely honed steel.

  Brian grinned to himself. She was absolutely perfect for him. It also hadn’t escaped his notice that his cough was already better. He rolled over and went to sleep, dreaming of his beautiful angel.

  Sarah insisted on repeating the mustard plaster several times over the next day and evening. By that night, Brian’s cough was almost gone. Although he grumbled about being in bed, she coaxed him into resting just one more day.

  Before dawn on the following day, he proved to her just how miraculous of a recovery he had made. She didn’t argue at all afterward, when he rose at dawn to resume his work. He kissed her forehead and left her sleeping with exhaustion.


  As the weeks passed, Brian grew increasingly worried and restless. He still had not told Sarah that she was wanted for murder. He felt that time was running out, and with every passing day, a feeling of dread grew in his gut. He had the sense that something bad was going to happen, and he was powerless to stop it.

  One night in early February, he sat on a bale of hay in the barn, cleaning a bridle while his thoughts grappled with more difficult tasks. It was sometime in the wee hours of the morning, but he had retreated there, too restless to sleep.

  Sleep had become an elusive entity for the past several weeks. Although he was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to slip into the soothing arms of Morpheus, Brian couldn’t seem to find any relief from his constant worry and growing fear.

  Nothing had been resolved between him and Sarah. She had continued to remember bits and pieces about her past, but nothing substantial, nothing that could help him to clear her name. He couldn’t escape the feeling that sooner or later, despite his best efforts to shield her, his angel would be endangered.

  With every day that passed, Brian grew increasingly disturbed and impatient, restless and anxious. Sarah had started her monthly barely a week after Aidan’s return. Brian’s logical side had been relieved to know that she wasn’t pregnant. The very last thing he wanted was for her to get caught with his child in her belly before she had his ring on her finger. He never wanted her to be shamed in such a way.

  His barbarian side had been far from pleased. On a deeply primitive level, he wanted nothing better than to plant his seed deep inside her womb … to claim her as his woman in the most ultimate fashion … by making her the mother of his child.

  Since that first monthly flow, he had been much more cautious. Each time Brian made love to Sarah, he was careful to withdraw, depositing his creamy fluid on her soft belly or back. Her whimpering sighs of disappointment when he withdrew from her at the height of their passion only echoed his own keen frustration. Although their lovemaking continued to be magnificent in every other respect, he ached to reclaim the sublime pleasure of spilling himself inside her and feeling her body lovingly receive his seed. Purposely trying to avoid fathering her child went against his most basic masculine instincts.

  Even more disturbing to Brian was the fact that he could not claim Sarah as his wife. Neither his brothers nor Naomi had ever shown any disapproval of their living arrangements. Sarah openly shared Brian’s bed. His family accepted it because they knew he would take Sarah to wife at the earliest opportunity.

  But Brian was beginning to wonder whether that opportunity would ever arise. He knew that Sarah had the same doubts, although she never complained. He was at his wit’s end, and he hated the feelings of uselessness and helplessness that plagued him.

  Short of running away, going somewhere where no one knew about Sarah’s past, he couldn’t think of any way to improve their current circumstances. Leaving the farm that he and his brothers had built would be difficult. He had poured his heart into the venture, working side by side with Aidan and Liam to build something from nothing. He didn’t want to leave, especially since they had finally started to reap the rewards of all their hard work. The McKenzie farm was promising to be among the most profitable in Oregon.

  But if something didn’t happen soon that would allow them to clear Sarah’s name, Brian was beginning to think he would have no choice but to leave with her. Sarah was more important to him than the farm or even his brothers. If he were forced to choose, he would choose her. Every day that passed without her remembering her past, he came closer to making the choice to leave. It was tearing him up inside.

  Heaving a deep sigh, Brian put away the bridle and extinguished the lantern. He shuddered from the cold as he tromped through the moonlit snow. Removing his boots at the front door, he tiptoed to his bedroom, slipping silently inside.

  He had moved his things into Aidan’s old room, so that he and Sarah would have a bit more privacy. He quickly shed his clothes and slid beneath the quilts, shivering slightly as he pulled his angel into his arms.

  She woke with a gasp and then turned to snuggle against his chest.“You’re cold,” she murmured sleepily.“Let me warm you.”

  Brian closed his eyes and reveled in the feeling of her warm hands stroking his chest and her heated breath feathering his neck. He tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

  “I love
you, my angel,” he murmured.

  Sarah bent her head back to search his face. She could see the glitter of his eyes, but she couldn’t read his expression in the dark. Something in his voice was disturbing, as if he were desperate or afraid.

  Sarah knew better than to ask what was bothering Brian. She had asked several times over the last few weeks, and he had brushed off her concern. He was so stubborn that it would do no good to try and pry information out of him. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her in his own good time. In the meantime, she offered what comfort she could.

  “I know,” she said softly.“I love you too.”

  Their lips melded and Brian felt as if she was offering him a soothing balm. Every soft sigh, every feather light caress, every flicker of her tongue against his helped to assuage some of his anxiety. His worries didn’t disappear, but Sarah’s patient and compassionate reassurance helped to hold them at bay. She showered him with understanding, offering sweet succor to his tortured soul.

  He claimed her body with infinite gentleness, and she seemed to know that he needed tender lovemaking rather than his usual naughty play. Their eyes met and held as he stroked into her with slow, powerful thrusts.

  She felt as if he wanted to make her understand some unspoken message, but all she understood was how much he loved her. She knew from the way he worshipped her body, the way he savored every slick invasion, the way he caressed her cheek as he stared deep into her eyes. She felt his devotion in his every movement, and she drank it in. She showered her own love on him in return, so he would feel as cherished as she did.

  When she couldn’t hold out against the flood of emotion any longer, she shattered. Sarah clutched him to her, trying to hold him inside as her inner muscles clamped down. With a tortured groan, Brian withdrew at the last moment and bathed her stomach with his scalding fluid. He kissed her forehead when the pulsations eventually ceased against her belly.

  Sarah knew in her soul that he hadn’t wanted to withdraw from her body. He had done so only to protect her, his angel, from disgrace. For his sake, she stifled her sigh of disappointment. She laid awake for a long time, listening to his even breathing as he finally found some degree of peace in exhausted sleep.


  The next day, Sarah and Naomi were working together in Naomi’s kitchen. They had become dear friends, and they often cooked meals to share as a group. They had just pulled two steaming apple pies from the oven when Naomi shot Sarah a concerned frown.

  “What’s wrong, Sarah? I can tell you are upset about something.”

  Sarah sighed and shrugged.“I don’t know. Brian’s been so different lately. He never laughs or teases anymore. He’s always brooding and thoughtful. It’s as if he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I don’t know how to help him, because he won’t tell me what’s bothering him.”

  She glanced at Naomi, and despite the delicate blush she could feel rising in her cheeks, she continued to confide in her friend.“There have been several nights lately when I’ve woken up and Brian isn’t in bed beside me. I know he’s not sleeping well.”

  Naomi considered her words carefully.“I’ve noticed a difference in him too. Aidan says that Brian is unhappy that he can’t marry you, but I don’t quite understand. Since you were a virgin when you first made love with Brian, you can’t possibly be married to someone else. Why not just get married? You two obviously love each other.”

  “Yes,” Sarah said quietly.“I don’t doubt that Brian loves me. He keeps saying that once I remember my past, we can be married right away.” She glanced at Naomi, and her eyes began to fill with unshed tears.“What if I never remember? It’s been so long. I’m starting to wonder whether my memory will ever fully return.”

  Naomi sighed and embraced Sarah tightly.“There must be something we can do,” she said quietly. Her eyes opened wide and her mind began to race with possibilities.“You know, Sarah, when we were in Oregon City, we visited the land claims office to enlarge Aidan’s claim following our marriage. They keep all sorts of records there, and there were other government offices with records of births, marriages, and that sort of thing.”

  She held Sarah at arm’s length and gripped her hands.“Why don’t we go into town and post a letter? Perhaps if we could find some information about your past, some record of your birth or your parents’ marriage or a land claim by your family, we might be able to jog your memory.”

  “Do you think so?” Sarah asked, her eyes filling with hope.“I suppose it’s worth a try, except …” Almost as quickly as her face had brightened, it began to droop once more.“Brian has told me many times that I mustn’t go into town. He said we had to be careful not to let anyone know that I’m living here. He says it would ruin my reputation.”

  “Well, that may have been true before,” Naomi said thoughtfully, “but now that I’m living here too, there shouldn’t be any reason for folks to frown on you living here. If anyone dares to question things, I’ll tell them that you are a friend of mine and you’re living in our cabin with Aidan and me. No one needs to know any different.”

  Sarah nibbled her bottom lip.“Maybe we should ask Brian,” she said with a worried frown.

  “The men are clearing trees in the far east pasture,” Naomi said.“Aidan said not to expect them home until late this evening. I was thinking that you and I could go into town now. That would even give us time to do a bit of shopping.” She smiled at Sarah.“You know, there’s nothing like a little shopping to boost a girl’s spirits.”

  Sarah frowned thoughtfully.“I really shouldn’t. I promised Brian that I wouldn’t.”

  Naomi rolled her eyes.“Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, there really isn’t any reason why he shouldn’t allow you to go. He probably just hasn’t realized that things have changed now. As long as there’s no harm to your reputation, he really shouldn’t mind.”

  Sarah laughed, squeezing Naomi’s hand with affection.“You’re right,” she said.“In fact, if we are able to learn something, it would be a nice surprise for Brian. Let’s do it.”

  Within fifteen minutes, they had the wagon hitched, and they set off to town. Their mood was cheerful once more, and they laughed as they rode along. Neither of them had any inkling what lay in store for them.

  Chapter Ten

  Naomi and Sarah arrived in town and parked the wagon in front of the general store that also served as the local post office. They climbed down, chatting and laughing as they entered the establishment. A bell over the door tinkled, and the young women sighed, glad to be out of the freezing temperatures.

  “Hello Mrs. Thompson,” Naomi said, with a friendly nod to the shopkeeper.“I trust you’ve been well.”

  Mrs. Thompson beamed, always happy to see Naomi around town. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she carefully scanned Naomi’s appearance. She noted the younger woman’s rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes.

  “Hello, Mrs. McKenzie. You certainly don’t seem to be suffering as the new bride of Aidan McKenzie. In fact, you are positively glowing.”

  Naomi gave her a friendly hug. She had come to feel very close to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. As owners of the general store, they had taken her under their wing when she was new in town. They had been so supportive. In fact, they were the only ones, other than family, who had been invited to her wedding.

  “Oh, yes I have been well, thank you Mrs. Thompson.”

  “I’m so glad to hear it, dear. We’ve been wondering how you were adjusting to married life. No one has seen you around town for a while. It must get lonely for a woman, living out there with only three men for company.”

  Naomi laughed at the suggestion and placed her arm around Sarah, who had hung back when they entered the store. Naomi drew the shopkeeper’s notice to Sarah for the first time.

  “Oh, I haven’t been lonely at all,” Naomi said brightly.“My friend is staying with my husband and me. We’ve been having a lovely visit together.”

; Mrs. Thompson’s eyes gleamed with avid interest as she looked at Sarah.“How nice for you. And who is this lovely friend of yours? I never thought I would see the like, but I’ll swear … she’s as beautiful as you are.”

  Sarah blushed, but she smiled at the older woman.“Thank you, ma’am. You’re too kind.”

  “Fiddlesticks. I’m not being too kind at all. You really are lovely, dear.” Mrs. Thompson’s forehead crinkled from thought as she continued to look at Sarah.“You look very familiar to me, though. Have we met somewhere before?”

  “I don’t know for sure, ma’am.” Sarah shrugged lamely. She couldn’t say for certain, because she didn’t remember her past. Her heart beat faster with the possibility that maybe someone did know her. She thrust her hand toward the shopkeeper with a friendly smile.“I’m Sarah Martin. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Mrs. Thompson shook her hand, as she returned her smile with a thoughtful look.“Yes indeed. Your name sounds familiar too. Is that Mrs. or Miss, dear?”

  Sarah blushed hotly.“Its Miss, I’m not married.”

  “Hmmm,” Mrs. Thompson said, nibbling at her bottom lip.“I just can’t remember where I’ve seen you.” Pressing the question to the back of her mind for the moment, she smiled at them.“I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually. Anyway, welcome to town. Any friend of the McKenzie clan is a friend of mine.”

  Naomi and Sarah exchanged a glance, as they read each other’s thoughts. Perhaps Mrs. Thompson did know Sarah from somewhere in her past. Naomi squeezed Sarah’s hand with an encouraging smile before turning back to face the shopkeeper.

  “Mrs. Thompson, we would like to post a couple of letters.”

  Sarah pulled the letters from her pocket and handed them to the shopkeeper. They had drafted an inquiry to the land claims office, asking for information about any claims by Thomas Martin. They had drafted a similar inquiry to the office of vital statistics, seeking a birth certificate for Sarah or a marriage certificate for either her or her parents.


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