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Accepted Memories (Sycamore P.D. Series Book 2)

Page 11

by T. E. Killian

  Alison saw the name card with her name on it and stepped up to the chair. Stan was watching for her reaction when she saw Wayne’s place card next to hers. He wasn’t disappointed. Her face turned an angry shade of red. Then she spun around toward Stan who was holding her chair for her to sit and trying to hide a grin.

  It was a good thing he was quicker with the chair this time. Last time, he and Wayne had wrestled for Alison’s chair and almost dumped her on the floor in the process. This time, Mr. Newcomb had detained Wayne so that Stan was able to seat Alison by himself without interference. He was pleased and also happy to see the relief on Alison’s face as well.

  As the meal progressed, Stan found the whole thing rather humorous. Here he was, the object of all of Alison’s attention, just the way he wanted it. But it was all for the wrong reasons. He knew he was only receiving her attention because she was avoiding Wayne. Was being the lesser of two evils better than being second best? He guessed he’d just have to settle for what she was giving him . . . for now anyway.

  With that in mind, he decided that he’d take what he could get and try to expand on it to the point that Alison would be paying attention to him because of him . . . because she wanted to pay attention to him. He suddenly realized that was what he wanted more than anything else right then. Uh oh! He’d definitely have to think about that revelation, but later.

  As the desert plates were being taken away, Mr. Newcomb stood. Stan had been around the older man several times and was always impressed with how dignified the man could be even in casual attire. He was maybe an inch shorter than Stan with short white hair and mustache. Stan could see where Kelly got her bright blue eyes. He looked out over the assembled diners and said, “I am not a drinking man, but I do rather admire the emotional significance behind making a toast.” He held up his tea glass. “So, right now I would like to make a toast to my granddaughter Kelly and her new husband Grant . . . my new grandson.”

  Everyone stood with him and drank from tea, soft drink, or even water glasses, which Stan noticed was the case with Leo. That was when he noticed that Leo wasn’t watching Mr. Newcomb like all the rest, but his eyes were on Sarah Newcomb. Very interesting! Then another difference popped out at him. Leo had always shaved his head, but now he seemed to be growing it out, and he wasn’t even partially bald like most men who shave their heads. No, it looked like the guy had a full head of hair. Being an Air Force sergeant, the guy had probably done it to be more intimidating.

  Kelly stood then and said, “Thank you Grandfather. I don’t know where Wayne and I would be right now if it hadn’t been for you and Grandmother.” She glanced across the table at her brother. “We love and appreciate you both so much.”

  She sat down with tears running down her cheeks and Grant placed an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close.

  Mr. Newcomb was still standing and cleared his throat to bring everyone’s attention back to him.

  “I would also like to say that without Wayne and Kelly in our lives these last seventeen years, Beth and I would have just been a lonely old couple.”

  He paused for the clapping to stop. “Twenty-one years ago, our son turned his back on us and then last year he left us forever. But they always say that every dark cloud has a silver lining. This one is that we may have lost our son, but we have gained a daughter. Sarah, you have become that to both of us you know.”

  Stan looked across the table at Sarah and she was blushing and crying at the same time.

  “One more thing, then I will sit down and shut up. Alison, we would like to think of you as our granddaughter as well. Won’t you let us bring you into the family too?” He looked down the table at Sybil. “And, Sybil, since your sister is now our daughter, won’t you join us as well.”

  Sybil, who was grinning nodded then looked at Sarah who reached out and hugged her.

  Mr. Newcomb was about to sit down when Stan noticed that his wife touched his arm and a look passed between them.

  He straightened back up and said, “Oh, and of course there are two more of you who are becoming like family to us as well.”

  He looked at Leo. “Leo, since you were with our son for so long and are now fulfilling your promise to him of watching over Sarah, that’s why we included you today. You may work for us, but that is only because you insisted that it be no other way.”

  Stan wasn’t sure but he thought the big guy actually blushed.

  “And also, Detective Stan Becker, Stan if I may?” When Stan nodded, he continued, “You are so much an integral part of the Thompson family that we feel you must also become a part of the new combined Newcomb/Thompson family.”

  Then, almost under his breath, but heard by all he said, “And it looks as if you’ll be more of a part of the family soon if I’m not mistaken.”

  That time, he did sit down with a rather satisfied smile on his face with his wife beaming at him.

  Stan looked to his right and noticed that Alison was staring up at him. What did that mean? For once, today, she wasn’t looking at him to keep from looking at Wayne. She was looking at him because she wanted to. Then she smiled and he almost lost it right there.

  Mr. Newcomb stood again and spoke to the group. Alison elbowed Stan in the ribs or he would have missed everything the older gentleman said.

  “I would like for us to split up into two groups for a little while. I have some things I would like to discuss with the men and Beth has some things she wants to talk to the women about.

  With that, he led the men out onto the patio while his wife led the women into the large family room.

  * * *

  Alison didn’t know what to expect from this ‘meeting of the women.’ She looked around the large family room, which had four seating areas arranged into separate conversation pits.

  She didn’t want to sit on a sofa. That might leave her open to Sarah sitting next to her. The only other chair in the seating area where Beth led them was a recliner that Kelly claimed right away. Alison could see that Kelly had done so to get her bad ankle up. She had once told Alison that she needed to do that in order to relieve the pain and swelling that she experienced every day. It was obvious from the strained look on Kelly’s face that she needed that relief right now.

  Alison was thankful when Beth sat next to her and Sybil and Sarah sat together on the sofa across from them. Kelly’s recliner was between but to the side of the two sofas.

  Once the five of them were all seated, Maria, the housekeeper, came and passed around coffee and tea.

  Beth spoke first. “Ladies, I hope my overzealous husband did not embarrass any of you too much.” She smiled at each one of them. “You see, he may look like a gruff old man, and even sound that way at times, but he is one of the most emotional men I’ve ever known.”

  She laughed. “Of course, that is one of the things that I love most about him.” She looked at Sarah and a faraway look came to her eyes. “Our son, Harry, was not like him in that way.” She shook her head sadly. “No, not at all.”

  Sarah nodded her head when Beth continued to look at her.

  Sarah said, “I’m so glad that I came here and got to know you and your husband.” She looked over at Kelly. “And you too, Kelly. Anyone can see just how happy you’ve made my son.”

  That startled Alison. She’d been almost lulled to sleep by all the platitudes starting back with Mr. Newcomb’s little speeches accompanying his toasts. That last statement brought her back to the present. Yes, she could agree with that statement one hundred percent. But why did it make her just a little bit jealous?

  If she were honest with herself, she knew. For all of her life, she had had her big brother to herself. Now she had to share him with Kelly. No, that wasn’t quite all of it. She had to share him with Sarah now too. She had called him her son. That still didn’t sit right with Alison. Why? Why couldn’t she just accept Sarah as her mother and go on as if nothing had happened?

  A little voice in the back of her mind said that it woul
d still change things, rather drastically.

  “Ladies?” Beth was speaking again. “Harold and I have agreed that we would like to have a special dinner such as this one at least once a month.”

  She waited for reactions from the others.

  Sybil was the first to respond as usual. “I think that is a wonderful idea, Beth.” She turned to her sister and smiled. “Last August when school started again without me teaching first grade for the first time in almost thirty years, I was at loose ends. I just didn’t know what to do with myself.”

  She touched Sarah’s arm. “Then I found my sister again after twenty long years.” She looked back at Beth. “If that wasn’t enough, I found the rest of you too, another whole family. I think that’s just grand.”

  The others all agreed and Alison had a horrible thought. Would she have to sit between Stan and Wayne every time? Her mind came back to the others when she heard laughter close to her side. She turned to see Kelly looking at her.

  “Don’t worry, Alison, you won’t have to sit next to Wayne anymore if you don’t want to.” She laughed again. “I asked Grandmother to put him next to you today so that hopefully he would finally get the idea that you aren’t interested in him.”

  Alison didn’t laugh, but she was fighting a smile. “Do you think it worked?”

  Kelly nodded. “If I know my brother, one thing that does get through to him is to be ignored the way you just did at the table.”

  Alison was worried. “I’m sorry Kelly . . .”

  Kelly waved her off. “No, don’t be, Alison. You gave a superb performance in there just now. Believe me, you didn’t hurt his feelings.” She laughed. “You can’t, his ego is too inflated. And that’s the only way you can ever get through to him. If you give him the slightest bit of encouragement, he’ll never leave you alone.”

  “All right ladies.” Beth raised her voice to be heard above the others who were all talking. “I think it’s time to get to the most important thing we need to talk about today . . . Alison.”

  Her name mentioned in that tone of voice coming from Kelly’s grandmother brought Alison’s head around so fast that her long blond hair flew into her face.

  She pulled some strands of hair out of her mouth as she said, “Me? What about me?”

  Beth smiled what Alison thought must have been her grandmotherly smile. “Why, your safety of course dear. We have to do something to keep you safe from this monster who wants to hurt you.”

  Alison almost laughed at the thought of this sweet older lady trying to protect anyone. But when she looked closer at Beth Newcomb, she saw determination and strength that she hadn’t noticed before.

  Beth smiled at her and said “Yes, dear, I’m tougher than you might think. I had to be. My son, Harry, was an early maturing young man. By the time he was ten years old, he was as tall as me, and he didn’t stop until he was almost a foot taller when he was eighteen. So, you see, I had to learn how to be tougher than he was or resort to calling on Harold every time I needed to discipline the boy.”

  Alison just smiled back at her.

  Beth continued, “Not only that, but some of you may not know this, but my father was governor when I was in college. In fact, that was when Harold and I met. I was almost kidnapped back then and they tried three different times.” She looked at Alison. “So, you see dear, I know what you’re going through.”

  Everyone but Kelly appeared to be shocked at this announcement. Kelly just smiled fondly at her grandmother

  Alison didn’t know what she expected Beth to say next, but it certainly wasn’t what she did say.

  “I understand that Grant bought you a pistol and taught you how to use it. Well, I have a .38 in my purse too. And yes, I do know how to hit what I am aiming at. I shot one of my attempted kidnappers in the shoulder back then.”

  Alison was shocked now. She couldn’t picture this sweet old lady even touching a gun, much less shooting it, but actually shooting someone . . . oh my!

  Beth looked around the room. “Right now, the men should be talking about the same thing. Every one of them is armed.” She laughed. “My husband has a pistol in almost every room and in both cars. But you should see the arsenal that Leo has in his room over the garage.”

  She turned back to Alison. “You are going to be in good hands dear. You have nothing to worry about now.”

  * * *

  When the men stepped out onto the patio, Stan was surprised to see that the furniture had been rearranged. There was a large round, glass topped table at the near end with five chairs around it. That was where Mr. Newcomb led them and motioned for them all to take a seat.

  Once they were seated, Stan looked around the table. Grant was sitting on his left and Wayne on his right. That wasn’t good. He might have a difficult time keeping his hands off the guy after the way he’d been hitting on Alison. Mr. Newcomb was sitting across the table from him with Leo between him and Wayne.

  At the sound of Mr. Newcomb’s voice, Stan forced his attention back to his host.

  “I meant what I said inside. I want us all to be family.” He looked at Leo then Stan. “Leo and Stan, that means both of you too. I would also like for you to stop calling me Mr. Newcomb and start calling me Harold . . . please.”

  His eyes twinkled when he said, “I’m no fool gentlemen. I have eyes and I can see Leo that you are in love with my daughter-in-law.”

  Stan looked at the big man and couldn’t detect any change in his facial expression as he stared back at the older man without blinking. Then, it was almost imperceptible, but there was a slight nod of his massive head. Stan had to give it to the guy. He was good. He’d sure be a good poker player.

  Mr. Newcomb, Harold, was talking again. “And you, Stan. You’re in love with Alison.”

  That one caught him by surprise. In spite of being a policeman, a detective even, Stan couldn’t keep the shock off his face as he turned his eyes to Harold.”

  It was then that he noticed that Wayne was giving him a strange look and even leaning away from him a little.

  When no one else spoke, Wayne frowned and said, “Why didn’t you say so, man? I never would have even spoken to her if I’d known she was taken. I never go after another man’s woman.”

  Stan didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. He just waited to see what Harold would say next. For he was sure the old guy wasn’t finished.

  Harold had a broad smile on his face now. “I think, Leo, we’ll talk about your situation first.”

  That was when Stan noticed that Grant was glaring at the big man. Uh oh, that wasn’t good. He knew Grant like a brother and that look wasn’t one Stan would want directed at him.

  Harold continued, “I think that your plans may take a bit longer to come to fruition but I do think there is hope. How long have you had this . . . problem?”

  Leo shook his head. “Almost eight years. Since the first time I met her.” At the shocked looks around the table, he held up a huge hand palm out. “Neither the general nor Mrs. Newcomb ever knew it though.”

  Harold smiled sadly and said, “I don’t want to argue with you Leo, but my son was a very perceptive man. He was always aware of everything that was going on around him. I’m sure that must have helped make him a good Air Force officer.”

  When Leo gave him a blank look, he continued, “I would venture to guess that Harry knew of your private infatuation with Sarah.”

  He held up a hand when it looked as if Leo might protest. “Or he never would have extracted the promise from you to take care of her if anything ever happened to him.”

  That one hit the big guy so hard that he didn’t even attempt to hide his reaction. Shock then fear passed across his face so quickly that Stan wasn’t sure he’d even seen it.

  Harold laughed again. “Don’t worry, son, I don’t think that Sarah ever knew.” He let that sink in as Leo’s shoulders relaxed. “But, I do think that she is beginning to become aware of you as a man now, rather than as her husband�
�s driver or even as her protector.”

  When Leo didn’t respond Harold said, “What are your plans now, Leo?”

  The big guy shook his head. “I have none, sir.”

  Harold smiled. “Please Leo, we can never be family if you continue to call me sir. I think that us including you in events here when Sarah is also here is the best we can do for now.”

  Harold then looked at Grant. “How do you feel about this Grant?”

  Stan could tell that Grant was trying to keep the anger from showing on his face. “I really don’t know yet.”

  Harold laughed again. “Well, son, I suggest that you and Leo get to know each other a little better. I think when you do, you might be surprised.”

  With that, he turned to Stan. “But, Stan, I think the timing is almost perfect for you to advance your courtship, if you will, of Alison.”

  He paused and looked at Grant. “I assume you knew about this?”

  Grant nodded. “Yes, sir, and I heartily approve. As I told Stan the other day, I think they’ll be good for each other.”

  That wasn’t quite how Stan remembered that conversation, but he didn’t say anything. He’d corner Grant later and remind him of just what he had said.

  Stan forced himself to turn his attention back to Harold as he placed his elbows on the table and laced his fingers together. “Now, what we have to do gentlemen, is keep Alison safe so that this budding romance has time to progress naturally.”

  Stan knew he was blushing now. It sure was a good thing no one down at the station could see him right now. He’d never live it down.

  Harold looked at Grant. “What measures have been taken so far to see to Alison’s safety?”

  Grant smiled at his grandfather-in-law. “She is staying with Kelly and me for the duration.” At the older man’s nod of approval, he continued. “Stan and I are now working, together with our sergeant, to make sure Alison is never alone while we try to catch the guy who’s doing all the attacks.”


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