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The Filthy Few (Iron Disciples MC)

Page 8

by Daniella Tucci

  “Do you even need to ask if you’re in danger? He’s the president of a very powerful motorcycle club. Of course you’re in danger.”

  “I mean new danger related to whatever it was that kicked the hornet’s nest.”

  “Yeah I don’t know…probably. When they left Cade was also packing. Whatever they’re planning on doing, it’s not going to be talking. Apparently Cade’s twin brother has made some bold new moves and it resulted in the death of a couple Iron Disciples’ prospects. I guess his brother is trying to horn in on Cade’s position as president. He’s not content with being VP and he is in the process of gathering his power base. If they start in fighting they’re going to be swallowed up by the next biggest club and then they both lose. Someone has to talk sense into Cade’s brother before he does anything that can’t be undone; if he hasn’t already done that.”

  “So they’re going to kill his brother?” I ask. That seems a bit extreme even for outlaw bikers.

  “They’re gonna kill someone. Just be glad it’s not you.”

  “Yeah…I’m glad alright.”

  “So what is it with you two anyway?” Stacy asks.

  “I don’t know…I keep telling myself that he’s not right for me but then he gets within…within-”

  “A hundred miles and you can’t resist him?” She answers for me.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “I need to know if he’s really the bad type of killer.” The second I say that I have to laugh at myself. As if there is a good kind of killer. “What did your friend say about him other than he wanted to kick Cade’s ass?”

  “Yeah, after he got finished with his kill Cade fantasy he did tell me what he thought.”


  “Oh he’s a killer, you know that. But he’s the good kind of killer; if there is such a thing. Corey doesn’t believe that Cade kills for the pleasure or that when he has to kill that he enjoys it. So I guess if you’re gonna fall for a killer you should fall for Ethan’s type.”

  “You know how bad this makes me look? I’m a highly educated professional. I can’t let my pussy control my life any more than a businessman can let his cock rule his existence.”

  “You love the bad boys don’t you?” Stacy asks with a mischievous smile.

  “Don’t you?”

  “I like my steady Eddie.”

  “I thought his name was Craig.”

  “That was just an expression. And yeah I like that he is predictable. The stock market is so crazy unpredictable that it’s nice to have something I can count on in my life. He does that for me.”

  “I see…I guess there’s some benefit in that. I guess I’m too much of an adrenaline junkie.”

  “So what do you see in guys like Cade?”

  “Other than his fucking awesome body and his kick ass…ability to kick ass! He makes me feel safe and protected.”

  “Really? Sounds to me like he’s maybe putting you in danger. How do you know this…stuff with his club isn’t gonna blow back on you? I mean, it already kinda did the day I had to brain him to keep him from shooting your oh so kick ass boyfriend.”

  “You didn’t keep him from getting shot. He was doing fine on his own.”

  “Says the cripple on the couch that wasn’t even in the fight.”

  “Yeah I was like a referee. They can see things clearer because they’re not fighting, they’re watching.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “Well I do. But I hope Cade doesn’t bring any trouble home with him.”

  “You and me both.”

  “Why do-”

  I stop when I hear someone ringing the front doorbell. Who the hell is that?

  “Don’t answer it.” Stacy advises.

  “Oh, like I’m gonna just jump up and answer it.”

  “Yeah, I guess not. But-”

  She stops. Standing in the entry way to the living room is Cade but he’s giving me a queer look.

  “You okay?” I ask. “Did you get hurt?”

  The second he opens his mouth I realize my mistake. I knew Cade had a twin brother but I didn’t know they were identical twins. Holy crap, they look so damn close alike. Good thing he started talking before I did something really stupid.

  “You must be Cade’s new slut.” He growls.

  “And you must be Cade’s retarded twin brother.” I retort back.

  He walks across the living room and stops in the middle. I’m propped up on the couch and Stacy is sitting in the recliner. Neither of us is ready for what I imagine he is looking for.

  He walks over to Stacy. “My name is Eddie. I’m Cade’s better half. What may I ask is your name, gorgeous?”

  “It’s Gorgeous.” She replies.

  And who’s the gimp?” He asks, pointing but not looking at me.

  “She’s the untouchable one. You touch her and your better looking brother is gonna kick your ugly ass!”

  “So the evening’s entertainment is going to be solely provided by you then?”

  “Try me, you might like me.” Stacy says.

  “Oh I’ll try you Gorgeous and I’m pretty sure I’ll like you. You on the other hand may not like me. I tend to be a bit rough on my women. Most don’t appreciate the bruises I tend to leave on my girls faces.”

  I am beginning to feel sick. I cannot lie here while he makes my assistant his sex slave. I don’t know that I can do anything about that either but I will have to try if it comes to that. Even if it means I’m going to get my head handed to me. The more I study Eddie’s face the more differences I see. He has these hard lines where Ethan’s are softer, gentler. Cade’s eyes are dark and intense but Eddie’s are hard steely and vacant. When he does look at me again I look right into his eyes. Not only is the light not on, there is definitely no one home! This guy is evil and it makes me think of two conclusions. Either Cade is a lot like his brother and he has fooled me and is just as sick and twisted? Or maybe they were raised apart and Cade had loving parents where Eddie didn’t. That sound’s far- fetched. Eddie’s voice draws me out of my thoughts.

  “I like you Gorgeous,” he says to Stacy. “But I kinda like the gimp. I ain’t never been with a gimp before. What do you think gimp? You ever been with a real man before?”

  “Your brother and he set the bar impossibly high so you’re gonna pretty much suck eggs!”

  “Look at you, all full of piss and vinegar. It’s gonna be fun fucking that out of you. When I’m done with you gimp, you’re gonna be a changed woman. And when I’m done with you I’m gonna have me a sideways pussy. Ain’t that right Gorgeous, you got yourself a sideways snatch?”

  “You believe whatever you want limp dick.”

  “Come on Eddie,” I plead. “You don’t have to do this. What do you really want?”

  “I thought I was making myself pretty damn clear gimp. But before you and I have our fun I’ll have to restrain Gorgeous here.”

  “I’ll be good, I promise!”

  “I’m not sure that’s a promise you’re going to be able to keep. Not when you see how much fun gimp is having. No, I think you’ll come over here and make a nuisance of yourself. So come here, let me have those dainty little hands.”

  Five minutes later Stacy is tied to the recliner in such a way she’ll never escape; not in a thousand years. Something strikes me as odd here. What happened to the fiery girl who just the other day sunk a spiked heel into that biker’s skull? She was so easily cowed just now.

  I guess it’s up to me now. I figure my best option is to try to hit him in the head with my cast. That should be enough to knock him out. Having secured Stacy, Eddie seems completely at ease thinking there’s no way anyone is going to stop him. He saunters over to where I’m lying and reaches for my tits. About that time there’s a knock on the door. Before I can decide if it would be a good idea or not to start screaming for help Stacy takes the choice from me.

  “Help!” She screams with surprising volume. “Help us please!”

  Eddie whirls on Stacy. His cold lifeless eyes blazing with an unearthly blaze. This is the something bad I didn’t want to happen. He crosses the distance from the couch where I’m lying to Stacy’s chair in two strides. One last time she belts out a call for help.

  “Help us please! Whoever is out there pl-”

  The outlaw biker’s hand was so fast I didn’t even see it move. All I could see was a blur and Stacy’s head rocking back and forth like a bobble head doll. She screams through gritted teeth and steels herself for another blow. I can’t believe this is happening to us. I have never been exposed to violence before or people capable of such acts. Now it seems I’m fucking surrounded in it.

  Suddenly another person walks in the room; my brother carrying a tire iron!

  “Jaime, what the fuck?”

  “Yes,” Says Eddie turning to face his new opponent. “What the fuck?”

  “Leave the girls alone you bastard!” Jaime shouts.

  “Or what?” Eddie asks.

  Clearly Jaime or his tire iron does not intimidate him.

  “Or I introduce your skull to my iron. Notice I didn’t use the word brain, because I don’t think you have one.”

  “Well you must not either, barging in here like this and threatening me. This will not end well boy.”

  Suddenly there’s a loud crash outside.

  “What the fuck was that?” Eddie asks, glancing out the window.

  I look too but I can’t see anything.

  “I believe that was your bike falling over…twice. You see I didn’t come here alone or without a plan.”

  “Well did your plan include you dying here, because that’s what is going to happen?”

  He takes a menacing step in Jaime’s direction but stops when there’s another metallic and glass crunching sound outside.

  “I think you’d better attend to your bike while there’s anything left of it.” Jaime says with a wicked smile.

  “Oh I will and then I’ll come back in here an-”

  “Did I tell you I called the police just before walking in here?” And when Eddie shakes his head. “No…so sorry.”

  “We’re not finished here. You won today, but you can’t protect them forever.” Then he turns to face us. “Goodbye gimp. Goodbye Gorgeous. I’ll taste you both later.”

  Then he turns and walks out, brushing shoulders with my trembling hero little brother. When the door slams our silence is finally broken.

  “Oh my god Jaime, you were amazing! And so very stupid. What were you even thinking?” I ask.

  “I was thinking I should save your ass, that’s what I was thinking. Maybe I should have let you be. You were doing so well without me.” He says, turning to look at the still bound Stacy as if to prove his point.

  Then he walks over and proceeds to untie her.

  “What about your friend outside.” I ask. “Is he going to be okay? Bikers don’t take kindly to people smashing their rides.”

  “Yeah he’s fine. That was my friend Joe. I heard his truck take off before biker guy even got outside so no way he’ll know who did the damage to his ride.”

  “Yeah but he knows you and he’ll hold you responsible.”

  “Hey I’m really sorry for saving your ass then. Next time I’ll just take pictures.”

  “Jaime I’m sorry. I was just worried. You’re all I’ve got. If I lose you then I really am alone.”

  “By the way, have you met Stacy?”

  “Yes, I believe we shared a moment when I was untying her ropes.”

  “Stacy as you have guessed, this is my little brother Jaime, emphasis on little.”

  She offers her hand. I can tell from the way she looks at him that there is a connection beginning to happen. Ohhhh her boyfriend’s not gonna like this.

  “So how long have you been working for my slave driving sister?” He asks.

  “A couple years,” she replies, rubbing her chaffing wrists.

  “Oh my god, I am so sorry. You’re hurt aren’t you?”

  “Just a few rope burns, that’s all.” She replies.

  “Maybe I can help with that. I’ll be right back.”

  Jaime turns and goes back outside, presumably to his car for something.

  “He’s cute!” Stacy gushes.

  “Hands off!” I snap. “Besides, don’t you got a steady Eddie already?”

  “I’m starting to think predictable is overrated.”

  “He’s definitely not predictable. He’s also not stable, responsible, or employed. He went to Cal Berkeley to become an archeologist and graduated with top marks but he cannot get a job. He’s got this dream of going to Guatemala to work on the excavation of Tikal. That’s the Mayan ruins-”

  ‘Where the planet Endor was filmed for Star Wars! I know all about the place. I went there after I graduated. I spent two days mucking about in Tikal then spent five days on some little caye in Belize. Wow, so he wants to work in Tikal. I think I can help with that.”

  “Oh my god, are you serious?” Asks Jaime, coming back in the room.

  “I may be able to. I have this client who is from Guatemala. When he was teaching every year he would take a group of students to Tikal and a couple other temples there and in Belize. They would spend a week camping and exploring. I hear it was great fun. I’ll see if I can talk to him and maybe he can help. He probably knows people there; or at least he probably did. But it’s been probably ten years or more. He’s retired now so I can’t promise anything.”

  Jaime gives her a spontaneous hug that lasts a little longer than just a friendly hug. When they step back from one another both appear a little flushed and excited.

  “Thank you so much! Oh, and I brought you some sunscreen I had in the trunk. It should help with the raw patches from the ropes.”

  “You’re so kind.”

  “It’s the least I can do. After all, you did save my sister the other day with your heels.”

  “Your sister has been very good to me over the years. I couldn’t just stand there and watch. I saw an opening and I did what anyone would do.”

  “No,” Jaime says with feeling. “Not anyone. Most would have stood there terrified but you acted. That took real courage!”

  “You’re pretty damn courageous yourself Jaime. I think-”

  “Oh my god, that’s enough; get a fucking room already! And I don’t mean that literally. The fuck part of the room” I complain. “But if I have to listen to any more of your mutual admiration society I’m gonna barf. If this is you two flirting, and I believe it is, you need some serious help.”

  “Hey I’m just being honest.” Jaime defends himself.

  “And I am too.” Stacy replies. “Your brother is a very brave man.”

  “You know what, fuck him, I don’t care. Go fuck like little bunnies I don’t care, but don’t you think you’re starting a relationship here just because you both went Bruce Lee on the biker dudes. You two are nothing alike.”

  “You know I love you sis,” Jaime begins. “But shut the hell up! I am an adult and I’m pretty sure S-Steph…St-”

  “You can’t even remember her name!” I shout with glee. “You were gonna call her Stephanie.”

  “Is that your girlfriend’s name?” Stacy asks.

  “No. And I don’t have an ex named Stephanie either. I just got mixed up with your name that’s all; sorry.”

  “It’s okay Fred, we all make mistakes.” Stacy replies laughing.

  “Hey you wanna grab a coffee or something?” Jaime asks Stacy.

  Stacy turns to me. We were about to do some more work and my temptation is to hold her to that but...I guess I don’t have to be a hard ass all the time.

  “Fine you little fuck bunnies, go get your rocks off.”

  “It’s just coffee!” Jaime protests.

  “Hey don’t sell yourself short.” Stacy says in a seductive voice.

  I’ve had enough. I put an index finger in each ear and say loudly. “La la la la la I’m not listening…la la la la�
��” Until they both shut up and are headed out the front door.

  I can’t believe it. Even my little brother has better success with dating than me. What the hell is this world coming too?


  Things Heat Up

  It’s nearing midnight when I finally close my eyes. Cade is still out taking care of some crisis and I have no idea if he is okay or when he’ll return. It also dawned on me that I don’t even have his phone number. What if I have to call him for some emergency? Since I am living at his house we should trade numbers to be on the safe side at least. The moment I start thinking of him I start to feel a little flush. My heart starts to beat just a little faster and I thoughts of work give way to thoughts of his naked body on top of my naked body. He’s spent enough time unclothed in my presence I have just about memorized his ink.

  On his left arm, beginning at the back of his hand there is a dragon. The head begins on his hand and the tail wraps around his shoulder. It’s an amazing red golden dragon with its mouth open and a pearl just out of reach. When I asked him about this he said that a dragon chasing a pearl signifies that the beast isn’t content; that he hasn’t found what he’s looking for in life. I’m guessing the dragon signifies Cade. On his back is the exact replica of the Iron Disciples patch and rockers. On his right pectoral is the 1%’ers diamond patch. There are a few more random Celtic designs scattered about. He has an amazing tattoo artist.

  Not only are the designs phenomenal but they interlock perfectly with one another so they’re not just random, thoughtlessly placed patches of art work. The only tat I don’t know about is the name Ethan on his left forearm. I asked if that was his dad’s name and he did say it wasn’t. I was hoping for an explanation but he refused to elaborate. Obviously he’s got some baggage we don’t know about.

  As I’m lying here I’m wondering why I even have an interest in the guy. Yeah he’s smokin’ hot, but so are a lot of guys! Yeah he can fight and probably shoot and he’s educated; so are a lot of guys. So why the hell am I so into this guy? The first thought that comes to mind is totally nuts. If he is like all the other hot bad boys, the only difference is he’s a killer. So that must be what I like about him that sets him apart; he’s a fucking killer. That’s what is different. But I know that can’t be it. Maybe the key is in his body art. Most people don’t get tattoos just because they look cool. Most get designs or names that have significance. I’m convinced that the name Ethan is the key to unlocking Mr. Grubby.


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