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Heartsridge Shifters: Owen (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 6

by Olivia Arran

  Her chin jutted out and I knew the time for playful banter had passed. “Are my evenings free?”

  “Yes,” I bit out, swallowing the demand to know just where she was planning on going. And doing. Who she was planning on doing.

  “Owen, you’re turning a funny shade of red. Maybe you should try some yoga, to help with your blood pressure?”

  “Yoga?” I managed to choke out, mind flooding with images of Bree doing just that. Naked. Supple and naked and—

  “Ahhh, your color is back to normal. Looks like all the blood has rushed back to its normal little hiding place.” With that, she walked away, waving her fingers over her shoulder. “Don’t follow me tonight, wolf. It would be bad for your … blood pressure.”

  “Bree…” I growled, finally relocating my brain and following her.

  My feet came to a stop by a pile of clothes. She was already gone, her scent leaving a trail on the wind as she shot up through the sky. Damn, dragons. Always with the sneaky escape route.

  I chuckled, the sound rumbling up and spilling out of me. Life with Bree would never be boring, that’s for sure. The realization was kinda growing on me.

  Chapter Eight


  I shrugged on a tunic from the pile stacked at the entrance to the cave network that ran through the mountain. It was a little on the large side, hanging down past my knees and falling off one shoulder, but it would do in a pinch. And no way was I walking around here naked.

  Following a path I’d only traveled a couple of times before, I made my way to Dante’s set of rooms. You’d think that a cave would be dark and dank. I mean, what sane person would choose to live in a hole cut into the side of the mountain? Dragons, that’s who. But our caves were always amazing, the rock walls smoothed with fire and claws, the floors lined with rugs, then throw in every gadget fathomable. Not to mention extravagant. I hadn’t met a dragon yet who could live without his, or her, bling—though some had a little more taste than others.

  And Dante had taste. Of course, he had the largest cave among the network that wound their way through the mountain, inaccessible to anyone without wings—or willing to bungee jump out of a plane. Soft gray rugs cushioned my bare feet as I padded into the room. Flames flickered and danced in a fire bowl that dominated the middle of the living area, heating the air and sending shadows dancing across the walls. A flat screen TV drew the eye, set across from a large sectional that invited a person to curl up and relax.

  I flicked a finger at the humongous TV. “Overcompensating much?”

  The man himself was seated in a large wingback chair, complete with footstool, and reminiscent of the kind found in English country homes. I did a quick double check for the requisite hunting dog, but nope. Just an asshole alpha dragon.

  Violet eyes assessed me, chin resting in his hand as he put down the book he’d been reading. Tall and well-muscled, with dark smoldering looks and a wicked smile, Dante was, what any hot-blooded woman would have to admit, a perfect specimen. Even I had to admit it—he was handsome, if you went for that kind of thing. Who was I kidding? Most women would go for him. They would be lured by the predator living beneath his skin, drawn to his dark side, drooling over his sculpted physique and the way he could make a woman feel like she was the only person in the room.

  Personally, it gave me the creeps. Like, honestly—creepy crawlies running over my skin, little ants that I wanted to flick away. No butterflies in my stomach, no heat pooling between my legs.

  And definitely no trembling in my knees.

  Owen’s face flashed to mind, his vivid green eyes flecked with gold framing a strong nose that was usually pinched with a frown. Dark hair long enough on top to fall into his eyes. Full lips and square jaw, usually gritted in annoyance and aimed in my direction. A body broad enough and carved with the kind of muscles that made me—a full bodied (like wine, always the best kind) dragon shifter—feel dainty. Soft.

  Which was yet another reason to steer clear of the wolf. Softness was a luxury I didn’t have time for.

  A soft sigh escaped before I could suck it back in. Ah, shit. My eyes were still aimed in Dante’s direction. “That wasn’t aimed at you.”

  Amusement flickered in his eyes. “Thanks for clearing that up, I think I can restrain myself now.”

  Ah, good old sarcasm, familiar ground. I moved further into the room, noting three other doorways, one holding a large mahogany dining table with seating for at least ten. From what I could tell—unless my sniffer was failing me and he had a woman hiding in his closet—we were alone. Actually, I hadn’t come across another living soul since entering the mountain. There had to be some kind of main cavern, somewhere for socializing. If it was anything like the set up at home, it would be deep in the mountain, safe from attack.

  Dropping onto the couch, I hooked one leg over the other, leaning back with a nonchalance I didn’t feel. The couch immediately tried to eat me, sucking me into the silver threaded cushions until I basically had to give up all pretense at poise and wallow in my new-found nest. Bliss. Damn him. It had been a long time since I’d been able to indulge my cravings for the sumptuous comforts of home. I cleared my throat, shooting him a glare when he smirked at me. “What do you want, old man?”

  He paused a beat, a flare of power licking at my skin as his eyes deepened to a liquid purple.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re a big bad alpha.” I snorted. “Trust me, I’ve met bigger and badder.”

  “You’re hiding, little dragon.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “And? I’m a rogue, of course I’m hiding … from the humans.” I made a spooky noise and wiggled my fingers for effect.

  His eyes flicked to my mouth, then to my hair, then back to my eyes. “Join my clan.”

  I groaned, ignoring the fact that he’d just checked me out. I think. It was weird. “Not this again.” I leaned forward best I could, the cushions fighting me every inch. Fixing him with my best no nonsense stare, I spelled it out for him, “Not going to happen.”

  “Then you will be evicted from Heartsridge.”

  “And here I was thinking you’d have something new to tell me.”

  His hand moved to cup his jaw, finger stroking the corner of his mouth. “What is your last name, Briana?”

  Briana, not ‘youngling’ or ‘little dragon’.

  “It’s spelt none-of-your-business,” I drawled, trying for a southern accent and missing the mark by a mile.

  “Green dragons aren’t that common,” he mused, his tone indifferent, as if he hadn’t just driven a wedge of terror into my gut.

  Forcing my heartbeat to stay steady, I widened my eyes. “Didn’t anyone tell you? Green just isn’t your color. It’d clash with your assholeishness.” And who said I couldn’t be eloquent?

  “If you join my clan, you could take my name.”

  My splutter turned into a coughing fit and I thumped at my chest. “Excuse me?” Did he just suggest what I thought he had?

  He wrinkled his nose. “Humans call it marriage.”

  The cushions didn’t stand a chance in holding my ass down and I leapt to my feet. “I— No— What the—?”

  “It would be in name only, of course.” His eyes darkened, pinning me to the spot. “So you can stay … hidden.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “What’s in it for you?”

  He paused, as if thinking his next words over carefully, “My clan doesn’t have many females.”

  Shock overrode all thoughts of kicking his ass. “You have females here? Are they locked away in a tower somewhere? Only taken out on special occasions?” I’d been here months and I’d never even caught a whisper about other female dragons. We were a rare breed, the males outnumbering us at least fifty to one. Holy shit!

  He scowled. “This knowledge doesn’t leave this room.”

  Understanding washed over me as I sank back down, the cushions welcoming me like a long-lost friend. “You keep them safe, don’t you?”

>   “Yes.” His answer was clipped, his jaw tight. “We would keep you safe, too.”

  My mind whirled, grasping at this new information and trying to make sense of it. “I might be hiding, but I’m not in hiding. There’s a big difference.” I wasn’t the kind of woman who could shut herself off from the outside world, give up her freedom. Hell, that was one of the reasons I’d run in the first place.

  “You wouldn’t have to hide if you took my name.” His words were stiff and lacking in warmth. This wasn’t a man who wanted to claim me as his mate—this would be a sacrifice for him, no doubt about it.

  “You’d give up—”

  He cut me off, a turmoil of emotion sparking in his eyes. “As you’ve mentioned, several times, I might add, I am old. I am also an alpha and responsible for many.” He hesitated, before continuing, “It would do me no harm to be responsible for one more.”

  Did he know why I was hiding? Did he know who I was? Who was looking for me? Everything inside me screamed that he didn’t, but… “Why?” This time my voice was soft, confusion riding it.

  His answer came out a low grumble, “I might come across as an asshole or arrogant, but it’s the right thing to do.”

  Stunned into silence, I found myself nodding, then immediately shook my head, least he get the wrong impression. “I have to think about it.” It wasn’t exactly the kind of offer you threw back in someone’s face. And it was an answer to all of my problems. Even if everything in me screamed no, I had to consider it. With his name, I wouldn’t have to hide anymore. It wouldn’t matter if they found me. Heart in my throat, I rose to my feet, giving the cushions a lingering pat, silently promising I’d be back to jailbreak them soon.

  I was already at the door when he called out, “It would be in name only, you have my word.” The corners of his mouth tilted, a hint of the smug Dante I’d always known returning. “Though, I’d be open to changing that fact anytime you wanted. You’d only have to ask.” As if he was irresistible, or something.

  I snorted, letting that be my answer. “I’d be locked away, hidden like the other women of this clan?” Was I actually considering this?

  My dragon had grumbled throughout the conversation, seething in the background and plotting Dante’s demise. I’d had to tune her out, unable to deal with her chittering, but her voice rose to a roar, drowning everything else out, No! She dragged an image out of my memory, pushing it to the front of my mind with a flick of her metaphorical tail.


  Him… she hissed, her thoughts coming through as clear as a bell. A dragon would hide us, take away our freedom. Force us to mate and breed.

  Dante never said anything like that, I sent back silently.

  Her low grumbling growl said it all. She didn’t trust the wily dragon. That’s what they all want.

  As if she had to remind me of that little fact.

  “Briana?” Dante must have been talking, because he was calling my name with more than a hint of annoyance.

  “Sorry.” I tapped the side of my head. “Having a bit of an argument.”

  He grunted, but let it go. “Your safety would be of the utmost importance to the clan.”

  I folded my arms across my chest, tapping my foot, but decided to let the unanswered question slide for the moment. It wasn’t like I was actually considering his proposal.

  Was I?

  He followed me to the door, his voice echoing after me, “You’ve got until tomorrow night to decide. Either you join my clan or…”

  I didn’t wait around for him to finish, getting the hell out of there.

  Chapter Nine


  I jerked awake, letting out a groan as I slid my hand behind my head to massage the kinks out of my neck. Fuck. Old man’s half hour on the couch had turned into the whole goddamned night, if the early morning sunlight was anything to go by.

  Voices filtered through to me, the low murmur of people trying to be quiet.

  “You’re awake then.”

  “Finally,” Grant grunted, pushing past Dylan and into the room.

  Rolling my legs off the couch, I stretched up into a seated position, rolling my shoulders back and cracking a yawn. “What’s got your panties in a twist?”

  Grant didn’t answer, instead sitting his ass down with another grunt.

  “He’s been like this since yesterday.” Dylan threw the last of what looked like a bacon sandwich into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. I could almost see the ideas sparking inside his head.

  “Careful, don’t hurt yourself.” Pointing a finger at him, I grinned. After slipping out to take care of morning business and freshen up, when I got back they were all still exactly where I’d left them, but now Tiny had joined them, with Dylan heckling and joking, carrying the whole conversation on his own.

  Claiming my seat again, I’d barely sank back down when the smell of coffee preceded Julie into the living area, her rounded belly leading the way. “Here you go, sweetie.”

  I stared up at her when the mug was thrust in my direction. Yesterday I’d been ‘dickhead’. The day before, I was ‘a grumpy bastard’. But, hey, I wasn’t going to turn down a cup of the good stuff.

  Tom swung in behind her, a sad puppy expression plastered all over his face. “Julie—”

  She beamed at me, simultaneously putting a hand up in her mate’s face, silencing him with sheer willpower. Or fear of being kicked out of the mating bed. “Alpha…”

  Wary, I gripped my cup of coffee, just in case she decided she wanted it back, and tilted my head. “Julie…”

  She leaned against the back of the couch, tapping her fingernails inches away from my shoulder. Pursing her lips, she shot her mate a look that would have lesser men quaking in their boots. “Alpha…”

  Imaginary sweat beaded at the nape of my neck and trickled down my spine. “You’re looking especially beautiful today, Julie.” Especially after bringing me coffee, I added silently. Taking a sip, I sighed with pleasure when I didn’t start frothing at the mouth.

  Someone smothered a chuckle, shutting up when Julie shot death glares around the room. Smoothing her hand over her very obvious bump, she gave me a sunny smile. “Why, thank you, Alpha. Nice of you to notice.” She spun to face Tom. “And to say so.”

  His hands flew up. “I’m always telling you how radiant you look and how perfect—”

  “But you don’t want any of this!” Her hands swept the length of her body, ending up in a V-shape aimed … at her crotch.

  Every male in the room suddenly found themselves staring at the wall. Any wall.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Tom snuck forward another inch. “No, no, that’s not it at all! You’re wrong! Why would you think…” His voice faded off as we all turned and glared at him, silently slicing our hands across our necks behind Julie’s back.

  “That you don’t want me? That you don’t find me attractive anymore?”

  Tom winced.

  I winced.

  Dylan silently mouthed, oh shit.

  Grant looked like he wasn’t even listening, lost in his own world.

  I mean, I understood where Tom was coming from. Kind of, in a completely hypothetical way. Julie had been put on bedrest a short while back, but she was back on her feet now. The doctor said she was fine, the baby was fine, and that she could continue as normal, just to try and take things easy. And sex had been given a green light. But, obviously, someone had forgotten to send Tom the memo.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. Yeah, sometimes I hated the fact that as the Alpha, I was included in these kinds of discussions. A man just didn’t need to know what another man could be doing with his mate. Or should be doing with his mate.

  Why the fuck had I woken up this morning?

  Julie’s breath caught, a sure sign of impending tears.

  Frantic wasn’t the word to describe the shared glances in the room.

  Shaking my head, I caught Tom’s eye. Man the fuck up, I mouthed.

Stalking closer to his mate, Tom lowered his mouth to her ear, but his voice still wasn’t quiet enough, “I just don’t want to hurt you or the baby, sweetheart.”

  A bark of laughter from the doorway had my head jerking up, giving me a good case of whiplash. “What? Is he hung like King Kong?” Bree sauntered in, her hips rolling from side to side like a pendulum.

  But Julie wasn’t listening anymore, her eyes locked on Tom’s as he swept her off her feet, hauling her to his chest with a low growl. He stalked from the room, her soft squeal trailing behind them, his answering rumble something I really didn’t need to hear. I gulped another mouthful of coffee. It was too early for this shit.

  “Huh.” Bree stared after them, a small smile playing on her lips. “Lucky woman.”

  “I’m going to start calling him King,” Dylan declared, dropping into a chair and scratching his chin. Better his chin than his balls at least.

  “Kong.” Tiny shrugged. “Rhymes with Tom.”

  Dylan aimed a high-five at him and ended up with his hand hanging in the air.

  “What’s up with Grant?” Bree’s soft voice tickled my ear, low and intimate.

  Turning my head so we were face to face, I gave myself a moment to enjoy her presence. “Fuck if I know.”

  The corner of her mouth tilted up and I wanted to catch it with a kiss. “I can get it out of him.”

  I was still staring at her mouth. Wondering what she’d taste like. “Have at it. Hey!” Her hand had sneaked out, stealing my cup. When she placed her lips directly over the spot where mine had been only moments ago, I couldn’t hold back the low groan from escaping.

  “Sharing’s caring,” she whispered, her teeth flashing before she took a sip.

  I arched a brow. “Is there anything else you’d like me to share with you this morning?”

  When her lashes lowered, hiding her eyes, pink tinting her cheeks, I almost lost it. “I’ll have to get back to you on that one,” she eventually replied, strolling away.


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