Prague Winter
Page 47
and crown of Wenceslas, 198, 199, 202
and Czech underground, 200–201, 202, 213, 214, 217, 226
and final solution to Jewish question, 203, 204–5
reprisals for death of, 220–23, 226–27, 228, 239
and Terezín, 205
Hilsner, Leopold, 37
Himmler, Heinrich, 199, 200, 203, 218, 269, 270, 271, 275, 276
Hindenburg, Paul von, 56
Hiroshima, Japan, 353
Hitler, Adolf:
and Beneš, 75, 231, 402
and Chamberlain, 88–91, 92–93, 125, 194, 264, 303
and Czechoslovak Republic, 2, 3, 15, 82–89, 92–95, 97, 101, 103, 104, 109, 202, 358, 406, 411
death of, 306, 316
on education, 66
and England, 67–69, 71, 77, 148, 154, 164–68, 169, 173, 181, 193
and family values, 137
and France, 154
and Hitler-Stalin pact, 126–27, 162, 187, 194, 196
Mein Kampf, 53, 68, 164
and Munich Conference, 97–99, 98, 108, 161
and munitions, 296, 298
Nuremberg speech of, 86–87, 88
political opponents of, 83
and race, 66, 68
rise to power, 56–57, 60, 62, 67–69, 75, 129, 296, 340
speeches of, 78, 147, 165
and Stalin, 126, 127, 193–94, 264–65
territorial ambitions of, 61–62, 76–78, 82–83, 119, 125, 184, 193, 411
Hitler Gives the Jews a Town (movie), 276–77
Hitler’s Madman (movie), 228
Hitler-Stalin pact, 126–27, 162, 187, 194, 196
Holocaust, 193, 235–36, 268–69, 270, 282, 410
Holy Roman Empire, 20, 23
Holzer, Vilém, 276
Hopkins, Harry, 182, 185, 189, 260
Howard, Leslie, 184
Hungary, 29, 45, 110
Hungarians ousted from Slovakia, 358–60, 365
Kingdom of, 26
liberation of, 411
territorial claims of, 98, 108, 160
and Soviet Union, 405
Hus, Jan, 21–22, 22, 36, 295, 323, 387
Hussite movement, 23–24
India, as British colony, 70, 151
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 271–76
Israel, 405
and Munich Conference, 97, 98
and World War II, 154
Jáchymov mine, Bohemia, 353–54
Janeček, Theodor, 247
Jankovic family, 368
Jankovic, Nidza, 368, 369
Jánošík, Juro, 26–27
atomic bombs used in, 353
and Pearl Harbor, 229
and World War II, 229, 303
Jesus of Nazareth, 22
and anti-Semitism, 37, 65, 77, 78, 87, 108, 109, 130, 139, 192–93, 200, 203–7, 235–36, 238–42, 311–12
from Denmark, 271–72
emigration to Palestine, 67, 111, 122, 203
and final solution, 203, 204–5, 254
in forced-labor camps, 235, 239, 311–12
and Holocaust, 193, 235–36, 268–69, 270, 282, 410
massacres of, 148, 200, 235–36, 269, 270, 323, 324
and national identity, 34–35, 66–67
nonpracticing, 49
political refugees, 122
property confiscated, 137, 139, 203, 311
relocation to death camps, 204–7, 239
at Terezín, see Terezín
in underground and resistance, 131
and Zionism, 34, 35, 191
Joan of Arc, 23n
John of Nepomuk, Saint, 323
Joseph II, Emperor, 27–28, 205
Joyce, William (Lord Haw-Haw), 165–66
Kafka, Franz, 34, 243, 406n
Kapper, Siegfried, “Do Not Say I Am Not Czech,” 35
Karpišek, Arnošt, 389
Kašperová, Tereza, 222
Katyn Forest massacre, 257, 260, 293
Kauders, Renata, 163–64
Keitel, Wilhelm, 103, 105
Kennan, George F., 13, 104, 131, 133
Kennedy, John F., 71, 298
Kennedy, Joseph, Sr., 152, 184
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., 298
Khrushchev, Nikita, 127
Kindertransport, 122–25
Kipling, Rudyard, “If,” 186, 189
Klee, Paul, 251
Klinger, Oskar, 392, 399
Knox, Frank, 228
Komenský, Jan Ámos, 25–26
Körbel, Arnošt (grandfather), 33, 114, 191, 239–42, 240, 282
and anti-Semitism, 238–39, 240–41
business of, 48, 111, 189
death of, 246
in Terezín, 246, 281
transport to Terezín, 241–42
Korbel, George (cousin), 189, 190, 192
Körbel, Gert (father᾽s cousin), 282
Körbel, Jan “Honza”: (uncle), 111, 189–90, 323
Korbel, John (brother), 2, 237, 367, 367, 404
Korbel, Josef (father), 7, 190, 233, 348
awards and honors to, 369–70, 409–10
and BBC broadcasts, 144–48, 161, 196, 219, 230–31, 270, 303–4
birth and early years of, 48–53, 56
career of, 51, 59–61, 109–10, 120, 189, 404, 407, 409–10
and Cold War, 370–71, 376–77, 406
and Czech underground, 131
death of, 409
emigration to U.S., 407–8
Foreign Ministry work of, 51–53, 325–26, 347–52, 407
and government in exile, 4, 120, 162, 168, 219, 230–31, 258
and Heydrich assassination, 218–19
and London Blitz, 178–79
and loyalist council, 90–91
marriage of, 51, 51
and Masaryk’s death, 397
and mobilization, 94
papers of, 5–7, 43–44, 52, 328–30, 346, 349, 401, 413
and Paris Peace Conference (1946), 357–60
political contacts of, 53, 117, 120–22, 146, 389–90
political enemies of, 8
propaganda duties of, 120, 144, 196–97
and return to Prague, 325–26, 367–68
and United Nations, 389–90, 404, 407–8
and Yalta Conference, 303–4
Körbel, Karel (great-uncle), 282, 282
Korbel, Pamela (John’s wife), 2
Korbel family, 282
and Catholicism, 190–93
in England, 4, 117, 125–26, 156–59, 177, 286–92, 305, 404
family history, 1–3
Jewish heritage of, 190, 192–93, 237, 413
losses suffered by, 281–82, 328
move to England, 110, 112, 113–14
and Munich agreement, 101
and political asylum, 389–90, 403, 408, 408
in Prague, 52–53, 239–41, 322–25
umlaut dropped from name of, 192
in U.S., 4, 407–8, 409–10
in Yugoslavia, 59–61, 101, 326, 347–52, 368–70
Korbelová, Alena (cousin), 189, 190, 191, 192, 240
Körbelová, Irma (Paterová) (great-aunt), 207, 282
Korbelová, Katherine “Kathy” (Silva) (sister), 2, 232–33, 237, 286, 287, 322, 323, 350, 352, 369, 404
Korbelová, Mandula (née Anna) (mother), 6–7, 7, 190, 233, 239, 403, 410
and author’s childhood, 17, 356, 374
early years of, 49–52
in England, 117, 122, 130, 158–59
marriage of, 51, 51
and Masaryk’s death, 397
and return to Prague, 327–28
spirituality of, 191, 233–34, 356–57
in Yugoslavia, 356–57
Korbelová, Marie Jana, see Albright, Madeleine
Körbelová, Marta (great-aunt), 163n, 282
Korbelová, Ola (aunt), 189, 190, 192, 323
Körbelová, Olga (grandmother), 48, 59, 114, 239, 240–42, 249, 250, 269, 280
Krajina, Vladimír, 346
Kraus, František R., 284–85
Kraus, Tomáš, 8, 285
Krejčí, Ludvík, 87
Kubiš, Jan (Big Ota), 164, 208–10, 209, 214, 216–17, 221, 222, 223, 225–26
Kyšperk, Czechoslovakia, 48–49
La Guardia, Fiorello, 118
Lang, Fritz, 228
Lawrence, David, 118
League of Nations, 60, 70, 90, 107, 111, 259, 339
Lenin, Vladimir, 41, 295, 296, 354
Lessing, Gotthold, 75
Libuše (prophetess), 18–19
destruction of, 220–21, 221, 222, 223, 228, 230, 284, 415
and war crimes tribunals, 342
work team in, 283–85
“Lightning Flashes atop the Tatras,” 44
Lippmann, Walter, 118, 403
Liszt, Franz, 243
Little Entente, 55
Lloyd George, David, 68, 148
Lockhart, Robert H. Bruce, 226, 230, 389, 398
London, see England
Luxembourg, German invasion of, 151
Mach, Ernst, 34
Mackenzie, Compton, 75–76
MacMillan, Margaret, 44
Madagascar, Jews exported to, 203
Madla from the Brick Factory (play), 59
Magyar alliance, 26
Mahler, Karel (father᾽s cousin), 163n
Mahler, Pedro (son of father᾽s cousin), 163n
Mann, Thomas, 65–66, 243
Man with a Pipe, A (documentary film), 410
Maria Theresa, Empress, 28
Marshall, George C., 363
Marshall Plan, 363–65, 366, 374
Marti, Roland, 275
Masařík, Hubert, 98
Masaryk, Charlotte Garrigue, 36, 54
Masaryk, Jan, 307, 327, 415
and BBC broadcasts, 144, 147, 196, 231
birth of, 36
and Communists, 296, 355, 373, 374, 381
and Davenport, 360–61, 365, 385, 387, 388–89, 391, 397, 398
death of, 393–94, 396–400, 411
on expulsion of Sudeten Germans, 229–30
final hours of, 389, 391–93
as foreign minister, 313, 326, 387, 388, 390, 391
funeral of, 395–97, 396, 400, 403
and government collapse, 381, 382, 385–89
and government in exile, 120, 144, 161, 162, 185, 231–32
and Heydrich assassination, 218–19
and his father, 362, 387, 390–91, 391, 398
and Hitler, 77
ill health of, 385, 392
and Korbel, 6, 120, 356, 370, 381
and leadership, 401, 402–3
in London, 64, 106, 120, 158–59
and Marshall Plan, 364–65
and Munich agreement, 106
on nationalism, 361–62
and Nazi threat, 90, 93
and Paris Peace Conference (1946), 357–60, 361
and Poland, 304
resignation as minister to Great Britain, 106
return home, 309
and Soviet Union, 365–66
and United Nations, 353, 360, 366
in U.S., 168, 229, 360
visit to Yugoslavia, 355–56
Masaryk, Tomáš G., 38, 387, 391, 410
aging and death of, 58, 62
anniversary of birth, 147, 390, 398
birth and early years of, 35–39
and Czechoslovak Republic, 46–48, 108
funeral of, 58, 395, 400
inaugural address of, 46
and independence, 40–44, 46, 117
and Korbel, 6, 53
and nationalism, 38–39
and Paris Peace Conference (1919), 44–45
principles of, 59, 67, 73, 130, 160, 185, 192, 295, 340, 354, 359, 363, 383, 399, 402, 413
and Soviet Union, 261, 262
in U.S., 42–43
Mastný, Vojtĕch, 98
McAuliffe, Anthony, 300
Mengele, Josef, 276, 279
Middle East, British mandate in, 69, 111
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 126, 193, 304, 364, 402
Molotov cocktail, 148
Mommsen, Theodor, 31
Montgomery, Bernard Law, 326
Moravcová, Marie, 213–15, 217, 222–23, 224, 227–28
Moravec, Alois, 213, 224, 226
Moravec, Ata, 213, 215, 224, 226, 227, 324
Moravec, František, 74, 75, 110, 112, 122, 157, 161, 226
in Czechoslovak Republic, 45
German control of, 15
Great Moravian Empire, 26–27
industries in, 34, 61–62
Protectorate of (map), 201
Morrison, Herbert, 291
Munich Conference, 98, 118, 158, 304, 320, 376, 386
author’s “what-ifs,” 102–6
and Beneš, 98, 99, 101–4, 117, 121, 147, 160, 161, 185–86, 256, 401, 402
cause and effect, 264, 338, 340, 401
and Chamberlain, 97–99, 105, 107, 119, 122, 296
discredited, 160, 161, 185–86, 256
German aims for, 105
and Nazi occupation of Czechoslovak Republic, 97–100, 101, 108
and Soviet Union, 105, 107–8
Murrow, Edward R., 183, 236, 305
Mussolini, Benito, 97, 98, 127, 181, 231
My Country (Smetana), 134
Nagasaki, Japan, 353
Napoleon Bonaparte, 83, 256
Napoleonic Wars, 79–80
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 411
Nĕmcová, Božena:
The Grandmother, 11, 137, 415
“To the Bohemian Women,” 31–32
Neruda, Jan, 35
Netherlands, German invasion of, 151
Neugraben concentration camp, 276n
Neurath, Konstantin von, 129, 137–38, 199, 200
“Never Surrender,” 228
New British Broadcasting Station, Germany, 166
Nicolson, Harold, 87–88, 295
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 411
Norway, German invasion of, 149–50
Obama, Barack, 90n
Opálka, Adolf, 215, 216, 222, 225
Operation Anthropoid, 215–16
Operation Barbarossa, 204
Operation Eagle, 169
Operation Overlord, 289
Operation Reinhard, 204
Operation Southeast, 110
Opletal, Jan, 134
Orwell, George, 297, 403
Ottoman Empire, 40, 69
Paris Peace Conference (1919), 44–45, 55
Paris Peace Conference (1946), 357–60, 361, 365
Pater, Oscar (great-uncle), 207
Paterová, Herta (father᾽s cousin), 207
Paterová, Irma Körbelová (great-aunt), 207, 282
Patton, George S., 300, 305, 316, 317, 320
Peake, Charles, 389–90
Pearl Harbor, 229
Petherick, Maurice, 304
Pikwicka Forest, Latvia, 207
Pinkas Synagogue, Prague, 2–3
Pius II, Pope, 23
Plan Green, 77
Plzeň labor camp, 276n
antifascist uprising in, 312
borders of, 45, 303
and England, 125, 126, 303
and France, 85
German invasion of, 127–28, 144, 148, 169, 200
Jews massacred in, 235–36, 239, 269, 270
Jews transported to, 204, 239
Katyn Forest massacre, 257, 260, 293
liberation of, 411
and pan-Slav brotherhood, 33
and Soviet Union, 107, 127, 148, 292–93, 302, 303, 304–5
territorial claims of, 98, 108, 257–58
and Yalta Conference, 301–5
Potsdam Conference, 337
author’s childhood in, 322–25
author’s visits to, 8–10, 367
censorship in, 196–97
Černín Palace in, 325
collapse of government in, 379–84
culture in, 72–73, 130
Czech puppet government in, 195, 219
diversity in, 20, 32, 66
general strike in, 92
German occupation of, 16, 16, 129–41, 411
German troops in, 14–16, 14, 117, 119
guillotine used by Nazis in, 133, 133, 324
in history, 18–19, 52
Hitler in, 16
Jewish settlements in, 8, 239
Korbel family in, 52–53, 239–41, 322–25
liberation of, 315–21, 318, 319, 366–67
martial law in, 200
pan-Slav congress (1848) in, 376
Peček Palace, 132–33
political refugees in, 113–14
Red Army in, 314–15, 318–19, 319, 321
taking back their country, 316–18, 318, 320
U.S. bombing of, 322
Prague Spring, 400, 406n
Přemyslid dynasty, 19–20
Priestley, J. B., 184
Princip, Gavrilo, 205
radar, 169–70, 172, 173
Rahm, Karl, 279, 281, 342
Redlich, Gonda, 254, 269
Reformation, 22
Reston, James “Scotty,” 183
Rhineland, German occupation of, 57, 70, 77, 87, 105
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 15, 402
Ribnikar, Jara, 61
Ribnikar, Vladimir, 61
Ripka, Hubert, 120–22, 161, 162, 235, 236, 378–83, 385, 386, 400
liberation of, 411
and Little Entente, 55
and Soviet Union, 107, 405
Romanov Empire, 40
Romanticism, 66
Rommel, Erwin, 151
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 119
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 86, 147, 176–77, 257
and Beneš, 259–60, 260
and Churchill, 152, 229, 256