A Green and Pleasant Land
Page 40
Labour Party 29, 44
Lady Addle 82–3, 243, 265
Lancaster, Colonel C. G. 284
Lancaster, Mrs Nancy (see Nancy Tree)
Land Girls Pruning at East Malling 157
Land Settlement Association (LSA) 18, 198–9
Land, The by Vita Sackville West 125, 205
Last, Nella 31–2, 49, 210–12, 293
Lawrence, W. J. C. 127, 179–83, 184
lead arsenate paste 127
leatherjackets 130
Leeds Parks Department 12
leeks 112
Musselburgh 111
The Lyon 112
Lees-Milne, James 287
leisure garden movement 6
Lend-Lease agreement 171, 252, 257, 275
lettuce 124, 196
Arctic King 111
Tom Thumb 113
Levens Hall, Westmorland 120, 169, 283
Lewis’ department store 249
Lindane 128
Lindley Library 20, 38
Lines Brothers 183–4
Listener, The (periodical) 135, 136, 137, 256
livestock 237–48
Living Soil, The by Lady Eve Balfour 120
Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor 105, 266
Lloyd George, Gwilym 219
London County Council (LCC) 15
Green Belt Scheme 12
London Evening Standard 44, 116
London Zoo 57, 156
Long Ashton Research Station 19, 52, 90, 184–6, 268, 269
Domestic Preservation Section 185
Longford Castle, Wiltshire 163–4, 283, 281
Longworth, Philip 176
Lord Haw-Haw 219
Lord Wandsworth School, Long Sutton, Hampshire 184
Loudon, John 6
Lucozade 271
Lulworth Castle, Dorset 168, 170
Lutyens, Sir Edwin 6
Mabane, William 257
Macmillan, Baron (Hugh Macmillan) 32
Maconachie, Sir Richard 141
MacPherson, Stewart 141
Maddy, Ursula 197
Madresfield Court, Worcestershire 131
Magdalen College, Oxford 107
Mais, Stuart P. B. 254
Making Love to Mother Earth by H. H. Thomas 147
malathion 126
Male, B. M. E. 197–8
Manchester Grammar School 250
Manchester Ringway 50
Margaret Rose, Princess 96
market gardens 18–19, 195–9
marrow, Green Bush 113
Mary of Teck, Queen consort of Great Britain 87–8
Mason, Maurice 291
Mass-Observation 31–2, 68, 70, 102–3, 210
Directive on Rationing 171
Mauduit, le vicomte de 266–7
Mawson, Thomas 13, 190
Mayor’s Rest Centre, Worthing, Sussex 96
McCall, Cicely 259
McCullough, Donald 58
McKie, William Henry 54, 158
McLeod, Joseph 58
medicinal drugs 267–73
Meilland, François 296
Melville, Dr Ronald 267, 269
Mendel, Gregor 178
Merton Park, Surrey 178, 183, 184
Messel, Lt Col. Leonard 21
Messrs E. Dingle 200
metaldehyde 129
Metcalfe, Dr 173, 267
Metroland 5
Middleton, Cecil Henry 56, 133–40, 145–6, 175
Brighton Horticultural Show 72
Daily Express column 77–8,129, 138, 145, 146
death of 139–40
In Your Garden 23, 133, 134–8, 140, 145
on chickens 240
on corrosive sublimate 127
on flowers 216–18
on goats 241
on powdered naphthalene 129
The Listener 136, 137
Middleton, Mrs 139
Milburn, 2nd Lieutenant Alan 210, 227
Milburn, Clara 209–10, 227, 240, 258
Milburn, Jack 209
Milking Practice with Artificial Udders by Evelyn Dunbar 157
Millar, Sheilagh 141
Milner Son and White 296
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) 34, 51–8, 62–4, 73, 74, 75–83, 249
Allotment and Garden guides 75
allotments 37, 49, 70, 65–6
‘An Inquiry into the Effects of the “Dig for Victory” Campaign’ 76–7
and Dr H.V. Taylor 40, 214
and F. A. Secrett 196
and Friends’ Allotments Committee 16
and In Your Garden 135, 138
and John Innes Horticultural Institution 183
and National Allotments Society (NAS) 47–8, 153
and Radio Allotment 141
County Garden Produce Committees 63–4
Defence Regulations 47
Development Fund 90
Dig for Victory leaflets 53–4, 119, 125, 131, 152
‘Dig for Victory – Over Want’ campaign 276–80
Domestic Food Producers Council 48–9
flowers and nursery stock 204
‘Food from the Garden’ bulletin 52–3, 57, 110–11, 149, 166
‘Fruit from the Garden’ bulletin 54
fruit preservation 263–4
Great Depression 16
‘Growmore’ Bulletins 52–4, 57, 110–11, 125, 149, 166
haricot beans 113–14
inquiry into radio (1942) 145
newspaper columns 147–8
parks 174–5
‘Pests and Diseases in the Vegetable Garden’ bulletin 54, 125
‘Preserves from the Garden’ bulletin 54
Rationing Division 245
Small Pig Keepers’ Council 238
strawberries 193–4
Survey on Garden and Allotment Produce 78–80
women gardeners 84
Women’s Branch 100
Ministry of Food 34, 111, 249–65
and Domestic Food Producers’ Council 49
and The Kitchen Front 254–5
bananas 51
County Garden Produce Committees 63–4
Food Flashes 253, 256
fruit preservation 259–65
Marguerite Patten 93
onions 148
posters 153
rationing 250–7
Ribena 268–9
tomatoes 198
Welfare Foods Scheme 252–3
Ministry of Fuel 202
Ministry of Health 28, 71, 164, 258, 267, 269, 272
Vegetable Drugs Committee 267, 269, 270–2
Ministry of Information 28, 31, 32, 73–5, 89–90, 96, 97, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 175, 205
Crown Film Unit 52, 151
War Artists’ Advisory Committee 154, 156
Ministry of Labour 278
Ministry of Supply 174, 250
Ministry of Works 286
Modernism 7–8
Moore, Henry 154
morale 30–4
More O’Ferrall, Frank 141
Morgan Jones, Thomas 158
Morgan–Wells 158
Morris, Cedric 192
Morrison, William S. 34, 250
Mortegg tar oil winter wash 128
Mosley, Lady (Diana) 236
Mosley, Sir Oswald 236
Moulton Farm School 92
Mr Middleton Suggests by C. H. Middleton 146
Mr Middleton Talks About Gardening by C. H. Middleton 146
Munich Crisis 15, 22, 27, 28, 29, 206
Murrell, Olive 192
My Garden 23, 144–5
Myddelton House, Enfield 21
Nash, John 21
Nash, Paul 154
National Allotments Society (NAS) 1, 15, 16, 17, 23, 37, 48, 52, 56, 62, 64, 65, 149, 153, 204
National Chrysanthemum Society 22
National Dahlia Society 22, 40
National Diploma of Horticulture 134, 226
National F
armers’ Union 177
National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) 85, 86, 88, 92, 243, 245, 259–62, 264
National Fruit Trials, Wisley 21, 40
National Gallery, London 154
National Gardens Scheme 292
National Growmore fertilizer 122
National Loaf 251
National Pig Breeders’ Association 238
National Playing Fields Association 12, 58
National Registration Day 35
National Rose Society 22, 296
National Trust 286, 287
National Vegetable Research Station, Wellesbourne 298
Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFIs) 63, 148
Nazi–Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 25
nematodes 129
New Bodleian Library, Oxford 173
Newell, John 179–81
News Chronicle 147
News of the World 148
Nicholas, Siân 33, 256
Nichols, Beverley 144, 148
Nicolson, Harold 26, 205–7
nicotine 128
Nisbet, R.G.C. 141
Nissen huts 165, 167, 284
no-dig cultivation 117, 121
Norfolk, 16th Duke of (Bernard Fitzalan-Howard) 60, 244
Norwood Hill 234
Nottingham University 106
Nuneham Park, Oxfordshire 168, 235
nurseries 187–93, 294–7
Nymans, Sussex 21, 288
Oaken Heart, The by Margery Allingham 208
Oberon, Merle 12
Office of Works 174–5
Oflag 8B 224
Oflag VIIB 227
OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) 224
On the Making of Gardens by Sir George Sitwell 133
Onion Clubs 148
onions 50, 112
Bedfordshire Champion 112
White Lisbon 111, 112
oranges 51
organic movement 120
Orlebar, Lt Col. R. R. B. 218
Orpington Nurseries, The 192
Oss, Mark van 108
Over the Border (radio programme) 143
Oxford University 62, 108
Paddington pig club 242
Page, Russell 12
Palmer Gardens in Trowbridge 97
Tender and True 113, 200
Pathé 139, 151, 175
Patten, Marguerite 93–4, 254, 262–3
Peace Pledge Union 29
pears 114
peas 112
Kelvedon Wonder 111, 112
Onward 112
Pembridge, Dorothy 131, 234
peonies 215
pesticides 124, 125–9, 298
aldrin 126
corrosive sublimate 127
creosote 127, 128
cyanide 127
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) 126
derris powder 128
dieldrin 126
lead arsenate paste 127
Lindane 128
malathion 126
metaldehyde 129
nicotine 128
powdered naphthalene 129
sodium chlorate 124
tar oil winter wash (Mortegg)127–8
big bud mite 186
blackfly 227
cabbage caterpillars 128
carrot fly 128–9
Colorado beetles 130
eelworms (nematodes) 129
flea beetles 128
leatherjackets 129-30
slugs 128
whitefly 126
wireworms 129–30, 209
‘Pests and Diseases in the Vegetable Garden’ bulletin 54
Petworth House, Sussex 140
Physical Training and Recreation Act 12
Picture Post (magazine) 103
pigs 241–3
pig clubs
Air Raid Precautions (ARP) 242
Paddington 242
Tottenham 59, 242
Plant Protection Ltd 152
Plomley, Roy 139
plums 259
Plymouth Corporation 119
Poke, Frederick 118
Polesden Lacey, Surrey 286
Popular Flying (magazine) 144
Popular Gardening (magazine) 23
Portal, Sir Charles 170
Potato Pete 253
potatoes 113, 129, 253–4, 256
Arran 113
Arran Pilot 201
Home Front 113
King Edward 113, 201
Majestic 201
potato blight 130–1
pots, terracotta 123
Poultry Advertisement Control Board (PACB) 238
Poultry Farmer (magazine) 238
powdered naphthalene 129
Practical Gardening and Food Production in Pictures by Richard Sudell 149
Praet, Sibyl van 104–5, 244
preserves 260–5
‘Preserves from the Garden’ bulletin 54
Preston Children’s Allotment Association 98
Preston Women’s Allotment Association 95
pricking-out 181
Priory, The, Kemerton, Worcestershire 292
prisoner-of-war camps 223–36, 292
British 233–6
Norwood Hill 234
Oflag 8B 224
Oflag VIIB 227
Stalag Luft III 227–8, 229
Stalag XXA 225
Prisoner’s Progress, A by David James 229
private service gardening 9
Proctor, Chrystabel 62
Punch (magazine) 3, 81–3, 243, 265
Pyke, Dr Magnus 270
Quakers 88, 190
Queen’s Institute of District Nursing 288
Queen’s Park, Manchester 174
R. Tucker and Sons 42
rabbits 244–6
Radio Allotment (radio programme) 140–3, 145
Radio Times (magazine)74
French Breakfast 200
Radnor, Countess of (Anne Pleydell-Bouverie) 164, 281, 283
Radnor, 7th Earl of (William Pleydell-Bouverie) 163, 164, 281
Raeder, Admiral 206
Randolph Hotel, Oxford 168
Brockett Hall 115
rationing 34–5, 250–9
Reading University 106
Reconstruction and the Land by Sir Daniel Hall 298
Red Cross Society 21, 99, 224–6, 233
Agricultural Fund 148, 218
Aid to Russia campaign 245
Educational Books Section 226
Laxton’s No. 1 114
Reith, Sir John 24, 32
rhubarb 196
Timperley Early 113
Ribena 269
Robe, Beryl 196
Roberts, Harry 290–1
Robinson, John Martin 286
Robinson, William 207, 292–3
Robinson, Wyndham 148
rockeries 6
Rodbaston Agricultural College, Staffordshire 104
Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair 144, 150–1
Rolfe, Squadron Leader C. I. 227
Rooke Ley, Wilfrid 134
Roosevelt, Eleanor 263
roses 189, 296
Peace 296
Peter Pan 296
Rothschild, Lionel de 217
Rototiller 117–18
Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester 90
Royal Air Force (RAF) 160, 253
Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh 279
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 57, 134, 171–3, 177, 236, 267, 268, 270–1, 272–3, 279, 297
Jodrell Laboratory 268
Palm House 172–3
Royal College of Art 156
Royal Gardens, Windsor Great Park, Berkshire 10–11
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) 19–22, 23, 38–40, 52, 56, 57, 149, 151, 177, 178, 187, 204, 214–16, 220, 225–7, 294–5
Autumn Show 215
examinations 106, 107r />
flower shows 20, 39, 40, 216
Fruit and Vegetable Committee 21
Horticultural Colour Chart 215
Horticultural Hall 21
Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 20, 39, 43, 148, 214, 215, 216, 279
Lindley Library 20, 38
Narcissus and Tulip Committee 21
National Certificate in Elementary Horticultural Practice 226
National Diploma of Horticulture 134, 226
National Fruit Trials 21, 39
National Trust and RHS Gardens Committee 287–9
New Hall, Greycoat Street 20
Old Hall, Vincent Square 20, 22, 39, 215, 216
Scientific Committee 21
War Relief Fund 21
Wisley 20–21, 39, 40, 149, 171, 177, 184, 279
World War I 21–2
Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London 20
Royal Societies Club, London 187
Royal Sussex County Hospital 72
Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 7th Battalion 227
Ruhleben internment camp 22, 225
runner beans
Painted Lady 111
Scarlet Emperor 112
Russell, James 296
Russell Smith, Vernon 285
Ryder and Son of St Albans 199, 221
Sackville-West, Vita 23, 26, 100, 125, 148, 205–6, 207, 208, 209, 288
Sadler’s Wells Ballet 173
Sanders, Avice 107, 184
Sandys-Winch, Captain A. 13
Santo Tomas camp, Manila 232–3
Sassoon, Siegfried 1
Savoy Hotel 255
Schleger, Hans, (Zéro) 156
Science and Gardening (radio programme) 143
Science and the Glasshouse by W. J. C. Lawrence 181
Scott, Lady (Dorothy) 291
Scott, Sir David 291
Scottish Marine Biological Association station, Millport 268
Scottish Rural Institutes 270
Scottish WVS 270
seaweed 268
Second Italo–Abyssinian War 27
Secrett, F. A. 196
seed boxes 123
seeds 18, 91, 111, 114, 199–204, 297
Selfridge’s 61
Sewell, Professor William 231
Sidwell, Ron 194
Sissinghurst Castle, Kent 205–7
Sitwell, Edith 133
Sitwell, Osbert 133
Sitwell, Sacheverell 133
Sitwell, Sir George 133
slugs 128
Small Pig Keepers’ Council 238
Smallholder, The (magazine) 144, 238
Smallholding and Allotments Acts 14, 16
sodium chlorate 124
Soil Association 299
Souster, Sgt A. W. J. 226
Southport Show 40
Sowerbutts of Ashton-under-Lyne 199
Spanish Civil War 27
Spectator (periodical) 207
Ceylon (Malabar) 232
perpetual 201
Sprout Picking in Monmouthshire by Evelyn Dunbar 157
Spry, Constance 126, 131, 150, 216, 258, 265
Stafford Allen 273
Stalag Luft III 227–8, 229
Stalag XXA 225
Standing, Michael 139, 140–1, 142
Stanley Park, Blackpool 13
Stanley prisoner-of-war camp, Hong Kong 230–2, 233