Craving Our Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Craving Our Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 2

by Frankie Love

  He sucks hard on my clit, and I can’t take it anymore. His come is on my tits, in my mouth, and my clit burns. “Fuck me, Noah, fuck me forever,” I scream.

  My orgasm pushes hard against me and he picks me up from the bed, both of us sweaty and on fire, and I wrap my legs around his waist, and he carries me outside where we both jump into the turquoise water of the South Pacific.

  Chapter 4


  The water is warm, but it still takes my breath away. I splash him, both of us laughing, and he reaches for me. I wrap myself around his waist, his hands on my ass. I bite my bottom lip as he looks into my eyes.

  “Noah, you sure know how to start a girl’s day,” I laugh. He pinches my ass, kissing me deeply. God, it’s like I am melting in this ocean, in his arms.

  “Anytime, you know that. I’ve always got you covered.”

  “Hey,” Enzo calls from his deck. “You mean to wake up half the resort with your morning romp?”

  We laugh. “What, are you sad that you missed out on the fun?” I ask.

  “Pretty much. I was sound asleep, dreaming of you, Bellissima,” he tells me.

  I look at Noah, still always surprised that my four men don’t get territorial with me.

  “Next time I will make sure you get the wake-up call, but I know you need your beauty sleep,” Noah teases.

  “Funny,” Enzo says. “But there’s a breakfast buffet if you want in. I’m gonna head there now.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Noah and I watch Enzo walk away then I splash him again. “So where did you learn to make a girl come so hard?” I ask as we climb up the ladder back to Noah’s room. Once inside he turns on the shower and we both step inside. It’s a beautiful two-person shower with green and blue tiles everywhere, looking just like the ocean we swam in.

  We lather one another’s bodies, my hands lingering on his thickness, already thinking about round two.

  It’s crazy, I spent my life a virgin, not willing to give it away to any man, then within a night of knowing my men, I wanted to touch their cocks, I wanted to taste their come, I wanted to be fucked out of my mind.

  It was worth the wait.

  “You want to talk about other girls while naked in this gorgeous shower?”

  I shrug, washing my breasts with the soapy water. “I don’t know. I guess I know how you guys feel about me, but there is a lot I still don’t know about you.”

  “Let’s put it this way,” he tells me, spinning me around so my palms are against the wall. He runs his hands over my ass, up my spine, pulling my wet hair back and whispering in my ear. “I’ve had plenty of girls over the years, but none of them made me feel like this.” Then he runs his hand over my slit, getting me nice and ready before he presses his cock inside my pussy. I moan as he fills me, biting my lip as the immediate pleasure rolls over me.

  “I’ve slept with plenty of women, but you’re the only woman I’ve ever made love to.” His words cause me to smile, and as he thrusts deep inside me, I brace myself against the wall. He holds my hips, pushing himself deeper into my cunt, making me scream his name all over again.

  “Fuck me, Noah,” I groan as he pounds me to perfection. I come with a crash and he wraps his arms tightly around me, coming too.

  “Oh God, Chloe,” he says finishing against me, kissing the back of my neck. I can’t help but grin as I spin around, facing him.

  “You make me feel so happy, Noah.” I step under the shower head, wrapping my arms around him. “Last night I was in a negative place, but one hour with you and I’m flying high.”

  “Good, baby, you deserve to be happy.”

  “I wish we could stay at a resort like this forever, in a little love bubble.”

  “Right?” Noah smiles, his dimples coming through. “Eventually though, we have to join the real world. Besides, I want you to meet my family at some point.”

  I scrunch up my nose as we turn off the shower and then wrap ourselves in plush resort towels. “Family? I don’t know how that would work, Noah.”

  Besides the fact I have baggage from my own family of origin—it doesn’t even compare to the fear of meeting the family of any of the guys. How would we explain this? Why would we even want to try?

  “But I love you, Chloe, and I want them to know about the person who means so much to me.”

  I grab a comb from his bathroom counter and run it through my hair. “I think it sounds a little... unrealistic is all.”

  Noah pushes out his bottom lip. “My family loves me though, and they would love you too.”

  “And they’d love the idea that I’m not only dating you but also your three best friends?” I shake my head. “No way would they understand.”

  Noah pulls at my waist, drawing me to him and then kissing my nose. “We don’t have to figure it all out today. Just think about it.”

  I kiss him on the cheek. “I think it’s sweet you want me to meet your parents. I really do. I just don’t want your feelings for me to get in the way of their feelings for you. I don’t have a family, I have nothing to lose... but you? Enzo, Mason? You guys have family. I don’t want you to ruin things with them for me.”

  “But you feel like family too,” Noah presses.

  I wrap my arms around him, my towel falling to the floor as I do. I press my face in his chest, accepting the love he has for me.

  And when he pulls me in close, I feel he has more than love for me.

  He has a hard on.

  Looking up at him I grin. “Noah, do you ever get tired?”

  He laughs, lifting my ass as I wrap my legs around him. As I sink onto his solid cock, my pussy throbbing in delight, he only shakes his head. “Chloe, I could never get tired of you.”

  Chapter 5


  That day Ethan has a cliff-jumping video planned and Noah decides to get in on the action. I go with, but the whole time I’m a ball of nervous energy. Biting my nails and pacing as I watch them jump from massive 60-foot cliffs. Sure, the vantage point is magnificent—but the waves are fierce and I can’t help imagining something going terribly wrong.

  This is a tropical paradise, yet my eyes are squeezed shut most of the day, missing everything. I’m not saying it was bad juju to have me around, but I know they felt bad for stressing me out.

  The next day when I climb in a helicopter with Enzo and Mason to watch them skydive, they talk me into jumping too. It’s as exhilarating as it was in Jamaica—the lush green forest is an oasis taking my breath away. My actual, literal breath. I am practically hyperventilating from the fall. But then something goes wrong with a camera, and they have to repeat the jump.

  The second time around, I sit it out, having had my share of heights for one day.

  The next few days are a blur. The guys spend hours editing their videos and getting them ready to upload on MeTube. I guess they have a lot of footage still from Jamaica they are putting into videos and I hadn’t realized before how much time they devote to the editing of their footage before creating the videos that made them famous.

  There isn’t much I can do to contribute besides getting them food and drinks, and offering feedback on the videos when asked. But mostly I feel a little useless. If we were at the house, I could cook or clean for the guys, but there’s a resort staff doing all of that.

  The guys must notice that I’m unsettled because they offer to take a day off and spend time at the beach, all five of us.

  “Today’s going to be great,” Mason says, kissing my cheek as we find a row of beach chairs on the resort’s beach. Umbrellas shade us, waiters deliver fruity cocktails, and the gentle waves set the tone for a fun day with the guys I love. The guys wear board shorts and I have on a tiny crocheted bikini.

  I let them each take their time rubbing sunscreen all over me. One gets my shoulders, another one gets my tummy, a third covers my legs and thighs, and a fourth my tits. Hey, the beach is private, and so we all soak up not only sun but one another. Fingers graze and
we flirtatiously pull on what little clothing we wear. It feels so good to take a day off with one another.

  Enzo hands me a mojito and lets his hands rest on my shoulders as we watch Noah and Ethan swim out in the water. Mason has grabbed a surfboard and is paddling out toward the bigger waves. “Wanna go in for a dip?” he asks.

  “Sure,” I say, setting down my cocktail. “The water looks refreshing.”

  I lace my fingers with his as we walk out toward Noah and Enzo. The water is so warm and clear that I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. Ethan, Noah, and Enzo are with me and all seems right in the world. We are only missing one piece to our love puzzle. We float on our backs, splash water at one another, and bask in the bliss of the day

  Then, a terrible scream slices through the perfect day.

  “Fuck, that’s Mason,” Ethan shouts, and the guys start swimming toward the cry.

  “Go to shore, Chloe,” Noah tells me and I swim quickly, not knowing what’s going on.

  “Fuck,” Enzo yells as they move quickly through the water.

  Once on shore, I stand trying to see what’s going on.

  And then I see everything. Clear as day.

  The guys are carrying Mason, red water rolling around them.

  “Get a medic, Chloe,” Ethan screams and I move as quickly as I can toward the lobby shouting for help.

  A medic rushes toward the beach with me and a team is radioed in behind them as they see what happened.

  A shark attacked Mason.

  My face goes white as I see a massive chunk of Mason’s leg lost. I’d scream but all I can do is watch in shock as he is pulled onto a stretcher. His face is cloaked in pain. The other guys huddle around him.

  “Oh my God,” I say, pushing toward him. But he doesn’t see anyone, he is falling in and out of consciousness. Reaching for his hand, I try to be brave for this man I love, even if he won’t remember this. I will remember everything.

  A medic shouts, explaining there’s an ambulance coming around up front. We run with them as they bring Mason to the ambulance.

  We watch in shock as they wheel him into the ambulance and I jump in front, insisting to the EMT that I stay with him.

  “Family?” he asks.

  I nod. Because I know I am close enough.

  I look over at the guys and they tell me they love me, that they will be following close behind. As the ambulance rushes down the highway toward the hospital I don’t see anything besides Mason’s face. I can’t bear to look down at his leg, I don’t want to see the missing pieces of flesh.

  Focusing on him, on this man who found me and took me under his wing, I put all my energy into sending him all the love I possibly can.

  He has to be okay.

  There has to be a way to put him back together again.

  One week and two surgeries later Mason is finally sitting up in his hospital bed. It’s been a hell of a week, and everyone’s on edge. The fact that Mason is alive should have all of us on our knees thanking our lucky stars, but this accident has created a lot of stress in the house. And Mason hasn’t been home to see it. Apparently, they are behind on their video release schedule and Black Bull is pissed; apparently, as their sponsors, there’s a contract for three new videos a week. They barely managed to put one together this week.

  I overheard a phone call between Ethan and their Black Bull rep last night and it wasn’t pretty. Ethan explained the extenuating circumstances and Black Bull said it would be excusable if the accident had been filmed so at least they could go viral with a shark attack. Pretty cold, in my opinion, but I didn’t voice that to anyone because I can tell everyone is on edge as it is.

  Add to that the fact that Mason’s family wants to come visit to make sure he’s okay... and I can barely keep from biting my nails. I am just getting comfortable with my feelings for these men and adding in family seems like it will get us all out of whack. I mean, the doctors and nurses have been giving us all the stink eye the last seven days and I don’t think I can handle any more judgment. Nor do I think adding that stressor to an already overwhelmed fivesome is healthy.

  I bring Mason his favorite pillow and prop it behind his head, wishing he didn’t have to stay here in this sterile environment.

  “I can’t believe this happened,” he groans as all of us sit in his room getting an update. “I have two more surgeries scheduled and I swear to God they will never let me leave this place. I hate it.”

  “We brought some fan mail, thought it might cheer you up,” Noah says, holding up an iPad. A video clip of a sorority house blowing him kisses with posters saying GET WELL MASON flashes before us.

  Mason shakes his head, waving the video away. “No, I can’t deal with horny college girls right now, I just want Chloe here with me. Now that I’m not high on the meds 24/7, I’d love your company.” He pats his bed and I sit willingly.

  “Of course,” I say, grateful to be of some use and eyeing that iPad suspiciously. Just what kind of MeTube following do these guys have? I knew they had lots of fans... but I never thought about what kind of people they were... though considering they are the four hottest men I have ever seen, I shouldn’t be surprised. Still, I kinda want to take the iPad and chuck it out the window. My scowl must be obvious.

  “You okay, Chloe?” Enzo asks, rubbing my back.

  “I’m fine,” I answer tensely, unable to help myself from looking at the iPad in Noah’s hand.

  “Are you jealous of his fans?” Ethan asks, a bemused smile on his face.

  I shrug. “I’m not jealous of anything.”

  “Sure,” Noah says, smiling.

  “Well if you were in my position, how would that make you feel?”

  “It should make you feel like the queen you are,” Ethan says sincerely. “Those fans are sweet, and they are the reason we get a paycheck, but you are our gem.”

  I twist my lips, unable to resist the sweet words. They pour over my heart and seep into my bones.

  “Stop,” I say blushing. But really, I love it.

  I love them.

  Ethan, Enzo, and Noah leave for the resort, and I nestle closer to Mason in his oversized hospital bed. His entire right leg is in bandages. Nothing broke, thank God, but the skin grafts may not work. If they don’t, he may require a prosthetic.

  I take his hand in mine, missing his touch, his warm embrace. The hospital air is so muggy and stifled, and I just know how much Mason would love to be outside, feeling a tropical breeze. The calming rush of the waves would soothe his worries away.

  “It’s been a long week without you, Chloe,” he tells me, kissing the top of my head. I have to agree with him there. All week everyone has been so tense. There’s been no fooling around. Everyone’s a basket of nerves... praying Mason made it out of surgery okay, anxious for updates. Work is freaking the guys out. It’s been so much. “I swear to God, without knowing you were waiting for me at the end of all this, I don’t know if I could have made it.”

  “Mason,” I say, looking up at him, seeing his face cloaked in pain. “I am so sorry this happened to you.”

  “Me too. I thought I was fucking invincible, but I’m just a man.”

  “You are more than a man,” I tell him. “You are my man.” I lift my mouth to his, offering a kiss, but he winces in pain, and I realize I put too much pressure on his body.

  I jump off the bed. “Oh my God, I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

  “It’s okay,” he says, but it’s clear it isn’t. His fists are clenched, and at his request I call for a nurse, knowing he needs more meds.

  Feeling like a complete idiot for forcing myself on a man who is still recovering, I sit in the chair beside him, wishing there was more I could do.

  For him, and for all the guys.

  Knowing I love them all with all my heart... but still wondering where my place is at the end of the day.

  Chapter 6


  I practically live at the hospital. I haven’t been to my room at
the resort for longer than a quick clothes change and shower. And it seems like every time I’m there, I miss the guys. Black Bull is putting pressure on them, so they’ve become workhorses. Realizing they need to be ahead of the game in case of more unexpected changes of plans, they are devoting themselves to getting footage on every square inch of the island.

  I understand.

  I do.

  I am just a little... bored.

  Mason is moody—which I understand. But every time I try to talk to him, he gets angry about the fact he is cooped up in a room watching Wheel of Fortune while the other guys are off having fun.

  I try reading to him, but it puts us both to sleep. We try binge watching Breaking Bad but we both get even more pissy with every episode we watch, about being cooped up inside. But the one thing we do happily is fill out a silly book I found in a gift shop titled, Get to Know Me. It’s full of fill in the blank questions meant to bring you closer to your significant other.

  I really should buy three more copies and use them with the other guys, because I’m learning all sorts of random things about Mason.

  His favorite food is his grandma’s fried chicken. Favorite movie? So I Married an Axe Murderer. Favorite book? Ready Player One.

  I answer them too: Chinese take-out. Titanic. TIMBER.

  “Timber? A book about a man who lives on the mountain with triplets?” Mason shakes his head. “I don’t get it.”

  Unashamed I shrug. “It’s hot. Jaxon is strong, knows what he wants, and doesn’t shy away from responsibility. He loves Harper, and will do anything for her and their babies.”

  “That’s the kind of man you want?” Mason clenches his jaw. “Makes me feel like a weak ass fool considering I’m stuck in a hospital room.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” I say, running my hand over his arm. “You’re one of the strongest men I know. You knew what you wanted, and you didn’t shy away from it. You didn’t shy away from me.”


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