Craving Our Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Craving Our Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 1

by Frankie Love

  Craving Our Virgin

  Frankie Love

  Charlie Hart


  Author Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  About the Author

  About the Author

  TIMBER by Frankie Love

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Also by Frankie Love

  Author Note

  Craving Our Virgin is a MMFMM story (no MM).

  It’s a whole lotta lovin’!

  That’s why I’m choosing to publish it as Frankie Love writing as Charlie Hart — so readers can know what to expect when they download my titles.

  Frankie= one sexy alpha & the woman he loves.

  Charlie= one open-hearted woman & the men who cherish her.

  I fell in love with the reverse harem genre and think you might love it too!

  xo, frankie

  Chapter 1


  By the time we land in Tahiti, I’m exhausted. The flight from Jamaica was long and I didn’t get much sleep. Yes, perhaps the guys and I overdid it a bit, but it’s hard to pace ourselves. This relationship is still so new and there is so much unchartered territory when it comes to these men and me. And our bodies.

  So, since we had a very long flight we had to take advantage of it. But it’s left me a little weak at the knees and slightly worn out.

  As I disembark the plane, the fresh air of the tropical island overwhelms my senses. If I thought Jamaica was sex-on-a-beach romantic, it has nothing on Tahiti. As we jump in a Hummer and drive toward our lodgings, I see nothing but turquoise water, lush green plants, and a sun shining so bright I squint to see the road ahead of us.

  “Here, take these,” Mason says, handing me my shades. I kiss him on the nose as a thank you and slip them on.

  “Much better,” I say as Noah pulls into the resort where we’ll be staying. Getting out of the car, a bellman helps unload our bags and tells the guys that their sports gear is set to be arriving later this afternoon.

  A woman in a sarong hands us tropical fruit cocktails, and I drink mine with a smile, taking in this exotic locale where I’ll be spending the next few weeks. The guys, though, all politely decline the alcoholic beverage. I try not to roll my eyes at their health-nut inclinations, and while I could be the supportive girlfriend who refuses in solidarity, I’m not quite that resolved. Instead, I grab another glass and take a sip.

  Bliss. Pure coconut-rum-infused bliss.

  “Is drunk-Chloe going to be joining us in Tahiti?” Noah asks, squeezing my shoulders, then kissing my neck. “Because I haven’t met her and I must admit to being curious.”

  “Ha-ha,” I say as Ethan and Mason leave to check in for us. “I’ve never actually been drunk before. A few drinks here and there, sure, but I’ve never gotten crazy.”

  Enzo grins, calling over the waitress and asking for another cocktail. She looks at me with judgment in her eyes, and I glance at the floor, not wanting to call attention to myself. But I can feel her watching me, seeing Noah’s hands around my waist, noticing Enzo’s bright eyes as he looks at me. The way the guys all treat me. Like I am theirs.

  When Enzo replaces my empty glass with a new one I smile and thank him, determined not to let a stranger dictate how I feel. But then I also remember the pilot’s frown when he took a look at us, our bodies a tangle of limbs. And the way the woman at the airport scowled at me when I held both Noah and Ethan’s hands.

  But Enzo smiles back and his attitude rubs off on me. “You guys, I’m already jet-lagged, this is gonna be trouble.”

  “Aww, live a little, Bambina.”

  Smirking, I take another drink. “We have no idea what kind of person drunk-Chloe might be. I could be totally boring and pass out for fourteen hours.”

  Noah laughs. “Or, she could be totally wild and…”

  I cut him off, raising an eyebrow. “Honestly, I think I’ve been wild enough the past few weeks to get a free pass there. Remember what I did with that chocolate sauce?”

  That shuts him up. A few days ago I poured chocolate sauce on Noah’s cock and went to town. What can I say? I have a penchant for sweets.

  He raises his hands in defeat. “I retract. You’re plenty wild without any libations.”

  I smile, a twinkle in my eye. “Well, now I’m curious.” I down my drink and wipe my mouth as ladylike as possible, considering I’ve had three cocktails in fifteen minutes.

  When Mason and Ethan return with five room keys I admit to being surprised and it isn’t the booze reacting. I don’t want to be alone.

  “Here’s your key, Chloe,” Ethan says.

  In Jamaica, we shared a house, which meant we prepared our meals together and could sprawl out in the shared spaces, but at a big resort like this? “I’ll be flying solo?”

  Mason squeezes my shoulder. “We just thought this way you could have space if you need it, and we’re all staying pretty close to one another, we each have our own hut on the water, in a row.”

  I nod. “I see. It’s just, I get a little anxious being by myself in a foreign country.” I shake my head, hating how insecure I feel. But I clearly remember how alone I felt in Jamaica, on the beach before the guys found me. How scary it was.

  Enzo lifts my chin, our eyes locking. “It’s okay, Bella. We’re here for you. You can share your room with someone every night, or if you want to be in someone else’s room, that’s okay too. We mostly want to make sure you aren’t overwhelmed by all of us.”

  “That’s thoughtful, and space might be important. You could all get sick of me,” I tell them, linking arms with Enzo as we walk toward the water where our rooms are. He tsk-tsks me, telling me that it would be impossible to get tired of me. The sentiment is sweet, but even when they’ve all admitted they love me, sometimes it’s still hard to accept.

  The view is breathtaking. The water is so vivid, so clear, the sand so white. It’s truly paradise. There are dozens of huts on stilts over the water, and just like Mason said, our rooms are in a row––and my room is right in the center.

  “Want to check it out?” Ethan asks, taking my hand. I nod, and we walk down the dock to my room. The other guys scatter to their own spaces, needing showers and time to unpack.

  In my room, I drop my tote bag and pull open the blackout curtains so I can see the view. I blink in astonishment as a group of dolphins jumps in the distance.

  “This is insanity,” I say, still not quite believing that my life landed me here. I could be in a cubicle working as an accountant. Instead, I’m here. “It feels like too much.” Suddenly a wave of emotions washes over me, and I blink back tears, not expecting to cry at this moment.

  “When life has been cruel for so long, it can be hard to accept the good things when they come.” Ethan steps behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean back into him, knowing his past matches mine in some ways. We were both alone for so long.

  “When your career took off,” I ask him, “was it hard to accept the change in fortune?”

  “Really hard. It wasn’t until this last year I start
ed spending my money. I’d been terrified I’d wake up one day and our sponsors would have dropped us.”

  “What changed?”

  “My pessimism started pissing the guys off.”

  His hold on me tightens, and I sink into him. “So, they convinced you this was all real?”

  “They convinced me life was fucking precious. And to walk around on eggshells, waiting for the other shoe to drop, was a waste.” He pulls my hair back, kissing my ear, my neck. “Don’t be scared of this ending, Chloe. We aren’t going anywhere.”

  “I know, but this arrangement is complicated. I hardly understand it, let alone the rest of the world.”

  “You care about the rest of the world?” Ethan asks.

  I sigh, the booze catching up to my already exhausted body. I don’t think drunk-Chloe is very wild after all. I’m ready for a nap. “Sort of,” I admit. “Does that make me weak?”

  Ethan kisses my neck. “Chloe, I think that makes you human.”

  He walks me to the bed and pulls back the covers, telling me I need to lie down. Exhaustion taking over, I’m unable to argue with his request, and instead, I close my eyes as he shuts the curtains. When he leaves, he keeps the door open so the sound of the gentle waves can lull me to sleep.

  I fall asleep, wrestling with not knowing how to make sense of my emotions, and wondering how a love like this fits into the real world.

  Chapter 2


  Sitting around the campfire on the beach, I take the bottle of rum from Noah’s hands. The sky is dark, stars are out, and it feels like a lifetime ago that we were in Jamaica, even though the reality is we just flew into Tahiti this afternoon.

  Chloe was out cold moments after entering her room, but Enzo, Noah, Ethan and I are wide awake even though we should be trying to sleep off the impending jet-lag too.

  “Think Chloe’s doing okay?” Ethan asks. “She seemed a little down today.” He tosses another log on the fire and the crackling sound reminds me of when I was a boy scout. Not quite as innocent as I was back then working on earning badges. Looking around at my best friends, it is crazy to think how we’ve all grown up. Come a long fucking way, that’s for damn sure.

  “Really?” I frown. “She seemed so happy, tossing back those cocktails in the lobby this afternoon.” Truth is, I don’t want to believe anything different.

  Noah grins. “I know taking her to Disneyland one of these days will make her even happier.”

  “Disney?” Enzo asks.

  “Yeah,” Noah nods. “I promised to take her to the happiest place on earth.”

  “Well she deserves all the happiness in the world,” Ethan says. “She’s been through so damn much.”

  I take another pull from the rum, letting the warm liquid slide down my throat. “Seriously. I’ll do anything in my power to give her everything she wants.”

  The other guys nod in agreement. We’ve been friends for a long fucking time, and I’m glad that through thick and thin we’ve been able to keep things real.

  “I feel like the luckiest man in the goddamn world,” I tell them. “But I want to make sure everyone else is cool, I mean, I don’t take this arrangement lightly.”

  “Neither do I,” Enzo says. “Chloe is my world.”

  “Mine too,” Ethan agrees. “I still can’t believe she found us and we found her. It was destiny.”

  “You’re a sappy fool, Ethan,” Noah teases. Then his jaw tenses, and he runs a hand through his hair. “But damn straight it was destiny. Chloe is our woman now and we need to make sure she knows we’ll always have her back. Her everything.”

  “What was she worried about?” I ask Ethan.

  “I think she gets worried about having enough time for all of us,” he says, shaking his head.

  “We need to do our best then, to make sure no one is keeping score here. This isn’t a contest,” Enzo says.

  Noah nods. “We need to make sure she knows that we get that—love isn’t always going to translate into equal time with all of us.”

  I smile, raising the bottle of rum in the air. “But Chloe will always be worth the wait.”

  Chapter 3


  When I wake it’s dark, and when I step outside my hut, I see the sun is just beginning to rise. I yawn, counting the hours. I must have slept fourteen hours straight after all.

  Across the water, I see Noah stepping out onto his deck. I wave, and he calls me over. It’s early and still chilly, so I grab a hoodie from my bag and slip on my flip flops before walking down my deck, and then up his.

  He greets me with open arms. “Hey, sleepyhead,” he says kissing my cheek and squeezing me tightly around the waist. He picks me up and the hoodie that barely covers my ass lifts, and I wonder for a moment if I should have worn panties, but then I remember the five huts in a row are ours alone and anything that happens here is private.

  I breathe Noah in and he smells like driftwood burning on the beach, and when I kiss his lips, rum lingers on his mouth, his tongue. The guys must have had a fun night, and when I lean into the kiss I feel like I was right there with him.

  “Mmm… maybe early-morning Chloe is better than drunk-Chloe,” Noah teases, looking down at me. His eyes are so blue and bright, his stubble so damn sexy, everything about him causes me to toss aside my insecurities from yesterday and vow to never let him go.

  “Turns out, drunk-Chloe is boring as fuck.” I laugh, letting him pull me into his bedroom. “What did you boys get up to last night?” I ask as he sits on the edge of his bed, legs apart, inviting me to stand between them.

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Just a bunch of dudes drinking way too much rum. Missing you.”

  “Wow,” I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck as he reaches for the zipper on my hoodie and pulls it down. “You guys had a cheat night and didn’t invite me?”

  “We only had a cheat night because, without you, we had to drink away our sorrows.”

  “Ha-ha.” I run my fingers through his hair, pulling at the neck of his t-shirt, lifting it over his head.

  “Looks like drunk Chloe doesn’t suffer from hangovers,” Noah murmurs as I push him back on the bed.

  “No, she doesn’t,” I say. “And now that I realize I missed out on so much fun last night I need to make up for it now.” I climb on top of him, the bright sun streaming through the open curtains, the birds squawking in the distance.

  “I can help with that,” he tells me, pushing the hoodie past my shoulders, running his hands up and down my naked body.

  “Good morning to you,” I say, reaching into his sweats, finding his hard wood waiting for me. “Looks like hungover Noah likes to play too.”

  “Damn, baby,” he says rolling my hard nipples with his thumbs. “It feels like the plane ride yesterday was years ago.”

  I pull down his sweats, wanting to hold his shaft, feel his length. Noah is always up for making me feel alive, and this morning is no different. As he presses his hands between my thighs, my body is wide-awake and ready. He runs his hand up and down my slit, I close my eyes, letting the pleasure he offers wash over me.

  “Girl, your pussy is so wet.” He brings a finger to his mouth, licking my cream. “I want to make you scream.”

  I laugh as he rolls me over, onto the bed, dragging my legs to the edge, and kneels on the floor before me. “You want me to wake everyone else up?”

  “I don’t give a shit who wakes up. I just want to make you come all over my face, I want to suck your clit until you drip. I want to lick your cunt until you beg me to stop.”

  I whimper as he pushes apart my knees, as his mouth presses against my pussy, his stubble tickling me, his tongue devouring me.

  My hands find the sheets, clenching them as he runs his mouth over me, his tongue licking me nice and fast, then faster, faster. He presses my pussy lips apart as he licks me in a circle, over and over, then uses his fingers to press deep inside me.

  “Ohhh, God,” I groan as my legs become jelly,
as my core releases, and I start coming all over him. He finger bangs me faster and faster, until I know I’m drenching his face in my come, and he doesn’t stop.

  “Tell me to stop,” he tells me. But I don’t want to. My tits are bouncing, and I want him to lick them too, to suck my nipples and run his hard shaft over and over my hood. I am so fucking ready. His fingers are relentless, his mouth determined. He wants me to come until I scream and I can’t hold back. My pussy throbs as he licks me, going slower now, teasing me, and I gasp for breath. Not wanting this to ever end.

  He pushes my ass higher on the bed, and pulls me on top of him. I straddle him, my ass on his face, he loves to lick my cunt this way, and my knees shake as I rock against his mouth, over and over. My hands wrap around his shaft, suddenly desperate to get him off too, needing his come in my belly, wanting my mouth to be filled with his thickness.

  I suck him, hard, my head bobbing up and down like he needs. He holds my hips in his hands, forcing me to still over his mouth as his tongue fucks me into oblivion. I suck him harder, fondling his tight balls, then sucking them. Our bodies are slick with sweat and my cunt is dripping with pleasure.

  I move my head faster and faster, sucking his long, thick cock until it’s ready to explode. Then I suction my mouth tightly around him, swallowing his seed as he bucks under me. I swallow his salty come, then pull him from my mouth, wanting his spray to coat my tits. I love being covered in him.


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