Book Read Free

MC: Callahan

Page 8

by L. Ann Marie

  Still dazed he moves to the bed, putting me face down with my feet on the floor. I’m still catching my breath and he’s hammering into me. Just as I’m building again he pulls out, making me cry out, “No!”

  “Oh, babe, I’m not even close to done with you.” His voice is low and husky; I get a chill down my back hearing how much he’s affected.

  I hear a condom and moan. Baby oil drips on my ass and he’s pushing his way in. Oh dear lord! I cry out, “All the way!” When the initial burn goes away I’m moaning. Sliding in and out slowly is making me crazy. He pulls out and I whine another ‘no.’

  “My bad girl wants it all tonight.” He puts my knees on the bed and folds my body so my stomach is on them then he slides back in. I know he does this so he doesn’t have to bend so far. It makes me smile. He slams me from behind and I stop smiling and start moaning. Holy shit, it’s good! “I love seeing my dick sliding in your sweet tight ass, babe.” He’s breathing heavy. Bending, he bites my shoulder and snakes his arm under me, pushing my hand down to my pussy. “Come for me, Tiny Dancer. Let me hear how you like that cock in your ass,” he says at my ear.

  I feel everything but hear only him. He’s pulling the chain again, making my nipples ache, then he pulls out and slides in my pussy hard and fast again. I come screaming for him, as if he can save me. I feel him fall at my side, feel me being moved onto his shoulder, feel his chest rise and fall, but my brain is floating.

  Chapter Eight


  I just finish telling Danny and Ben about what happened with Doc. Neither says a word. I keep my mouth shut and wait. It’s a lot to take in, someone you’ve known for so long being someone you don’t know at all.

  Ben finally looks at me. “Ricky said he hasn’t wanted him for a year?”

  “He hasn’t felt wanted by Doc at all, but for a year he’s known because Doc doesn’t talk to him, he points or gestures for Ricky to follow or do something. He said he thought he was jealous at first, but when he started going on visits it got worse. He’s been on visits with them for about nine months; he knew they wouldn’t adopt him all along.”

  “And you saw this yourself?” Danny asks.

  “Yeah, he came into my house without looking at him, sat at the table and talked to me, never saying a word to the kid. I told him about his license and bike and he changed the subject. Kid gets his license and first bike a Brother is saying something, you always remember how that felt.”

  He sits back. “Fuck.”

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “Fuckin’ Brothers not willing to help out but bitching over money, Doc acting like an asshole to a good kid; what the fuck is going on with the Club?” Ben says softly.

  “We need VP here, I think he’s right. Nomad status should be bigger and pays go to those that work for it. The Brothers are pissed, but they’re not doing anything for the Club or community. I have no clue what to think about Doc, but I think we should ask him.”

  Ben calls VP over. Danny asks about Ricky’s bike and our ride from the school with little Ben. “He’s a good rider, I had them both in front of me for most of it. He pays attention and rides like he was born on a bike.” I smile, thinking about how impressed I was.

  Danny smiles. “Proud papa. That’s good, I have the older boys helping with the younger today. HS is riding behind them over to Security. Ricky will be a good addition to that group.”

  I’m shocked. “Ricky’s just a good kid; he doesn’t have anything like the other kids.”

  VP comes in and sits. Ben looks at me. “Being a good kid is enough, he’s your good kid and that makes him part of the guarded.”

  “Little Ben trusts him, says he’s a good soundin’ board,” VP says then looks at Ben. “I’m here for this?”

  “No, Doc isn’t taking Ricky, he’s adopting a younger boy. He’s been treating Ricky bad for almost a year,” Ben tells him. VP nods. “You knew?”

  “Little Ben told me, been more than a year. Kid kept at it thinkin’ he was doin’ wrong, tried to be better. Little Ben told him to just ride it out, nothin’ bad was goin’ to happen.” He shrugs. Fuckin’ guy, the kid thought he was in the wrong doing everything to make Doc happy. He looks at me. “Had to let it play out, he was yours. Christian knew, Tess knew, had to play out.” I nod, they know more than me; I need to let it go.

  Ben is watching. “Doc?”

  “Steppin’ down as Officer, but stays it works out.” He shrugs again.

  Fuck, I look at Ben. He nods. “What about the Brothers bitching about money?”

  “We lose Brothers, fuck ‘em. Got too many anyways, don’t do shit, don’t deserve a cut. No other fuckin’ Club pays for no work. Fuck ‘em.”

  Danny’s nodding. “We need to see if this throws blowback on us. Can you get with Tess and Christian?”

  VP shakes his head no. “Jeremy says fightin’ in the bars, nothin’ to worry about. Somethin’s comin’, but he’s not tellin’ me.”

  “Talk to Christian without Jeremy around. We’ll never make it through another war with Brothers standing on the sidelines,” Pres tells him.

  VP nods, not happy about it, but he’ll do what Pres tells him to. Our phones go off together. They all say Security, Pres and VP’s ring. Danny stands while they answer. I don’t know why my phone goes off, I don’t get Security texts.

  VP says, “Be right there.” He watches Pres.

  “Get Rich to Security, were on our way.” He looks at Danny and VP. “Get your gear on. Meet us there unless we find them first. I’ll let you know.” He looks at me and starts walking to the door. “Little Ben, Jessie, and Ricky were riding the backyard, their bikes are down where VP’s house used to be, by the dock. Security was shot while they were in the water. They’re gone; tracking is at the beach with their clothes and bikes.” Fuck! With his phone to his ear he’s talking and walking his bike down the driveway. “Call the compound houses into lockdown, find the women and escort them back home. Get all the kids accounted for.” He puts his phone in his pocket and starts his bike.

  I fall in behind him. At the gate he floors it. We make it to Security in minutes. Little Ben and Jessie are at almost master level in their martial arts shit and Ricky’s been going for a couple of years. How the fuck did the three of them get taken? I see the chopper land as we pull in. I’m not sure what to do, so I call Nancy. “Babe, Ricky was taken, get with CJ and see if we need to do anything right away.” She’s already over there. “We’ll get him back, I’m at Security now.”

  Cloud comes running up the steps. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Tiny. Little Ben and Jessie said they’d have Security with them.”

  “They did, he was shot, nothing you could have done different.” I walk through to Surveillance. Rich is talking to VP and Danny; I see Driscoll and Chet up on the board. Tracking is on the third, Pres is talking to someone on the headset. Geek walks in with Brantley. They both have laptops and walk to an empty desk; Geek sets Brantley up then takes Stick’s seat with Rich ready to run Ops. I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing and I’ve got no one to ask. Making me feel slightly less helpless is knowing Cloud waits for directions beside me.

  Rich looks back. “No fuckin’ way they went easy.” Me and Cloud nod, that’s what’s so fuckin’ scary.

  “Van picked them up forty minutes ago. It’s not on recognition or it would have been followed.” We watch the van stop. The kids are in the water in the background. We don’t see Security get shot. There’s no sound, but the boys don’t look back at any time. We watch them walk up the beach. Little Ben bends but the van blocks him when he straightens. He puts a bottle of water to his mouth then passes it. They all drink then sit down. We don’t see anything but the top of little Ben’s head. Maybe three minutes go by and little Ben moves like he’s getting up but falls backward. We see a blond head move then nothing for a minute. Finally I see the security guard from the high school.

  “That’s the fuckin’ security guard from the school, Rich!” He
pulls little Ben’s feet up so we see what he’s carrying. Fuck, they’re either shot or drugged.

  He repeats it to VP and looks at Geek. “Get me data. I need to know where they’re going. Now we know why they didn’t register with face recognition.” I see Petey’s wrecker pull up to the bikes still at the beach and wince knowing Petey isn’t driving; it reminds me of losing so many during the last war. I hope to fuckin’ Christ we don’t lose our boys.

  “Brantley, follow the van, get it up on the first board,” Geek yells to him. He nods and less than a minute later we watch the van drive right the fuck out of town.

  “Fuck!” Rich and Pres yell together. Pres looks back. “Get up in the air. I’ll let you know where when we get closer. Tiny, go with him, the helicopter is loaded, find a gun onboard, do whatever you need to get our boys back.” We turn around and walk out. I look back as the van goes out of camera range. Fuck.

  Cloud does his pilot shit and I’m ready to jump out of my damn skin. It’s taking too long. They already have forty minutes on us.

  Four fuckin’ hours and we don’t have shit; Cloud takes us back to Security. Walking into Surveillance is like walking into a wall of tension. As soon as I step in I feel it. “Where’s Pres?” I ask right away.

  Danny looks at us. “He and VP are in the meeting room with a dealer from the city.”

  My phone rings, but I don’t know the number. “Yeah!” I’m growling, pissed to be interrupted.

  “Tiny, we need an ambulance. Can you follow the phone to where we are?” Ricky says. I can hear fear in his voice.

  “I’m bringing the phone to Geek, once he gets what he needs from it, I’ll be back on.” I hand the phone to Geek. VP and Pres come running in with Danny following.

  “Cloud, get back up, take VP with you. Danny, get HS and get on your bike with Bob, be ready as soon as we have a location.”

  Everyone is running. I wait for the phone so I can keep him calm. Geek is talking calmly to him; he’s got him on speaker so we can hear. “We need a fuckin’ ambulance quick before more come back, Geek.” Ricky is losing patience.

  Geek turns toward me. “We have it on the way, Little Brother, here’s your dad.” He hands me the phone.

  “Ricky, why do you need an ambulance?” I try to keep calm. Everyone is talking around me. I step back to hear him better.

  “Little Ben, they cut his back, but he still fought, when he saw the guys down he fell, he’s bleeding and he won’t wake up. Jessie’s hurt, but he’s holding pressure like they said at school. The guys, I-I think the guys are dead.” I hear him take a breath. “Little Ben fell, Tiny. After he saw the last guy down he fell and won’t wake up.”

  “Listen to me, Little Brother, help is on the way. Cloud is on his way in the chopper. HS is with Danny and Bob. They will be there soon. An ambulance should be pulling up any minute.” I look at Pres. He’s white as a ghost.

  We hear Ricky talking to Jessie and an unconscious little Ben, telling them what I just said. “Tiny, I hear the ambulance! Thank God they’re here before the other guys get back. No! Don’t fuckin’ move!” Everything gets muffled.

  “Ricky, what’s going on?!” I yell. I hear movement then a shot. Everyone turns toward me.

  “Get away from him or I’ll blow your fuckin’ head off!” Ricky screams then we hear another shot. Fuckin’ hell!

  “Uncle Tiny?” Jessie’s breathing heavy. “Uncle Tiny, we’re okay.” He takes another breath. “Cloud is here.” Another breath. “I hear the chopper.”

  “Jessie, fuck, just hang on, Little Brother, Uncle Steve is in the chopper.” I don’t know what else to say.

  “Fuck!” We hear Steve yell. “Gimme the gun, Ricky, we got it, we got your back, Brother.” We hear more movements. “Get the fuckin’ kids! Pussies can wait.” We hear movements. “Touch that fuckin’ pussy before my Brothers I’ll blow your fuckin’ head all over the wall. Won’t be able to tell who’s who for the funeral!” VP says in a deadly voice. I’m so fuckin’ glad he’s there.

  “VP to MC Ops.” Digs turns the volume up.

  Digs: “You’re on speaker with Ops VP.”

  VP: “All three need the hospital, Jessie has a slash in his side, it’s deep, Ricky’s hands are all cut up, broken arm, they were worked over.” He stops and takes a breath. “Little Ben’s back.” He stops for another breath. “Was carved...deep. Geek, Cloud pulled ID. Find me the rest of ‘em.” He breathes deep again. “Get Jess and Club kids to the hospital. They’ll need ‘em.” Digs looks at Pres. Pres nods and walks to Rich.

  Digs: “Roger, VP.”

  VP: “Get me off speaker. Put me to Geek.”

  Digs tells him he’s transferred. Brantley comes to me and grabs my hand. “I’m going too, Tiny.” I nod down at him, he’s as white as Pres.

  “I need a truck,” I yell to the room.

  “Pres! Before you go, Cloud wants to talk to you,” Geek yells over everyone. I put Brantley by the back table and walk over to them.

  Cloud is on speaker telling Pres to call Mitch Baxter about scars. “They carved rat into Little Ben’s back. He’s a teenage boy and that’s going to fuck with him. Mitch knows a doctor that can help with that before he gets out of the hospital.”

  “I’ll call, Cloud, thanks Brother. Find out if you’re needed at Baxter’s. VP is going off. Stay with him and Danny. Rich will have you partnered with Bob.”

  “Roger, Pres.”

  He turns around and I see he’s shaking. “I want to kill them myself. Fuckin’ pussies going after kids. Get me to the fuckin’ hospital, Tiny, I need to see my kid, little Ben, Ricky and be there for the others,” he mumbles, walking by me. “How the fuck do I stop them from killing assholes when I want to kill them myself?” he says, walking down the stairs. Brantley is running to keep up with us; I stop and swing him around onto my back then catch up to Pres. I have Danny’s keys and hit the FOB. Dropping Brantley down, I open the door for him and slide in. Pres is on with Baxter’s before I pull out of the lot.

  We make the hospital before the women and kids. Pres just walks back to emergency’s curtained off areas. The boys are in a line. They’re working on little Ben and Jessie. Brantley goes to Ricky. He’s beat pretty bad. I check him out and kiss his head. “Can you check little Ben? I’m fine.” I nod and go to little Ben’s side on the gurney. He’s unconscious. I tell them I’m his uncle and he’s seventeen. His mother will be arriving as soon as Security is made available. They just look at me; I point to Ben and tell them he’s his uncle too. The nurse nods, asking me to stay out of their way. I stand by his head and grab for his hand, pulling his arm away from his body; I want him to know we’re here for him.

  “Doctor, I see why his pressure is low.” The doctor comes around, looking at his side and tells the nurses to help him turn him. I nod to the nurse and get my arms under his shoulders and turn him over for her. Holy Fuck! They didn’t just carve into him, they cut away his skin. I look over at Pres. He’s livid; he points his phone and takes a picture of it.

  The doctor is looking at his side. “We need to get this kid up to surgery.”

  “Baxter’s have a doctor coming for the carved skin,” Pres tells him.

  “Tell him to meet us in surgery, he’s bleeding and his pressure is dropping.”

  I kiss little Ben on the head. “I’ll be waiting for you, Brother.” They clear everything around him and move him quickly down the hall. All I can think is they don’t have permission.

  I look at Pres. He’s deep breathing. His face is hard and his fists are ready to swing. “He better get every fuckin’ one of them.” He turns back to Jessie. The doctor is stitching his side. He finished his arm.

  “How is he doing?” I ask him, walking back to Ricky and Brantley.

  “He’s going to be sore as hell, but he’ll be okay.” Pres runs his hand through Jessie’s hair.

  “He lost a lot of blood, he’s got a broken rib, and two fingers are broken. He’s lucky,” the doctor says like we di
d it.

  “He beat the crap out of one of the guys that was carving little Ben. The guy was Pres’ size. Jessie knocked him out; he’s the guy I shot.” He has tears running down his face. “He woke up and was trying to get close to little Ben again. I had to shoot him or he would have cut him again.” His whole body is shaking.

  “Ricky, look at me,” Pres says in that voice that makes you listen. “You had a choice, kill or be killed. You did what you had to do to keep yourself and your Brothers safe. Grown men beat boys because they couldn’t sell drugs in our school; this is on them not you. You did what you had to; if I were there I would have done the same.”

  The doctor looks at Jessie then Ricky. “You’re very brave. I’m not sure I could have defended someone your Pres’ size.”

  Ricky’s still shaking. I move to the bed and sit on the side. Lifting him up, I pull him toward me. He sucks in a breath. “Careful, he has three broken ribs and his right wrist is broken.”

  I put his head on my shoulder. “This is as far as I’m going.” I hold him gently. “You did a fuckin’ good job today, Ricky.”

  “Little Ben did, he kicked the shit out of two guys. I think one didn’t make it. I hit him with a brick. He never moved after that. We had to wait until the others left. There were too many. Little Ben kept telling us to wait. They were cutting him up, throwing his skin around laughing and he told us to wait. When the other guys left he said go and we fought them. He fought and he was bleeding, he still fought. When he turned around and saw all four were down, he fell and didn’t wake up. I was so scared. I thought he was dead, then the guy with the knife was trying to get to him again. I couldn’t, I didn’t...I fuckin’ shot him, Tiny. I shot him.”


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