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Page 12

by Annalise Alexis

  Ragar continues to carve the Tsuvian into small pieces. His screams fall silent as Ragar removes his tongue. I jerk my head to Ari, excited to see his creativity, only to find one of the Tsuvians with a simple knife wound on the ground. My eyes narrow, and my sense of pride dissipates. That is all?

  What a fucking disappointment.

  Allowing Ragar and Ari to kill at will, I give the rapist space trash frozen in front of me my full attention. He stands close to the fire, the heat of its flames causing sweat to drip from his brow. I release his vocal cords. He needs to answer for what he’s done.

  “Now, now, look here, you crazy bastard. I don’t know who you are. But you’re makin’ a big mistake. My crew wo—“

  “Crew?” I cock my head to the side. “What crew? You did not see fit to call on them, remember?”

  “Fuck, listen. Let’s work out a deal. I’ve got some sweet tang scheduled to land in half a moon rotation, and they’re yours. Just let me go.”

  I stalk forward, double fisting my blades, and shove them deep into the muscles of his shoulders, pinning him to the ground. A group of beasts roar in the distance.

  The Tsuvian scum yelps as my weapons pierce his flesh, then begins panting—searching for help. He will find none. “Ah, fuck. Okay, what do you want? Anything…”

  “Not interested.” Jerking one of the blades out, I slam it down into his abdomen and push until I feel the resistance of the ground below. The scent of blood and piss rise up, and the bitter stink of his fear sparks my bloodlust. My hands tremble with anticipation as I open his mouth, dipping my fingers in the blood spilling from his wounds. He screams as I dig out his teeth, one at a time, saving his front fangs for last.

  “This is for Injari.” Pop. “This is for Urina.” Pop. “And this…” I jam my hand through the gaping wound in his abdomen, taking a second to enjoy the velvety softness of his intestines, “is for my Life Giver, you piece of shit.” The ground begins to shake, and the rustle of hooves echoes through his gurgled screams. Oh, he does not get to die. Not just yet. A quick glance at Ari and Ragar assures me they have had their fill. Backing away, I meet the beast’s gaze. Its nostrils are flared wide, sucking in the scents of death and blood around us.

  How poetic. After being forced fed rubbish, it is now drawn to the scent. It pauses, snorting for the rest of its small group to do the same. I release my hold on the Tsuvians still alive, relishing their cries for help. Ragar grunts in approval. Near death, the Tsuvian rapist writhes, unable to free himself from the blade cementing him to the ground. The herd of beasts gorge on his insides until there is nothing left of his abdomen but bone and cloth. Satisfied he has paid his debts, I collect what is left to restore our dishonored females and return to our ship.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My nerves are raw, and I’m completely on edge. Ren’s been gone for over three hours, and I’ve yet to hear from him. I realize he can take care of himself but that doesn’t stop a gnawing sense of emptiness from settling in my belly. It’s not the idea that he left that bothers me, it’s the chance he might not come back.

  “Stop it, Jay. You’re making me nervous as hell,” Leandra scolds from across the kitchen table. We’ve both been sitting here sulking since they left.

  “I can’t help it. They’re taking forever to come back.”

  “No, shit. If I drink anymore of this tea, I’m going to piss my pants.”

  I shake my head. “You have the bladder of a small child. What’s with you and always having to pee?”

  “I like to stay hydrated. Don’t judge me.” She laughs and leans back in her seat, looking over her shoulder. “They’re getting on pretty well, huh?” she asks, nodding towards the captain and Bryn, sitting across the room.

  “Yeah. They kind of adopted each other, I guess. He is very grandfatherly, and she knew his granddaughter, so it makes sense.”

  She fiddles with the spoon in her cup. “It was nice of you, you know. To let him come hang out with her. It’s the only time she’ll leave her room.”

  “He’d already have a room upstairs if it were up to me. Ren just has a hard time trusting anyone.” I shrug, leaning down to rest my head on the table. Waiting is the worst.

  “No shit. I would too if I were him.”

  “Skara.” I jerk up, nearly falling out of my chair at the sound of Ren’s voice in my head.

  Leandra stiffens. “What? What is it?” she asks, clenching her mug until her knuckles turn white. I hold up a finger, and she groans.

  “Where are you? Are you all right?” The whoosh of my pulse roars in my ears, and my throat tightens. “Answer me, Ren. Answer me.”

  “Do not fear. Ragar, Ari, and I are whole. Go to Naya. Tell her to prepare the females for a Cuelling ceremony.”

  “A what?”

  “You will see, my Aciana. Our mission was successful. Our bounty overflows.”

  “Um, okay?”

  “Hurry, we are almost back.”

  Leandra taps her finger impatiently. “If you don’t tell me what’s happening…”

  “Relax. They’re fine and almost back. I have to find Naya and tell her to get the females ready for some sort of ceremony.”

  “What? Now?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I’ll be right back.” Running to the stairs, I catch sight of Amina and Xandria seated in the lounge. “Hey have you seen Naya? I’m supposed to find her and get everyone ready for some sort of ceremony.”

  Amina’s gaze slides to Xandria, and a smile tugs at her lips. “What kind of ceremony, Ajayla?”

  “A Cuelting? I think?”

  Her eyes widen. “A Cuelling?” Amina grasps Xandria’s hand, and both females jump to their feet. “She is upstairs with Urina and Injari. Hurry! They will need to be prepared. I will run and tell the others.”

  What the hell is going on?

  After about ten minutes of the females scurrying around, Naya brings Urina and Injari downstairs. Both females look equal parts pissed and terrified to have been forced from their rooms.

  “You know I do not wish to be near them,” Injari hisses through gritted teeth, jerking her head toward the males.

  “Yes, but your Acia has summoned you and Urina to the anteroom in preparation for their arrival.”

  She turns to Naya, glaring at her. “Urina is not ready for this. I will not allow her to be traumatized any further.” Her voice cracks on the last word.

  Naya draws back. “And I would? Do not be foolish, child. You know my loyalty runs deep for you and your sister.”


  Amina pulls at my hand, and I turn, noticing the room behind me has emptied. “Come, Ajayla. Quickly. We have little time.”

  Little time for what?

  Following behind her, I squeeze into a small room where Rhia and Iana rub some sort of red paint on my face and arms. They throw a couple bright colored ribbons in my hair and then push me out the door, crowding behind me.

  The creak of the hatch opening has me giddy with anticipation to see Ren, but the gentle pressure of Amina’s hand on my arm holds me back. “Patience, Ajayla. The Acia must speak to her first.”

  What the hell is going on?

  Naya ushers the females forward. Ren, Ragar, and Ari say something I can’t hear, then Ren takes Injari’s hand.

  What the—why is he touching her?

  “Come, my Aciana, bring the other females.”

  I start toward the anteroom with the other females close behind me. The anteroom feels incredibly small with everyone crammed in there.

  Urina glances behind her and stills at the sight of us gathered there. “Injari…” she squeaks, as if overwhelmed with emotion. “They’ve all come… that must mean…” Injari follows her gaze, then looks back to Ren.

  “Injari, Urina.” The two of them clasp hands, trembling as they drop to their knees. Ragar moves to stand at Ren’s side and a wave of emotion fills the room as Ren kneels in front of them. “You have been subjected to horror
s I cannot erase. My honor—your honor—was taken from us the moment those savages ripped you from our arms. I failed to protect you. To shield you from harm, and I kneel here, at your feet, offering you what I can to restore what was so viciously stolen.”

  He nods to Ari, who hands him a large, blood-soaked bag. “I want you to know he suffered, screamed, and begged for mercy while I cleaved the life from his filthy chest. Let the stains of his sins tarnish your souls no longer.”

  Ren reaches into the bag, then holds his closed fist out to the females. A loud sob tears from Urina’s throat, and Injari wraps her arms around her. Both females cling to one another, holding each other upright as Ren slowly uncurls his fingers.

  Holy. Shit.

  The bloody teeth resting in his palm should disgust me, yet a small part of me purrs to life, excited by the violence.

  The two females incline their heads, Injari steadying Urina’s trembling arm as she accepts the gift. Ren bows to them, pressing his forehead to the floor, then turns to the unmated males standing in a line against the wall.

  “Which of you would avenge these females further? Venture out and seek justice in the unmateds’ names. There is cause to believe that, although they were diverted, Urina and Injari were bound for a human-controlled Universal Community station. Their mistreatment demands penance from all those involved. Those who wish to express their interest in an unclaimed female may do so but will abandon their right to avenge those unspoken for.” Ren scans the group of five unmated males, lingering on Ragar.

  Why do they have to abandon the right to avenge Injari and Urina if they claim someone?

  “Because, my Aciana, a mated male cannot fight at the expense of his mate’s safety. This mission will require whoever undertakes its mantle to travel great distances. Mated pairs do not separate. The male’s desire to mate must be greater than his lust for revenge. And for an Illusian male, it is a great sacrifice.

  “If you are interested in one of the females standing before you, speak now, and acknowledge your intentions. By choosing not to do so, it will leave the females free for another to claim.”

  The room goes silent as the females stand at attention. Xandria, Amina, Illaria, and Vora aren’t spoken for. Leandra lingers at the back of the group. She and Ragar have yet to acknowledge what’s between them and, judging from the heavy distress lines around her mouth and eyes, she’s terrified he’ll deny her. My heart aches for her. I can’t even imagine how that would feel. The idea of Ren not wanting me…

  I shudder. Ragar better step the hell up.

  An awkward anticipation hangs in the air as Tor steps forward.

  “Do you wish to abandon or acknowledge a claim?” Ren asks.

  “Acknowledge. I wish to announce my interest in Xandria, first daughter of Garn and Zor.”

  Xandria’s brows shoot up, and her mouth drops open in surprise. “I…I accept.”

  Leandra shifts uncomfortably, panic swimming in her eyes. Ragar has yet to step forward.

  The artery beats wildly in Sol’s neck as he addresses Ren. There is no mistaking the look of dread on his face. “I do not wish to claim a female, or to avenge one.” After a loud swallow, he continues. “Right? That is what I am supposed to say?”

  I smile at his lack of formality. No matter his intentions, he never quite acts like Ren expects.

  Ren sighs and shakes his head. “Get back in line, Sol.” Sol’s shoulders sag in relief, and Ren returns his gaze to Ragar.

  “What is he doing? Why is he making her wait?”

  “Patience, my Aciana. This is not an easy choice for him to make.”

  I jerk my head toward Leandra. She’s chewing her thumb, fidgeting in place. He better hurry the hell up. She looks like she’s ready to run.

  “Ragar, Ari, have you made a decision?” Ren asks.

  Illaria pushes to the front of the group. Ari stares at her a moment, taking in her curves and the fake smile plastered across her face.

  “Acia, I choose to abandon my right to claim. I would be honored to avenge Urina and Injari.”

  Illaria shrinks with his words, sliding behind Xandria to hide her face.

  Ouch. That hurt.

  Fen, then Nico, step forward and abandon their rights. Ren looks to Ragar, waiting on his answer. He steps forward. I can practically feel the anxiety radiating off Leandra.

  “I wish to stay my choice, Acia,” Ragar answers, eliciting a gasp from several females in the group. Ren cocks a brow.

  What the hell does that even mean?

  “Do you wish for additional time?” Ren asks. Ragar nods and steps back in line without further explanation.

  Wait, that’s it? No one’s going to tell me what’s going on?

  Having heard enough, Leandra pushes her way to the door. I reach out for her hand as she passes, but she shakes me off. My gut clenches at the glint of tears in her blue eyes. Ragar is a fucking idiot.

  Sullied with my friend’s misery, I tune out for most of the rest of the ceremony. There’s a bit of chanting, then Ren rises and hands the remainder of the bloody bundle in his hands to Ari, who then kneels in his place. Receiving his offering, both Injari and Urina open the ties together and expose what’s inside. Staring blankly at the wall, I startle as a chorus of high-pitched battle cries ring my ears. The females pump their fists in the air and drag their hands down their faces, smearing the paint over their cheeks. I look to Urina and Injari, who are jubilantly finger painting each other’s faces, to the point they are both just a giant red mess.

  Okay weird, I guess I should smear mine too?

  Wait, we didn’t paint their faces. Just ours. Then what is—

  Blood. Tsuvian blood. Vomit burns my throat as I realize what’s pressed between them. The gift Ren saved for last. He must have tracked down the animal who brutalized them and cut off his head, because there it sits, bleeding all over Urina and Injari’s tightly clasped hands. Not only did Ren decapitate him, but he took that vile necklace he was so proud of and hammered it into his forehead. Now both females can rest easier knowing their rapist has paid with his life.

  It might be twisted, but I’ve never been prouder.

  Leandra isn’t in her room. And I can’t find her anywhere. There are only so many damn places on this ship, and I swear I’ve searched every single one of them twice. Catching sight of a female shape, I swing around, ready to chew her out, only to have my hope fizzle at the sight of Illaria’s smug face. She’s the last person I want to see right now.

  “Searching for your friend?” She looks awfully amused to have been hardcore rejected not four hours ago by Ari. Sol arranged for one of his connections to ferry two carrier ships to our location. We lifted off and landed just out of Tsuvian territory to allow Ari to board one ship, with Fen and Nico taking the other. Ren wanted them to leave right away. Our trail to the females came to an end on Non. We don’t have anything but what that crate told us. Once Sol established a suitable cover for the three unmated males, he sent Ari to infiltrate one of UCom’s trade stations listed on the Tsuvian manifest. Fen and Nico were sent to General Sterling’s last official post before he came to Station U. We won’t see them for at least two weeks or longer. Maybe that’ll be enough time for Illaria to get the Ari-sized stick out of her ass.

  “Yes, Illaria. You can obviously see I am. Where is she?”

  Illaria snorts, leaning on the table in front of me. “She’s gone.”

  My eyes narrow. People don’t just disappear in the middle of space.

  “Real funny. Now seriously, where is she?”

  Illaria looks down the narrow bridge of her nose at me. “She’s gone,” she repeats, drawing out every syllable.

  “Oh, my shit. I can’t stand you. Stop being such a cryptic whore and tell me where she is.”

  “She left with Ari. Snuck right out under everyone’s noses.“ She gives me a shit-eating grin. “But not mine. I saw her leave.”

  The dull ache in my stomach roars to life, making it difficult
to breathe. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell anyone?” I spit out through clenched teeth.

  “Well, isn’t it obvious? She wanted to get as far away from Ragar as she could after he announced his decision to mate her.”

  “What decision? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “He said he wanted to stay his choice.” She spells the phrase out, like I’m a complete idiot. “That means he chose her. He’s chosen. Same shit.”

  My throat closes, and my words dry up in my mouth. Leandra thought he couldn’t make a decision. I saw it in her eyes. That he didn’t want her. So, she left.

  Illaria saunters over to stand at my side, pouting in fake pity. “Human females are very unreliable. I guess you should have chosen better friends.”

  I see red.

  “Ajayla, Ajayla, get off of her!” someone yells at me from a distance, and a pair of strong hands rip me off Illaria. I fight wildly to get my fingers back around her smug neck. Like a tsunami of Xanax, Ren blankets me with a sedating calm that leaves me a puddle of goo on the floor.

  “She’s gone. Leandra left,” I say, completely defeated. Ren snarls at my side, warning anyone who dares to come near. Opening my blurry eyes, I see Illaria crumpled in the corner and a very angry Naya hovering over her. I jerk forward to get to her.

  “Calm yourself, my Aciana.” Ren nuzzles the crook of my neck as he picks me up.

  “She left, Ren. It isn’t safe. We have to find her. Have to get her back.” I cup the sides of his face, begging for understanding, and shatter at the sympathy swirling in his otherworldly blue eyes.

  “I reached out to Ari as soon as I realized she left. She is safe with him.”

  “Safe? How can you say that? Nowhere is safe when UCom is after you. And she’s headed right for one of their busiest stations.”


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