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by Annalise Alexis

  Unwelcome (Her Illusian Warrior #2)

  Copyright ©2019 Annalise Alexis

  All Rights Reserved.

  Unwelcome (Her Illusian Warrior #2) is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover designed by Kasmit Covers

  Editing by The Novel Fixer

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This book contains content for adult audiences.

  For the Jaylas of this world. I see you.

  This is the second thrilling installment of the Her Illusian Warrior series. It follows the first book, Unexpected, closely and should be enjoyed after reading Unexpected.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Unmatched - Prologue


  About the Author

  Also by Annalise Alexis

  Chapter One


  Time seems to slow as I sit in the shower waiting for Ren to finish collecting my things. I think on some level, he knows I need time to work through the tangled mess of emotions swirling around in my head. The sound of the water splashing off the floor and the warmth of the steam help to ease my overwhelming anxiety but do very little to blunt the sharp stab of anger pulsing through me. So many people are dead.

  General Sterling and his men?


  The hundreds of Inokine slavers he snuck on board?


  My former best friend who colluded with Sterling?

  Yeah, he's dead too.

  More than a dozen people I spent the last year of my life with are sprawled lifeless on the floor, and for what? Some extra meal rations? Money and sex?

  Nausea rises in my throat, and my heart aches for their suffering. I want to scream. Beat my fists against the wall and demand a higher power explain how something like this could happen. But I cry instead, letting the water wash away the evidence of my tears. It’s all so senseless.

  I loved Rett like a brother, and he betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. His eyes held no remorse as he stared at me through the bars of the cage holding me prisoner. He even had the audacity to act like it wasn’t a big deal. “It was just business,” he’d said. “Nothing personal.”

  Getting sold out by your best friend to a group of sadistic sex traders feels pretty fucking personal.

  My skin crawls as I teeter back and forth between anger and sadness. Empathy and outrage. Rett was such a piece of shit, but I loved him, and the misery I feel over his violent death pisses me off even more.

  It would be so much easier if I could just hate him.

  My life has gone from systematic boredom to uncontrolled chaos in less than two weeks, and I’m freaking out. The Illusians are alive. Not only that, but I’m mated to their alpha. I’m their queen, for crying out loud. The answers my family spent their entire lives obsessing over just fell into my lap, and all I want to do is pick up my comm and call my father but I can’t. Because like many of my friends, he’s dead. Gone. And I’m still here, guilt ridden and confused.

  What the hell happens now?

  The Illusians are leaving, returning to their nomadic lifestyle to hunt down those who betrayed them. Leandra and I are fleeing with them. Any second now, we’ll be excommunicated and labeled as Unwelcomes. Me, because I let the Illusians board and broke UCom rules, and Leandra… she’ll be charged with aiding and abetting no matter why she agreed to help. Neither of us are safe. It won’t matter what Sterling did or how many lives we tried to save. We’re both guilty in the eyes of UCom law, and we’re as good as dead if they ever get their hands on us. We have to leave.

  Even if I had the choice to stay, I still wouldn’t. I knew the moment I laid eyes on Ren, my life would never be the same, that I could never be without him. The depth of despair I felt when I thought he was dead affirmed that feeling by showing me the difference between living and being alive. I can breathe without him, I just don’t want to.

  I sag against the shower wall, held captive by a combination of exhaustion and dread. The skin of my fingers is pruning, and the water’s gone cold, but I can’t summon the energy to get up. The shower door creaks, and steam billows out as Ren pulls me to my feet.

  “Sol has returned with news.” His words are softer than normal. I guess my ugly shower cry was louder than I thought.

  “What did he have to say?” I step into the towel and his outstretched arms. The raging storm of misery clawing at my chest ebbs, and the tighter his hold, the safer I feel. Ren’s my home. Everyone and everything else can just go to hell.

  “He scanned the communications from the past six months, and none mention our presence. The general's preference for making under the table deals will work in our favor. We still officially do not exist.”

  My eyes mist as the heat of his breath tickles my neck. Hours ago, I mourned him. Suffocated under the weight of his death, believing I’d never feel this again. But here he is. Alive. Holding me.

  I nuzzle against him, beyond thankful to have him in my life. “Everyone here knows you guys showed up. Sterling made sure the entire crew hated us. How long do you think that’s going to last?”

  “Sol took care of it. He met the human you call Serena on his way back to us. Apparently, she was more than happy to convince the remaining survivors to leave our involvement out when filing their official reports.”

  I take a deep breath and hold it in. There’s only one way she’d agree to do it. “She’s taking all the credit, isn't she?” I snort in annoyance. Only Serena.

  He chuckles. “Yes, that was part of the deal. Sol took all security footage of us and left only the parts featuring her involvement. He also left her the currency stick I found hidden when I interrogated Sterling’s men and instructed her to divide it amongst those still living as payment for their silence.”

  I shudder, knowing what Ren considers interrogation. “You really think no one will tell?” I’m genuinely curious. There’s no way in hell this stays quiet.

  Ren sighs, kissing my forehead. “No Skara, I am not so naive. Word will spread of what happened here, and it is only a matter of time before our existence becomes public knowledge. My goal is to successfully retrieve our missing and find somewhere safe for you to rest without worry before the Inokine and the Universal Community seek us out.”

  Ren leans into my hand. T
he wiry stubble on his face feels rough against my fingers as I trace his jaw. “Let’s go find our people then.” I smile, holding his gaze a moment before pulling away to head into my room.

  Ren catches my hand and yanks me back into his arms. “We need to disclose what I found. I have yet to allow the others to interact with the two rescued females from Xen’s group, but they will be reintroduced to our population once they have settled. Both of them will be able to speak about those involved once they awaken. It is important the circumstances surrounding their abduction come from us.” His tone is firm but kind. The worry lines around his eyes grow deeper as he waits for my answer. I know we have to tell them. They deserve to know. I’m just not ready for them to hate me yet.

  Injari and Urina, the two Illusian females discovered in the Inokine ship, were rabid and uncontrollable when Ragar freed them from their chains. Bruised, bloodied, and naked, both females scratched and tore at his flesh, even biting him, until Ren forced them to sleep. They were so far gone, they didn’t even recognize him. With Naya out of commission, the only way he could safely get them back to the ship was to keep them sedated with his gifts. He assured me, after searching their minds for pain, there were no external wounds that required immediate attention. The internal…well, nothing within my power can fix those.

  “Can we just wait a little longer? Maybe until tonight?”

  Ren tilts my chin upward to meet his gaze. His calm eyes, the palest of blues at their center, help soothe the ache in my soul. “As you wish, my Aciana. As you wish.”

  Chapter Two


  Sol struggles with the weight of my mate’s bags. His labored breathing and reddened cheeks hint at his need for additional training. He has spent so much time immersed in his machines that he has grown soft and weak.


  “How can one female have so many things?” Sol asks in disbelief as he carries the third and final load of Jayla’s belongings into our sleeping quarters. I ignore the question and turn back to scan the room. My mate remains occupied tending to the female mechanic’s wound. Her injury is honorable. The large crescent shaped mark across half her face will stay with her. As it should. She fought an Inokine and survived. She has earned it.

  Ragar hovers near, monitoring the interaction more closely than I prefer. Irritation thrums through me. His gaze flicks to mine at my silent warning to back off, and he steps farther away. My mate, his Aciana, does not require oversight. She rules alongside me. He will do well to remember her position.

  The stench of misery and piss fills my nostrils the closer I get to the cargo hold. The human we caught claiming to possess knowledge of our females has lain listless since his capture. Pathetic. Unmoving. Even the threat of Ragar’s wrath could not break him. I will pick apart his mind for whatever he is trying to hide. He knows something. Has information that will lead me to the pieces of shit that stole my Life Giver and the other females of my kind.

  He will tell me, or I will rip him to shreds to find it.

  After seeing the way my mate reacted to the images of my time spent questioning the general’s men, I know she will not appreciate what I need to do now. The ship is large enough to allow everyone space but nowhere near big enough to silence a scream.

  My footfalls echo through the darkness as I descend the stairs but I do not soften my steps. I want him to know I am coming. Disappointed and annoyed when he does not stir, I stand over him and scent the air. No fear. Nothing but the wretched smell of self-pity and regret. The urge to rip him off the floor and shake him rises but I maintain my calm. I promised my mate I would not kill him. Yet.

  The male’s eyes are fixed on the wall and his hands and feet are bound behind him. His quickened breaths give away his awareness. I will give him an opportunity I do not extend to many: the chance to speak before I take the answers myself. “Tell me what else you know of Sterling and the Inokine.”

  His lips crack as he peels them apart. “I have nothing to say.”

  “You will tell me all you know. One way or another.”

  His throat bobs as he swallows hard, and the bitter stench of fear rises. Perhaps he is not completely without self-preservation. No response. I clench my teeth. Fucking ingrate. Does this male have no idea the amount of pain I can cause him? That I can have him begging for death? My patience wears thin at his continued silence, but I am attempting to rein in my appetite for destruction in deference to my mate. Even the sight of his weak, defeated face stirs my rage.

  “You will not get another chance. If you wish to breathe long enough to find your blood, you will answer me.”

  The male lets out a loud sob and smashes his forehead into the ground. “Just kill me,” he mutters and returns his gaze to the void. Pathetic. If he has no desire to live, I have no need to prolong my retrieval.

  “You would abandon your search for her? Leave her to be brutalized?” I should just end him and leave him to rot, but I cannot stomach my disgust for his weakness. What kind of male does not fight for his females?

  “You will never find them. Not with Sterling gone. I’ve seen this before, done this before, and that’s why they took her. Payback for my interference.”

  A growl rumbles in my throat at his insult. He is weak and spineless. Lying there sulking rather than fighting for his freedom so he can save those he claims to care for. How dare he imply I am not capable of finding my people. I have killed for less. His experience with the Inokine and their allies and my promise to my mate are the only things keeping him alive. The fact that he protected her saved his life once. It will not work a second time.

  “What do you mean you have done this before?”

  More silence. My people are suffering. My mate, my Life Giver, all tainted by these fucks, and this male chooses to play games. No more.

  “Wait! What are you—” he yells when I yank him up and slam him against the wall.

  His memories flood my mind as I rip my way through, taking what I want. No matter how much restraint I use, invading another’s mind causes significant pain, and his silence surprises me. After getting the information I need, I release him, and he collapses to the floor sobbing.

  Still enraged, I launch myself over the stairs and slam the cargo hatch in the floor, locking it. When I enter the navigation room, Sol is, as usual, consumed with the communication board at the front of the ship. “We are ready to leave, Acia. Rivan just needs to know where to go.”

  “Tren Vakoro.”

  Sol turns to me and lowers the magnification device over his face. “Should I know what that means, Acia?” His brows furrow in confusion.

  “It is the name of the smuggler that led the human captain here in search of Sterling. I need you to find him.”

  “Is that where we will be going next? After him?”

  I grunt in response. He knows the drill.

  “Find the smuggler. We can detach from this station and hover if you need more time. I do not want to remain here longer than necessary.” Mentally instructing Ragar to account for all members of the group, I glimpse at the star map, ensuring our path remains clear, and head to the bridge in search of Jayla.

  The strands of her midnight hair hang loosely down her back as she leans against a discarded box of tools, staring across the room, her eyes unfocused until I capture her attention. “Hey, sorry. I was spacing. You guys ready to go?” she asks as I pull her to her feet.

  “Yes. If she is ready.” I nod toward the human mechanic glaring at the hull.

  My mate snickers and playfully shoves the blonde. “She is, she just can’t figure out why the panel door won’t latch properly. The ship is running great.”

  Ragar remains still, taking heed of my original warning. His shoulders are relaxed. No aggression in his stance. He is a violent creature, and if he intends to pair with this female, Jayla’s benign actions could be seen as a threat. The male is my second for one reason. Unwavering loyalty.

  “Great isn’t the word I would use, bu
t it’ll get us out of here and a few million miles away before it takes another dump. You really need a new ship.”

  The human mechanic is blunt, but I appreciate this. Before engaging her, I look to Jayla to ensure she is comfortable with such casual conversation between us. She rolls her eyes in response, then narrows them as Illaria approaches.

  “Seriously, we are so cramped. There is barely any room to move with all the… extras on board! Oh, Aren, can we please get another ship?”

  Jayla’s jaw strains at the sound of Illaria’s whining. I am irritated by the way the cumbersome unmated blatantly stares at me. I do not belong to her. If my Aciana were an Illusian, Illaria would be dead by now. She has baited Jayla multiple times, and her frivolous attempts at upsetting my mate are enough to make me consider reassigning her. Choosing not to entertain her childish whims, I ignore Illaria and address the mechanic. “I will keep that in mind. Undocumented and untraceable ships large enough to hold our numbers are not easy to come by.”

  The human mechanic nods and turns to gather the rest of her tools. Ragar appears at her side, hoisting the heavy bag on his back. She does not appear pleased by the gesture.

  Jayla stares wide-eyed at his obvious display of favor. “The hell?” she mouths at me as she curls against my chest. I chuckle at her bewilderment but do not voice my thoughts. Ragar is determined and loyal to a fault. If he has decided on the human, it is only a matter of time before she accepts him. Like me, he is a male who knows what he wants and he will not stop until he has satisfied his need.


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