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Page 7

by Annalise Alexis

  Amina pulls me from room to room, clapping and showing me all the top notch features the vessel has. Overall, this is the nicest ship I’ve ever seen. Built for luxury and function, it’s laced with tech I can’t even begin to understand and geared toward someone who enjoys a lavish lifestyle. I hate to be a grinch but, someone has to be missing this ship. After seeing how amazing it is, I really can’t understand why Vakoro—or anyone—would let it go so easily.

  Ignoring the massive common room to my right, I blaze into the kitchen and search the drink dispensers lining the wall. Oh, thank God. Coffee. Another living area opens off to the left, and Amina and I race through on our way to a set of winding, illuminated stairs. Taking them two at a time, we spill onto the upper deck in a fit of giggles.

  “Come, Aciana!” She motions me forward with her hand. “Wait until you see the private quarters. There are enough for each of us. No one has to share, and they come with their own bathing area!”

  Since the ship is shaped like a teardrop and tapers up, the second level is smaller. We walk room to room until I stop at one that’s overflowing with clutter.

  “Who’s the hoarder?”

  “Oh, this is where Ari and Nexx placed all the belongings from the ship’s previous inhabitants. They just left things strewn about everywhere.”

  Uneasiness creeps in, and I nod, unsure of what to say. “Who’s in there?” I ask, hearing a soft snore from the room up ahead. I thought I saw most the females downstairs.

  Lunging forward, she waves her hand over the sensor and closes the door save for a one-inch gap. Peering through the tiny space as I pass, I make out the thin form of a female with her back to me resting on the bed. Her clothing hangs loosely, and her head looks to have been roughly shaved. There are partially healed wounds at the base of her scalp and some sort of dark marks on the back of her neck. She looks awful. I can’t even imagine what she’s been through.

  Why did they shave her head?

  Amina bows her head slightly. “My apologies, Aciana, the females liberated from the Inokine ship are not yet ready for socialization. Naya is working with them still.”

  “I get it. No need to apologize. Where is the other female?” I shuffle past the door and continue around the hall, counting the rooms as I go. There are forty in total. How in the hell does this ship have so many rooms? That reminds me, I wonder where Ren stowed the captain. He better have fed the man.

  “She is also in her quarters. Injari is fairing far better than Urina.” Amina smooths her dress and then begins to chew on her thumbnail. “Both of them…they suffered far greater than the others. Their captors...made an example of them for their disobedience.” The terror and grief in Amina’s voice unsettles my stomach. It must have been terrible.

  “You’ll let me know when they’re feeling better? I’d like to help if I can,” I say, descending the stairs as Amina follows behind.

  “Of course. For now, they are to be isolated. They have not reacted well to the scents of our males.” I cringe, gripping the stair rail. That could have been me. It almost was. Inhaling deeply, I close my eyes, focusing on breathing in and out. For a moment, I’m back in the cage. That thing on top of me. Licking me. Tugging at my clothes.

  A warm arm wraps around my back and lightly guides me forward. “I’m fine, Ren. Really, I’m okay,” I say, looking up into his concerned eyes. Shaking off the panic, I straighten my spine and continue down the stairs.

  I’ve got this.

  As I clear the last step, I turn to join everyone else in the common room, but Ren pulls me to the left down another hallway.

  “But I thought we were—” He gives me a sly smile. “Wait a minute. Where are you taking me? Don’t we need to leave?”

  Ignoring me, he struts past the second living area off to the right, then down a small passageway, coming to a stop in front of a very heavy, ornate door. After he punches a few buttons on the small keypad outside, he grabs my palm, pressing it to the flat surface underneath. I feel a small vibration before the door opens wide.

  Holy. Shitballs.

  I don’t care about the heated floors, the giant closet, or the rich, gold painted walls. Sure, I like warm feet and pretty things...but the bed. The bed in our room is enormous. I stumble to a stop in awe, and my mouth drops open. Ren might actually fit.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” he asks, giving my butt a tap as I lunge forward to run my hands over the thick hides piled on top.

  “It’s perfect.” Jumping up onto the mattress, I dangle my feet off the side. The pillowy blankets cradle me perfectly. Bouncing a few times to check the support, I yelp when Ren pushes himself between my thighs.

  “Yes. This will do well,” he grunts and grabs my thighs, then yanks me forward. I giggle as I fall against the softness of the bed. Bending down, he kisses my lips, but instead of ravaging me, he stops and lifts me up into his arms.

  Aw, man we were just getting started.

  “Come, my Aciana. Although there is nothing I desire more than the feel of you wrapped around my cock, we must leave for Xalta.” I pull back to study his face. His eyes flash with an unknown emotion. Reaching out through our bond, I search his mind. The smooth lines of his face give away nothing, but I can feel his anxiety and eagerness to leave. Pushing in further, I discover why.

  “We will find her, you know,” I say, sliding down until my feet reach the floor. His shoulders stiffen, and he says nothing, but the hint of appreciation in his pale blue eyes settles my nerves. They may be buried under a mountain of rage, but my warrior experiences his emotions deeply. Hit with a surge of protectiveness, I grab his hand and pull him out of the bedroom. We’re going to find his mother. And when we do, I’m going to beat the ever-loving shit out of anyone who’s touched her.

  Chapter Twelve


  The take-off process is so much smoother in our new ride. With self-adjusting harnesses, all I have to do is plop my ass down in the seat and I’m automatically strapped in. It’s snug, but not smothering. Plus, with a navigation area large enough to hold us all, everyone gets to see how cool exiting through Magera’s atmosphere is.

  Liral is beside himself, clutching the seat, straining against his harness to get a better look. It’s adorable. And Dreya’s soaking up every second. The only downside is now Ren doesn’t obsessively tug on my straps to make sure I’m secure. There’s a small screen above every chair that gives a real time display of your vital signs, and since Ren’s seat is right beside mine, he doesn’t feel the need to double check my safety. Not going to lie, I’m kind of bummed. I like him fussing over me.

  With our new ability to travel at ultra-drive speeds, we can cut our flight time by half. Xalta is a little more than twelve Earth hours away, and I’m planning on spending a majority of that time cleaning out our new room. There are personal effects everywhere. Clothes, jewelry, and, to my disgust, an automatic sex robot fitted with two of the largest fake dicks I’ve ever seen. Whoever lived here literally gambled away their entire life. And their crew’s lives. I can’t even imagine how pissed I’d be if Ren did that.

  After we’ve completed the initial push through the atmosphere, Rivan gives us the all clear, and I head straight for my closet. Whatever female lived here, really, really, liked shiny things. There are enough metallic bodysuits shoved in there to fill six or seven Ren-sized bags. It’s ridiculous really, they’re beautifully made, and a more sensible woman would wear them, but I feel bad enough sleeping in some strange woman’s bed. I can’t stomach wearing her clothes too.

  After an hour of cleaning, I toss the last bag of opulence into the hallway and strip the bed. There has to be a linen sanitizer somewhere on this ship. I mean hell, even the toilet seats are heated and self-cleaning. Looking around at the mostly bare room, a pang of guilt blunts my excitement. Here I am, staring at my new warm, cozy bed when Ren’s mother and countless others are out there suffering. Anger stirs inside me, and I clench my teeth to keep it at bay. I hate the Ino
kine. I wish I knew what to say to Ren. To give him a few words of comfort. But I have no experience in that area. Unfortunately for me, the women in my family tend to die young. My great grandmother, grandmother, and mother all died of gene dysplasia long before I could get to know them.

  Previously known as cancer, gene dysplasia is Earth’s last remaining illness. All other human diseases have been completely eradicated. There are cell therapies designed to contain and control it, allowing those who have it to live a full life, but my family stopped trusting the science community after my great grandfather’s disappearance. Even my mother refused to use them, and it killed her. I just hope for Ren’s sake whatever happened when we bonded is enough to keep me from a similar fate.

  Padding back down the hall and into the common room, I spot Leandra sprawled out across one of the long black couches. Ragar sits at the kitchen table, staring at the back of her head. Sliding in next to her, I kick her foot out of the way to make room for mine.

  “Hey, ass. I was almost asleep,” she says, pulling her knees to her chest.

  “Too bad. Why’s Ragar staring daggers at you?”

  Leandra rolls her eyes and sinks further into the cushions. “Because now I have my own room. He doesn’t want me sleeping alone.” My brows shoot up.

  Are they a thing finally?

  “Don’t give me that look, Jay. We’re not together.”

  “Well, why not? Ragar is fine. I don’t see the problem.”

  She narrows her eyes and kicks me with her foot. “Of course you wouldn’t. I hear you riding that giant all hours of the night. Day too. Speaking of which, don’t you two ever sleep?”

  “Ha! Sometimes. But that’s not the point. Stop changing the subject. Why are you fighting him so hard? I know you want him.” I peek over the couch, and Ragar straightens.

  Seems I’m not the only one interested in her answer.

  Leandra gives me a sideways glance, then sighs. “It doesn’t matter what I want. Ragar is complicated and moody. He’s aggressive, overly chivalrous, and it drives me insane. He agrees when I want to fight and disagrees when all I want is to be placated. If I got with him, I’d end up so wrapped up in his vortex, I’d completely lose myself.”

  Well, damn. I didn’t expect her to say that.

  “Wouldn’t it be worth it though?” I ask, knowing that if given the chance, I’d suffer through anything and everything all over again to keep Ren.

  She closes her eyes, then looks straight into mine. “That’s what I’m worried about. I think it might, and that scares the shit out of me.”

  “He wouldn’t leave you, Lea. They mate for life.”

  Leandra shrugs and wipes her palms on the tops of her thighs. “Him leaving isn’t what I’m worried about.” Her gaze slides to mine and the hint of fear I find there has me fighting not to look away. She knows he wouldn’t leave her. It’s the thought of him dying that keeps her away.

  Too soon.

  I pat her on the shoulder and get up to go find Ren, nearly falling over at the intensity of Ragar’s gaze. He heard us. There’s no other explanation for that look. Now the question is, what’s he going to do about it?

  The mere mention of his death is too strong a reminder of how I felt when I thought I’d lost Ren. A hint of the ache I felt in my chest re-emerges, and I tread quickly, needing to feel the warmth of his skin. Amina and Dreya are engaged in conversation as I pass, but I’m too focused to stop and greet them. Crossing the threshold of the navigation bay, I find Ren next to Sol, huddled over a star map.

  “That where we’re going?” I ask, coming up behind Ren and sliding my hands around his waist. I nuzzle my face into his back, soaking up his scent. Ren turns away from Sol, picks me up, then sets me on the side of the table near the map.

  “You are distressed. What is wrong?” He runs his nose along my neck. Dismissing his concern, I plaster a smile on my face and wave him off.

  “I’m fine.” I point to the highlighted area on the map. “Is that Xalta?”

  Sol answers, “Yes, Aciana.” He drags a finger across the screen, projecting the image above us. “This is the Whedon galaxy, and this,” he double taps the image so it magnifies, “is Xalta.”

  I frown, slightly disappointed, as the likeness of the dull, brown planet flickers in and out. After seeing that Mageran sky, I was really hoping the next place we visited would at least have a nice view.

  “It is not an attractive planet,” Ren says, listening in on my thoughts. “Like Earth, Xalta is very close to its neighboring star. During its rotation, the side nearest burns and then spends the remainder of its seasonal cycle re-growing what withered and died. Only those with the funds to build a shelter capable of withstanding its heat can survive.

  “Well, that’s lame. How long until we get there?”

  “About three more Earth hours,” Sol says, canceling the image and returning his gaze to the table below.

  “Hmm... Guess I’ll go take a nap.” I start to get up from the table but stop as Ren grabs my hand.

  “Go see Amina. She has something she would like to give you.”

  “Really? How do you know?” I ask, excited. My mood perks up at the thought of presents. Ren taps his head. Duh, Jayla.

  Hopping down, I hurry back to where I last saw her with Dreya, but she’s not there. None of the females are. Maybe she’s in her room? Taking my time climbing the stairs, I see Xandria leaning against the door of Amina’s room.

  Whispers float through the air as I approach, and Xandria startles when she sees me. “Ajayla! Come here. We have something to show you.” I freeze. All the females are here, well, with the exception of Illaria, Vora, Uni—Tao’s mate—and the two rescued unmated. Even Naya stands quietly against the back wall. Passing between Iana and Rhia, I see Amina kneeling next to what looks to be a very colorful woven cloth laid out across her bed. Xandria is nervously twirling something bright between her fingers.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Did I miss someone’s birthday?”

  Amina smiles and stands. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me toward the bed and urges me to take a seat next to the blanket. The room goes silent.

  “Ajayla. We know that things have been, well...difficult of late. We all,” she gestures around the room, “wanted you to know how grateful and pleased we are that Aren has chosen you as his mate.”

  Xandria steps forward and hands what looks like an intricately woven bracelet to Amina.

  “In our culture, each female is given a Raisa, or bride blanket, by her Life Giver when she reaches mating age. She is separated from those who gave her life in preparation for her future mate. The Raisa is significant because it is the only thing we are allowed to keep as a reminder of our childhood. They are passed down from generation to generation, and each female weaves a lock of her hair through the tamba cloth to add significance. On mating night, all females gather around the newly mated on her Raisa and kneel in respect for those who have come before.” Amina takes my hand and gently wraps the colorful bracelet around my wrist. The rest of the females kneel beside me. Even Naya.

  “We know that you do not have a Raisa of your own, Ajayla. So, we each took from our own to make something special for you. It is not a traditional blanket, but it holds a physical reminder of generations of Illusian females who support you in spirit. We are proud to call you Aciana and wanted to give you a part of us in appreciation of your bond with Aren.”

  Tears stream down my face, and my heart swells. Love. Respect. Honor. All those and more surge through me the second she ties the band around my arm. A powerful current of emotion infuses the room, and not a single one of us is unmoved. The heavy burden of guilt weighing me down lightens, and for the first time in forever, I feel like I belong.

  These are my people.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Shortly after the ceremony, Ren informs us we need to take our seats. After strapping in, a sense of foreboding thickens the air in an already tense room. Xandria�
��s eyes widen as the blood planet comes into view.

  Well, that complicates things.

  A river of rocks and space trash circles Xalta. There’s no clear path of entry. What exactly are we supposed to do? Just bounce around like a pinball until we eventually make our way out?

  My chest tightens. “How are we supposed to get through all that?” I ask. The heart rate alarm on my chair monitor clangs loudly as my pulse skyrockets.

  Ren grips my hand, sending an instant wave of calm over me.

  “Rivan can navigate the trash without issue.” Sol points at a dark area swirling around the surface of the brown planet. “This is the cause of concern, and why we requested everyone secure themselves immediately.”

  “What is that?” Leandra asks. Her gaze flutters nervously between the window and Ragar, who sits at her left. He gives her a subtle nod, and her shoulders relax a fraction.

  Well, isn’t that cute.

  “It is an ion storm. We have studied Xalta’s weather patterns, and these storms are commonplace. This one, however, seems to be particularly strong and sitting right over the area we need to breach in order to gain access to the Blurg compound.” Sol continues clicking on the screen in front of him. “At any rate, the shield encapsulating this ship is built to withstand harsh impact. Even if we were to knock around inside the storm, we should be fine.” Ren lets out a harsh growl, correcting him. “Apologies Acia. Will be fine—we will be fine, Aciana.”

  “Okay, so then why worry? Why take extra precautions?”

  “Because, Aciana, we have yet to see how the electrical impulses will affect the navigation equipment. Theoretically, if the ship is struck by a surge strong enough to penetrate the shield, Rivan will be required to fly manually. Flights unassisted by AI are always rougher and the margin of error is much higher.”


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