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Accepted Memories (Sycamore P.D. Series Book 2)

Page 20

by T. E. Killian

  Grant held up his wallet badge to the peephole and said, “Police, could we talk to you for a moment Ms. Belton?”

  They could hear security locks opening then the door opened and a petite brunette stood before them. She was very short and thin with big eyes looking out at them from round wire framed glasses.

  Grant kept the lead. They both showed her their wallet badges. “I’m Detective Thompson and this is Detective Becker. We’d like to ask you a few questions about Wilson Monroe, please.”

  She nodded but didn’t invite them in, so Stan started the questions. “When was the last time you saw Wilson Monroe, ma’am?”

  She paused for a moment before answering. “This morning as I was going to work, he was leaving for Phoenix.”

  Stan didn’t see how that answer needed any thought, but chose not to comment on it. “When do you expect him back?”

  She shook her head and had to push her glasses back up her nose. “I don’t know. He said he had a job opportunity in Phoenix and if he got it, he would be staying down there.”

  “So, you don’t expect him back tonight?”

  “No, he was planning to stay with a friend down there tonight regardless.” She glared at Stan. “What is this all about? Did that woman he worked for file a complaint against him. He didn’t do anything to her.”

  “No, ma’am, we are investigating something else and his name came up. We just need to talk to him. Do you have a name and address or number of who he’s staying with in Phoenix?”

  Stan was almost sure she wasn’t going to give it to him, but after what seemed like an inner struggle, she told him.

  “Larry Mahan. I don’t have an address or phone number. All I have is Wilson’s cell phone number.”

  “That’s okay. Unless he’s changed it in the last few days, we have that. Thank you ma’am.”

  With that, she closed the door. As Stan and Grant went back to the car, they were both thinking about what she had told them and most of all what she hadn’t told them.

  Grant started the car and drove around the block then pulled over to the curb and stopped. He turned to Stan and said, “Do you believe her?”

  Stan had been thinking about that very thing and had just come to a conclusion. “Yeah, I believe her. I believe that she believes what Monroe told her. I’m not so sure though that I believe what he told her is the truth. Do you?”

  “No. that’s about what I was thinking too. There’s just something about this guy that bothers me.”

  “I know what you mean. That day I talked to him outside the girlfriend’s house, he was plain belligerent. He gave me looks that were almost hateful. That still bothers me.”

  Grant leaned back but kept both hands on the steering wheel. “Do you think he’s still here? Maybe even hiding in the house just now?”

  “I guess it’s a possibility, but I keep thinking that she was telling us the truth . . . at least as she knew it. That would mean that he did leave this morning, for somewhere, and hasn’t come back yet.”

  Okay, I’ll go along with that. If he left her house but didn’t leave the valley, he could be planning something for tonight.”

  Stan scratched his head and turned toward Grant. “Do you think we ought to watch her house this evening to see if he turns up?”

  “I’m with you, but let’s go see what Sonia thinks about it just to be on the safe side. You know what happens when we get too far ahead of her and she doesn’t agree with what we do.”

  They both laughed as Grant drove off, headed for Alison’s office.

  * * *

  Alison was getting tired. It had been a long but fruitful day. She had written a contract on the house she had shown last night and listed a new house too. Not a bad day that way. But, in other ways, in ways that counted more, it hadn’t been such a great day.

  She couldn’t get it out of her mind that someone had shot at Stan last night . . . again. She knew it sounded strange, especially since she had fought her attraction to Stan for so long, but she now loved him so much that she couldn’t think of her future without him in it.

  She needed a break, so she decided to go out and talk with Sonia, but when she stood, she noticed that Stan and Grant were out there too. It looked like they’d just walked in and were sitting down to talk to Sonia.

  She walked out to the desk Sonia was using and pulled a chair from another desk over to sit beside Stan. He looked over, smiled at her, and extended his hand. She placed her hand in his and their clasped hands dropped between them.

  Sonia had been about to say something when Alison walked up. She waited until everyone was settled as her eyes traveled to their clasped hands but came back up to look expectantly at Stan and Grant.

  “Okay, I can tell by the way you two slinked in here that you’re going to ask me to let you do something that you don’t think I’ll want you to do.”

  Alison almost laughed but wasn’t too successful at hiding her grin with her free hand. One look at her brother and her fiancé told her that Sonia was one hundred percent correct. They had that look all right. She was rather surprised to realize that Sonia knew them so well.

  Grant and Stan looked at each other and Alison knew that both of them were going to shrug their shoulders . . . and they did.

  Grant said to Stan, “It was your idea, you tell her.”

  Stan grinned that grin that Alison loved so much. “Okay.” He turned to Sonia. “We talked to Laura Belton, Monroe’s girlfriend. She said that he left for a job opportunity in Phoenix this morning and wasn’t planning to come back any time soon.”

  He paused to let that sink in. “We both think she’s telling the truth, at least about what she was told. We’re just not too sure he told her the truth.”

  Sonia leaned back in her chair and smiled. “So, let me guess. You want to stake out the girlfriend’s house tonight.”

  Alison could tell that Sonia had guessed right by the expressions on their faces.

  Grant and Stan both said yes at the same time and Alison did laugh then. All three of the detectives gave her a curious look. She couldn’t help it. Their questioning looks made her laugh even more.

  Sonia seemed to think for a moment. “Okay, but who’s going to be with Alison and Kelly? I’m busy tonight.”

  Grant spoke up. “We’re covered there. Kelly’s brother, Wayne, is coming over for dinner tonight. I’m sure he’ll be glad to stay around until I get back.”

  Alison groaned at the mention of Wayne Newcomb, the pest. Then she realized that someone else had groaned too. She looked over at Sonia and was surprised to see her shaking her head. What was that all about?

  She soon found out when Sonia said, “As long as you keep that guy away from me.”

  Alison thought she ought to speak up now too. “I’m with Sonia. I don’t want to spend the evening with that jerk.”

  All three of the others turned to her with shock on their faces.

  Stan laughed and squeezed her hand. “It’s okay, Alison. As soon as Wayne found out about you and me, he told me that he was out of the picture and wouldn’t bother you again.”

  She was still somewhat skeptical. “Are you sure? I mean, every time I’ve been around him, he’s hit on me big time.”

  Sonia snorted. “I’m glad I’m not the only one he hits on.”

  That surprised Alison, and she made herself a mental note to talk to Sonia about Wayne later. It seemed to her that Sonia spoke a little too quickly and too vehemently. Alison should know, that’s how she’d been about Stan for years, at least until recently. Very interesting! But right now there were too many other matters to consider, ones much more pressing at the moment.

  The three detectives made plans for the stake out that Stan and Grant would be doing that night. Sonia also told them she’d get two other detectives to stake out Spencer’s house. Alison only partly listened. She was still worried about Stan getting shot. Then, she realized that her brother was going to be with Stan tonight and her worrying doubled.

  Mary appeared beside Alison.

  “Sergeant Nordstrom, there’s someone here to see you.”

  Everyone turned toward the reception area where a huge blond man was standing with a big smile on his face. Sonia jumped up from her chair and rushed toward him. He met her half way and they embraced.

  When they pulled apart, Sonia said, “Everyone, I’d like you to meet my brother, Bjorn.” She gestured to each one and introduced them in turn.

  They walked over to the others who all stood. Alison couldn’t get over how tall he was. She knew Sonia was six feet tall, but her brother towered over her. He had to be as tall as Leo.

  Stan, as usual, was the first to speak. “You’re a cop too?”

  Bjorn smiled down at Stan. “Yes, I am a detective, same as you.”

  Stan laughed. “No, not the same as me. You’d make two of me.”

  Bjorn laughed this time. “I am only the smallest of Sonia’s brothers.”

  “How tall are you?”

  “I am six feet six inches tall, but Lars is one inch taller than me and Sven is an inch taller than him.”

  Stan shook his head. “With Sonia, you only need one more to make quite a basketball team.”

  They all laughed.

  Sonia still had her arm around her brother and a smile on her face. “Bjorn is why I’m busy this evening. He came up to have dinner with me.”

  Not long after that, Sonia left with her brother and the others left for Grant’s house. Alison rode with Stan.

  * * *

  Grant followed Stan and Alison over to his house where they were all having dinner that evening, Wayne too. Even though Wayne had told him he was going to back off from Alison, Stan decided that he was still going to watch the guy closely anyway. Alison was his now, and he wasn’t going to tolerate Wayne, or anybody else, making a move on her.

  But, as he thought about it, he didn’t need to worry. So far, Alison had put the guy in his place quite effectively. Now that they were getting married, there was no doubt in Stan’s mind that she would do so again and knowing Alison, she wouldn’t be so subtle about it this time. He almost wished Wayne would do something just so he could watch what Alison would do to the guy.

  Those thoughts kept him occupied until he pulled to the curb in front of Grant’s house. He didn’t see Wayne’s fancy sports car there yet, for which he was grateful. He wanted some quality time with Alison alone this evening and one more person there would make it that much more difficult to do.

  When they entered the house, Alison turned to him and kissed him. He could get used to this . . . definitely. He took her hand and started to take her toward the patio but she held back.

  “I need to help Kelly with the meal, Stan. We can talk later if you want to. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Stan had to settle for that. So he sat in the living room with Grant. Stan was glad that Grant didn’t seem to want to talk about work. He sure didn’t.

  Grant turned on the Diamondbacks game and they half-heartedly watched it until Wayne came in and sat down with them.

  Stan didn’t know what to say to the guy, so he let Grant, as host, take over.

  Grant smiled at Wayne and said, “I hear you’re interested in our sergeant.”

  Wayne grinned. “Sonia! Even her name is beautiful. Yes, you could say that I’m interested in her. What can you tell me about her?”

  Grant shook his head. “I’ve worked with her for eight years, and I don’t know her very well. I won’t tell you anything about her personal life. That’s for her to tell you, if she wants to. I will say that she’s a good cop and detective. She’s good to work with. That’s about all I can tell you. Anything else, you’ll just have to ask her.”

  Wayne groaned. “That’s the problem, she won’t let me get near enough to her to even talk to her. Would you be able to help me get to know her?”

  Grant shook his head. “No, sorry, I’m no matchmaker. You’ll just have to do it yourself somehow.”

  Wayne looked at Stan who shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’ve already told you everything I know to tell you. Remember what I said about pushing her. That won’t get you anything but a broken nose if you push too hard.”

  Wayne groaned even louder this time. “Man, you make her sound mean. Are you trying to scare me off?”

  “No. And she’s not mean, just tough. I can tell you though that I’ve never heard anything about her dating anyone.” He turned to Grant. “Have you.”

  Grant shook his head, and Wayne said, “I wonder why?”

  Just then, Alison came to the doorway and called them into the dining room.

  Conversation around the table was somewhat forced at first. Kelly tried to get a conversation going, but wasn’t too successful.

  Wayne looked across the table at Alison and said, “Alison, I understand that you’ve spent the last two days with Sonia . . . Sergeant Nordstrom.”

  Alison gave him a cautious look and said, “Yes, that’s right.”

  “Good. What do you think of her?”

  Stan had a feeling he knew where this line of questions was leading, but figured that Alison could take care of herself well enough.

  Alison looked down at her plate then back at Wayne. “I like her a lot. She’s a very nice person.”

  “Do you think you could help me to get to know her?”

  Alison was shaking her head before Wayne even finished speaking. “No way! I’m sorry, but I can’t see you and her together.” She thought for a moment, looked at Kelly then back at Wayne. “I haven’t seen the Wayne Newcomb that Kelly keeps telling me is really there. You must admit that you haven’t exactly shown me your best side.”

  Stan was surprised to hear Wayne groan and the guy even blushed.

  “I am not going to be like that anymore. It was always a game before. Now that I finally found someone I really want to be with, I will be different with her.”

  Kelly almost choked on her food. Grant patted her on the back and she took a swallow of water.

  Wayne looked at her and said, “It seems that even my own sister is skeptical.”

  No one seemed willing to continue with that topic. Even Wayne seemed rather pensive. If nothing else, that little episode opened up the conversation around the table and before Stan realized it, it was time for him and Grant to leave for their stake out. And he hadn’t even been able to talk to Alison privately.

  On the way out the door, Grant motioned for Wayne to follow them out the door.

  “Do you have your .357?”

  Wayne motioned toward his car. “Right there where it always is.”

  “Would you get it, please?”

  They waited while Wayne went to his car and came back with the gun in its hard plastic case.

  “Don’t flash it around the women, but keep it handy, okay?”

  Wayne’s grin turned into a frown. “Do you think the guy might come here?”

  Grant shook his head. “No, I don’t think so, but I don’t want to take any chances with my wife or my sister.”

  “Hey man, that’s my sister in there. I’ll watch over them. You can count on it.”

  With that, Wayne went back inside and they headed to the car. They took Grant’s unmarked car and drove over to Laura Belton’s house. Neither spoke on the ten-minute drive.

  Stan looked around as Grant parked at the curb a couple of houses away. “Well, I don’t see Monroe’s blue Dodge anywhere.”

  They sat for four hours without talking much, each one deep in his own thoughts. At midnight, Grant headed the car back toward his house. Grant called Wayne on his cell so he’d know they were coming in.

  When they walked up to the door, Wayne was standing in the open door with Alison and Kelly right behind him. When he stepped aside to let them in, both women stepped forward. Kelly walked into Grant’s arms and Alison walked into Stan’s.

  As the two couples hugged, Wayne said, “I guess I’m not needed around here anymore, talk about a fifth wheel.”<
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  He walked out to his car and soon drove off.

  Alison leaned back to look into Stan’s eyes. “Nothing?”

  “No, he never showed up, and the guys watching Baldwin’s house said he never left the house all night.”

  “So, what’s next?”

  Stan didn’t want to answer that, but Grant saved him from it.

  “We just have to keep on doing what we’re doing. Somehow, this guy has to slip up, and when he does, we’ll get him.”

  Kelly spoke for the first time. “I guess that means we can’t go four-wheeling in the morning now.”

  Grant shook his head. “I’m sorry Kelly, but we just can’t take that kind of chance. With all of us out there in the open we’d be sitting ducks.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alison was pleased that they were letting her and Stan drive over to Sarah’s new house alone. After all, it was Saturday night, and if it hadn’t been for the attacker out there trying to hurt both of them, they would be out on a date somewhere.

  Of course, Grant and Kelly were right on their bumper in his pickup. Still, she was alone with Stan and they could talk.

  She was surprised that she was excited about this dinner tonight. Sarah and Sybil had just invited the two young couples. Couples! Yes, that’s what she and Stan were now, a couple.

  She blew out a frustrated breath. Now that she had him alone, she couldn’t remember any of the things she wanted to talk to him about, so she hit upon a somewhat safe topic.

  “Are you nervous about being baptized tomorrow?”

  Stan looked at her briefly before turning his attention back to his driving. “Yes, a little, but most of all I think I’m excited. You don’t know how much I wanted to be baptized when you and Grant were.”

  She could tell there was more but he was just thinking of how to say it, so she waited.

  “I guess you could say that from then until recently I rebelled against my grandparents and as dumb as it sounds I think I was rebelling against church too.”

  He snorted. “No. I don’t think that’s quite right. I guess what I was really doing was rebelling against God. Don’t ask me to explain any of that though. I’m not sure I even understand it. Maybe it was just that since I couldn’t get what I wanted, I rebelled against everything everybody else wanted me to do. At least that’s the way it was when I was ten. Since then, I just stayed that way without really thinking about it until you asked me the other day.” He smiled at her. “Thank you.”


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