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Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Jenny Penn

  “I need to know what you intend to tell Amanda.”

  “Don’t you mean what you told me?” Even though she’d gotten herself covered, Kathy hadn’t settled down and didn’t appear to be paying their conversation much attention. “Where are my panties?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I told you.” Jack corrected her first question and ignored her second. “As long as you keep it to yourself, we’re good.”

  “What do you do? Collect the panties of every woman you screw? Are they like trophies? You keep a drawer full of them? To do what with? Sniff them? Please don’t tell me you try them on.”

  “What did you intend to tell Amanda?” Jack repeated his question, keeping his tone even and controlled despite the annoyance flaring inside him.

  “Why are you even asking?” Kathy shot back, making no attempt to hide her annoyance. “We both know a big, badass DEA agent like yourself has that ranch bugged from every end. Whatever I tell her, you’ll know when you hear it.”

  “Forgive me for wanting to be prepared,” Jack shot back. “But I’d like to know what you intend to do now.”

  “Now? Go home and take a shower.”

  She was doing it again, intentionally driving him insane. This time Jack wouldn’t let her get the better of him. Instead of jumping to the bait he forced himself to focus on the conversation Kathy didn’t want to have.

  “Fine, then why don’t I tell you what I’m going to do? You see that Jeep behind us?” Jack’s nod at the back window had Kathy’s head swiveling around to look where he gestured.

  “I know that jerk.” Kathy snapped around to glare at Jack. “And I don’t think I’ve thanked you for sending him out to run me off the road. Got to wonder how the press would take to the knowledge that DEA agents like to assault innocent civilians.”

  “I’m sure they’d be shocked and then pissed that you wasted their time given Collin doesn’t work for the government. Collin’s a friend,” Jack explained, patiently, not expecting Kathy to believe him. “He works for the same security company that’s protecting Amanda. His goal is her security. You and your nosy, bossy, stubborn attitude are a threat to his objective.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Kathy didn’t appear too impressed with that logic. “I heard that tale. If Amanda learns the truth, she might kick all your asses to the curb, leaving her unprotected from the bad men. Then wouldn’t I feel guilty for the rest of my life if something happened to her?”

  “Well”—Jack risked a glance in her direction when Kathy went silent—“wouldn’t you?”

  She shot him a dirty look. “I stayed silent, didn’t I?”

  “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t intent on causing trouble,” Jack retorted, slowing down as they cruised into Humble. “I not only want you to keep your mouth shut, I want you to keep your nose out of my case, but we both know you won’t do that.”

  “Well, you know, I always did want to get executed by a drug cartel,” Kathy confessed. “That’s just so much cooler than growing old and dying in my bed.”

  “Trust me, if the cartels think you’re involved, death will be a merciful end to what they’ll do to you, but I’m not going to allow that to happen.” He wouldn’t be able to live with it if it did. “So, Collin’s going to make sure it doesn’t.”

  “Is he going to sit on me?” Kathy asked innocently.

  “He might, but knowing Collin’s taste he’d more like to order you to take a seat on his lap.” Jack pulled into Kathy’s driveway and brought the truck to a stop before turning to face her directly. He even leaned in so she could see how serious he was. “And you’ll learn to obey. I’m leaving Collin in charge of not only keeping you out of trouble but getting you ready for our seventy-two hours.”

  Kathy should have been cowering at that threat. The woman could have at least had the decency to look flustered. Instead, Kathy blinked and smiled. “Then I promise to show him the same amount of respect and obedience I do you, Captain.”

  “And he’ll show you just as much mercy as I have.” Kathy didn’t have anything smart to say to that, but he could see the scheming in her gaze as he reached across her to pull the latch on her door. “Now be a good girl and get out of my way and my case.”

  Jack fully expected some amount of attitude. He’d certainly baited the hook, but Kathy surprised him by simply nodding and sliding out of the truck. Actually she had to climb down, leaving Jack stuck again on just how short she actually was. It was easy to forget because her personality far outgrew her tiny frame. The might of her character came through in the way she lifted her chin and met his gaze head on.

  “I’m on birth control,” Kathy declared as she lingered in the doorway. “And I don’t have any STDs. I plan to keep it that way.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about,” Jack assured her. “I’m clean.”

  “Let’s hope you’re rich, too, because I’m sending you a bill for every pair of panties you destroy or steal. Those things are not cheap.”

  * * * *

  Collin stretched his legs out and shifted in his seat, looking for a more comfortable position. There wasn’t one, wouldn’t be one until his damn cock settled down. Not that he expected that to happen anytime soon.

  Tracking the sway of Kathy’s ass as it flounced up her porch steps, he felt his dick swell even thicker behind the confining tightness of his jeans. Damn Jack for fucking her where Collin could catch just enough peeks to torment him. With his mind filling in the blanks, he’d had to take himself in hand just to relieve the tension.

  That had been less than a half hour ago, and already his dick had hardened again. He could now count the damn beat of his pulse in the throbbing agony echoing out of his balls. The demand pounding through his blood felt so good. It had been a long time since he felt the honest rage of lust boiling in his blood. As much as Collin wished to savor the pain, he knew he wouldn’t be able to bear it for long. Soon, very soon, he’d have to bury himself balls-deep in that wet pussy or go insane from want.

  “Hey, man.” Jack pulled his truck over to the side of the road Collin had parked on and brought his window even with Collin’s. “We need to have a few words.”

  “You going to yell at me again for running her off the road?” Collin really wasn’t in the mood to be yelled at.

  “Nope. I think I made myself clear. Now time to talk about more productive ways to keep Kathy occupied.” Jack’s true meaning couldn’t be denied given the way he relished his words.

  “Really?” Collin wanted to jump all over the possibility in Jack’s words, but before his dick could celebrate he had to get one small detail down. “Does that mean you think she’s innocent and you want her out of the way, or do you think she’s guilty and want me to fuck the confession out of her?”

  “Innocent is the last thing that woman is, trust me.” Jack hesitated before he corrected himself, his annoyance clear in his tone. “But when it comes to the McKinney case, she’s a junior detective, not a partner in crime.”

  “Junior detective,” Collin repeated with a smirk. “And I bet she thinks she’s a senior.”

  “Yes,” Jack answered succinctly before pinning Collin with a pointed look. “But if you do your job right, she won’t have the sanity left to think any damn thing.”

  “Well, that does sound like a chore.” Collin held his smile back, wanting to make sure that there were no more misunderstandings. “And am I to assume the lady understands I’ve been assigned to this task?”

  “She’d have to be dumb if she didn’t, and that’s the last thing Kathy Coben is.” Jack hesitated for a second, appearing to get lost in a pleasant thought as he sat smiling. “I told her to behave. I doubt she will, but she knows you’re to punish her without mercy if she steps out of line.”

  “And she didn’t slap you for telling her that?” Collin snickered and glanced over at Kathy’s little house. The more he learned about her, the more intrigued he became.

  “Nah.” Jack followed Collin’s gaze to Kathy
’s damaged porch step and smirked. “Actually, she assured me she was on birth control and didn’t have or want any diseases…You’re clean, right?”

  “Of course.”

  Collin answered without thought, but a second later the importance of that question dawned on him. “Why’d you ask me that? I’ve been married for the past five years, not whoring it around like a single—You think I cheated!”

  “Actually, I figured it was Cecelia,” Jack admitted.

  “I didn’t cheat on Cecelia, and she didn’t betray me.”

  “Whatever. It’s your business.” Never one to push or pry, Jack backed off immediately and completely turned the conversation. “My business is Kathy. She owes me seventy-two hours, and you’re going to make sure she gets there not only alive, but prepared. I don’t want to waste two days training her before we get to the good stuff.”

  “Don’t worry.” Letting go of their argument, Collin welcomed the warm rush of lust chasing away the cold, bitter bite of his memories. “I’ll make sure she’s ready to bend over on command.”

  “Don’t get all cocky now,” Jack warned him. “The woman’s not above fighting dirty and doesn’t seem to suffer from any inhibitions, but most of all she’s got her own agenda. Worst of all, she’s smart.”

  * * * *

  Jack might have laughed at her parting shot, but Kathy hadn’t been kidding. He didn’t understand how much it cost to buy matched sets of underwear. Then again, maybe he didn’t consider it expensive. God knew his truck had to cost more than Kathy made in a year. Of course, that wouldn’t be a problem if she happened to stumble into a hidden cache of money.

  Not that Kathy would keep the money, but it made her feel better to imagine what she’d do with it. That thought led to others, and before long her next step became obvious. Kathy needed to have a conversation with Benny Brad George. An old childhood friend, he also happened to be the glorified super at the trailer park across from Will’s place. If anybody knew something worth knowing, it was Benny. Kathy knew for damn certain he hadn’t talked to the cops. He’d talk to her, though.

  Three hours after Jack had told her to stay out of his case, Kathy swung the rental car Cindy had dropped off into Turner Village’s dirt drive. She didn’t come alone, but bearing gifts. To make sure Benny was in a good mood, Kathy had picked up the very best tequila the package store had. As the other night had proved, a little booze did help grease the wheels. Since she didn’t intend to grease the same wheels she had with Jack, Kathy had also picked up a pizza. Booze went best with either sex or greasy food. She happened to know for a fact that Benny loved greasy foods.

  Cruising around the dented and rusted trailers that speckled the dirt field known as Happy Patch Trailer and RV Park, Kathy pulled the little compact in front of the most beat-up one buried in the back. Older and far more rusted, the small fifth wheel had been planted in that same spot for so many decades Kathy figured it would end up being like the pyramids in Egypt, slowly weathering away with the elements. That sort of fit Benny. He believed in letting nature take its course.

  He also believed that “they” were always out to get you. For once he might have had it right. Kathy considered that as she shoved out of her car. Glancing back over her shoulder, she watched the black Jeep that had been tailing her none too discreetly pull off the highway to park itself just short of the trailer park’s entrance. True to Jack’s threat, Collin had been tailing her around all evening.

  Kathy didn’t mind him watching, but she was getting pretty damn tired of waiting for him to make his move. They both knew he would, too, but if the man didn’t get to it soon, Kathy would have to make a move herself. The question remained, though, just what kind of move.

  Jack had all but ordered her to sleep with his friend. Kathy probably should have been outraged, but instead a part of her quivered with excitement at images of Jack ordering her to do all sorts of wicked things with Collin while he watched. She knew Jack would be into that, too, because it would fill that need he had to be in control of everything.

  What the man didn’t seem to understand was that even if he ordered her to sink down over Collin’s thick dick and take him deep inside her cunt, Kathy would only be obeying because that’s what she wanted to do. Control, just like security, was an illusion. Right then, Kathy knew she had very little of both.

  Keeping that in mind, she carried her bribes up Benny’s steps and began the ritual knocking required to gain entrance to Benny’s inner lair. Shooting a glance up at the little camera Benny had installed over the entrance light, she smiled and waved the pizza beneath the unblinking eye, hoping to grease the wheel. That got the door cracked wide enough for one brown eyeball to study with all due caution.

  “You came alone?”

  “I got a tail.” Kathy nodded toward the highway, knowing Benny would find out about Collin sooner or later. “Back at the highway.”

  The door slid open enough for Benny to peer around the frame at the black Jeep Kathy had gestured toward. After a second of studying it, he cut Kathy a glance. “Government?”

  “Private security.”


  “Not unless you like people who run you off the road.” Kathy didn’t know what it said about her that she did, but figured Benny would be more practical in his answer. It would probably be one of the few times Benny was more logical than her.

  “Predatory? And you brought him to my door?” Benny’s gaze narrowed as he turned his scowl onto her.

  “You got to know they’re already looking this way.” Kathy felt pretty sure she’d just lied, but playing into Benny’s paranoia always made things go easier. “But we talk, they think you told me everything they need to know, then—”

  “They go after you.” Benny landed at the very conclusion Kathy wanted and smiled.

  “I brought pizza.” She stepped back to offer up the box, letting the mouthwatering scent of melted cheese flood his senses before she added on her final lure. “And tequila. Name brand. Gold label.”

  Benny’s gaze cut to the bottle in her other hand, verifying her words. A second later, the door wrenched open enough to let her pass through. Lurking behind the door, Benny surveyed the parking lot one last time before snapping the door closed.

  Having passed through Benny’s security checkpoint more than once, Kathy knew better than to move on into the living room. Instead she set the pizza down on the cushion of the built-in couch and waited on the small strip of linoleum that served as the foyer.

  It took Benny a moment to secure and latch all the locks he’d installed on his door, but once done, he didn’t hesitate to pick up his wand and turn on her. Sighing, Kathy held her arms out and let him wave his handheld metal detector over her, knowing it was the only way he’d be convinced she wasn’t bugged. She even turned when prompted, allowing Benny to make sure she didn’t have a microphone taped to her ass.

  “You’re clean.”

  “I know.” Turning back around as he finally gave up his search, she offered him her own smile. “And I didn’t even bring in a purse, so you don’t have to search nothing but that pizza box and the bottom of the bottle.”

  Benny smirked at that, his features relaxing into an expression few ever saw. He brushed past her to snatch up the tequila bottle and study it. “If you’re trying to get me drunk, you should have at least brought two bottles.”

  “I’m not dumb enough to try and get you drunk,” Kathy retorted, letting the insult in her tone shine through. “I’m trying to get answers.”

  “This isn’t cheap.” Benny waved the bottle at her. “So I’m guessing I’m not going to like your questions.”

  “Or you could read it as a sign that I’m that determined to get my answers.”

  Benny snorted at that and lumbered off to the little strip of a kitchen. “You’re always determined, Kat. That’s what I like about you. You got what Dad used to call grit. You drinking?”

  “Not tonight.” Not after last night. Kathy ke
pt that answer to herself, hoping Benny hadn’t heard those rumors yet. It appeared, though, that all her hopes were in vain that day.

  “Still hungover from last night?”

  Kathy paused in the act of picking up the pizza to cast Benny a sharp look, uncertain of how to take that comment. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I heard you picked up the head dick of Amanda’s security detail last night down at Studs & Spurs. Everybody thinks you took him home for some entertainment, but I know you. My Kat doesn’t run around with those kind of dicks.”

  Benny paused in the middle of the living room. Flipping open the legs, he dropped the dining room table down in front of another row of built-in seating. With a nod at the pizza, he asked, “You gonna bring that over?”

  “You’re kind of scary.” Kathy emphasized that observation by slapping the pizza box down on the faded tabletop. “You know that, Benny?”

  “I know by the age of eighteen you could drink your old man under the table, and that bastard could drink my dad under the table and it took him two of these bottle to fall that low.”

  Benny snapped two shot glasses onto the table along with the tequila before he slid into his side of the booth. Kathy wrinkled her nose and flopped down onto her side of the bench seat. “And I know your dad would never drink that shit. He was a beer man from birth.”

  “You don’t know nothing. He always hid his whiskey in his coke.” Benny flipped open the pizza box and shot her a look that on most men would have been a come-on. “You got the meat-lovers’ delight. You really must be desperate. Don’t tell me you struck out last night with the head dick. What is he, by the way?”

  Kathy blinked, trying to figure out if that question made sense. She didn’t think so. “Human? A Taurus? But mostly you had it right already. He’s a dick. He has a really big one actually.”


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