Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance

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Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance Page 9

by Lydia Rose

  Laura’s tongue plunged deep into her opening and then went back and sucked her clit until Christine screamed her name. Little kisses were placed on Christine’s body until she reached her mouth. Capturing Christine’s mouth as her tongue found its mate waiting.

  Christine broke the kiss finally and begged. “Please, Laura. I need to touch you.” She flipped Laura onto her back and began the exploration of the body she had been denying herself for weeks. Her tongue on Laura’s nipple caused her body to jump as soft sounds came out of mouth. Christine smiled as her hand reached between Laura’s legs. She opened Laura’s legs as her fingers went into the opening. Her fingers went partially in and back out again. She worked Laura into frenzy until her mouth went to engorged nub and two fingers plunged deeply into her.

  “Oh my God, Chris,” Laura moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  Christine felt the tremors as they began to build in Laura’s body. She grabbed the sheet and pulled it free as her body rode the crest of her orgasm.

  Laura was panting and sweating trying to recover from what Christine had just done to her. She reached for Christine and pulled her into her arms.

  “I would say three years of celibacy did nothing to your expertise or skills,” Laura said with a giggle.

  “I didn’t realize how much I missed sex until you kissed me the night we went out to dinner.” Christine palm rested on Laura’s breast. “Then I thought you were going to go back to New York and I didn’t know what I was going to do without you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I wasn’t sure accepting the job from Molly was the right decision. I thought I had to leave you because if I had to see you and just be your friend.” Laura sighed. “I thought I would die.”

  “I’m sorry, but I was still fighting the ghost of Jackie. I felt if I let these feelings for you develop, I would be cheating on her.” Christine chuckled. “I couldn’t resist you any longer. Every time I looked at you, I wanted to kiss you.”

  At nine o’clock, Laura sat up and said. “It’s too late to order a pizza. Let’s go raid the refrigerator. I’m starving.” Laura went to the dresser and put on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. Christine put her cover up on her naked body.

  As they were snacking at the island, Christine looked at the calendar. “Next Saturday is my 4th of July party.” She grinned at Laura. “At least there won’t be any single women trying to take you away from me.”

  “Or one of them taking you.” Laura added.

  “That was never a problem. You saw the women they invited to the last party. They were always like that. No one turned my head until you,” she said as she kissed Laura’s hand. “I was attracted to you the moment you walked into my office that day.”

  “Oh, you didn’t notice me at the funeral?” Laura clamped her hand over her mouth. “I shouldn’t joke about that.”

  “I noticed you, but the grief nearly consumed you that day. I felt nothing but sadness for you.”

  “So when I told you that Saturday night that I was gay, what did you think?”

  “I thought I’m in trouble, but I wouldn’t allow myself to go there.”

  They finished their snack and went back upstairs to get to know each other better.

  Sometime in the early morning hours, they collapsed in exhaustion. At eleven that morning, Laura tossed back the covers.

  “Where are you going?” Christine asked grabbing Laura’s arm.

  “I need to pee.” Laura pulled from Christine’s grasp.

  “You’re coming back, right?”

  “I want to take shower. I’m starving and thirsty.” Laura grinned.

  “You’re always hungry,” she said pouting.

  “I worked off all of the calories I took in for the last week in the last 15 hours,” she said with a giggle. “Let me take you out to lunch and then we’ll come back here.”

  “Okay, but I get to take a shower with you,” She said already out of the bed.

  Two hours later, they finally made it out the door.

  As Laura was stuffing her face with a cheeseburger, she asked in between bites. “So do you think you’ll be comfortable in the house I just bought?” Laura didn’t wait for Christine to reply before she took another bite of her burger.

  “I’m sure I’ll be very comfortable.” Christine picked up a fry and then looked at Laura. “You have to go furniture shopping.”

  Laura dropped her burger and put her hand to her head. “I don’t know how to pick out stuff for the house. If you saw my apartment in New York, you wouldn’t have stepped foot into the place.”

  “There’s a store we can go to that has a designer I know. Her name is Ashley and she helped me with the furniture for my place. She can help you pick out what you need for the house.”

  “I want you to go with me. You’re going to spend a lot of time there based on the way we’ve been since yesterday afternoon. I want you to be happy.”

  Christine smiled. “Of course, I’ll be happy to help you. Check with Kim to see if the owners have plans on the house. If they do, Ashley can use them in planning the furniture placement and style.”

  Laura finished her hamburger and fries and was now eyeing Christine’s fries. “Do you want these?” Christine asked lifting her plate.

  “I don’t want them to go to waste,” she said emptying the plate on her own.

  “Maybe we should get you something to go for later?” Christine said looking at Laura scoffing down the fries.

  “No, I’ve got stuff I can munch on at home for later.” She looked up and saw Christine grinning at her.

  “You’re lucky you’re young and can eat like a horse. Wait until you’re my age. Just looking at food makes you gain weight.”

  “Chris, you are not old and you have a beautiful body.”

  “Yes, but I never got to go on my treadmill this morning.”

  Laura leaned closer. “Honey, you worked off more calories with what we’ve been doing than you would have on a treadmill.”

  Christine grinned. “Then let’s go work off this hamburger and French fries.”

  They paid the bill and went back to the house.


  Christine made sure she was up by Seven o’clock the following morning. She went to the bathroom and came back to the bed. She leaned down and kissed Laura’s face.

  A blue eye peeked open. “Are you leaving?”

  “I need to go home and get ready for work.” Christine stroked Laura’s face.

  Laura sat up on her elbows. “I left you a key on the kitchen counter. Pack a bag for overnight. You can get ready for work here tomorrow morning.”

  “If I’m asleep when you get home tonight, please wake me up.”

  “You got it,” she said with a smile. “I know I have sleep breath, but I would really like to kiss you.”

  “I do too.”

  They kissed each other good bye.


  Sally walked into Laura’s office and took one look at her face. She asked. “Are you sick?”

  Christine smiled. “No.”

  “You look like you haven’t slept.” Her hand went to her mouth and she closed Christine’s door. “You slept with her?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “From the slits of your eyes, you look like you’ve been doing it a lot.”

  “Oh, yeah,” she said again.

  “Is that all you’re going to say?” Sally asked staring her down.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Just tell me, are you happy?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Her smile lit up the room.

  Before Christine went home that night, she went to the mall. She wanted to get another pair of pajamas in another color of the outfit Laura loved to see her in. Christine bought a black one and lavender. As she arrived home, she pulled out a frozen dinner and heated it up in the microwave. While that was heating she went upstairs to pack for Laura’s house

  After dinner, she went to bed to get some much needed sleep. Before she got in
to bed, she set the alarm for nine o’clock.

  At nine thirty she pulled into Laura’s driveway and went into the house and waited for her to come home.

  Laura came into the house at ten forty five. She found Christine asleep on the couch. She sat down next to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

  “You’re home,” Christine said sitting up. “What time is it?”

  “Almost eleven.” She kissed her mouth softly and then looked at her outfit. “I love these pajamas. Are you ready for bed?”

  “Oh yeah,” she said knowing this was going to be her new phrase for quite some time.


  Laura sat up in bed watching Christine dress for work. Her heart glowed with happiness and wondered how long it would be before Christine decided they should live together.

  “How about I make you some breakfast?”

  Christine sat to put her shoes on. “How about just coffee and some fruit.”

  “Coming right up.” Laura put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She went into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

  By the time Christine came down the stairs, her breakfast was ready. Laura held the coffee cup in her hand and watched Christine who was sitting across from her. The smile she wore was of love.

  “The inspection on the house I bought is today and Kim’s bringing a copy of the floor plan so we can start picking out furniture soon.” Laura smirked. “Although, I don’t think we need more than a bed and chairs for the island.”

  “I’ll make us dinner tonight.” Laura reached for her hand. “Am I being too pushy if I ask you to sleep here again tonight?”

  “So not pushy at all. I’ll go home after work and bring another outfit back with me for work. I’ve already left my pajamas in your room,” she said with a wink and giggled. “I don’t know why I spent the money to buy another pair in black and lavender. You don’t let me leave them on for very long.”

  “You bought them in black too?” Laura asked almost drooling.

  Christine nodded.

  “I love you,” she said with a smile.

  “I love you too.” Christine’s head screamed. Did I just say that?

  Laura looked at her wondering if she should ignore or acknowledge what Christine had just said. She looked into her coffee cup.

  “It wasn’t an accident, Laura.”

  Laura looked up smiling.

  “I do love you. I’m not going to fight it anymore. I love you.”

  Laura was off her stool in a second. “I’m so happy to hear those words from you.”

  They kissed deeply.

  Christine picked up her coffee cup again and said. “I’m glad I didn’t bother to put lipstick on yet. You have this habit of kissing it off my mouth.” She grinned. “I’m not complaining. I’m just learning to wait until I get to work to put it on.”


  Christine’s cellphone rang mid-morning. Thinking it was Laura, she was surprised to see Carol’s name. “Hey,” she said answering.

  “Hey, yourself. How about inviting a friend for a swim after work?”

  Christine laughed. “Sara working late?”

  “Yes. I’ll stop at Frank’s for a salad on my way to your house.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Christine said with a chuckle.

  “You can ask Laura if you want to.”

  “She’s working tonight. Laura’s working for Molly three days a week.”

  “She’s not going back to New York?”

  “I tell you everything tonight when I see you.”

  “Okay, I guess I’ll have to wait to hear all the juicy details.”

  Christine hung up the phone laughing at her good friend.


  Christine put her bathing suit on and gathered her things for her night at Laura’s house. She put her suit in the hall closet along with her overnight bag.

  The doorbell rang and she opened the door to her friend.

  Carol held out the salad and carried her bag that contained her suit and towel. They hugged at the door.

  “You look good, Chris.” Carol looked at her face. “There’s something different about you.”

  Chris smiled. “Let’s get into the pool and I’ll tell you all about it.” Christine put the salad in the refrigerator while Carol changed into her suit.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” she said as they went into the back yard.

  They each grabbed a pool mat and laid down.

  Carol began. “Okay, what’s going on?”

  “Laura and I are a couple,” Christine said paddling her arms so she stayed close to Carol.

  “Does that mean sleeping together or just dating?”

  Christine blushed bright red. “I haven’t slept at home since Sunday night.”

  Carol reached for Christine’s hand. “I’m so happy for you, Chris.” Carol grinned. “So is love in the future with Laura?”

  “Love is already here, Carol. I couldn’t fight it any longer. We just fit and it came so naturally.”

  “So that’s the reason Laura’s not going back to New York?”

  “Honestly, she made that decision before we got together. Molly convinced her to come work for her part time instead of working six days a week for someone else in New York.”

  “So she decided to stay even though you weren’t a couple?”

  “Well, she did kiss me good night after we had dinner at Molly’s restaurant.”

  “That’s all it took was one kiss?” Carol asked surprised.

  “No, that’s not all it took. I loved spending time with her. We have so much in common. Laura doesn’t seem to mind our age difference.”

  “Honey, you were more than ten years younger than Jackie and that didn’t create any problems.”

  “I know, but I feel so much older than her. I’m worried that not today, but down the road.” She admitted to her friend. That thought had been floating around in her head for days now.

  “Chris, you look like a thirty year old. No one would believe you’re forty.”

  “Carol, we’re like rabbits in bed. We can’t get enough of each other. Even Jackie and I took a break now and then. How am I going to keep up with her?”

  Carol laughed. “This is all brand new to both of you. Right now you can’t get enough of each other. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last. You know that.”

  “Jackie spent so much time away from home that when we got together, it was like it was brand new.”

  “Laura loves you, Chris. I’ve seen it for a while now. She’s not going anywhere.” Carol rolled off the mat. “Let’s eat dinner.”

  After Carol left, Christine put her things in her car and drove over to Laura’s house. She went upstairs at ten thirty because Laura wasn’t home yet. She fell asleep never hearing her come into the house.


  Laura pulled into the driveway at midnight. She knew that Christine would be sleeping tonight. The restaurant was so busy and there hadn’t been any way to leave earlier. She climbed the stairs and went into the bedroom. Laura walked over to Christine’s side of the bed and gently touched her face before she went into the bathroom to take a shower. She put a long t-shirt on and crawled into bed. Sleep took her almost immediately.

  Christine opened her eyes and felt Laura cuddled into her back. She gently lifted the covers and watched Laura roll over to her side of the bed. She got ready for work without waking her. Christine kissed Laura’s cheek before leaving for work. As she got to her desk, she wrote out a text.

  Laura, I didn’t have the heart to wake you this morning. I hope to leave the office by 4 and I’ll bring Chinese food home for dinner. See you later. Love, C

  Laura found Christine’s text when she got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen where her phone sat on the counter. She was happy that today was Friday and they would have the entire weekend together.


  Christine hurried out of work Friday night. She stopped to pick up the food and headed directl
y to Laura’s house. She rang the bell and waited impatiently. When Laura didn’t answer she used her key. She thought maybe Laura was upstairs in the shower. She dropped the food on the foyer table and climbed the stairs. She tiptoed into the room, but it was empty. Where is she? She said to the empty room. Walking over to the window, she saw Laura in her pool. She watched her there on the pool mat for a minute before she ran for the door. Walking into her house, she put the food in the oven on low and went upstairs to get changed.

  Opening the patio door, she called out. “I had a hard time finding you.”

  Laura laughed and jumped off the mat and walked toward the stairs. “I should have sent you a text telling you where I was.”

  Christine watched as Laura ran the towel over her arms and down her leg. The heat between her legs caused her lip to twitch. Laura toweled dried her hair and then walked toward her. “Come inside, I want to tell you something.” Christine stepped into the house and Laura followed.

  Laura closed the door and turned around facing Christine. “Is something wrong?” She asked dropping the towel across her shoulders.

  “Yes,” Christine said as she moved closer. “I missed my good night kiss.” She kissed her deeply. “And I missed my good morning kiss.” The kiss was more intense. “Here is my welcome home kiss.”

  As their lips came back together, Christine untied the strings on her bikini.

  “Missed me?” Laura asked moaning.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said capturing a nipple in her mouth. Christine backed them up until they were in front of the sofa. She turned Laura around and said. “Lie down for me,” Her eyes were filled with desire and passion. She couldn’t wait any longer and she took her with her mouth and hand. Once Christine laid in Laura’s arms, she said. “Why didn’t we get together before you started working?”

  Laura lifted her head and kissed Christine’s forehead. “It wasn’t from my lack of trying,” she said with a giggle.

  “I know,” Christine said burying her head under Laura’s chin. “Make love to me, Laura.”

  “I thought you would never ask.” Laura pulled Christine on top of her. “You know we’d have more room in a bed.”


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