Book Read Free

MC: Callahan

Page 4

by L. Ann Marie

  Fuck, that sounds like a good time. I look at Alan and Bull. “Patches has to be there anyway, can you meet then?” They both nod. I look at Danny. “Six-thirty?”

  He looks around, everyone nods. “Yeah.”

  I get up. “I’m out. Later, Brothers.”

  Bob follows me out. “You need any help tomorrow?”

  Good fuckin’ Brothers. “Cloud, CJ, and the Little Brothers will be over for lunch, you can come over, can’t hurt. I don’t know what to expect, so I’m not turning it down.”

  “Fuck, told Danny I’d help him.” Fuckin’ VP scares the shit out of me coming up behind us.

  Bob laughs. “I’ll be over after I get breakfast at the Diner, this ought to be good.”

  “Fuck off, Brother, helped Jess before.”

  I clench my jaw so I don’t laugh. Fuckin’ Bob is laughing harder and little Ben has his hand over his mouth. I turn and walk away before I piss him off. “Later.” I want to go have breakfast too; I need to find out when the kids will get here.

  Chapter Three


  I’m so glad he went to breakfast. I’m nervous. Tiny is handling this better than I thought he would. He was a nervous wreck when I got pregnant with Sandy. He agreed to having her then went a little crazy when he found out I was actually pregnant. He stayed at the Club for almost two weeks. It took Danny talking to him for him to come home. It was freakin’ crazy. When he came home he did everything as if I was an invalid. Then when I was in the hospital he didn’t want anyone to come up. It was like he was guarding her. He only let certain people hold her for the longest time. He’s still protective but let’s the Officers hold her or pick her up to play. Now here I am the crazy one worried about kids. At least I’m not hiding at the Club.

  Kate comes over with Bakery food. “I wanted to go to the Diner, that would have made my week, but I don’t think you’re up for Steve’s crazy right now. What are your questions?”

  I called her as soon as Tiny left, panicking; what made me think I could do this? “What if they hate it here? What do I do when they hate me? All the kids love the parents that are leaving.”

  She smiles like I’m cute, this is happening today. I need advice not smoke blown up my ass! I’m going to have a damn heart attack here. I put my head in my hands. “Nancy, you are the most even keeled out of all of us. Let’s think about this with some perspective.” I give her a look. Perspective? Five kids will be showing up to live in my damn house for who knows how long and they love the old parents! “You’ve spent time with the kids, had dinner over there a couple of times. They know you, they know Tiny. Some adjustments will have to be made on everyone’s part but you know these kids and they like you. CJ said they’re excited about the move today. They thought they’d get split up and shipped around. Just being able to be together already has them appreciative.” She touches my head and I look up. “You’re going to be great, the kids like you already. You can do this.” I see she believes it, it’s in her eyes. She thinks I can do this. She would tell me if she didn’t think I could. I take a deep breath; my head is playing ‘I can do this’ over and over. She smiles. “You can.”

  I nod, still playing the words through. “I can do this. Why am I so nervous? I’ve been waiting forever to do this.”

  She laughs. “Stage fright, completely normal. I would have been a wreck if I had to wait for a move in day. It’s a good thing my kids all came as emergencies; I wouldn’t have made it waiting.” She’s right; she took five as emergency shelters then kept them.

  “The waiting is making me crazy, that’s got to be it. Classes, background checks, inspections, moving, the damn book of rules and regulations. Everything was a rush, then I wait. The wait is going to kill me.”

  She laughs, pulling the box from the Bakery to her. “Yep, now let’s eat. I’ll get coffee, you get plates.” She gets up and makes us coffee. I’m happy to get the plates and napkins. Having something to do eases the stress.

  “I need you to order some clothes for me and Ally. She’s growing so fast and I need some new to add to what I have.” She sits, putting a cup in front of me.

  I look at her, she’s keeping me busy. I could use something else to focus on. “Joey and CJ are coming in next week for new clothes. I’ll order some things for you and Ally so the girls can come in together.”

  She nods, taking a sip of coffee. “That will be good. We need a new girl. Who do you think is next?”

  I laugh. “I’m usually pretty good at picking them, but I’m not sure this time. I want to say Penny, but I don’t know who she’d be paired with.”

  “We have Karen, Penny, Heather, Nina, and Brenda will be back for the next semester.”

  I wince. “Mary will lose her shit if Brenda goes in with a biker or cop.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Mary is hurt. Casper was a good man, but he was biker through and through. He taught his kids to respect that. Mary’s not going to change a belief those kids have grown up with their whole lives. They loved and respected Casper too much to believe being a biker is bad.”

  I put my lemon square down. “You’re right, but Mary is going to lose her shit over it. She thinks Casper was her one shot at love and happiness. Petey dying the same day doesn’t help. He was her father figure for so long.” She looks shocked. “Petey was tight with Casper, especially after he made chief; he was so damn proud of him.” I smile, remembering. “Mary used to have him to dinner a lot. It’s a lot to deal with when you just lost your man.”

  “I had no idea, Danny was close to Petey too, he never said. When we got the kids Petey didn’t come over as much, really, hardly ever anymore. I didn’t realize it was because he was over there.”

  “Yeah. Hey, thanks for coming over today. I was panicking.” I finish my square thinking she’s always the voice of reason. Unless she’s on a shopping drunk, then she’s just freakin’ crazy.

  She just smiles.

  * * *


  Walking in the first thing I hear is a huge crash in the kitchen. I hit the kitchen doors running. Danny and Baker are looking at the pieces of the toaster strewn across the floor, apparently where they bounced after hitting the wall. I look from the pieces to Steve and smile. He’s pissed.

  “You don’t like toast?” I ask him, Danny and Baker laugh.

  He points to the side prep table. “Burnt every fuckin’ piece. Was broke, need a new one.” He’s serious. I clench my jaw and nod, then look at Danny.

  He stopped laughing, but he’s still smiling. “VP, you’re going to need to fill in for Balls so he can get me a new toaster. All we have is Texas toast to go on the side.” Steve looks at him like he’s nuts. “Tiny, get Balls on the toaster and tell Lucy VP will take all the Brothers’ tables. He should be able to get through that without destroying any more appliances and the Brothers know him, so they won’t give him shit.” I smile and hit the doors. This is going to be entertaining as hell.

  I poke my head back in and see Danny hand VP an apron, ticket book, and pen. “Can you get me a plate? I came for breakfast before all hell breaks out at my house.” Danny nods and pushes VP my way. I talk to Balls and Lucy, then make a pot of coffee.

  VP is at a table telling the Brothers what number they can talk so he can keep them in order. Balls is laughing going through the doors. “No toast, Texas is it.” The Brother asks for an English muffin. I laugh at VP’s expression. “No fuckin’ toaster, Texas toast.” He writes it down and looks at the next Brother. “Don’t ask for fuckin’ toast,” he tells him before he starts.

  “Whatever you want to give me, VP,” he says scared, making me laugh more.

  VP gives me a look. I bring cups and a coffee pot over. The first guy looks at me. “Can I get orange juice?”

  I don’t have a chance to answer. “Didn’t order it! You want somethin’ you give it to me when it’s your turn.” He takes the next guy’s order and the table behind cracks up. He hands me the ticket and goes to the next table, t
elling them their numbers. I get the ticket to Baker and bring more cups to his new table.

  He’s on the third Brother. “Eggs Benedict with sausage instead of ham.”

  “No, you get eggs and sausage with Texas toast, samethin’.” He writes it and hands me the ticket. The Brother doesn’t know what to say. I shrug with a smile while VP goes to the next table. Chet and another Brother walk in. VP tells them to sit on the other side with the Brothers so he doesn’t have to walk back and forth; Chet smiles and sits like he’s going to enjoy this.

  I make another pot and bring coffee and cups. He hands me another ticket. “You give the ticket to Baker. You have food up. You need to get it to your tables.” He rolls his eyes at me. I grab my plate and hand Baker the ticket. “You might want to put condiments on the tray from back there,” I tell him, grabbing a fork and eating from behind the counter.

  I turn when I hear VP yell, “Sit the fuck there or ain’t servin’ you!” Brothers are laughing, neighbors are smiling. They’re enjoying this. Baker is running food out to the other side.

  I look at who he’s yelling at. Fuck. You would think Dennis would stay away from this place. “You’d think the service would get better not worse than yesterday,” asswipe says, not realizing who VP is without his cut.

  “Oh fuck!” Chet says. “Sit where he tells you and shut the fuck up.”

  VP throws chin at Chet and goes back to his table. A Prospect from the Garage comes in and walks straight to me. “I’m supposed to bring food out,” OB says. I point to the window where food is still piling up. He washes his hands and pulls the first tray, putting condiments on it. Good, he knows what to do.

  I go back to my plate and hear Dennis giving VP shit. “I said white toast not Texas!” he yells. The whole fuckin’ place goes quiet.

  VP recognizes him from the video. “Dennis?”

  Moron looks all proud of himself. “That’s right.”

  “Stand up!” VP tells him. I walk over, standing behind him. Dennis laughs at him. Chet stands up with a couple of other Brothers. VP isn’t seeing anything but Dennis. “Stand the fuck up!” Dennis looks around and stands. VP turns him around and takes his cut. “Can’t help a fuckin’ Brother, givin’ shit when someone needs help, you’re out.” Little Ben takes the cut. I didn’t even see him here. I throw him chin. He smiles.

  Dennis tries to grab it back. He pushes little Ben and grabs for the cut. “Give it back, asshole, you can’t take my fuckin’ cut. Fuckin’ Brothers all think you’re more than you are!”

  Little Ben holds the cut back and all Brothers take a step back. Dennis puts his hand on little Ben’s chest then he’s in the air and on the floor. Everyone is laughing. “My father deserves respect. He fought for this Club, making it something you wanted to be a part of. To me he is Dad, to you he is VP. If you don’t even know who you’re talking to, you have no right to wear our cut. Get out!” Little Ben stands and everyone claps and slaps him on the back.

  VP throws him chin and goes to his next table like nothing happened. Chet and Jax take Dennis out, one on each arm. They whip him out when they hit the doors, and he sprawls on the walkway, looking back pissed.

  When I turn around Danny is watching from the doors with a smile. OB is refilling coffee and talking to the Brothers smiling. Everyone settles. I go back to my breakfast and watch for what’s next.

  Geek comes in and sits at the counter, smiling. “Got the text, what did I miss?”

  I point to VP, who’s telling an Associate, “Can have eggs or pancakes, nothin’ else.” The Associate just nods. Steve writes something on the pad and looks at the next guy who has a menu in his hand; he takes the menu and throws it over his shoulder. “Number two, eggs or pancakes?” The guy just looks at him and nods.

  Geek is doubled over laughing. “He’s like Seinfeld’s ‘Soup Nazi’!” he yells. The whole Diner explodes in laughter. VP looks over at us and rolls his eyes, making us laugh more. Bikes are pulling into the Diner lot with nowhere to park. Geek smiles at me. “I guess everyone got the text.” Oh fuck!

  Chapter Four

  Two days later…

  I wake up on his chest smiling. We had a great day yesterday, exhausting but good. We took the kids fishing and had a picnic at the docks. Church went over so we had a late start, but it turned out great. I look up and see he’s still sleeping, I know he has to leave early, so I check the clock and slide away from him to go to the bathroom. When I get back I slip the covers off him and see he’s going to be awake soon. Perfect. Gently, I stroke him and slide my tongue down his length. He makes me smile with a soft moan. Rimming his curved bar, he raises his hips trying for more. He loves waking up like this, so I work to make it good. “Tiny Dancer, as good as it is waking up with your mouth on me, I’m not coming in your mouth. Ride me, babe.” His voice is husky, sending a shiver down my back. I nip his head and slide my body over his, biting his nipple and pulling on the ring. “Fuck, slide on my cock, I need your pussy now, babe.” He doesn’t wait. Lifting me, he slides me right down him with some force. “Ready for me. I love how you’re always fuckin’ ready.” He sits up and slides up so his back is on the headboard. As soon as he’s got us there my jewel is being pulled by him. “Put your chain on next time, Tiny Dancer.” He grabs the other and my head falls back as sparks run through me. His hands move to my hips and he moves me faster. I love how he gets me there so freakin’ fast. My hand moves to my pussy, helping move that along. “Let me hear it, babe.” He’s got me hammering down on him like a jackhammer and I explode. “Right on my cock, just like that.” He’s breathing heavy. When I can focus, I’m against his chest feeling like a rag doll. My pussy is still spasming. I moan as he kisses behind my ear. “Love you, Tiny Dancer.” I grunt because that’s all I have.

  Someone is pounding on the door. “Fuck! Gimme a minute!” he yells, making me smile. We hear a little ‘all right’ through the door.

  “Let me get you in the shower, Nance. I need to get to work.” He lifts me off him and carries me to the bathroom. I love how strong he is. I’m five eight and he makes me feel small.

  I’m showered and dressing when he comes in the closet fully dressed. “Love you, big Tiny.”

  He smiles, bending to kiss me. When he stands up he asks, “You okay with me leaving?”

  He’s so damn thoughtful. “Yeah, I got this,” I tell him, sliding a skirt on.

  “I’m out on a job today. Call Keith if you need anything,” he says, bending once more to kiss behind my ear. I nod, feeling my nipples get hard. He’s always done it and my body always reacts the same way. I watch him walk out the door and scramble for my shoes.

  I get to the kitchen and three of the five kids are waiting with smiles. “Good morning, Jason, José, and Billy. Eggs?” They all want eggs. I get them and some toast made and watch them eat with a smile. Jason is eight, José is ten, and Billy is nine. They are almost a full year apart. “Aren’t you eating, Nancy?” José asks.

  “I will once I’ve have a cup of coffee in me. I have trouble thinking before that.”

  They look at each other. José looks at me, “Did we get up too early? Leslie told us seven was good on weekdays, eight on weekends, but you didn’t give us a time.”

  I look at the clock. It’s just six-thirty. “We can stick to those times, they worked for you and it will be easy to remember.” He looks down. I look at the other boys. They’re all looking down. “It will take some getting used to, you living here is new to us too. We’ll all learn as we go.”

  Bobby looks up. “You’re not mad?”

  I smile at him. “Nope. Tiny had to be up early anyway; today worked out okay.” Sandy comes down the stairs with Sheila. “Good morning, girls.” Sandy has a huge grin on. She likes her new sister.

  “Momma.” She runs to me. I kiss her cheek and ask if she wants eggs. Sheila says just toast and she can get it. Sandy, of course, wants toast. Sheila laughs and tells her she has to help. I watch with a smile.

  I get eggs
and toast on two plates just as Ricky makes it down the stairs. “Morning, Ricky.”

  He’s smiling. “It is.” He’s cute. I see why Sally is so attached to him. He was great yesterday helping them fish. He gets along with everyone. He even had Tiny laughing.

  “You don’t talk a lot like Sandy and the Club kids,” Jason says.

  I’m surprised. “I say what I need to get my point across. Did you want to talk about something?”

  He shakes his head no. “Sometimes people talk too much. We have to listen to everything, stories over and over, who did what over and over. Sometimes it just nurses.” The little boys nod with weary expressions, like it’s been rough.

  I smile. “Nurses?”

  Ricky laughs. “Leslie wouldn’t let them say sucks, so I gave them another word that wasn’t so offensive.” He’s proud of himself.

  I laugh thinking of Leslie’s face when he came up with that one. “Nurses sounds like a good alternative.” He nods with his eyes shining. I think I already love this kid. I’ll miss him when he moves in with Sally and Doc.

  Patches comes for the little kids and Sandy. Darren comes to the door for Sheila and Ricky. They walk down to the front gate to wait for the bus.

  I get my butt in gear so I can make it to the shop. The new girl, Heather, is working afternoons and I need to have everything priced for her to get it on the racks. It’s going to be busy and I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’m smiling like a loon. Nurses...I laugh.

  * * *


  I meet Danny, Bob, and VP at Security, then Driscoll is driving us up to New Bedford in an SUV. I’m too big to sit in the back. Bob complains about being in the way back. Danny tells him that’s always the seat for the youngest. They’re all laughing. I guess it’s an inside joke; since no one explains it, I just watch the road.


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