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Steam and Ink: Two Novels of Ink Plus Two BONUS Short Stories

Page 36

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  “Drink first?” Derek asked. I nodded and looked around as he guided me through the overcrowded space. Derek rested his body against the bar, his arm touching my skin. “You want to dance?” he shouted in my ear above the music.

  I shook my head and waited for the bartender to come in our direction. A large mirror hung above the liquor bottles on the wall behind the serving area. Watching people dance with such erotic and methodical moves made me think of City and our dance last weekend. I never felt sexy on the dance floor, but with him I had been able to feel the music instead of thinking of my next move.

  I ordered a martini, wanting the alcohol over a virgin daiquiri, needing to forget City and find a way to make Derek more palatable. His arm brushed against my back as he rested his hand on the bar, effectively trapping me. I ignored him, staring into the mirror as the bartender placed my drink on the bar.

  I took a sip, testing the sweetness of the raspberry martini. This whole night had been a bad idea. I knew it from the moment I accepted his invitation to dinner. I wouldn’t have said yes to him if I weren’t trying to forget the tall, muscular Italian man.

  “Suzy,” Derek whispered in my ear, further invading my personal space.

  “What?” I said into the glass still pressed against my lips.

  “Drink up, babe, because I can’t wait to get you out there.” Derek bobbed his head like a character in a skit from Saturday Night Live. I could see his reflection in the mirror, and my cheeks felt heated at the thought of someone seeing me with him.

  “Uh huh.” I didn’t turn to look at him but kept my eyes on the scene in the mirror, like I was watching a television show. I’d find a way to stall. I couldn’t go on to the dance floor with him. No way in hell would that happen. He didn’t have the ability to make me dance like City had, and his awkward movements would only draw more awareness to us, when all I wanted to do was blend in.

  His fingers touched the skin of my arms and hand as I fought every urge to kick him in the balls. He rambled on about his clubbing days in college and how he mastered the dance floor and people would stop to watch him “bust a move.” Almost spitting my drink out, I broke out into laughter, tears forming in my eyes. I could imagine the scene. Derek thought people stopped to admire his ability, when in actuality they were stunned or entertained beyond belief.

  “What’s so funny?” His lips were turned into a frown as he moved his head away from mine and stared at me.

  “Oh, nothing, Derek. Just something I remembered from college.” God, I had always been a shitty liar, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. The man had confidence, and who was I to kill it?

  “Ah, okay. I thought you were laughing at me.” He shrugged before sipping his beer and wiping his lips on his shoulder. “Come on, just one dance,” he begged, and released me from my human cage.

  I sloshed the pink liquid in my glass, now half drained, and lifted it to my lips. I owed him at least one dance for his efforts. I swallowed the last mouthful and placed it on the bar. “Just one.”

  His eyes lit up as he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the writhing bodies in the middle of the room. The beat of the music made me unable to feel my pulse, even though I knew it had to be hammering. I wanted to throw up at the thought of anyone watching me make an ass out of myself. Just as we reached the spot that Derek wanted, dead center, the DJ switched songs. Fuck, why me? A sad, slow melody filled the air as Derek pulled me into an embrace. I’d rather make a complete asshole out of myself with a wicked beat that didn’t require touching.

  “Perfect,” he said, wrapping his arms around me, his hands resting a little too close to my ass.

  Placing my hands on his shoulders, I tried to keep some distance between us, but Derek didn’t get the hint. His body felt nothing like City’s; there was no hardness to it. Derek’s hands roamed my back as he swayed our bodies side to side to the music, and I gave in, letting him control our movement. He didn’t speak as he moved us back and forth to the beat. Time passed slowly, and I felt like I had been wrapped in his arms for hours with no escape.

  When the song ended, Derek broke the embrace and backed up to look at me. He gave me a silly grin, “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I yelled as the music began to thump through the speakers.

  “The dance, Suzy. I loved having you in my arms,” he said, as he reached for my hand and kissed the top.

  “You’re a sweet guy, Derek.” I blushed. He wasn’t a bad guy—he just wasn’t City.

  “Another drink?”

  “If I didn’t know any better, Derek, I’d think you’re trying to get me drunk.”

  He smiled, his face turning pink as he pushed on my back and led me off the dance floor. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  We passed a set of couches, and something drew my attention. There before me was a woman in a skintight, barely there dress with red stiletto heels and long brown hair. The woman didn’t draw my attention, but the man whose lap she sat on was City. He didn’t notice me as he talked to her, giving her his total attention. His hand rested on her ass as she nibbled on his lips. I wanted to throw up. He didn’t seem to have a problem forgetting me.

  Bile rose in my throat at the sight of the two of them together. I’d spent the entire day trying to forget him without success, but he had moved on to someone else. “I’ll take you up on that offer, Derek.” No longer able to watch City with another woman, I walked to the bar with Derek right behind me. Derek only had eyes for me tonight, and the smile on his face made it clear that I had made him happy with my response.

  Even though I had been the one that ignored him, it still stung to see him enjoying the company of another woman. “What’ll it be, sweetheart?” the bartender asked me as she leaned against the bar with a smile.

  “Shot of anything sweet and another raspberry martini, please.”

  “I’ll have another Miller,” Derek said before she walked away. “A shot, huh?”

  “It’s Saturday night and I could use a little something stronger.”

  “I didn’t know you were a drinker, Suzy.” He grabbed our drinks, pushing mine in front of me before throwing down a twenty for the bartender.

  “I’m not, but what the hell. Why not?” I shrugged before picking up the shot and smelling it. Raspberry something or other, but I wasn’t quite sure. It would do the job and help dull the pang of jealousy I felt from seeing City with the girl in red. “To life and love,” I said, raising my glass before swallowing the sweet concoction.

  Derek tipped his beer in my direction and watched me as he raised it to his lips. “Why aren’t you taken?” he asked from behind the brown bottle.

  I shrugged. “Looking for the right one.” The martini sloshed the glass as I brought it to my lips too quickly. One drink and a shot and I didn’t give a fuck that some of it splashed on my breasts. Tears stung my eyes as I gulped the martini and hoped that it would put my brain in a temporary haze. The feel of a hand touching my breast caused me to jerk, sending the last bit of raspberry heaven to the floor. “What the fuck?” I said, looking down to see Derek’s hand move away from my breast.

  “Sorry.” He grinned. “Just thought I’d help you with that little spill.” He sucked on his fingers as he stared at my chest.

  I snarled as I put my face close to his. “No matter how drunk I am, you don’t touch me without asking. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, raising his hand to salute me.

  What a cocksucker. Poking him in the chest, I spoke very slowly. “I mean it, smartass. Do. Not. Touch. Me.” Turning away, I looked in the mirror and saw the red dress still sitting on City’s lap, and my fingernails dug into the wooden bar.

  “Okay, Suzy. Let me make it up to you, since I made you spill your drink. Let me buy you another?”

  I closed my eyes, rubbing the bridge of my nose, before turning my attention back to Derek. “I don’t think so, Derek. Will you just take me home?”

  “One more, Suzy. I swea
r I’ll keep my hands to myself. I don’t want the night to end like this. Please.”

  I studied his face, and he looked genuine, with a sad smile and pleading eyes. I held up my index finger to him. “One more and then I want to go.”

  “Excellent.” He raised his hand in the air and snapped his fingers, grabbing the attention of the bartender.

  As I leaned against the bar, my eyes kept wandering back to the mirror. The third martini was easier to drink; my legs felt weak and the bar became necessary to keep me from tipping over. Derek chattered in my ear and kept his distance as we polished off our third drinks.

  “Ready?” he asked as he set the empty bottle on the counter.

  “Are you okay to drive?” I asked. I may be drunk, but I knew enough to ask.

  “Yeah, I can handle more than three beers, babe.”

  Hearing the word “babe” come out his mouth when he spoke made me want to throw up on his shoes. Everything about him made me crazy, and I knew that I’d never go on another date with Derek. On paper he seemed right, but in person he was a creepy mess that revolted me and did nothing for my libido.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I grabbed my purse and walked on unsteady legs toward the door, leaving Derek to walk behind me.

  “You want to hold my hand?”

  “Why?” I stopped and turned to face him, almost falling over. I’d had too much to drink and didn’t realize it until now.

  “Because you’re walking funny. Just hold on to my arm until we get to the car.” He held out his hand and waited for me to take it.

  He didn’t grin or smile, and I believed he was sincere in his offer. Clearly the alcohol had made my brain fuzzy. I didn’t hold his hand, but snaked my arm through his and leaned on his body as I swayed through the parking lot, thankful when we made it to his car.

  Leaning against the car, I waited for him to open the door. I closed my eyes and soaked in the feel of the cool air against my warm, clammy skin. The air inside the club had felt stagnant. My anger and hurt over City made my body feel flushed and caused me to sweat. I had done this. I pushed City away. I had been an idiot, and I knew it when I saw him with her in his arms.

  Derek’s lips were on mine before I could react. I pushed at him, hitting his chest as he trapped me between him and the car. My arms felt like jelly, and I couldn’t gauge how hard I was hitting him as the beat of my heart filled my ears. “Stop,” I mumbled between breaks in the kiss, but he didn’t stop crushing his body against mine harder. His lips moved over my cheek to my neck as he grabbed my breast and squeezed. “Derek, stop, damn it!” I yelled, hitting him in the ribs.

  “You know you want it, Suzy,” he said against my neck.

  “I don’t! Stop!” I pushed against him again, but his weight was too much. I swung and connected with his face with a loud smack. My hand stung from the contact.

  His face moved away from my neck, and he looked me in the eyes. He glared at me with his mouth set in a firm line. “You hit me. What the fuck? I’m just giving you what you want, baby.”

  Clearly I had sent the wrong signals, or he was just a dumbass. “Get the fuck off me.”

  “You’re such a prick tease in this outfit tonight. You can deny it all you want, but I know you want me.”

  “I do—”

  His lips were on me again before I could stop him. I struggled against him, bending my knee up to make contact with his balls, but hit nothing as his body flew backward.

  City held Derek by the throat, bringing him to eye level. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, motherfucker?” City said with a look of pure hatred.

  “This has nothing to do with you, man,” Derek spat. “This is between the lady and me.” Derek clawed at City’s hands, trying to escape his grip.

  City turned toward me. “He your boyfriend?” His eyes moved over my body, taking in my outfit. I shook my head, my hands gripping the car, not moving. “You want him to touch you?” He looked at Derek and back to me.

  Derek’s face had turned a deep shade of red, on the verge of purple, as City’s grip increased. “No! I told him to stop!” I said. “But I work with the scumbag. Don’t hurt him.”

  City growled; his chest heaved with rough breaths while deciding his next action. “Fuck,” he muttered before dropping Derek to the ground.

  Derek gasped for air as he tried to stand, but collapsed on his hands and knees. Air filled my lungs, and I realized I had held my breath, waiting for City to beat the hell out of Derek before my eyes. Did he deserve it? Hell yes, but I didn’t want to witness it or deal with the aftermath.

  City stood in front of me, his hands clenched at his side as he stared at me. The hard features of his face looked more pronounced by his anger. His cheeks flexed, his nostrils flaring as he studied me. “What the fuck, Suzy? I called you and you don’t fucking answer and then you’re here with this fucking prick and almost let him maul you in a parking lot.” Running his fingers through his hair, he turned and looked at Derek before returning his attention back to me.

  “I’m sorr-ry.” I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t have an excuse. “I didn’t know I had to answer to you. You seemed to have your hands full inside, anyway.” I snarled as I spoke.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Brunette, red dress, almost dry-humping you on the couch. Ring any bells?” Who the fuck was he to question my actions?

  “Fuck.” His arms flexed as he clenched his hands into a hard fist at his sides. “Kaylee means nothing to me.”

  “Neither do I, I suppose.”

  “Woman, you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.” He stepped closer, and my body instantly registered his nearness, moisture pooling between my legs.

  I swallowed, the dryness in my mouth making it hard to move anything down my throat. “I saw your hands on her ass as she kissed you. How the hell do you explain that? It seems women have no value to you.”

  “Shut your mouth, Suzy. I followed you out here because I saw you stumbling out of here with someone I didn’t know. I came here to check on you. Kaylee is no one, hear me now, no one. I didn’t come here with her or ask her to sit on my lap. I was trying to be nice to her.”

  “Well, if nice means you feel her up, I’d say you were very kind to her.”

  “Suzy, listen to me. I called you and asked you back out. You blew me off. What was I supposed to do? Sit home and wait for you to call?”

  Breath escaped me as he closed the small space between us.

  Tears began to stream down my cheeks as I took in the enormity of the situation. If City hadn’t stopped Derek, would I have been able to get away from him? He just saved me, and I was being a total bitch. The sob tore through my chest as I broke down. City wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. He felt so right against my body. I felt safe and comfortable with him, no matter how much we didn’t seem to fit on paper. He said nothing, but made sounds to calm me as I buried my face into the soft material of his t-shirt. My fingers found the piercing on his nipple as I toyed with it and tried to catch my breath.

  “Can I take you home, sugar?” he asked with his face buried in my hair.

  “Yes,” I whimpered, clinging to him like a lifeline.

  Without speaking, he drew me into his arms, carrying me across the parking lot. I melted into him, resting my head against his shoulder. The thought of Kaylee still stung, but I couldn’t be mad at him anymore. He saved me from a totally fucked-up night, and for that he’d earned my forgiveness. The jostling movement as he placed my bottom on the cool seat of his bike made my stomach churn. I said nothing as he put the helmet on my head and fastened the harness against my chin. He had the right mix of pissed-off male and swoon-worthy alpha to make any girl’s heart go pitter-patter.

  “Can you hold on?” he asked as he held my chin between his fingertips.

  “Yes.” My tone was breathy and betrayed me with the sound of need.

  He climbed on the bike, scooting h
is ass between my legs and gripping the handlebars. I molded my torso against his and interlaced my fingers. The usual jitters I felt anticipating the ride ahead didn’t register.

  “Hold on, sugar.” He throttled the engine and took off for the short drive to my house. The cool air whipped my hair around as I nuzzled against his warm back. My mind grew blank with the movement of the bike and the roar of the engine. I allowed myself to get lost in the moment and the sensation of the vibrations from the bike—and the feel of City between my legs.

  Lost in the City coma, I didn’t notice as we pulled into my development and weaved through the winding streets to my house. Maybe I’d drifted off, but I wanted to stay like this forever—wrapped around his body, in a stress-free haze of contentment. I mumbled against his shirt as he turned off the bike, placing his feet on the ground, securing it and tapping my hands. “Sugar, we’re here.”

  “Mm hmm,” I said into his back before raising my head and looking through blurry eyes at my house. I sat up, letting go of his chest before wiping the drool off my lips. “Thanks, City. I don’t know what would’ve happen tonight if it weren’t for you.” I started to climb off the bike but didn’t have the energy, and plopped back against the seat with an “oomph.”

  City laughed as he climbed off, pulling me off the bike, cradling me in his arms. “Can I come in?” he asked, brushing his nose against my cheek.

  “Depends. You mad at me?” I asked, praying he said no.

  “I’m not mad. We gotta talk, Suzy.” His eyes begged me to let him in as his brow furrowed.

  “Okay.” I rested my head against his hard chest and rubbed my palm against his pec.

  I handed him the keys as we approached the door. Anger was no longer visible, but the tilted grin I’d grown accustomed to had vanished. He kicked off his boots before he walked across my white carpet, placing me on the couch. The couch dipped from his weight, but I couldn’t look him in the eye. I fiddled with my fingers as the silence became deafening. The alcohol-induced haze had started to wear off, and I felt a small buzz.


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