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Canvas (The Program Book 1)

Page 7

by N. M. Catalano

  I look at her.

  She cocks her head and raises her eyebrows, peering at me over her glasses, “You can’t, no matter what you call it, what you dress it in. An ass is an ass at the end of the day. Isn’t that so, Gwendolyn?”

  “Absolutely, grandmother. With a capital A.” Gwen replies just as smoothly, still looking out the window.

  My gaze goes back and forth between the two of them before I fall into a fit of laughter.



  She’s driving me crazy!

  It’s been a week since that morning in the coffee shop when the guys went in for the first time. I’ve been in every day since, the guys have too, but things have been different between Summer and I. I wasn’t going to press her. I figured she needed time to process the whole encounter of her first introduction to the men of Inked. I gave it to her. I’m just not sure how much longer I can remain distant.

  Days like today certainly don’t help with my patience, or lack thereof.

  I finished the preliminary work on a full back design on a pain in the ass client who’d had a very high threshold for pain. He kept pushing me to continue when anyone else would have stopped after an hour. I finally called it quits after three hours, hunched over him the entire time. That was after a college girl, giggling and batting her eyelashes, asked for the typical tramp-stamp tattoo at the base of her spine.

  Real original.

  She was another girl who dragged her pants and thong down, then climbed on the bed and spread her legs. I yanked the curtain closed and gritted my teeth and told her to put her damn pants back on and close her legs.

  I wanted to have one of the other guys take her.

  Hell, they’d all have taken her. At the same time. Again.

  I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. But she’d specifically asked for me when she made the appointment.

  It pissed me off.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  The sweet little coffee shop owner with the perfect lips, sweetest ass, and tits I’m dying to cup in my hands.

  The body I’m dying to embellish from her head to the tips of her toes. Toes I’m sure are just as incredible as the rest of her.

  The woman I’d had the undeniable urge to protect and possess from the first moment I’d laid on eyes.


  That’s what’s fucking wrong with me.


  Summer. Just like the penetrating heat of the season, this woman had melted the frozen tundra of my life. Things are alive inside me, things I’d long since thought dead. I’m no longer numb, but feeling and seeing, wanting and, Shit!, needing.

  All I want to do right now is take a long ride out in the country on my bike and clear my head. Nothing but me, the wind, the hum of the machine beneath me, and solitude. Let the freedom calm me as it always does.

  As I walk to the back of the shops toward my Harley, I hear music. And singing. A female.

  Fifth Harmony’s I’m Worth It is coming out of an open doorway full tilt. Summer’s back door. And she’s singing.

  “Damn, the woman cannot carry a tune,” I smile. It’s the best damn thing I’ve heard all day.

  Give it to me, I’m worth it…

  All my attention is immediately focused on her and the words, visualizing her delicious little body moving seductively as she sings.

  I may talk a lot of stuff, guaranteed I can back it up…

  Can you, sweet Summer, can you back it up? I’m going to have to take you up on that.

  My steps bring me closer to her door.

  Just like every other time, I automatically gravitate to her, pulled by this inhuman attraction I have for her.

  It’s not attraction. It’s damn unquenchable hunger.

  I’m getting hard just listening to her and imagining her…in there…

  Her voice rises as she pours everything she’s got into the next verse.

  It’s all on you. So what you wanna do? And if you don’t have a clue, not a clue, I’ll tell you what to do. Come harder just because. I don’t like, like it too soft. I like it a little rough, not too much, but maybe just enough…

  I fucking growl. Growl. As if she were talking directly to me, taunting me, enticing me, teasing me with her swaying hips and soft, full, blue-lace covered breasts. My dick is throbbing now, it’s at full mast.

  That’s it. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

  When I get to the open doorway, I freeze.

  She’s standing on an office chair, the kind that spins, reaching for something on a shelf a foot above her head.

  Resisting the impulse to shout at her what an incredibly STUPID thing to do, I instead slowly approach her, trying my damndest not to scare the ever living hell out of her so she doesn’t fall and break her goddam head open.

  I’m almost to her but before I can get my arms wrapped around her legs, she sees me.

  I watch the scene in slow motion as if it were an out of body experience.

  Everything sucks into a funnel, a vacuum, and pulls me in. She looks at me, eyes huge, as the chair spins out from underneath her. Her arms lash out trying to grab onto something, anything, as her feet kick wildly. I feel like I’m tripping on acid, it’s so surreal the way the whole thing’s playing out. I try to run, literally scream at my damn feet to move, but they feel like they’re stuck in mud, like my entire body was made of thick, crippling, life altering sludge, rendering me completely useless. Even my voice when I yell sounds hollow and echoey, like I’m at the end of a mile-long giant tin can.

  My body’s finally released from the time warp I’m sure lasted only a hundredth of a second and I’m at her, my arms wrapped around her body before she hits the ground.

  “GODDAMN IT! Are you trying to kill yourself?” I yell at her.

  “No, I am not! I was doing just fine until you got here!” she snaps with her arms around my neck.

  “It didn’t look that way to me,” I grit out, still angry, scared, shocked, I’m not sure which. Her body pressed against mine feels so damn good as I place her feet on the floor, it only makes me more aggravated.

  “OOOOWWWW!” she immediately crumbles to the floor.

  Her face pinches up in pain as her ass plops down.

  I look at her in a heap at my feet, surprised. One minute I had her in my arms, the next she’s on the ground.

  I squat down, my eyes scanning her body for something I might have missed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her teeth are clenched and her eyes are scrunched shut as she expels a heavy breath.

  “My knee…it just screamed at me a moment.” She opens her eyes and looks at me. “I’m fine.”

  You don’t look like you’re fine.

  I arch an eyebrow at her. “It doesn’t appear that way to me. Fine doesn’t land on its ass.”

  Her look turns to a glare, well tries to, she’s just too damn delicious to look mean.

  “I. Am. Fine.”

  I really have to fight the smile trying to force itself out.

  “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Rock!”

  “I’m not.”

  “Oh, yes, you did! I just saw it!”

  I did, too. I opened my mouth, the smile automatically popped out.

  “I did not, and if I did, it’s because you look so cute…”

  “Cute? You think I look cute on my ass at your feet?”

  My switch immediately flips from humor to lust.

  “Well, princess, if you were at my feet, it wouldn’t be because you were hurt, I can guarantee you that.”

  Her eyes go wide as a blush creeps across her face.

  I grin. It’s wicked and tells her what I’m thinking is as dirty as she thinks it is.

  “Why don’t we try getting you back on your feet, then we can see about getting you down there for the right reasons,” I start to slip my hands under her arms to help her up.

  She shoos me away. “I’m fine, I can do it.”

ll see about that. Don’t be difficult, Summer, let me help you just to be sure.”

  “Alright,” she huffs, probably only agreeing in order to shut me up.

  She favors one of her legs as I help her stand. When I get her up, I release her.

  “Okay, walk, let’s see how fine you are.”

  I don’t step away and give her space, I just remove my hands from her body. She won’t look me in the eyes as she cautiously puts her weight on both her feet.

  Tries to put her weight on both feet.

  It doesn’t work.


  She starts to go down again as I get a hold of her and she grabs on to my arms.

  “That is definitely not fine, Summer.”

  “Just give me a minute.” I can hear the pain in her voice.

  “Take your time,” I say gently.

  Her breathing is heavy as she lets the stab of pain pass.

  “What hurts exactly?” I ask quietly.

  “It’s my knee. I guess I twisted it when the stupid chair spun.”

  “Do you have any idea how dangerous that was, standing on a chair like that?”

  “I do it all the time, it’s never happened before.”

  “That only means you’ve been lucky. I guess you had to learn the hard way.”

  She peers up at me. Her lips are in a tight line, she’s probably biting back the words, ‘Go fuck yourself.’

  I would be.

  When I finally feel her body relax under my hands, I ask her, “Are you ready to give it another go?”

  “Yeah, it’ll be fine now, I’m sure of it.” She sounds so determined. And stubborn.

  “Alright, go ahead.” I let her go.

  Hesitantly, she shifts her weight to both feet.


  Not even giving herself time to drop, she grips my arms again before I get her.

  Her eyes are glistening with pooled tears.

  “That’s enough.” I scoop her up in my arms.

  “What are you doing?” she squeals.

  “You could do more damage to it. It needs to heal. Do you have an ace bandage or something to wrap it with?”

  She hesitates, her eyes studying mine as she worries her lip.

  I fixate on her lip clenched between her teeth, dying to drag my tongue across it before sucking it between my own.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “That’s fine, princess, we’ll stop and get one, and a heating pad and an ice pack. You need to alternate the heat and the cold.” With her in my arms, I walk toward the docking station where the music is coming from. “Get your phone. We’re leaving.”

  I feel her stiffen. “Where are we going?”

  As she leans over and grabs her phone, I answer, “That all depends. Is there someone at home who can wait on you hand and foot? You are not to get on that leg for the rest of the night. Tomorrow you can see how you feel.”

  “Don’t be silly, I don’t need…”

  “Summer just answer the question. Is there someone at your place?”

  I might be a selfish prick, but I hope not. No boyfriend or husband. Or girlfriend either for that fucking matter.

  “No, but…” her eyes dart everywhere but on my face as I walk us up to the front of her shop.

  “But nothing. You do now.” I sit her down on the counter. “I assume the front door is locked. What needs to be done in order to leave?”

  “Rock, it’s really not necessary.” Her spine’s straight as she pulls together all the determination, and stubbornness, she possesses.

  It seems fate decided. It’s no secret I’m attracted as fuck to her. Who are we to argue about being thrown together?

  For the night.

  “Yes,” I look at her sternly, “it is. Now, you can either walk me through what needs to be done, or I can wing it. Either way, you’re leaving with me. You have two seconds to decide which way it’s going to be.”

  “You are impossible,” she folds her arms across her chest and glares at me.

  “Times up,” I walk behind the counter.

  “Alright fine,” she huffs. “The register is already taken care of. Make sure the refrigerators are all closed and the coffee machines are off. Then see if the pastry display cases are shut, then finally the door. Again.” I look at her. She shrugs her shoulder. “I might be a little OCD.” She holds up her hand and shows about an inch distance between her finger and thumb, “Just a little.”

  I laugh.

  Goddamn, she’s totally irresistible.

  I go through the list of things Summer told me as she watches me like a hawk. After finishing behind the counter, I walk around then go to the front door. I push on it a few times for good measure.

  “That’s good,” she chuckles.

  I grin at her. “Just making sure. Where are your things, anything up here we need to get? Like your car keys. I’ve got my bike today, which reminds me.” I pull out my phone and call Snake.

  Summer’s nervous, I can tell by how she’s watching every move I make.

  “Snake, I need you to get my bike to my house.” I listen as he busts my balls about banging some chick because they’ve got some woman stuffed full of cock. “Just do it. Something important came up,” I glance at Summer and smile, she blushes and averts her gaze, “I don’t want to leave it at the shop overnight. The helmet’s sitting on the seat.” He finally agrees, as soon as they come all over the hot MILF they’re servicing, (mother I’d like to fuck). “Thanks.” I hang up and shove the phone back in my pocket. Fucking guys are gonna end up screwing every broad in town. “Okay, let’s head to the back to go.”

  She motions to the front door with her head. “Um, we go out that way.”

  I laugh. “Then why did you have me make sure it was locked?”

  She laughs too. “Because it was funny.”

  “God woman, I see you’re going to be a hand full.”

  She gives me a naughty grin that pushes all of my Take Her Now buttons.

  “Can’t handle it, Mr. Big & Bad?”

  Every part of my body reacts to her question as I step toward her.

  “Is that a challenge?”

  A look of uncertainty flashes in her eyes. Right before she gives me another naughty grin, even her eyes smile with mischief.

  Fuck, this is going to be one long ass night.

  “I suppose we’ll see, won’t we.”

  I smirk at her.

  She wants to play? Let’s play, princess.

  I walk over to her, place my hands on her thighs, and bring my face close to hers. Her lips part slightly as her breathing quickens.

  “I suppose we’re going to see a lot of things, Summer.” She sucks in a quick breath. “First, tell me if you have any stairs at your place.” I stare into her eyes.

  “Y…yes,” she answers quietly, her gaze on my mouth.

  “Second, where are your car keys?” I trace circles on her thighs with my thumbs

  “Um,” she licks her lip. I want to suck on her tongue. Fuck! Hold on, Rock, “In my purse behind the counter.”

  I smile a half crooked smirk at her and squeeze her legs gently as her face flushes.

  “Good. Third, would you like to take some dessert home?” I slide my hands up her thighs halfway and squeeze.

  She nods slowly, her eyes fixed on mine. “Cheesecake. Two pieces,” the words are quiet.

  Perfect. The things I’m going to do with that, princess.

  “Okay, anything else? Do you need anything for the morning? Some special tea or coffee, something for breakfast?” I ask, my voice low as I slip my palms underneath her knees.

  She moves her head side to side as her gaze roams over my face, her lips still parted.

  I can’t wait to roam all over you, princess.

  “Okay, I’ll get the cheesecake, then I’ll go in the back and lock up. Do I need to get something for you from there?” I grip her tightly as if I were going to spread her legs.

  She bites her lower lip a
s she shakes her head no again.

  I lean into her an inch. “Don’t. Move. I’ll be right back.”

  “I won’t,” she whispers.

  I know she’s watching me as I walk to the back room to lock the door and turn off the lights.

  Whatever you’re thinking, princess, you can’t imagine the things I want to do to you.

  As I come back up front, Summer’s focused on her hands tightly clasped in her lap.

  “Where’s your bag, princess?”

  She barely lifts her head to answer but her eyes meet mine.

  “In the cabinet under the counter.”

  I get it out then walk to stand in front of her.

  I hand her the purse, “Let’s have the keys, then I’ll get you settled in the car. I’ll come back and lock up.”

  “Alright. You’ve got to play with the key a little, and pull on the door while you’re turning it.” There’s a nervous tremor in her voice.

  “Hey,” I say as I slide a finger under her chin, tilting her face up so she’s looking at me. “It’s fine. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, princess.” I dip my head and stare into her eyes. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  She doesn’t. Nothing I want to do to her consists of pain.

  The only thing I want is everything.

  Her look shifts back and forth on my eyes as she studies me, searching for the truth. Finally, she must have found, if not what she was looking for, something.

  “Okay,” her answer is soft but certain.

  I smile. “Keys,” I say and hold out an upturned palm.

  She rummages through her large purse, pulls them out and places them in my hand. I walk to the door, unlock it, then pocket her keys.

  Returning to her, I slide an arm under her knees and the other around her back. “Hold on, princess, time to go.”

  She lets out a little squeal when I hoist her up.

  “Open the door,” I laugh.

  “We must make quite a picture, Rock,” Summer chuckles when I get her outside.

  “Yep, bet the whole damn town’s going to be talking tomorrow. Wait until you get the third degree from Mrs. Merriweather,” I tease her. “Which one’s yours?” I ask as I step off the curb and head toward the parked cars.


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