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MC: Callahan

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by L. Ann Marie

  MC: Callahan

  MC Series Book 7

  (Fosters Book 2)


  L. Ann Marie

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  MC: Callahan

  Copyright 2015 © L.Ann Marie

  Published by Beau Coup Publishing

  Cover by JRA Stevens

  For Beau Coup Publishing

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Tiny has lived a rough life.

  Born to a drug addicted mother and an absentee father, his mother had plenty of company--not all of it good for a young boy. He's spent his entire adult life in the MC--He knows no other way.

  Nancy lived with an elderly aunt when her parents died. When her aunt saw Tiny for the first time, she threw her out. Wanting nothing to do with her young niece from that moment on, Nancy had no options.

  When Tiny finds his old lady in Nancy he doesn’t talk about her or advertise how much she means to him for fear of losing her to a Brother without the same commitment values that he has.

  But all her life, Nancy has wanted a family. Finally convincing Tiny he would make a good father, Nancy gets her baby. Married for almost eighteen years, Tiny works hard to keep Nancy happy in her life and with him. They share a love for the MC’s kids, but still Nancy demands more. When she heard the group home needed parents she started thinking of a way to convince Tiny they’d be perfect for the job.

  All the talk shows in the world can’t help Tiny out of this one.

  *Content Warning: includes graphic language and adult sexual situations. Intended for mature audiences 18+


  Much to be thankful for, my family tops that list, you are still the best!


  Born to a drug addicted mother and an absentee father, Tiny has lived a rough life. His mother had plenty of company, not all of it good for a young boy. He spent his entire adult life in the MC. He knows no other way. Carrying a secret on his shoulders, he keeps to himself but moves up the ranks quickly because of his size and quiet demeanor. When he finds his old lady he doesn’t talk about her or advertise how much she means to him for fear of losing her to a Brother without the same commitment values that he has.

  Nancy lived with an elderly aunt when her parents died. When her aunt saw Tiny for the first time she threw her out. Wanting nothing to do with her young niece from that moment on, Nancy had no options. This is how she started her life with Tiny.

  All her life Nancy wanted a family. Finally convincing Tiny he would make a good father, with some help from Danny, Nancy gets her baby. It’s not enough. When she heard the group home needed parents she started thinking of a way to convince Tiny they’d be perfect for the job.

  Married for almost eighteen years, Tiny works hard to keep Nancy happy in her life and with him. They share a love for the MC’s kids, but still Nancy demands more. All the talk shows in the world can’t help Tiny out of this one.

  This is the continued story of Tiny and Nancy.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  About the Author

  Author contact links:

  Chapter One

  They are absolutely crazy! With so many people you’d think it would be a little more organized. Sitting at the table, everyone is happy now that they’ve eaten and have beer in front of them. We all listen to Tiny complaining. Tampons fly at him again, making me laugh. He gives me a look and I laugh more. “Don’t look at me like that; you’re the one sitting here whining because you’re bored.”

  He winks at me, letting me know he’s not pissed. “They should be done with pictures by now! I like the old ladies that do small wedding and a big party, a real one that we can eat and drink when we want. Cloud had a good party, Doc should have done that.”

  “That was a good party. The Indians made that party. They were cool as shit!” Rich says. Everyone agrees.

  “Joey walking made it for me,” CJ says with a smile, remembering the day. When she saw Joey stand and walk with crutches she cried. It was such a beautiful moment we all just stood back and watched. I haven’t seen her in the wheelchair since.

  Tess laughs with Zeke against her chest. “I thought it was Cloud in his warrior outfit that did it for you.” They laugh when she turns red. Poor CJ.

  “It was a good fuckin’ party. Little Ninja talked on the microphone,” Tiny says. Everyone nods in agreement.

  “How did you and Tiny get married?” Amanda asks me.

  I smile, remembering. “JP right by the water. We went down to Atlantic City right after.”

  “It was so long ago I forgot all about it. There was just the Brothers and Tracy,” Ben says. I’m surprised he’d bring her up.

  Steve nods. He used to scare the shit out of me. I remember being afraid of him when we first met. He was Tiny’s best man. “Was a good one,” he says, looking at me. “Shoulda paid attention back then.” I’ve often thought the same thing but would never voice it.

  Ben laughs. “We would have saved ourselves a lot of fuckin’ trouble if we did.” Steve nods, so serious. I feel bad for both of them. I never liked Steve’s ex, but Tracy was okay. She wasn’t my favorite person. There was always something fake about her, but she hid it well.

  The music starts and Bob pulls Amanda with him. They both have a baby on their shoulder and sway to the music. I look around the table and see everyone smiling as they watch. “I would’ve never believed he’d be such a good husband. He was always such a quiet player,” Kate says.

  “He’s always been a good Brother, I knew it,” Tiny says, making everyone laugh again.

  Danny swats his arm. “That’s what you always say.”

  “It’s always true. Knew you’d be good too. Soon as you said you were fighting for Kate, I knew your time had come and you’d be stepping up.”

  Steve grunts, “Did say it. Fuckin’ guy’s right too much.”

  Cloud laughs. “Why the fuck do you keep betting against him?” We laugh at Steve’s expression.

  I smile at Tiny. He’s usually right; he can pick the ‘Badass material’ out better than anyone. He didn’t like Tracy from the beginning, or Rob for that matter.

, the group home thing, we need to get you in a building that’s secure. The house is nice and all, but we can’t leave Sandy and Nancy unprotected.” Ben looks serious.

  Damn him! There are times I’d like to scratch his eyes out; this would be one of those times. Tiny looks at me. “See, it isn’t going to work.” He’s going to try for any excuse he can get. Damn Ben.

  Danny is watching Tiny. “Casper’s house.” I smile. Tiny makes a growling noise.

  Ben looks at him with a smile. “It’s perfect, Brother, plenty of room, two houses up from you and still in the compound. Nancy and Sandy will be safe and we won’t need the extra security that the house in town would require.”

  Tess laughs but stops when Tiny gives her a look. “What, you’re going to be happy there.” I laugh. Rich pulls her up and drags her by Bob and Amanda at the dancing area.

  Looking at Tiny, I smile. “It’s done.”

  He takes a breath and nods. “Fuckin’ women,” he says low. The guys are laughing and exchanging money. They were betting against him. I have to clamp my teeth down to keep from smiling.

  I get up with a smiling Jess, and we head toward the Club to check on the kids in the kids’ room. “Wait for me,” Kate says from behind us. “Let the guys talk to him, they’ll get him sorted and ready for his. Don’t be surprised if they have you moved in this week.”

  “This will be good for you, you’re so good with the kids. He is too, he just doesn’t see it,” Jess says, looking back at me.

  I nod. “I’m ready. I’ve wanted to do this since CJ found the parents we’re replacing. I just had to wait him out. Once he couldn’t use the ‘I’m not father material’ I jumped on it.”

  Jess laughs. “You know she’s going to find more parents for that house in town as soon as those kids move out.”

  “The boys have picked good women, I’m so proud of all of them.” Jess and I agree. “I feel old when we’re sitting around them, though.”

  “That’s because you keep thinking of them as yours. You are the unofficial ‘mom’ to every one of the ‘boys’,” Jess says, laughing.

  “They don’t have anyone, they come for dinner or holidays so they’re not alone. You remember what it’s like being alone on holiday. I hate thinking they’ll be sitting home all alone.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You’re a good mom to everyone, Kate. You shouldn’t feel old because you’re there when they need you; you’re not that much older than them. Hell, we’re all not much older than them.”

  We get to the kids’ room and check on the little guys. They always play together, Devan making sure Sandy, Brenna, and Elizabeth are close to him. It’s funny to see him being protective of them so young. We get hugs then Millie boots us out.

  “I told Danny and Ben if they ever had a party like this for me I’d cut off their dicks.” Kate cracks us up on our way back to the guys.

  “This is big. I wonder if Doc and Sally are even here yet.” I look around but don’t see them. I’ll be glad when it’s over, this really is too big. We’ve gotten used to the smaller weddings lately. I can’t imagine what Sally was thinking.

  Steve, Ben, Danny, and Tiny are the only ones at the table when we get back. Danny pulls Kate to his lap, kissing her with his signature kiss. I smile at them. I’ve never seen him give her a peck on the cheek and she’s never complained. Ben is just the opposite, they work well together. He has a smile on his face while he’s watching.

  “Did you get Tiny squared away?” Jess asks Steve.

  He nods. “Movin’ next week. CJ’ll set up with DSS.”

  She looks at Tiny, smiling. “Perfect!” he grumbles, making me smile. I know he doesn’t mean it.

  Finally Doc and Sally show. I’m ready to leave and they’re just showing up. Tiny grabs my hand; I look at him and know he feels the same. I shrug because really what are you going to do? It would be rude to leave now. Even Badass Bikers have some decorum especially when it’s for a Brother.

  “Come dance, Nance.” He tries to pull me up.

  Jess saves me having to say no. “You have to wait until they do the first dance and all that.”

  He plops back down. “We should go in the Club. We can do whatever the fuck we want in there.”

  Kate laughs. “Whores are entertaining the single guys inside.”

  “They were told to stay in their rooms, fuckin’ kids are everywhere,” Danny says, pissed. He’s a little scary looking when he’s pissed; the patch takes on a menacing look with his scowl.

  “Prospects are keeping them out of the common room,” Ben tells him.

  Danny shakes his head. He doesn’t approve and I don’t blame him. Whores shouldn’t be showing themselves when families are around. I can’t believe Doc even let them be here; he had something going with Shelly for a while. She’s been here the longest; she keeps the other girls in line and deals with any issues that come up between the whores and the Brothers. I chat with her every once in a while, but I can’t say we’re friends. I think Ben has a soft spot for her, but I’d never say it out loud. I saw her coming out of his room quite a few times when Tracy left him.

  “I hope they at least know enough to tone it down.” Danny says with a frown.

  “The Brothers were told to remember the families here today. We’re still an MC, even if we don’t use them; they’re part of our life. Doc didn’t ask for them to be sent away. He knows what it’s like and I don’t think it’s wrong for the Brothers to have fun,” Ben says in his Pres voice. I look at Kate. She’s not happy, but she doesn’t say anything.

  “So we’re stuck out here bored out of our fuckin’ minds,” Tiny grumbles. Tampons fly again, making Jess and Kate laugh hysterically.

  Doc and Sally dance then we’re all up dancing. I see babies being held by everyone. I find this cute. Every one of us take a turn with Zeke, Harley, Mase, and Colt while we’re dancing. The collective parenting thing gives everyone their baby time and the kids time to enjoy some baby free time together. When Kate and Danny take Zeke and Colt from us, Tiny pulls me close for a real dance.

  “Can we leave now?” he asks as the music switches to a fast song.

  I nod. “I’ve noticed people leaving, so I don’t see why not; I’ve had enough.” He nods and guides me to Doc and Sally. We congratulate them and wave to our friends. Jess looks relieved and pulls Steve over to Doc and Sally. I laugh when I see Kate and Danny, Rich and Patches and Cloud make their way over. They’re all dragging someone.

  “They should have done pictures before the ceremony,” Tiny says again. Since I agree I don’t say anything.

  With Sandy buckled in we make it home in minutes. My girl is tired. Tiny gets her undressed and into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He’s so gentle with her. After so long you’d think I’d be used to it, but I’m always struck by it; I love him more for that gentleness. I snort/laugh. After eighteen years you’d think it would wear off. We’ve had some hard times, but we always make it back to each other; for me it’s with more love than before.

  I smile as I grab beer from the fridge. Walking to the front porch, I hand him his and sit beside him on the swing. His arm goes right around my shoulder; I love the routine and stability he offers me every day. Some women may get pissed at the same thing every day. I take comfort in it; I know tomorrow he’ll be right here with his arm around me. “Tiny Dancer, I’m nervous as fuck about taking care of other people’s kids. What are the caseworkers gonna say when they see me? There are kids out there that need homes. People aren’t gonna be happy with my pierced and inked mug.”

  I think on that for a minute. “You’re a good man doing a good service. If people don’t want to place their kids with us because of color or jewelry, they will lose out, not us. There will always be those that don’t care. There isn’t a shortage of kids needing good homes. At first we’ll have the kids from the house. Once the workers see how we are with the kids they’ll be fighting for their other kids to come here. CJ has a waiting list of caseworkers w
anting to move their kids to her houses, she’ll work that out. Our part is the kids, let CJ do the worrying about her job.”

  He seems to relax the longer I talk, but I have nothing else to say, it’s not anything new. I think he just needs reassurance, which is a strange emotion for me to talk about with him. He’s confident with who he is. I haven’t seen this need for assurance since Sandy was born. He nods and looks out at the woods across the street. Jess told me when little Ben was born Steve was the same way. I can’t picture Steve asking Jess to teach little Ben how to love but saw Tiny do the same thing with Sandy and now here today. I know more is coming, so I sit and wait, watching the wind play with the trees.

  “I’m gonna fuck this up, babe. It’s been a long time that we’ve been good. You gotta tell me when I do before I fuck it up bad. Kids need to see good. I can’t show bad then fuck us up too. You and Sandy will always be my world. I can’t lose that to other people’s kids.” He keeps his eyes on the woods.

  I take a breath. “I know and I don’t have all the answers, but I know we can do this, you love all kids. I don’t think it is going to be as hard as you think. Look at CJ, Kate, Evelyn, and Cindy, they all did it and the men rally around them until everyone is stable. We’ll have that, we’re not alone here. Brothers are waiting to step up when we need it or if we fall. CJ and Kate have the love of their men with all the kids; it didn’t take anything away from them. Even when Ben was being a jerk the Brothers stepped up with the kids to help Danny. You know this, you were the first one to step up.” He nods, still looking at the woods.

  “I love you, Tiny Dancer, I just don’t want to fuck this up. I get the kids, I think that will be easy; it’s this that I worry about. Us.”

  I move to his lap and look at him. I can see the concern in his eyes, my poor man. “We won’t let that happen, we’ve worked for eighteen years. We’ll work harder for it now more than ever before. I love you, Tiny, that isn’t changing.”


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