Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance

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Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance Page 8

by Lydia Rose

  Laura eyes opened at five the following morning. She laid there thinking about her night in Molly’s kitchen. It had been great working alongside with Molly. Luckily Molly’s sous chefs knew the recipes and her job was going to be expediting and keeping the orders moving. She brought home a binder containing all of Molly’s recipes so she could study them. Now her mind was flooded with visions of Christine lying on her couch in that silk outfit. A smile appeared on her lips thinking about how much she loved kissing Christine. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and before she closed the light she saw a form sleeping on the other side of her bed. That smile she had just moments ago, appeared again. She closed the bathroom door again and washed her face and brushed her teeth. She crawled back into bed spooning Christine’s body against her own.

  A soft moan left Christine’s mouth as she realized that Laura was against her back and a hand was wrapped around her waist. “I hope you don’t mind sharing your bed with me?” She asked softly.

  “When did you get here?” Laura asked with a squeeze of her hand.

  “Around 1:00 this morning.” Christine rolled onto her back. Laura’s hand remained on her stomach. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night.”

  “You made up for it to wake up and find you in my bed.”

  Christine could smell the toothpaste in Laura’s mouth. She pulled back the covers and said. “Hold that thought. I need to brush my teeth.” She walked toward the bathroom. “Do you have a toothbrush I could use?”

  “Top drawer.” Laura answered lying on her back with her hands behind her head.

  Her eyes never left Christine’s face as she opened the bathroom door and walked toward the bed. A smile crept across her face as Christine lifted the sheet and laid her head on Laura’s shoulder.

  “What are you plans today?” Christine asked laying her hand across Laura’s stomach. Her fingers moved lightly over the cotton material.

  “I would really love to stay this way all day, but I have an appointment with Kim to look at places.” Laura squeezed Christine’s shoulder. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I plan on taking the afternoon off,” she said with a giggle.

  “Then I will make sure Kim and I are done by one.” Laura rested her chin against Christine’s head. “Can I kiss you now?”

  Christine sat up. “I thought you would never ask.”

  They kissed for the next ten minutes, but neither woman let their hands touch skin. Laura finally broke away gasping for air. “I think we should stop,” she said sucking in air. “If we keep this up, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  “Are you turned on?” Christine asked as her hand began massaging Laura’s stomach through her t-shirt.”

  “I’ve been turned on since I saw you lying on my couch in this outfit,” Laura said rubbing her hand across Christine’s back. “I remember the first time you opened the patio door wearing this. I thought I was going to faint.”

  “I do want you, Laura. Believe me when I say that, but.” Christine sighed.

  “I know, honey. I can wait until you’re ready, but you can’t keep kissing me like that,” Laura chuckled. “And expect me not to ache to touch you. Maybe you should work the whole day.”

  Christine sat up and looked at Laura. Her nipples were taunt against the fabric and she saw Laura’s eyes immediately take in the view. Christine reached down and lifted Laura’s chin so their eyes would meet. “Is this too much for you? I mean kissing me and not doing anything else?”

  Laura wanted to admit how she was really feeling. She wanted to tell Christine she loved her and would wait as long as it took, but she thought that would be too much for her to handle. “I don’t want you to think all I want is your body. I love kissing you. I just don’t want you to do something that you might regret afterwards.”

  Christine smiled. “I love kissing you too.” Her shoulders shrugged. “I love just being with you.” She went to the edge of the bed. “I am taking the afternoon off and I need to get ready for work.”

  Laura smiled watching Christine slip into her sandals. “Can I make you breakfast?”

  Christine smiled as she turned around. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

  Laura went downstairs started the coffee and cut up Canadian bacon, roasted peppers and left over asparagus. She put in two slices of toast in the toaster and scrambled eggs in a bowl. She poured the eggs into the pan and added her ingredients as the eggs cooked. The toast just popped as Christine stepped through the front door without knocking.

  “Smells wonderful,” she said breathing deeply over the plate that held half an omelet and a toasted piece of toast. She went over to Laura and slipped her arm through Laura’s and hugged her close. Their cheeks met and Christine dropped a kiss onto Laura’s mouth before taking her seat.

  Before Christine was out the door, she left Laura breathless and aching for more. Five minutes later, Christine’s phone rang. “Hi, honey.”

  “You can’t kiss me like that and just walk away,” Laura said giggling. “You are a deadly weapon. You can easily bring the world to its feet with kisses like that.”

  Christine began to giggle and felt a strong pang of want between her legs. Laura had turned her on so easily that she knew working this morning would be painful. “You’re not the only one suffering. As soon as my head can catch up with my body, I’m going to,”

  Laura cut her off. “No. Please don’t tell me. I’m in bad enough shape already.” Laura lowered her voice. “If there’s anything I can do to help your head, you just let me know.”

  Christine laughed lightening the mood. “Do you want me to pick up lunch on the way home?”

  “No. I’ll make us a fruit salad and we’ll get a pizza for dinner.”

  “Okay. I just pulled into work. I’ll see you later.”


  Laura met Kim at the first listing. The house was a two story colonial and the third house in from the ocean.

  “Hi, Kim. It looks nice from the outside. How old is the house?”

  “It was built in 2000, but the owners have done a lot of updating in the last two years.”

  Laura looked at the landscaping. The beds had flowers and plants that looked like easy maintenance. The stone walkway led up to a front porch that ran the entire front of the house. Kim opened the door and they walked into the two story foyer. The first floor had dark hardwood floors. To the left there was an office and on the right a large dining room. They walked toward the back and into the large kitchen. There were enough cabinets to make any chef happy and the stainless steel appliances were topped off with a commercial grade stove. There was also an additional oven and microwave. The granite countertops were darker against the off white cabinets with chocolate glaze. The large island cabinets was a dark brown to match the glaze on the cabinets. Laura turned and saw the breakfast nook and a large great room with a fireplace. She glanced at the backyard and saw the two car garage and pool. She opened the French door leading to the stone patio and pool area. Laura stood there for a few minutes thinking she was home as Kim called out to her.

  “Let’s see what the upstairs looks like.”

  Laura climbed the flight of stairs and looked into the three extra bedrooms. Each room had their own bathroom. Down the hall was the master bedroom. Kim opened the double doors and allowed Laura to enter first.

  “Wow. This is fantastic,” Laura said taking in the expanse of the room. There was a tray ceiling and the crown molding was as intricate as it had been downstairs.

  Kim led her to the master bedroom balcony. “You can see the ocean from here.”

  Laura leaned on the railing and looked at the ocean below. Oh yeah, this will do. She thought. The master bathroom was next. There were two separate vanities, a very large shower and a soaking tub. “How much are they asking? I don’t think this was one of the listings you sent me.”

  “No. It just came on the market and they’re asking

  “It’s under my budget,” Laura said excited. “Kim, I know you made appointments for me to see other homes, but I don’t need to see anything else.”

  “Are you sure, Laura? I don’t want you to go under contract with this house and then change your mind.”

  “That won’t happen, Kim. This house is exactly what I had in my head. Call the agent and tell them we’re going to write a contract at asking and closing in whatever the closing date on my house is.”

  Kim made the phone call and they went back to her office to write up and sign the contract. It was after one o’clock when she left Kim’s office. She pulled into her driveway and went to the refrigerator to get the fruit salad she had made this morning. As she placed the bowl on the counter, her phone rang.

  “Hi. Are you home?” Laura asked.

  “Yes and where are you?” Christine asked chuckling.

  “Home. I just got here and haven’t changed yet. Why don’t you come over here for lunch and I’ll tell you about my morning.”

  “On the way,” Christine said hanging up the phone.

  Laura took out bowls and silverware so they could enjoy the salad. She poured them each a glass of ice tea when Christine rang the bell.

  Laura opened the door and Christine had already put on her bathing suit. She wore a short cover up dress and flip flops.

  “Aren’t you stunning?” Laura said opening her arms for a hug.

  “I’ve been home for twenty minutes and thought you stood me up.”

  Laura laughed and took her hand. She led her to the island and they sat down next to each other.

  “So tell me, why were you late?” Christine asked with a grin.

  “I bought a house.” Laura put the fork into her mouth crunching on the fruit.

  “You bought a house?” Christine asked shocked. “I thought you were going to rent something or at least take your time buying something.”

  “When it’s right, it’s right.”

  “Where is it? Is it far from here? Can I see it?”

  Laura laughed at the multitude of questions. “It’s near your office on Washington, third house from the ocean and I can call Kim if you want to see the inside.”

  “By my office?” Christine smirked. “I can come see you at lunchtime every day you aren’t working.”

  “Is that a promise?” Laura asked taking her hand.

  “That is a guarantee, Laura.”

  “Let me go call Kim to see if she’s available in an hour.” Laura came back to the kitchen when she finished her phone call and sat down again. “We’ll meet her at the house in an hour.”

  Laura finished her lunch and took both bowls in the dishwasher. Christine covered the fruit salad.

  “Should I go home and change?” Christine asked looking at her outfit.

  “No. You’re at the beach and your cover up looks like a dress.” Laura took her hand and led her to the couch. “We’ve got a few minutes and I didn’t get a kiss yet.”

  They kissed for ten minutes before they pulled away from each other gasping for air. Laura straightened her clothes and held out her hand for Christine. “Let’s go see my house.”

  Kim was there already when they pulled up to the house. Laura made the introductions. “Kim Williams this is Christine Harper.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Christine.”

  “You too, Kim.” Christine turned and looked at the house. “I love the porch, Laura,” she said as they walked up the front steps.

  Christine walked around the house not really saying much, but wearing a wide smile. As they got to the master bedroom, she finally spoke. “Wow, this is really nice.”

  Kim opened the door that led onto the deck.

  Christine turned to Laura taking her eyes away from the view. “Oh, Laura, this is magnificent.”

  “Let me show you the yard,” Laura said taking her hand. They walked out to the patio and Christine stood looking. Laura walked up to her and looked at her face. “Is everything okay?”

  “You’re never going to come back to my house again. You have everything you need right here.” Christine turned toward the beach. “You have the beach on that side and pool over here.”

  Kim stepped back into the house and left the couple alone.

  “Oh, honey. We’ll be at both houses,” she said and then hugged Christine close.

  Laura thanked Kim for coming back to show Christine the house. They got into the car and drove back to Laura’s house. Once inside, Laura sat Christine down on the couch and sat next to her.

  “Okay, tell me what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I just saw that house and I know how happy you’re going to be there. You have a new job, a new house which is going to give you a new life. Then there’s me. I want you to kiss me, but I can’t give all of me to you.”

  “Are you afraid you’re going to lose me, Chris?” Laura asked with her arm on Christine’s shoulder.

  She nodded silently.

  “Chris, I’m going to tell you something that might scare you away, but I have to say it.” Laura swallowed and Christine’s eyes opened wide in anticipation. “I love you. I’ve loved you for quite some time now. I didn’t think you’d ever have feelings for me until we had dinner at Molly’s place. Molly told me not to give up on you because you had feelings for me already whether you were aware of it or not.”

  “Oh, Laura. I’ve been fighting my feelings for you since we were at the estate sale. I hated that you were with Mary. I was happy when you ignored her and spent the time with me.” Christine lowered her head in shame. “I know that was wrong because I kept telling you that there could be nothing between us.” She took Laura’s hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to move in with me.”

  “Oh, honey, that’s okay. I can’t move into Jackie’s house. I don’t think it would ever feel like home to me like my dad’s doesn’t.”

  “You’re not angry about that?” Christine’s eyes pleaded.

  “No. I understand. You’ve made some big strides these last few days, but I know you have a long way to go before you can see us as a couple.”

  “Thank you for being so understanding. I do care for you so much, Laura.”

  Laura hugged her close. “That’s good enough for now.”

  Laura changed into her bathing suit and they went back to Christine’s house.

  They were each floating on a pool mat holding hands.

  “The owners of the house you bought did a good job with the privacy in the yard. Even though there are houses all around, the pool seems secluded. Especially since my girlfriend hates tan lines on her back and she always has that top untied.” Christine flipped Laura off the mat into the water. Christine came off the mat and met Laura laughing as she surfaced naked from the waist up.

  “You think you’re so funny, but I’m not ashamed of my body.”

  “You have a lovely body, Laura,” Christine said swimming to the steps to get her a towel.

  “Not as good as your body.” Laura answered swimming after her.

  She caught her before she reached the steps and pulled Christine against her body. They stared at each other before their lips met.

  “I know my neighbors aren’t home, but I think we should go into the house,” Christine whispered in Laura’s ear.

  Laura picked up the towel as she stepped out of the pool. They walked into the house and were in each other’s arms before the door was completely closed. The towel dropped from Laura’s shoulder and their bodies crushed together.

  “Laura, I want to feel your naked body on top of me, but we can’t do that here.” Christine panted out the words.

  Laura held up her finger and went back outside. Christine watched from the door as she dove into the pool retrieving her bikini top. She smiled watching her put the top back on and tying it in place.

  Laura walked to the back door. “Let’s go to my house.”

  Laura took her hand and led Christine up the stairs and into h
er bedroom. The next words she was going to ask frightened her, but they needed to be said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, honey, I want this,” Christine said already removing Laura’s bikini top. As soon as the top was off her hand went to her left breast and her lips licked the right.

  “Yes, Chris,” Laura moaned with her head back.

  Christine’s lips sucked the nipple as it rose against her mouth and her hands went to the bikini bottom. She untied the strings and the suit came off as her hand went to the soft curls. Her hand could feel the heat and the wetness she found as her fingers went into the folds.

  “Take your suit off, Christine.” Laura moaned lowering her head.

  Christine didn’t want to remove her hands from Laura’s body, but she couldn’t deny the request. Her suit came off in a flash and she edged Laura to the end of the bed. “Lie down,” she said.

  Laura went to the center of the bed as she watched Christine crawl toward her until she was in between Laura’s open legs. “Ooh. That’s what I’ve been dying to do.”

  Once Christine was lying in between her legs, she went into action. Her hands were everywhere. After clamping her fingers onto Christine’s nipple her other hand went in search of her wetness. “Lift up for me, Chris.” As soon as she did, Laura’s fingers found her opening. Two fingers were inside as her thumb brushed her clit.

  Christine was moaning and riding Laura’s fingers into a frenzy until she stiffened and let out a long wail. She collapsed on Laura puffing out her breath.

  Laura looked the woman who was now laying in her arms and kissed the top of her head. “Are you okay?” She asked softly as her fingers came out of Christine.

  Christine nodded and looked at Laura with tears in her eyes. “I have no words at this time.”

  Laura smiled and flipped Christine onto her back. She began kissing her neck then her breasts and down her stomach. She didn’t stop until her mouth rested against the heat that was waiting for her.

  “Let me first,” Christine began to protest until Laura’s tongue found its mark. “Oh, God,” she said forgetting about Laura’s pleasure for the moment.


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