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Stay With Me: A Lesbian Romance

Page 10

by Lydia Rose

  Christine froze.

  Laura stroked Christine’s hair. “Chris, I don’t mean your bed. You have three other bedrooms upstairs and one down here.”

  Christine lifted off Laura and reached for her hand. The bedroom downstairs became their love nest for the next two hours.

  As they sat in the kitchen eating the Chinese food, Christine told Laura of the plans for Saturday. “I called Ashley today. We have an appointment at three tomorrow.”

  Laura wrinkled her nose. “We have plenty of time for that.”

  “Honey, you can’t move into your new home without furniture.” Christine rolled her eyes.

  “I had planned on spending the day in bed with you,” Laura said shyly.

  Christine chuckled. “We have Sunday to do that and tonight and tomorrow morning.” She looked at Laura. “Is that okay until we get you all settled into your home?

  Laura nodded with a grin.

  “What about household items, sheets, towels, etc.?”

  “Chris, please.” Laura held her hands over her ears. “Why did I sell my dad’s home?”

  They went back to the downstairs spare bedroom and made love until they fell asleep. Christine woke up first and went to the kitchen to get them each a bottle of water.

  Laura’s eyes opened as Christine walked back into the room. She watched as a nude Christine placed Laura’s bottle on her side of the bed. Before she could get away, Laura grabbed her and pulled her on top. She kissed her mouth and neck before she allowed Christine a moment to drink her water.

  Laura sat up in bed and unscrewed the bottle of water and took a long needed drink. “Let me ask you. Did you and Jackie ever make love on that couch?” Laura asked pointing toward the living room.

  “No,” Christine said quietly.

  “How about this room?”


  “How about those other bedrooms upstairs?”

  “No, Laura. We made love in our bed.”

  “That’s it? Not the pool or the boat even?”

  Christine took a drink before responding. “Laura, Jackie was twelve years older than me. She was very conservative.”

  Laura returned the cap to her bottle and rolled on her side. “Well, honey. When I get my new house, I plan on making love to you in every room.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “More than once. “If we can find enough privacy, in the pool too.”

  Christine laughed at Laura’s enthusiasm, but also knew that she was totally different than Jackie when it came to making love.

  Laura brought her back from her thinking. “What about toys?”

  “What about toys?” Christine asked not understanding.

  “You know, toys. Sex toys.”

  “Oh.” Then she chuckled in remembrance. “I bought a strap on for Jackie for her birthday one year.”

  “Did she like it?” Laura asked.

  “Jackie laughed and put it in a drawer. I think she threw it away because I never saw it again.”

  “Does that mean, you’d be interested?” Laura asked waiting patiently.

  “Honey, everything we have done has been exhilarating and fun.” Christine nodded. “I’ll try almost anything once.”

  “Almost anything?” Laura asked with a giggle. “What won’t you do?”

  “Threesomes,” she said emphatically.

  Laura laughed. “Okay, no threesomes. So foursomes are okay.” She jumped out of bed before Christine could pinch her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To the bathroom and I’m hungry again.”

  “Of course you are,” Christine yelled to her.

  Laura came back into the bedroom with a carton of leftover Chinese food and two forks. “You must be hungry too.”

  “I am,” she said softly.

  Laura smiled and handed Christine a fork.


  Saturday afternoon came to fast as far as Laura was concerned. “Go back to your house and take a shower and get ready. I’ll pick you up in a half hour.”

  Laura had no idea where Christine was getting her energy from because all Laura wanted to do was sleep.

  Once in the car, Christine began her questions. “So what do you picture the house looking like?”

  “Furnished,” Laura mumbled.

  “Ha, ha. Very funny.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. I want a house that will be comfortable. Nothing fancy. If someone comes back from the beach and their suit is damp, I don’t want anyone to worry.”

  “Good answer. What about colors?”

  “Beach colors. Blues, greens and sand colors.”

  “Very good. See you know more than you think you do.”

  “Chris, you are the only I care about. If you’re happy with the furnishing, then I’m happy. Whatever you pick, I will love.”

  Christine introduced Laura to Ashley after the two women hugged.

  Christine handed Ashley the house plans and pictures she had printed from the internet so that Ashley could see the inside.

  “Shall we get started?” Ashley asked.

  Laura followed the two women as they looked at sofas, tables, bedroom furniture. After an hour, Laura was bored and tired. Ashley and Christine walked into a room that was covered in fabrics. She took her wallet from her pocket and handed her credit card to Christine.

  “I’m going to look around. Choose whatever material you think is appropriate,” Laura said, but she had spotted a leather recliner that was calling her name.

  Two hours later, Christine went in search of Laura. She found her asleep on the chair.

  Christine touched her arm lightly. Green eyes appeared disoriented. “All done?”

  “Yes, honey, we’re all done. All the furniture is chosen for the house. Now we just need to pick out household items.”

  Laura moaned softly.

  “If you want me to pick out your pots, I don’t have a problem doing that.” Christine knew this would get her attention.

  “No. I want to pick out the things for the kitchen. There’s a restaurant supply store over the bridge.”

  “I hope you’re happy with the decisions I’ve made today.” Christine worried.

  “Honey, I told you,” Laura said putting her arm through Christine’s arm. “If you like it, I will love it.” Laura grinned. “Who knows, maybe someday, you’ll want to move in with me.”

  Christine stopped walking and turned to Laura without saying anything.

  “Don’t worry, it was just a thought. I know that is a decision you aren’t going to make easily.”

  “Is that why you had me pick out the furniture? So I would move in with you?”

  “No, Chris. I had you do that because that stuff doesn’t interest me. You seem to be enjoying yourself.”

  “I did. Ashley and I had a good time. By the way, she will be there when the furniture is delivered for placement. This way if something doesn’t look right, she said we can exchange it. What do you think?”

  “Will you be there?” Laura asked hoping.

  “If I can, you know I will.” Christine pulled into her driveway. “Which house do we sleep in tonight?”

  “You choose. You’re the one who has to get up early for work.” Laura didn’t want to force Christine to stay and make love in Jackie’s dream house even though they had made love many time over the last few days.

  “I’ll get my things and come over to your house,” She said getting out of the car.

  “Okay, I’ll take our dinner and meet you over there when you’re ready.” Laura walked the two houses to her own.


  Friday came quickly for the two women. Since the restaurant was closed on the 4th of July, Laura invited Molly and Sharon to join them at the barbecue. Laura had decided since it was only going to be three couples, she wanted to cook. She made a lobster salad and crab cakes were in the refrigerator waiting to be sautéed on Saturday. She ordered fresh oysters, clams and mussels that she would pick up early Sa
turday morning. Christine was making the potato and macaroni salad. Molly insisted on bringing a cake for dessert and Carol was making appetizers. Christine’s other friends, Barbara and Linda would be bringing the chips and dip.

  Saturday afternoon the guests were enjoying Christine’s patio and some of the women were in the pool.

  “So when do you close on your new house?” Molly asked.

  “Two weeks on my dad’s house and three weeks on my new house.” Laura shrugged. “The time came so fast.”

  “So where are you staying when you close on your dad’s home for that week you don’t have the new house?” Sharon asked.

  “I don’t know. I might stay in a motel for the week.” Laura had wondered that herself. She had hoped that Christine would make her an offer, but so far she hadn’t.

  “Come stay with us,” Molly said looking at Sharon for acceptance. “We’re close to the restaurant and when you’re off, you’ll have the place to yourself.”

  Laura looked up and saw Christine listening to their conversation.

  “Thanks. I may take you up on that offer.”

  What Laura didn’t know was that Carol had been listening too. She nodded to Christine to go into the house with her.

  “Why haven’t you asked Laura to stay here?”

  Christine shrugged her answer.

  “Have you two been spending all your time at her house?”

  “No, we’ve been here to.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve made love in your room?”

  “We haven’t. There are other rooms in this house.”

  “But you won’t let her stay here for a week?”

  “I know it sounds crazy that we’ve made love here, but staying here seems to intimate.”

  “You’re acting like Jackie can see Laura in this house.” Carol shook her finger. “Don’t scare this girl away with your uncertainties.” Her head shook. “It’s just a house. I don’t care if Jackie designed the house or not. Look around, Christine, Jackie’s not here.” Carol opened the patio door and went back outside.

  Christine washed her face before returned to the yard. Laura took one look at her face and went to her immediately.

  “What’s wrong,” Laura asked as she led her down the stairs to the dock. “Is it because Molly and Sharon asked me to stay with them?” Laura turned Christine so they faced each other. “Is it because you haven’t asked me to stay here?”

  Christine nodded her head trying to hold back the tears.

  “I understand how hard that would be for you to ask me to stay here. It was hard enough making love here with the ghost that lives here.”

  “Carol thinks I’m nuts. She said I’m going to lose you because of my uncertainties.”

  Laura hugged her close and kissed her mouth. “It’s okay, honey. I understand.” She didn’t really understand, but she knew Christine had made big strides in the last several weeks.

  Barbara called from the top of the steps. “They’re down here,” she said to the group. Someone asked a question. “From what I saw they’re kissing.”

  Laura and Christine could hear the laughter coming from the patio. “I guess we’d better get back up there. Honey, let’s enjoy ourselves,” she said with a squeeze of her hand.

  Laura reached the top of the stairs and took a bow. “I can’t help it if I can’t keep my hands off this woman,” she said deflecting the attention away from Christine.

  Carol moved closer to Christine as Laura made the rounds making sure their guests were enjoying themselves.

  “Are we okay?”

  “Yes, Carol. We’re good. You know I need a kick in the ass every so often, but Laura understands my hesitancy in asking her.” She looked toward the patio. “Where’s Laura?” She walked away from Carol.

  Molly and Laura came out of the kitchen carrying the crab cakes, mussels and clams. Sharon came out next with the pans needed to make the dishes. The oysters were on the peninsula on ice and the salads were out and ready for the guest. The three chefs began the preparation of the items needed to complete the meal.

  “I didn’t want you two to cook on your day off,” Laura said with a laugh. “I’m going to get some bowls and plates for these things. Be right back.”

  Laura found Christine inside making sure everything was ready for the rest of the dishes.

  “We’re almost done out there. I need two bowls and a plate for the crab cakes.”

  Christine reached into the cabinet. “How’s this?” She asked with a smile.

  Laura kissed her mouth. “Perfect. Do you want to reach into that cabinet again for me?”

  “What do you need?” Christine asked biting lip.

  “Nothing. I just wanted the view again,” she said with a laugh.

  “Oh, you. Get out there with the plates.”

  The food was a hit with the crowd and after the dessert and coffee were served everyone sat waiting for the fireworks to begin across the river.

  At the end of the night, Barbara and Linda hugged Christine.

  Linda whispered in her ear. “You’re a lucky woman, Chris. We really like Laura and she certainly can cook. Hold onto that one.”

  Christine smiled. “I will.”

  Christine thanked Molly and Sharon for joining them today.

  “Thank you for inviting us and I’m glad you and Laura got together. She’s one of the good ones.”

  “Yes, she is,” Christine said to her new friends.

  Carol and Sara were the last to leave. They were wrapping the food with Laura and putting it in the refrigerator.

  “I guess that’s everything,” Sara said. “I hope we get an invitation to your house at the beach?”

  “As soon as we’re settled into our house, we’ll have you over for a day at the beach.” Laura put her arm around Christine.

  No one missed Laura’s use of we’re or our or we’ll. Carol and Sara smiled at her words. It was Christine that remained unmoving.

  As soon as the last of the guests were out the door, Laura plopped down on the couch. “I’m beat. I think I’m going to go home and go to bed.” She leaned on her elbows. “Are you ready to go?”

  “I just have to get my things. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Christine ran for the stairs and Laura laid back down.

  By the time Christine came back down the stairs, Laura was sound asleep.

  “Honey, do you want to get up?” Christine whispered in her ear.

  Laura’s response was to roll over. Christine reached for the throw on the back of the couch and covered Laura. Christine went up to the master bedroom to sleep.


  Laura woke up at seven the following morning and had no idea where she was. Sitting up, she realized she was still on Christine’s couch. She climbed the steps and found Christine asleep in her bed. She turned toward the stairs knowing she couldn’t climb into the bed with her so she left the house.

  After taking a shower, she left the house in search of lox and bagels.

  Christine was surprised when she looked at the clock and saw it was eight thirty. She ran down the steps only to find Laura was not on the couch. She picked up her cellphone and called her, but the ringing came from the coffee table instead of where Laura was. She dialed the house only to get no answer. Christine set up the coffee pot and went upstairs to get dressed.

  As she sat drinking her coffee, she wondered if Laura awoke in the middle of the night and had gone home because Christine had gone to sleep in the master bedroom. There would have been no way for her just to crawl into bed with her.

  As she sat there worrying, her fears were about to be faced as she heard the key in the front door.

  “Good, you’re up.” Laura put the bag down on the counter and kissed Christine’s mouth. “I picked up lox and bagels,” she said reaching for two plates.

  “I’m sorry, Laura,” She said softly.

  “For what?” Laura asked putting her arm around her.

  “You were asleep when I came downstair
s and I couldn’t get you up.”

  “That wasn’t your fault.” She squeezed her shoulder.

  “But I went to sleep upstairs.”

  “I understand you wanting to sleep in your own bed.” Laura poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat.

  “You left your cellphone on the coffee table.”

  “How about going to the beach today?” Laura asked before taking a bite of her bagel.

  “If that’s what you want,” Christine responded.

  “I thought we could park by the house I bought and check out the beach in that area.” Laura finished her bagel and put her plate in the dishwasher.

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  “Are you all right?” Laura asked touching her arm.

  “I guess I’m just tired.”

  “Well, you can catch a nap on the beach.”

  “I’ll go home and change into a bathing suit and grab a blanket and towels.”

  “Be careful what kind of bathing suit you wear. We don’t want you flashing the children,” Christine chuckled.

  “I learned my lesson a long time ago. I lost my top so many times when I was younger. I now where a one piece suit to the beach.” Laura cupped her hand under Christine’s chin. “Don’t worry, I won’t embarrass you.”

  “I wasn’t worried about me being embarrassed.”

  “Call me when you’re ready,” Laura said going out the front door.


  They were on the way to the beach and found a parking space not far from the Laura’s soon to be new street. Chairs and beach bags were removed from the trunk of the car and they found a spot on the sand.

  Laura sat down on her chair and breathed in the salt air. A smile was firmly placed on her face. Scanning the beach, her eyes opened wide. “Dee?” She called out to the woman sitting on a blanket next to them.

  The woman looked up and smiled in recognition. “Lori?”

  Laura nodded and stood. “I thought that was you,” she said hugging the woman close.

  “What are you doing here?” Denise asked.

  “I bought a home that will be mine in a few weeks and we thought we would scope out the beach.” Laura smiled as she turned to Christine. “Denise Silva, this is Christine Harper.” She looked at Denise. “We went to high school together.”


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