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Yuletide Treasure

Page 20

by Jillian Hart

  “You already know the answer to that.” She opened her reticule and extricated a coin. She dropped the five-dollar gold piece into the tin. Before the new minister could comment, she explained, “God has been very good to us. We may as well share some of our blessings with others.”

  “Thank you kindly.” Austin smiled broadly. “I’ll see you in church tonight.”

  They walked along, talking of their plans for the evening and of the gifts they had hidden away for Holly and Joshua. They said hello to acquaintances and stopped to exchange pleasantries with friends. Emmett drove by with his team and loaded sleigh, looking busy with his last delivery for the day. He tipped his hat, promising to be by for Christmas Eve supper when he was done.

  “Cora! Rafe!” Holly waltzed down the church steps in her best dress of blue velvet. She had grown tall and stately, but she was still their little girl. She buttoned her coat as she dashed toward them. “Choir practice went perfectly. I can’t wait for tonight. You can hear my solo.”

  “I’m looking forward to hearing you sing.” Cora held out her free hand, welcoming the girl. “You have a lovely voice, Holly.”

  “Thank you. Let me take Joshua.” Holly, a proud big sister, eagerly took charge of the carriage.

  Yes, life was sheer bliss. What a difference two years had made, Cora thought. She had gone from being a lonely spinster to being a happy wife and mother because of God’s grace and Rafe’s love.

  “What’s that look on your face?” He leaned close, his voice low. “I don’t know it.”

  “I’m thinking of you.” She stopped in the lane, where trees arched overhead from either side. She could hear the merry sounds of town behind her, the toll of the church bell and the hush that came before snowfall. The world—her world—was incredibly beautiful.

  Gazing into his loving eyes, it was easy to see their future, each day passing more treasured than the next and each year a precious gift. There would be another baby one day. Birthdays and occasions to celebrate. And most of all, there would be this man at her side, bound to her heart, a part of her soul. The man she would love for eternity.

  “I would be lost if you had not come into my life, Rafe. You have given me everything.”

  “That’s how I feel about you.” Endless love shone in his eyes. “I would have been forever lost, Cora, but you found me. You are my happy ending.”

  The snow chose that moment to fall. The hush became singing. The blessed day felt transformed. Snow danced over them like grace from heaven, God’s amazing grace. Bound by love, Rafe took his wife’s hand and they walked home together.


  Rafe agrees to help Holly find her mother. What does this say about his character? Why do you think he decides to help her? How do we know he’s a good guy?

  When Cora sees rough-looking Rafe on the street, how does she treat him? What does this say about her character? When we first meet Cora, she is officially a spinster, feeling past her prime. How does Rafe change that? How does he touch her heart?

  What do you think Cora, Rafe and Holly have learned about the power of hope? Of kindness? Of grace?

  At the beginning of the story, Rafe cannot imagine living a life like the others, with family and friends and a place to belong. By the end of the book, he finds that life with Cora and Holly. How did this happen? What changed him? What has he learned?

  Cora believes in the power of kindness. How does this affect her own life? What effect does it have on Rafe? On Holly?

  What values of Christmas do you find in this story? What do those values mean to you?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2471-5


  Copyright © 2008 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:


  Copyright © 2008 by Lauraine Snelling


  Copyright © 2008 by Jill Strickler

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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