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Mykonos After Midnight

Page 25

by Jeffrey Siger

  “Sergey told you to kill the woman?”



  “I don’t know.”

  “And what if you failed?”

  “My friend has his own instructions.”

  “What are they?”

  “I don’t know. Sergey gave us our orders separately. He said in case one was caught he could not inform on the other.”

  Andreas put down the scalpel. “I see he knows the quality of his men.”


  Andreas and Kouros stood outside the operating room watching the prisoner led down the hall in handcuffs and shackles. He was cursing at Petrova, who followed along, translating his insults for the benefit of the other Greek cops.

  “He should enjoy his trip to Korydallos,” said Kouros.

  “Bet he’ll slip and fall a few times along the way.”

  “He’s just lucky Petrova’s not wearing stiletto heels.”

  “Let’s not go there,” said Andreas.

  “She’s a very nice person.”

  “I’m sure. And speaking of nice people, let’s check on Maggie.”

  They took the stairs to Tassos’ floor. Maggie was sitting in the hall outside the entrance to the burn unit.

  “Why are you sitting out here?” said Andreas.

  “If I were with Tassos he’d know something was wrong. I didn’t want to worry him.”

  Andreas nodded. “He’d be right to worry. They were after you.”

  “Me? Why me?”

  “Wish I knew.”

  “If Teacher is on to our plan, I’d think she’d be looking to take all of us out,” said Kouros.

  “It makes no sense why she’d only be going after Maggie. I’m the logical one to target,” said Andreas.

  “Maybe they’re following someone else’s orders?” said Maggie.

  “That could only be Sergey,” said Andreas.

  “Which means Teacher may not be on to us,” said Kouros.

  “Yet,” said Andreas.

  “So what do we do?” said Maggie.

  Andreas smiled. “Pray for the best and prepare for the worst.”


  It was late afternoon and Wacki was banging away furiously at Sergey’s hotel room door. No answer. He’d been to the front desk twice and was assured by the clerk that Sergey was in his room because the clerk had personally connected calls going out of that room to Athens through the switchboard.

  “Boss, please, open up. It’s very important.”

  Still no answer.

  He leaned against the door, cupped his hands around his mouth, and tried to whisper through the edge of the door.

  “Teacher is on Mykonos. She wants to see us right away.”

  Wacki heard the bolt turn and the door opened.

  “What are you talking about?” Sergey looked as if he hadn’t shaved in days. He was wearing sweatpants and a tee-shirt stained with spots of coffee down the front.

  “Teacher is here. On a yacht docked in the old port. She called and wants to see us right away.”


  “Yes, us.”

  “I need to shower.”

  “No time.”

  Sergey walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Wacki stared at his watch.

  Thirty-five minutes later Wacki and a showered, clean-shaven, immaculately dressed Sergey presented themselves aboard the two-hundred-twenty-foot motor launch Medea.

  As soon as they walked into the main salon, Sergey spread his arms and smiled at the woman in sunglasses sitting in an overstuffed chair off to his right. “Teacher, what a wonderful, unexpected surprise. I hope it is the first of many such visits.”

  Teacher smiled and put out her hand. “Always nice to see you, Sergey.”

  Sergey immediately came forward and kissed her hand.

  “Please, sit,” she said.

  Sergey sat in one of two straight back chairs in front of her. Wacki stood.

  “Both of you, please.”

  Sergey glanced at Wacki. Wacki did not take his eyes off of Teacher as he sat in the second chair.

  “Thank you, both, for coming.”

  “Our pleasure,” smiled Sergey.

  “I’m on Mykonos because I want a face-to-face update on the status of our project.”

  Sergey glanced at Wacki. “In front of him? He doesn’t know anything about it.”

  “I can’t believe he would betray us.” She looked at Wacki. “Would you?”

  Wacki gestured no twice. “Absolutely not. No way.”

  “Good,” said Teacher.”

  She looked at Sergey and smiled. “So, please continue.”

  “Certainly, Teacher.” He crossed one leg over the other. “We are on target to have the casino license within a matter of weeks.”

  “Weeks you say?”

  “Yes, there have been some delays. Nothing unexpected, but delays nonetheless.”

  “How are things going with the ministry of finance?”

  “Our representative is ready to make the introduction to the minister the moment we have the necessary materials.”

  “You’ve had no contact with him yet?”

  “It would be premature to fire a gun without ammunition.”

  “Good point.”

  “Have you spoken to anyone about our plans?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I mean a lawyer, someone to help you with all the applications and paperwork necessary to gain the license.”

  Sergey looked surprised. “I’m sorry, I did not know that was my responsibility. I thought you would want to use people of your own choosing.”

  “Yes, of course. How silly of me. It must be all this medication. It’s making me forget.”

  “How are you feeling?” said Sergey. “That was the first thing I wanted to ask when I saw you, but thought it inappropriate in his presence.” He dipped his head in Wacki’s direction without looking at him.

  “No, not at all. I am feeling much better than many wish. I hear their prayers for my death and it inspires me to go on.”

  “May they rot in hell,” said Sergey.

  “Too good for them,” she smiled. “And what about the ministry of tourism? How is the approval process coming along for the assignment of the hotel lease?

  “No problem whatsoever. We’re all set. Lefteris says it’s only a matter of our signing the final papers.”

  “And when will that occur?”

  “I thought it best to coordinate the timing of the assignment of the lease with the issuance of the license from finance. After all, why be stuck operating a hotel without a casino license?”

  “I thought you said there was ‘no problem’ with the license, that it would be only ‘a matter of weeks.’”

  “Yes, but I saw no reason not to be cautious.”

  Teacher nodded. “Caution is a good thing. There are people out there trying to take advantage of us.” Teacher looked at Wacki. “Trying to turn one of us against the other.”

  Sergey said, “Him?”

  Teacher shrugged.

  “I know he talks behind my back. Probably to you. But I thought it just typical, petty, Greek jealousy bullshit.”

  Wacki sat perfectly still.

  “He has told me many things.”

  Sergey struggled not to glare at Wacki.

  “But nothing unexpected.”

  “Tell me his lies. I’ll refute them all.”

  Teacher shook her head. “No need for that, I have only one question for you.”


  “It is a simple question.”

  Sergey blinked. “Please, just ask it.”

  Teacher moved her face close to his. “Remember when you told me, ‘Le
fteris’ eyes popped wide open when I gave him our offer’?”


  “Did you ever tell Wacki how much you were paying Lefteris for the hotel?”

  Sergey paused. “Why are you asking that?”

  “Please, just answer the question.”

  “As best as I can remember, no.”

  “You mean there’s a chance you told him?”

  “No, I’m certain I didn’t.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because the price I offered Lefteris was the price he accepted. We never had any conversation about price. I simply handed him a piece of paper with my offer on it and he accepted it.”

  “Did Lefteris tell anyone?”

  “Not that I know of. In fact, he told me he didn’t want anyone to know the price.”

  “What about the ministry of tourism?”

  “Well, yes, he had to inform them.”

  “And what price did he tell them?”

  “The one we agreed upon. The one you told me to offer.”

  Teacher leaned back. “Good.”

  Teacher stood up. “Sergey, please help me to the upper deck. I’ve arranged a wonderful celebratory dinner for the three of us, sailing around this beautiful island in the moonlight.”

  “Sounds delightful,” said Sergey taking Teacher’s arm.

  She nodded to a man dressed all in white standing at attention at the rear of the salon. He spoke into a communicator, the engines roared to life, the lines were undone, the anchor came up, and the boat was away.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Maggie dropped into bed exhausted. I’m getting too old for this craziness, she thought. Her next thought was of tomorrow, and she was asleep in minutes.

  The window at the rear of Maggie’s first floor apartment in the working class Pangrati section of Athens wasn’t completely closed. A screen kept the neighborhood cats out, but not the breezes that made Athens’ summer nights bearable.

  The man was very quiet, very professional. He took his time removing the screen and carefully lifted the window without a sound. He slid inside like a predator who’d done this a thousand times before.

  The apartment was dark. He listened for a sound. Nothing. He knew the woman was here. He’d seen her come in an hour and a half ago. The lights had been out for over an hour. She had to be asleep. He moved on his toes, making not a sound.

  The bedroom must be straight ahead. The door was closed. He listened. He heard nothing. He pressed softly against the door. It moved without a sound. The room was filled with moonlight. There was a body in the bed, red hair on the pillow.

  He took the stiletto from his pants pocket, silently flicked it open, quickly stepped across the room, and drove the blade into the woman’s neck. Three times, quickly. Each time expecting something that did not happen.

  A light went on as a closet door opened by the foot of the bed and a man in a dress said, “Surprise!”

  The killer lunged at the vision, slashing away at it with his knife.

  Or at least he tried to.

  When the attacker woke up several hours later, he had two broken knee caps, a compound fracture of his right wrist, four broken ribs, a broken nose, broken jaw, fractured cheekbone, and double hernia.

  When Maggie Sikestes woke up the next morning in her boss’ guest bedroom, detective Yianni Kouros promptly apologized for the bloodstains on the dress he’d borrowed from her. He also thanked her for providing him with the opportunity for some of the most fun he’d had in years, plus credit for arresting the last of Christos Vasilakis’ killers.


  The Medea sailed south, away from the harsh rush of wide open seas funneling through Mykonos’ narrow straits with neighboring Tinos.

  The farther out to sea they sailed, the more ethereal Mykonos’ southern coastline became. A pearl and diamond necklace of light strung along the shore.

  “Such beauty, a true paradise,” said Teacher taking off her sunglasses and looking off toward shore from the upper deck dining room.

  She looked at Wacki. “You must feel blessed to be a part of all this.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Absolutely.”

  Those were about the only words Wacki had spoken in the two and one-half hours he and Sergey had been on board. He looked like a frightened mouse waiting for the cat to pounce.

  “Did you enjoy the dinner?” She asked.

  Wacki nodded. “Yes, terrific.”

  “What about the wines. They were special, weren’t they? Very rare.”

  “Yes, yes,” he nodded. “Never had better.” Wacki’s face now looked as if the cat were toying with him.

  “And you, Sergey?”

  He sat to Teacher’s right, directly across from Wacki. He reached over and patted her hand. “I cannot ever remember a finer meal, or better company.” He looked straight into Teacher’s eyes as he spoke.

  “Wonderful, I’m pleased.” She did not move her hand but with the other waved to the man all in white.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please, pour the wine.”

  “More?” said Sergey.

  “It is very special, a 1975 Chateau d’ Yquem. You will enjoy it I assure you. For the occasion I picked the best I could find closest to your birth year. It is a few years older than you, but the newer vintages proved sadly disappointing.”

  “How thoughtful.” He smiled and tossed his head to flip his hair away from his face.

  Teacher said, “I always planned to come back to Greece. I have not been here in decades, except for our brief meeting ten days ago.”

  She shook her head. “Only ten days. It seems much longer. So much has happened in such a short time.”

  The man produced a bottle and showed it to Teacher. She nodded.

  He placed a glass in front of her, poured out a bit, and waited.

  She sipped it. “Magnificent. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

  The man placed a glass in front of Wacki and poured. He did the same for Sergey, and filled Teacher’s glass.

  Teacher raised her glass. “To Mykonos and our soon to be Mykonos Magick.”

  Sergey and Wacki repeated the toast and drank.

  “I must say, Sergey, when you came to me with your idea I never thought you would be able to pull it off. It seemed so farfetched, so risky. It made no sense that you, a foreigner, could succeed where so many others had failed.”

  Sergey nodded. “Thank you for having faith in me.”

  “But times were different, I told myself. Foreigners with skill and proper backing could gain a foothold that a generation ago seemed impossible. And, as you pointed out, where there is little moral reluctance, the ruthless are unstoppable.”

  Sergey nodded.

  She looked at Wacki. “Would you like more wine?”

  He gestured no.

  “Please, I insist. I cannot re-cork a bottle of such quality.”

  “Sure, whatever you say.”

  She nodded to the man in white and he refilled all three glasses. They toasted again, and drank.

  “I’m not sure I’ll be back this way.”

  “Why?” said Sergey, suppressing a yawn.

  “Too many bad memories. Too many disappointments.”

  Sergey yawned widely, but did not respond.

  “But you, Wacki. You did not disappoint me. You ran true to form.”

  Wacki tried to smile but the right side of his face was twitching.

  “I judged you correctly. I knew you were jealous of my great fondness for Sergey, that you would do what you could to undermine him in my eyes.”

  Teacher shook her head. “But never did I think you would go so far as to lie or attempt to deceive me.”

  Wacki literally shook. “I never did. I never would.”

Teacher stared at him. “That’s what I thought. And that’s why I spoke to you earlier today and asked you my one simple question.”

  Sergey said, “You spoke to him before we came on the boat?”

  She kept her eyes on Wacki. “Yes.”

  Sergey tried to flip his hair, but couldn’t complete the motion.

  “And your answer to that question is the only reason you’re still alive.”

  Wacki looked unsure whether to laugh or cry.

  “What was the question?” said Sergey.

  “‘Did Sergey ever tell you how much he was paying Lefteris for the hotel?’”

  “The little lying shit. What did he say?” Sergey mumbled more than spoke the words.

  Teacher turned to Sergey. “Precisely what you said. ‘No, he handed Lefteris a note with the price and I never saw it.’’’

  She kept her eyes on Sergey as she said, “Isn’t that right, Wacki?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Sergey blinked his eyes. “I don’t understand. What is the problem?”

  “The problem is that the amount you offered Lefteris is not the amount you told me. Not the amount we agreed you would pay.”

  “What? How can you be saying that? It’s not true. What has that little bastard been doing behind my back?” Sergey struggled to get to his feet, but the man in white pressed him back down into his chair.

  “Sergey, I had such hopes for you. Such aspirations. How could you have betrayed me? Robbed me? How could you have thought you would get away with it?”

  “Rob you? Never!”

  “That’s what I would have thought. And why, when you failed to tell me that you already had the casino license, I still did not believe it was to take advantage of me.”

  “License. What license?”

  Teacher shook her head. “It does not matter any more. I found my answer elsewhere.”

  Sergey’s head began to droop.

  “Honest, I never––”

  “Stop! Enough of your lies. I’ve seen the memorandum of understanding submitted to the ministry of tourism signed by you and Lefteris. And whether he is your accomplice in this fraud upon me or not, I have seen the price.”


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