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Too Cold To Love

Page 7

by Doris O'Connor

  His smile was wickedness itself, when he raised his head and looked at her. He took her hand and guided it to his cock.

  "Want to help me out here, wife?"

  Elise's heart went into overdrive. Her ragged breathing matched his as he ran his tongue along her jaw line. He settled on the spot on her neckthat, she had discovered mere hours ago, sent her into a boneless bag of pure need. Every nerve ending in her body screamed his name.

  She barely recognized her own voice. "What do you want me to do?"

  Marco nipped her lightly with his teeth, and combined with the friction his stubble created on her overheated skin, Elise couldn't help the earthy moan. She involuntarily rubbed her moist thighs together.

  "Straddle me, pasticcino." He breathed the words in her ear, and she shivered. His hands grabbed her hips, helping her to position her wet pussy lips over the purple, swollen tip of his rigid cock.

  Their eyes locked, and she lowered herself slowly. Inch by delicious inch he slid into her, and she gasped at the fullness.

  "I…I can't." Her breath came in short gasps, and tears sprang to her eyes. "This isn't going to work."

  He laughed and trailed one hand across her hip until he could tease her clitoris. He flicked the swollen bud, and Elise moaned as the pleasure pain shot across her pussy. More of her juices seeped out of her tight channel, aiding his cock further into her.

  "That's my girl. Relax. Let me in."

  Marco growled the words into her neck. Shivers of anticipation danced down Elise's spine, and she angled her hips, taking him deeper still. The slight soreness was replaced by pure pleasure, as the move caused his cock to scrape against her g-spot. Her internal walls stretched around the thick invasion, until she was so filled, she could hardly breathe.

  "Ride me."

  She followed the murmured demand instinctively, gripping his shoulders for leverage, as she found her rhythm. She moved slowly at first, gasping at the sensation of his cock sliding across sensitized nerve endings. His whispered encouragement urged her on. Warm hands caressed her breasts, and Marco's mouth worshipped every bit of skin within reach, murmuring Italian endearments. His thrusts joined hers, deeper, faster, until they came together in an all-powerful climax that had them clinging onto each other whilst they waited for the world to stop spinning.

  Marco kissed her deeply, his usually so-cold eyes a very deep blue as he scooted down the bed. He pulled her boneless self next to his and settled her in the crook of his arm.

  "Go back to sleep, pasticcino." Exhausted, Elise's eyes fluttered shut. She was vaguely aware of his whispered words before she fell into a deep sleep.

  "I'll keep you safe; you're mine now."

  Chapter Eleven

  Elise woke up alone the next morning. She blinked in the sunshine streaming through the open windows and smiled at the dust motes circling in the rays of light streaking across the plush carpet. Her smile turned to a blush, when the unfamiliar soreness between her legs reminded her of the night before, as clearly as the red stain on the sheets. Who'd have thought Marco would be that inventive in the bedroom?

  A noise in the en-suite bathroom announced the man himself, and Elise swallowed nervously when he appeared in the doorway. His hair still wet from the shower, he wore nothing but a low slung towel, and Elise couldn't help but drink in the view in front of her. Her nipples beaded against the silk sheet she clutched to her chest, and her pussy was sopping wet already. She pulled her knees up to her chest in a vain effort to regain some measure of self-control.

  Sheesh, one night with Marco, and she was acting like a raving nymphomaniac.And if that knowing smile of his was anything to go by, he knew exactly how much she was wishing that loose knot to unravel.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and kissed her nose, before running one finger along her cheek, his eyes teasing.

  "Shower is yours, pasticcino, and as much as I'd like a repeat of last night," he chuckled at the renewed heat creeping into her face, "I don't think you're up for it... yet."

  He sobered as he ran one hand lightly up her inner thigh, his gentle touch caressing her whilst the unexpected tenderness in his eyes took her breath away.

  "I'm sorry, I should have been gentler. Are you very sore?"

  Not trusting her voice at all she simply shook her head.

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I…I…It's no big deal." She couldn't bring herself to look at him. Why did he have to ask her that now?

  Marco cupped her chin and forced her to look at him.

  "It's a big deal to me, pasticcino. Had I known I could have made this easier on you. I never thought you could still be—" His voice trailed off, and Elise lost herself in the azure depths of his eyes. He shook his head, leaving her to wonder at his rueful smile before his kiss made her forget everything. He stalked away from her in such an awkward manner that she giggled, until she got out of bed and discovered that she could do little other than waddle herself. A cool shower helped somewhat, and when Marco casually announced that they were not going home, but on honeymoon, she forgot all about her leftover niggles. She tried her darndest to get some more information out of him, but she should have known he wouldn't budge. Trying to get blood out of a stone sprang to mind. They briefly stopped at Marco's house, where Agnes handed them their suitcases, and they said an emotional farewell to little Mimi. They were both lost in their own thoughts for a while until Elise broke the silence by saying, “She could come with us."

  Marco threw her such a heated gaze that it was a minor miracle she didn't combust on the spot.

  "Elise, as much as I love my daughter, I have no intention of taking her on our honeymoon! You will be far too busy to worry about her, pasticcino."


  But worry she did.

  Elise leant on the railing. The wind tossed her loose hair around her face, as she thoughtfully looked out on the English Channel. She had no idea where Marco was taking her. The ferry was going to Calais, but from then on the destination was a mystery.

  A child's high pitched wail threw her out of her musings. She tightened her grip on the railings as the children darting past screamed the glaringly obvious at her. Shit, shit, shit, not once last night had they given any thought to contraception. How could she have been so stupid? Even Jem always made sure she was protected, and Elise was supposed to be the responsible one. What the hell had Marco been playing at? He must have known that she wouldn't be on the pill. But then again she hadn't spelled that out to him, had she? She shivered in the wind. Her heart beat like a broken drum against her chest bone.

  She grabbed the cool metal of the railing with white knuckled hands, desperately trying to stop herself from hyperventilating. Images of Kitty's adorable twins swam in front of her eyes. She couldn't do this; she just couldn't. She may have dreamt of babies once, but that was before...

  No, no, no, no.Elise fought the tears threatening to fall. They had been right. She did not deserve children of her own, not after Rosie. It had all been her fault. If Marco found out he was going to hate her.

  Marco's deep voice shook her out of her internal anguish. She released her death grip, just in time for him to spin her around in his arms, before his mouth claimed hers.


  Dannazioni, he wanted her again, right now. Seeing her so deep in thought, the wind hiding her expression behind a curtain of hair and making the silly little excuse of a summer dress cling to her curves had him hard in an instant. He hadn't been this permanently horny since his teenage years. If we weren't in such a public place, hmm, the lifeboats look promising, but something is wrong. Instead of melting into his frame as he was expecting her to, his little pasticcino was holding herself stiffly. Were those tears he could taste under his tongue?

  Forcing his wayward body back under control with a deep sigh, he blocked the mental image of taking her right now, perched against that railing. That was so not helping to relieve the ache in his pants. He took a step back to give her some breathing spa

  The two little boys ran past them, their mother in hot pursuit. He smiled, but turning back to Elise that smile froze. She was deathly pale looking towards those boys. She hugged her arms to herself and blinked back tears.

  She'd looked like this when he had woken her up from that nightmare. He hadn't wanted to press her then, but now he wondered what was behind it all.

  His whispered, "Elise?" brought no reaction. She seemed completely lost in her own world.

  "Earth to Elise, come back, baby. Whatever is wrong?"

  He shook her gently, and she visibly startled as her eyes slowly came back into focus.

  "Hey there, glad to have you. Where have you been?"

  Wherever she had been wasn't a happy place. He could feel her agitation under his hands. Her rapid heartbeat and erratic breathing gave her away even as she struggled to pull herself together in front of his eyes. Protectiveness welled up inside him with such a force, his own hands shook as he tried to pull her into his body. She resisted, putting one hand on his chest, she shook her head.

  "No. Marco, how could you?"

  Dread washed over him at the whispered question. How could he what? Well, apart from blackmailing her, threatening her, taking away her virginity without any thought as to her own feelings about that, and now almost abducting her on this honeymoon. Hell, she looked ready to spit fire and so goddamn beautiful it hurt to look at her. He took a careful step away from her whilst grabbing her elbow and steering her round the corner, away from the elderly couple who were watching them intently.

  "Let's do this away from prying eyes at least, Elise."

  He smiled grimly when they found themselves under the lifeboats. Not quite what he'd had in mind originally. Elise snatched her elbow out from his grasp, her hands on her hips and two spots of color high on her cheeks. He crossed his arms and leant back against the column behind him, hoping like hell his own anxiety didn't show on his face.

  "Ok, let me have it then. What have I done?"

  Elise took a deep breath.“Don't you think a woman deserves to be asked before you take chances on impregnating her? And not just that... How dare you?"

  Waves of righteous indignation poured off her, but that wasn't what froze Marco to the spot. It was the barely concealed desperation he sensed under those hasty words, words designed to wound him.

  "You don't need to worry about that, Elise, and do you really think so little of me?"

  Some of the anger went out of her. Her hands pushing the errand strands of hair from her face trembled slightly, and he had to strain to hear the next few words.

  "What do you expect me to think, Marco? I don't know you. You blackmailed me into this whole thing, and then... then... last night." Heat crept into her cheeks, and her voice faltered as she looked at the floor.

  "Last night what, pasticcino? What are you really worried about here? However we got here, we are married now in every sense of the word, and should you find yourself pregnant, it would hardly be the end of the world."

  A goddamn miracle, but not the end of the world. He turned his back on her gasp of outrage as the old wound was ripped open, and pain and fury crippled him. Long strides carried him back to the railing. He stared unseeing across the swirling expanse of water, dimly aware of Elise having followed him.

  "Don't you dare walk away from me, Marco Giovanni. It may not be the end of the world to you, but this is my body you're talking about. I have a right to decide if I want to get pregnant, damn it. Are you even listening to me?"

  Marco resolutely pushed the memories, threatening to overwhelm his self-control away, and his voice was harsh when he responded.

  "I am listening, woman. There is no need to shout at me. Rest assured, I was not taking any liberties with your body, other than the ones you were begging me for last night."

  The slap took him by surprise. His head snapped round with the sheer force behind it. His cheek stung. He blocked the next one. He grabbed her hand, and he spun her around until they were once again under the lifeboat. He used his body to crowd her against the column.

  "Don't ever hit me again, or I will not be responsible for what happens next."


  Blood rushed in her ears. Cold sweat trickled down her spine, and Elise's heart hammered against her breastbone. He looked so angry. With her handprint clearly visible on his cheek, the frost in his beautiful eyes made her shiver even as the sensation of being pressed up this close to him excited her on the most primitive level. He felt it, too, this connection between them. His breathing picked up; his pupils dilated, and he swore. His hands fisted in her hair, and his mouth branded her with a searing kiss. She wasn't sure which one of them groaned as he ground his hips into hers, their tongues on fire, all-consuming need making them forget where they were. He yanked the flimsy strap of her sundress away and pinched one erect nipple. Heat exploded in her core as she moaned into his mouth. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist almost of their own accord. He grabbed her backside and lifted her higher against that smooth column. Using his body to support her, his hands fumbled with the button of his jeans. He groaned into her shoulder when she went to help him, and her hand closed around his rock hard penis, which was making a bid for freedom. Sprung from its nest of thick black hair, its thick purple head glistened, and Elise's mouth went dry in anticipation of his cum on her tongue.

  The sound of the ship's horn penetrated through the haze of sexual fever surrounding them both, and Elise froze. What on earth were they doing? They were in full view of anyone who happened to walk on by, for pity's sake. And was she really just about to have sex with him again, without having sorted out anything at all?

  She tried to shove him away, but he wouldn't budge. Just stood there, watching her. His broad chest rose and fell as he struggled to button himself back inside his tight jeans.

  Hah, serves you right. I hope you can't walk properly.

  However his next words floored her completely.

  "I can't give you children, Elise, ever. I'm sorry. I should have told you."

  Chapter Twelve

  Elise looked across at Marco's scowling profile and sighed to herself. Some honeymoon this was turning out to be. After that astonishing statement back on the ferry, Marco had clammed up like the shell fish they'd had for lunch and completely refused to talk about it.

  "It doesn't matter why, Elise. I can't give you kids, or more accurately impregnate you, as you put it, so let that be an end to it."

  "But... Mimi..." He had cut her objections off by kissing her with an almost brutal intensity. His hands had bitten into her arms, and she had not been able to stop her wince of pain. He had released her immediately. His trembling muscles screamed his agitation at her, his whole body as taut as a bow string.

  "Please... Elise... just trust me on this." His whispered words, coupled with the barely concealed pain in his eyes, had stopped her from pressing him further.

  Since then Marco had seemed lost in his own brooding thoughts, only to inform her that their destination was Reims.

  "I have a business meeting, and there is a private party we have to attend."

  He sighed, when she couldn't help but snap at him.“I thought this was supposed to be our honeymoon?"

  "It is, pasticcino, but this has been planned for weeks. If it was just business, I would have simply flown over and been done with it, but this is important to me, and I need you there."

  Elise snorted her disdain. "Just like you needed me at the dinner with your banker? I haven't anything to wear, Marco."

  He smiled grimly at that.

  "Mamma G packed your bag. I'm sure you'll find something in there that's suitable. If not, there are plenty of shops in Reims."

  She wanted to strangle him on the spot. That wasn't the point, damn it.

  "Don't you think it might have been helpful to let me know this in advance?"

  He frowned at her. "Why? You will be fine. Besides all you have to do is smile and make people believe that
I am so head over heels in love with you, they get careless, and things will go my way. That's not too much to ask of my wife, is it?"

  "Not if you actually asked me, instead of ordering me, Marco. I am your wife. I'm not one of your business associates or employees with added sex duties. Remember that in future!"

  He cocked one eyebrow at that outburst before ignoring her for the rest of the journey. Elise settled for letting the beautiful scenery calm her. She did love France after all.

  By the time the signs for Reims appeared, a plan had formed in her mind.

  Mamma G has packed my suitcase, had she? Well, no doubt I'll find something extremely suitable in there. I'll show him.

  He wanted eye candy; he would get more than he bargained for. Time to show the arrogant excuse of a man that she had a mind of her own.


  What the hell was taking her so long? She had sent him packing with a flea in his ear, half an hour ago when he dared to point out to her that they were going to be late. He had to talk to her through the closed bathroom door. What was it with her and locking herself in bathrooms?

  "I'll be there in a minute. Damn it, Marco, leave me alone, and go and have a drink. I'll meet you in the bar just as soon as I'm ready. Besides it's fashionable to be late for parties. You should know that."

  "Fashionable maybe, but not professional, woman."

  She stuck her head out through the door, giving him a tantalising view of bare shoulders, and her low seductive whisper wrapped itself like silk around him.

  "Unless you want me to go naked ..."

  Her knowing gaze travelled down to the immediate bulge in his trousers before she licked her lips slowly, looked him up and down, and then shut the door in his face again.

  "Go away, Giovanni! You want me to dazzle, so let me get ready! I'll be out soon."

  Fuck it, he had created a monster. It was only the slight tremble in her voice as she told him to go away that stopped him from breaking that door down. Instead he was sitting here in this goddamn bar like some love-sick fool waiting for her to make an appearance.


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