The Real Custer
Page 47
19.Quoted in Charles Francis Roe, “Custer’s Last Battle,” a monograph published by the National Highways Association, New York City (1927), 34.
20.In 1967, the Army Board of Corrections reversed the decision of the court-martial, and Reno was reburied with honors at the Custer Battlefield National Cemetery.
21.See John S. Gray, “Nightmares to Daydreams,” By Valor and Arms, Journal of American Military History 1 (Summer 1975), 30–39, for information on parties visiting the battlefield.
22.“Officers Who Died with Custer,” New York Times, August 4, 1877, 5. Lieutenant McIntosh was later transferred to Arlington National Cemetery.
23.Quoted in New York Times, May 21, 1877, 1. Crittenden’s remains were left buried where he fell until 1931, when they were relocated to the National Cemetery. His isolated gravesite was not being properly cared for, though the family was at first told it was because of a plan to relocate a road.
24.See “Gen. Custer’s Remains,” New York Times, September 1, 1878.
25.The spur is in the possession of the Virginia Historical Society. By coincidence, Santa Anna died in Mexico City four days before Custer, at age eighty-two, impoverished and forgotten.
26.Benny Havens died May 27, 1877, at ninety years.
27.The full story of the enduring mystery of the Custer statue is in Last in Their Class, 405–8.
28.“General George A. Custer,” Galaxy, September 1876, 363.
29.“A Death-Sonnet for Custer,” New York Daily Tribune, July 10, 1876, 5.
30.Walt Whitman, “Custer’s Last Rally,” Specimen Days. See also Robert Taft, “The Pictorial Record of the Old West. IV. Custer’s Last Stand. John Mulvany, Cassilly Adams, and Otto Becker,” Kansas Historical Quarterly, November 1946, 361–90.
31.Quoted in “Mrs. Custer’s Army Life,” Atlantic Monthly, September, 1888, 426.
32.Charles Godfrey Leland, Memoirs (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1893), 333.
Numbers in italics refer to illustrative material.
1st Colorado Volunteer regiment, 284
1st Connecticut Cavalry, 183
1st Iowa Cavalry, 224–25, 232, 236
1st Maine Cavalry, 72
1st Michigan Cavalry, 97
1st South Carolina Cavalry, 95
1st Vermont Cavalry, 93, 96, 158–59
1st Virginia Cavalry, 83–85, 165
2nd Massachusetts Cavalry, 143, 189
2nd New York Cavalry, 57, 92, 174, 408
2nd Ohio Cavalry, 200, 203–4
2nd Rhode Island regiment, 203
2nd Wisconsin Cavalry, 224, 227–28
3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, 60–61, 85
3rd Virginia Cavalry, 72
5th Illinois Cavalry, 224
5th Lighthouse District, 299
5th Michigan Cavalry, 68, 80, 84, 86, 95–96, 130, 132, 134, 140, 169, 240–41
5th New York Cavalry, 87, 120
5th Virginia Cavalry, 72
6th Michigan Cavalry, 77, 99, 102, 198, 237
6th New York Independent Battery, 179
6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 115
6th Virginia Cavalry, 71
7th Indiana Cavalry, 224, 230–32, 237
7th Michigan Cavalry, 83, 85
7th U.S. Cavalry, 242
8th Illinois Cavalry, 168
8th New York Cavalry, 70, 183
9th Michigan Cavalry, 106
9th Virginia Cavalry, 84, 121
10th Connecticut, 204
10th Virginia Cavalry, 60
12th Illinois Cavalry, 224, 232
13th Virginia Cavalry, 84
14th Virginia Cavalry, 204
15th New York Cavalry, 197, 205
18th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 79
21st Ohio regiment, 198
24th New York Cavalry, 72
34th Virginia Battalion, 83
51st New York Volunteers, 217
II Corps, 188
V Corps, 188, 190–91, 202, 204–5
VI Corps, 142, 155, 199, 202
VIII Corps, 144, 155
XI Corps, 82
XIX Corps, 142, 155
abolitionism, 30–31, 33, 36, 246, 298
Alexander, John H., 173
Alexander, Porter, 88, 211, 324
Alexandrovich, Alexei (The Grand Duke), 311–22
Alger, Russell Alexander, 131, 140, 169, 240–41
Allison, William B., 348, 351
Antelope Hills, 283–84
Appomattox Court House, 203, 213
Appomattox Station, 196, 202
Arapaho tribe, 258, 277, 279, 282–83, 288, 292–93, 329, 348
Army of the East, 125
Army of the James, 114
Army Navy Journal, 360
Army of Northern Virginia, 78–79, 114, 189, 195–96, 210, 262
Army of the Ohio, 232
Army of the Potomac, 49, 52, 55, 90, 126, 215, 219
Army of the Shenandoah, 140
Army of the Tennessee, 302
Army of the West, 215
Army of West Virginia, 140
Audenreid, Joseph C., 299
“Aulde Lang Syne,” 219
Averell, William Woods, 24, 60, 140, 143, 145, 244
B&O Railroad, 142
Babcock, Orville E., 208, 357
Bacon, Albert, 105
Bacon, Daniel S., 5
Baker, Laurence, 84
Baliran, Augustus, 330–31
Ballard, Stephen H., 80
Baltimore (dispatch boat), 214
Baltimore American, 366–67
Banning Committee, 360
Banning, Henry B., 358, 360
Barnard, John G., 55, 57
Barnitz, Albert, 258, 261–63, 266, 285–87
Battle of Brandy Station, 70–71, 115
Battle of Bristoe Station, 100
Battle of Bull Run, 50, 63
Battle of Chantilly, 51
Battle of Fisher’s Hill, 145, 244
Battle of Franklin, 326
Battle of Gettysburg, xi, 17, 77–88, 89–90, 112, 115, 123, 167, 299, 379, 415
Battle of Namozine Church, 198–99
Battle of New Market, 139
Battle on the Rosebud, 374–75
Battle of Seven Pines, 60–61
Battle of Trevilian Station, 136
Battle of Williamsburg, 62
Battle on the Yellowstone, 323–34
Bayard, Thomas F., 360
Beal, Thomas B., 91–92
Bear’s Ears, 339
Beauregard, P. G. T., 49
Beaver Dam Station, 118, 128
Becker, Otto, 417
Beeson, Chalkley M., 320–22
Belknap, William Worth, 353, 357–61, 363–64, 410
Beloir, Mitchell, 133
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 42
Bennett (prisoner), 174–75
Bennett, John W., 158
“Benny Havens, Oh!” 24, 414
Benteen, Frederick, 286–89, 291–92, 303, 305–6, 353, 383, 385, 388–90, 392, 395–97, 402, 412,
Berryhill, Samuel Newton, 147
Big Head, 294
Bighorn Mountains, 353, 375, 399
Bingham, John A., 7, 50, 68, 123, 136, 247
Bismarck Tribune, 333, 337, 341, 343–44, 354, 372, 407
Black Bear, 318
Black Hills, 277, 337–51, 354, 371–72, 411
Black Kettle, 273, 283–85, 287, 290–91, 293
Black Republicans, 33, 36, 38
Blade Moon, 350
Bleeding Kansas, 30
Blinn, Clara, 278–79, 289–90
Blinn, Richard, 278
Blinn, Willie, 278, 290
Bloody Knife, 329, 339–40, 382, 386
“Bonnie Blue Flag,” 202
Booth, John Wilkes, 216
Boots and Saddles, 415
Bowen, Nicholas, 52, 56–57
Bowman, Alexander H., 27, 108
s and Young Men’s Academy, 4
Bozeman Times, 408
Braden, Charles, 332, 414
Bradley, James H., 399
Bragg, Braxton, 92
Brave Shield, 318
Briggs, George R., 84
Brinton, John H., 127
Brisbin, J. S., 355
Bristoe Campaign, 95, 389
Brooks, Preston, 30
Brown, John, 30, 36
Buchanan, James, 38
Buckland Races, 99–109
Buel, David H., 258
Buford, John, 78, 92, 97, 126
Bulkley, John McClelland, xvi, 4, 107
Bull Run, 47, 49–50, 53, 63, 71, 176
Burlington Hawkeye, 257
Burnside, Ambrose, 63, 68, 115, 232
Burton’s Ford, 117
Butler, Benjamin F., 114, 130, 147
Buttermilk Falls, 23
Byrnes, Richard, 60–61
Calhoun, Charlotte, 304
Calhoun, Fred, 304
Calhoun Hill, 393–94, 396
Calhoun, James, 304, 329, 370, 389, 393–94, 401, 413
Calhoun, Margaret (“Maggie”) Custer, 407, 414
Camp Alexis, 315–16
Camp Robinson, 349
Camp Sturgis, 305
Capehart, Henry, 188, 192, 198–99, 209, 219
Carland, John, 401
Catlett’s Station, 52
Cavalry Corps, 69, 73, 125–26, 140, 145, 188, 195, 203, 216
Cerro Gordo, 101–2, 201
Chamberlain, Joshua, 212, 215
Chambliss, John R., 81, 97
Chance, Josiah, 339
Chandler, Robert, 268
Chandler, Zachariah, 136, 350, 353–54, 371
Chapman, Samuel H., 171
Cheyenne tribe, xi, 258–61, 263, 266–67, 273, 277, 279–80, 283–84, 287, 291–95, 303, 314, 329–30, 339, 348, 355, 375, 380, 385–86, 388–89, 392–93, 410
Chicago Journal, 339
Chicago Tribune, 251, 367
Chief Red Cloud, 258
Chipman, J. Logan, 252
Chivington affair, 283–84
Chivington, John, 283–84
Christiancy, Isaac P., 106
Christian’s Creek, 183
Churchill, Norval, 80
Civil War, xiv, xvi, 1–219, 243, 256, 258, 262, 267, 269, 298, 300, 302, 325, 355, 357, 376, 403, 409, 420
Clark, Ben, 303
Cleveland, Grover, 246, 250–51
Clymer, Hiester, 357–58, 360, 362
Cobb Legion Cavalry, 37
Cody, Buffalo Bill, 315–19, 322, 409
Coleman, Pat, 381, 384, 402
Comanche tribe, 282, 292, 339, 406
Complete Life of General George A. Custer, The, 416
Confederacy, xiv, 17, 35, 41, 43, 48, 50, 74, 130, 139, 158, 182, 193, 299
Conquering Bear, 318
Cooke and Company, 334
Cooke, Jay, 323
Cooke, John E., 98
Cooke, William W., 264, 266, 276, 373, 377, 385, 388
Corbin, “Old California Joe,” 284
Courtenay, William, 350
Cowan, Robert V., 208
Cox, Samuel S. (“Sunset”), 362
Crazy Horse, 12, 330, 349, 355, 374, 386, 389, 410
Crook, George, 144, 154, 187–88, 196, 249, 354–55, 370–75, 384, 393
Crooked Run, 140
Crow King, 402
Cure, Horace C., 232, 236
Curley, 388, 403
Curtis, William A., 382
Curtis, William E., 349
Custer, Boston (“Bos”), 304, 370, 373, 378, 388, 401, 413
Custer City, 371–72
Custer, Elizabeth (“Libbie”), 11, 21, 24, 62, 65, 94–95, 105–9, 111, 123, 125–26, 130, 152, 161, 166, 202, 209, 226, 239, 242, 251, 268, 298, 300, 314–15, 322, 350, 371, 378, 413, 418
correspondence with George, 94, 105, 126, 130, 135, 162, 198, 199, 240, 292, 302–4, 325–26, 360, 363, 370, 375
courtship of, 66–67
death of, 415
death of George and, 407, 414
diary of, 322
engagement of, 95, 105
first meeting with George, 5
at Fort Hays, 262, 267
at Fort Riley, 255–57, 259, 267
George court martial and, 271, 275–76
George standard and, 202, 383
as military wife, 111, 135–37, 214, 219, 241, 300–1
Swing around the Circle and, 249
in Texas, 223, 226, 228–31, 233–37
in Washington, 123, 125, 163
wedding of, 106–9
as widow, 415–16
Custer, Emmanuel Henry, 1–3, 7, 164, 414
Custer, George Armstrong 2nd Cavalry Brigade and, 77
at Aldie, 45, 72–73, 167
appearance of, 77–79
as “Autie,” 1–3, 12, 14, 17, 108, 123, 161, 163, 271, 275, 301, 350, 375, 378, 415–16
as “Baby Custer,” 6
burial of, 413–15
at Cedar Creek, 158–60
charisma of, xv, 1, 12, 89, 112, 301
childhood of, 1–8
counterinsurgency of, 165–77
court-martial of, 255–71
as “Curly,” 12
Dahlgren Affair and, 111–23, 125
as Democrat, xiv, 7–8, 36, 67, 244, 357 361–62
eccentricity of, xiii, 78, 230
as “Fanny,” 12, 151, 325
as frontier warrior, 297–309
and George McClellan, 163–64, 251
Gettysburg and, 77–88
the goat, 11–25, 41, 59
Indian campaign and, 275–95
Last Stand of, xi, 335, 379–403, 409, 416
looks of, 6, 64, 218
marital fidelity of, xiv, 301–2
postwar career of, 223–418
as prankster, xv, 12, 14, 17–18, 108
in Shenandoah Valley, 139–52
as symbol, xi–xii
in Texas, 228–36
at Trevilian Station, 131–35
as “trump,” 179–85
at Washita River, xi, 273, 284
wedding of, 107
at West Point, xv, 8, 11–25, 27, 42–43, 47–48, 50, 61, 66, 68, 91, 101, 104, 108–9, 241–42, 247, 298, 413, 415–16
“whipping order” of, 232
Custer, Mary, 2
Custer, Nevin, 2–3, 5, 8–9, 198, 370, 408, 410
Custer, Tom, xiv, 3 198–99, 264, 269, 287, 303–4, 329–30, 334, 369, 388, 401–2, 406
Custer’s Creek, 328
Custer’s Last Fight, 417
Custer’s Last Rally, 417
“Custer’s luck,” xii, 20, 48, 68, 125, 405, 411
Custis Lee, 230, 300
Dade, Francis L., 408
Dahlgren Affair, 111–23, 125
Dahlgren, John A, 111–23
Dahlgren, Ulric, 114–15, 122
Dale, N. H., 227–28
Dana, Charles Henry, 146
Danville Railroad, 187, 196
Darrah, Anna, 107
Davies, H. E., 92, 97, 100–2
Davis Creek, 380
Davis, Franklin “Grimes,” 70–71
Davis, Jefferson, 9, 13, 38, 115, 122, 195, 214, 225
Davis, Theodore R., 260, 264, 279, 281
De Gresse, William J., 291
de Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez, 201, 413
De Smet, Pierre Jean, 338
December 1875 ultimatum, 350, 371
Delaware tribe, 306
Democratic Peace Platform, 162–63
Detroit Audubon Club, 288
Detroit Free Press, 248
Devin, Thomas C., 129, 132, 140–41, 149, 187, 205
Devin’s Brigade, 140
Dinwiddie Battlefield, 190, 202
Dinwiddie Courthouse, 188
Disoway, Israel C., 173–74
“Dixie,” 28, 39
Grenville M., 259, 281
Dodge, Richard Irving, 313–14, 345
Don Juan, 218
d’Orléans, François, 55
Douglas, Stephen, 32
Douglass, Henry, 17
Douty, Calvin, 73
Drake, George, 371
Drake, Jeremiah, 169
Dred Scott v. Sanford, 30
Dry Tortugas, 228
Dubuque Herald, 252, 328
Duffie, Alfred N., 140
Dull Knife, 294
DuPont, Henry, 24, 160
Durfey, Margaret, 62–63
Early, Jubal Anderson, 139–40, 151, 182–85
Edgerly, Winfield Scott, 373, 377, 383, 388
Egan, James, 348
Eliza, 133–34, 223, 256, 262, 300
Elliott, Sam, xiii
Emory, William H., 154–55
Emperor Maximilian I, 241
Evans, A. W., 292
Ewell, Richard S., 70, 199–200
Far West (steamer), 371, 376, 406
Farley, Henry S., 35
Farnsworth, Elon, 68, 74, 79–80, 87, 92
Farragut, David G., 249–50
Fast Bear, 318
Ferguson, Samuel W., 81
Ferry, Noah, 80, 83
Fetterman, William, 258–59, 266
Fire Heart, 347
Fisk, Andrew Jackson, 408
Five Forks, 188, 190, 193, 195, 197–98, 217
Flynn, Errol, xiii
Following the Guidon, 415
Ford’s Depot, 190
Ford’s Theatre, 216, 236
Forsyth, George A., 280, 339, 343, 360
Forsyth, James W., 226–27, 233, 315
Forsyth, John, 414
Fort Arbuckle, 290
Fort Cobb, 279, 282, 292
Fort Collier, 143
Fort Delaware, 62
Fort Dodge, 278
Fort Ellis, 355, 371, 408
Fort Fetterman, 370
Fort Larned, 260, 278
Fort Leavenworth, 258, 269, 276–77, 413
Fort Lincoln, 334, 339, 342, 345, 359, 362, 364, 369, 378, 400, 406–7
Fort Magruder, 53–54
Fort McHenry, 170
Fort Riley, 242, 251, 253, 255, 259, 267, 314–15, 418
Fort Sumter, 39, 43, 49, 242
Fortress Monroe, 52, 137
Forty-Third Congress, 201
Fought, Joseph (“Bugler Joe”), xiii, 111
Four Horns, 340
Fourteenth Amendment, 247
Francis, Philip E., 225, 228–29, 230–31
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 302
Fraser, James, 393
Frederick Hall Station, 118, 185
Galaxy, 357
Gallaher, H. M., 218
Garfield, James A., 361
“Garryowen,” 188, 286, 369, 416
Gerard, Fred, 384–85
Gibbes, Wade Hampton, 31–32, 79–80, 84, 88, 96, 101, 119–20, 131–34, 206–7
Gibbon, John, 256, 355, 370, 372, 375–76, 378, 380, 390, 392, 398–99, 401, 406, 412