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Craving Our Virgin: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 3

by Frankie Love

  Mason sighs. “I wish I was able to leave. Being here makes me feel so fucking lame, Chloe.”

  “Soon enough.” I kiss his hand, hating he’s in this kind of pain.

  Mason must be working through some of his grief because with a half-smile he asks, “And then you want me to get you pregnant with triplets?”

  I snort. “Let’s get through this first and then we can talk babies.”

  Our fingers lace together and I’m grateful to glimpse a more lighthearted side of Mason for a change. The last week has been draining.

  “Do you want kids?” he asks.

  “Maybe,” I answer. “But I don’t know how that works with this relationship... it all feels complicated.” I think about my conversation with Ethan the first night in Tahiti. Not understanding how this will all work in the real world.

  “Why does it have to be complicated? Can’t it be what we make it?”

  I twist my lips not thinking anything is that easy. “But what if one day I got pregnant with your baby, how would the other guys feel, or vice-versa? Or what would a doctor say? Or each of your families? Everyone would have an opinion.”

  “I don’t know, Chloe. But this is our life. No one else’s. Hell, I almost got killed by a fucking shark. I’m not going to waste any more time caring what anyone else thinks. I was so close to not being here at all. I can’t waste my life waiting for other peoples’ approval. I know what I want. I don’t need to ask permission from anyone but the woman I love.”

  His words cause tears to prick my eyes and I shake my head. “You are so freaking good to me, Mason,” I say, leaning over to kiss him. My hand reaches under his hospital blanket, wanting to feel his cock, to feel him. I miss being with him so much.

  “Oh, baby,” he groans, his eyes closing. “That feels so fucking good.”

  I lick my lips, loving that I’m getting him excited. His cock is nice and stiff in my hand, the velvety length growing as I stroke him.

  “Good, because you deserve a little TLC.” Looking at the hospital door, making sure it’s shut nice and tight, and I lower my head to his cock, burying myself under the blanket.

  Just as I begin to lick his perfect tip, he groans—but not in pleasure. It’s in pain.

  I shoot up. “Mason?”

  His eyes are squeezed tight. “It’s not you... it’s this fucking leg. The pain. Fuck…”

  I reach for the call button, knowing he needs his nurse to help. I hate that there isn’t more I can do. And the one thing I thought would help—getting him off—only causes him more pain.

  “Sorry, Mason,” I say, returning to my seat as the nurse comes in and checks his vitals, upping his meds.

  “It’s okay,” he says, exhausted, letting the pain medication enter his bloodstream.

  I wring my hands together, hating that I don’t know how to help him.

  A week later everyone is even more stressed. Apparently, the reason we’re here in Tahiti is for a surfing competition in Teahupo’o. Teams of four enter and compete in a three-day event. The brand Billabong is hosting it and my guys were front-runners. The day of the event Ethan, Enzo and Noah are at the resort instead of competing. Sitting with them at an early morning breakfast I try to gauge where they are all at.

  “It’s not that I’m mad, just disappointed,” Enzo says. “I hate that Mason is missing all of this and that we are all in limbo until he recovers.”

  “I really wanted to beat that asshole, Drew Riley, today,” Noah says. “His team are a group of fuckers and I hate that they will get the title.”

  Ethan nods in agreement. “Black Bull said if we miss the Oahu open in two months they might drop us.”

  That is the last thing we needed to hear this morning.

  “Please don’t mention that to Mason,” I ask them. “He’s having a hard enough time as it is, and feels terrible.”

  “It’s not his fault,” Ethan says. “It’s just the facts.”

  “I’m just saying maybe try and be sensitive.”

  Noah exhales, reaching for a halved papaya. “It’s just hard when we’re a team, Chloe. You wouldn’t get it.”

  I purse my lips together, just as tired of this situation as they are. “I actually thought we were a team.”

  “It feels like this team is falling apart. You’re at the hospital 24/7, Chloe,” Noah says. “I haven’t seen you in days.”

  “It’s not my fault,” I say, incredulous. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Bella, Noah didn’t mean anything,” Enzo says trying to even us out. But there are wrinkles all over this relationship. “You haven’t taken care of yourself in days, maybe you should stay here today and rest.”

  “I have to go to the hospital. I’m not around because you guys are off working. And Mason needs support. He’s going out of his mind.”

  “We know,” Ethan says, resting a hand on my shoulder. “And we are so grateful you can be there for him.”

  “But?” I raise my eyebrows. “There is always a but.”

  “But you were right, what you said the day we first got here,” Ethan says. “It’s a lot to manage. Our lives are really closely connected and when one piece of the link gets broken, I can see how we might all fall apart.”

  My eyes widen. “You think we might fall apart?” I look around the table trying to see where Enzo and Noah stand. “Is that how everyone feels?” I lower my voice, knowing we’re in a public place, and our relationship is already getting more attention than I’d like. “Do you think this is falling apart?”

  Enzo runs his hand over my back. “No, Bambina, no,” he whispers, trying to soothe me.

  “Then what is it supposed to mean, Ethan?”

  Ethan runs his hands through his hair. “We miss you is all. We haven’t seen you or been with you in two weeks—”

  “Is this just about sex?” I hiss, seriously ticked off. “Because I thought this was love. And love doesn’t get jealous. Love doesn’t get—”

  Noah cuts me off, angry. “No one is questioning our love for one another. We’re all just drained. And we miss you. And we miss Mason. And we hate that we’re missing this huge competition. And our fucking sponsor might drop us. Okay?” He presses his hands on the table, trying to steady himself. “It’s a lot. And it makes Jamaica feel like a fucking dream.”

  I shake my head, beyond frustrated with him. “Yeah, a fucking fairy tale, Noah, except for the part where I got kidnapped and nearly raped by a jealous ex. Remember that?” I push away from the table, not even caring that the entire restaurant is staring at us.

  I storm out, heading for my hut. When we first arrived, I was annoyed to have a place to myself—but now I am grateful. Right now, I don’t want to see anyone.

  I guess even in paradise, a fivesome can have their first ever fight.

  I fall into bed, realizing maybe they were right about me needing some rest. I only slept four hours last night, arriving back here in the middle of the night from the hospital. Mason’s third surgery went well yesterday and they think he might be able to come here to the resort for a few days. But right now I can’t let myself think about what recovery back here will look like.

  Right now I just need to sleep.

  Chapter 7


  Mason finally got discharged from the hospital. He’s staying in his hut, and Chloe has made camp in there with him.

  It’s lame that we are here, at this gorgeous resort, staying in these insane rooms over the South Pacific, and I haven’t been able to enjoy any of it with Chloe.

  I hate that I keep thinking about sex—I know there is more to life than that... but then I feel Chloe’s hands run over my shoulders in passing, feel her soft lips against mine in a stolen kiss... and all I want is more.


  I miss her. Need her.

  I crave her something fierce.

  And I hate how hard my Bella is working at taking care of Mason.

  When I know she’s gone to the dining hall t
o get lunch, I ask the guys to come join me in Mason’s quarters for an overdue conversation.

  Stepping foot in his hut, I see Chloe’s panties on the floor, a lacy bra flung over the arm of a chair. See her makeup and hair products lined up on the bathroom counter. Fuck. I know there is no room for jealousy in love, but damn it’s a struggle seeing how close she is with Mason right now. I swear, I’d consider forcing a shark to bite off my leg if it meant more time with my Bellissimas.

  I shake the thoughts away, knowing that it is beyond immature. Mason could have fucking died. And if Chloe wasn’t here to help, this would all be a real struggle. She’s been an angel throughout this entire ordeal and here I am, only thinking of my fucking cock.

  “How are you doing, man?” I ask Mason, pulling up a chair. Ethan and Noah find seats too, and it feels good to all be together.

  “I’m going fucking crazy, to be honest.” Mason looks wrecked. His eyes are red, his tan fading. Here’s the guy who has always looked out for everyone else, always—and he is struggling for real right now.

  “I can imagine,” Noah says. “What do you need? I feel like shit that I can’t do more.”

  “Chloe has been doing a lot—everything really,” Mason says. “She’s a fucking goddess, and I hate that I am relying so much on her, but I know how stressful the job has gotten. I feel like a fucker knowing I am putting so much on you guys.”

  Ethan shakes his head. “It’s Black Bull that’s the motherfucker right now. It’s bullshit that they are considering dropping us because of your injury.”

  Mason runs his hands over his eyes. “I’m going fucking insane here, guys. I won’t be able to handle Hawaii in a month. And then what?”

  “Then we’ll figure it out when the time comes,” I say trying to reassure him. Truth is, we will need to look for a new sponsor... and if Mason can’t surf anymore... I don’t want to think about that yet. “You just need to relax.”

  “So does Chloe. I feel so bad, I can’t be with her... like that. So I hope you guys have been taking care of her.”

  I clench my jaw, knowing I haven’t slept with Chloe since we came to Tahiti.

  Ethan shakes his head. “I haven’t been with her. I didn’t want to step on any toes, or take her away from you, Mason.”

  “Same with me.”

  Noah raises his hands apologetically. “I was with her the first morning we arrived.”

  Mason’s eyebrows furrow. “Fuck, I feel terrible. Chloe has been my saving grace, but maybe we aren’t showing her how much we appreciate her. I certainly could do a better job of letting her know how thankful I am for her.”

  “How about Enzo and Ethan spend the afternoon with her? I can chill with you,” Noah offers. “The PlayStation has been getting a little dusty.”

  I look at Ethan, and a sense of relief seems to wash over him. I know he’s carrying so fucking much lately, dealing with the business end of things for us.

  But I can’t worry about him right now, or how he’s feeling. I only have space to think about Chloe. Sweet, generous Chloe.

  “I’ll go set up my room for us, you want to find her at the cafe?” I ask Ethan.

  A half hour later I’ve ordered champagne and strawberries, opened the doors so the ocean view can take her breath away, and have had three masseuses set up tables here for an ensuite massage—they will be here in an hour. When Ethan arrives with Chloe, she wears a smile of surprise, clearly not expecting this.

  “You guys,” she whispers. “This is too much.”

  I take her hand, leading her to the bathroom so she can put on a robe for the massage. I’m also hoping we can help her relax a bit before the massage. God knows she needs to be taken care of. “There’s no such thing as too much when it comes to loving you, Bella.”

  I close the bathroom door, and Ethan and I both help undress our woman. I pull down the strap of her sundress, and she closes her eyes as my hand brushes over her bare skin.

  “I missed you both so much,” she says, running her hands over our chests. “You are so patient.”

  “And you are so fucking beautiful,” Ethan tells her, his eyes searing into hers. His need for her is as fierce as mine. He craves her the way I do.

  He pulls down her other dress strap and pushes it past her breasts. She isn’t wearing a bra, and her perky tits are begging to be touched. They are full and bouncy, tits I’ve missed so damn much.

  “I love you,” she whimpers as I lower myself to my knees, needing to see her perfect cunt, wanting to kiss her pussy and take care of her like she deserves.

  “We love you more,” I tell her, kneeling before her body like the temple it is. I tug down her dress, and she steps from it, and I run my hands over her white panties, loving the way they hug her curves and cover her pussy.

  I’m getting hard thinking about what lies behind the lace. I run my hand over her ass, pulling her to me and breathing in her sweet scent.

  She smells like summer breezes and fresh, ripe, fruit. She looks like purity and is the epitome of peaches and cream, and damn, I want to lick her up.

  Ethan steps behind her, cupping her breasts with his hands, rubbing her hard nipples with his thumbs, then lowers his hand and pushes down her panties. She kicks them away and I look at the pussy I’ve been dreaming about for weeks. Ethan takes off his shorts and tank top, and I pull my t-shirt over my head too.

  Ethan’s cock is hard and ready just like mine, and when he steps away, stroking himself, I know he is giving me Chloe’s pussy.

  I blow hot air on her, my hands running over her bare thighs, and I move my fingers over her mound, up and down her creamy slit. “You are so fucking wet, Bella,” I groan.

  “I’m wet for you both. I’m so horny for you. I’ve been touching myself in my room every night, desperate to release myself from the agony.”

  “Why didn’t you come for us?” Ethan asks, stepping toward her.

  “I knew everyone was stressed out, I didn’t want to put my needs ahead of everyone else’s.”

  I kiss her hood, the downy hair of hers is so soft, smelling of her. “Bellissimas, your needs are our needs. Never hold back from telling us what you need. We need you to tell us what you need so we can take care of you.”

  “Then you have to tell me what you need too... I can’t guess at this,” she admits. “You’re my first lovers and this is all new for me.”

  “Don’t forget,” Ethan says pulling her mouth to his. “You are my first too.” They begin kissing passionately, and Ethan holds her face with both his hands.

  Inching her to the bathroom counter, I tell her to sit on the edge, needing to be between her spread thighs, needing to suck her clit properly. I want to make my baby come so hard that she forgets everything but this moment.

  Ethan continues kissing her, their arms wrap around one another, and I kneel under them, spreading apart her sweet lips and licking her slit hard, wanting my tongue to fuck her into oblivion, desperate to make her tremble... to shake... to make her believe how fucking wonderful she is.

  I press my mouth tightly against her, sucking her throbbing clit until she comes against my tongue. I lick her cream, loving her dripping pussy and then she’s asking for more, asking to be filled and I lift her ass off the counter, carrying her to the bed.

  Ethan takes his veiny cock, the cock that’s begging for her cunt, and presses himself into her. I drop my shorts, needing to stroke my shaft as I watch her wrap her legs around his waist, as I watch her perfect tits bounce as he thrusts deep inside her.

  I move my hand up and down, and then she’s begging for me to come closer, asking for me to give her what she needs. Her body is slick with pleasure and I move closer to the edge of the bed, her face turning so she can take my length between her swollen lips. She sucks me off as Ethan plows into her, the bed shaking, my cock throbbing, our fucking a fantasy.

  God, she feels so good against me, her eyes are closed as she deep-throats me, and Ethan pulls her hips closer to himself as he exp
lodes against her.

  She keeps sucking me as her body rolls in pleasure, and when she can’t take it anymore, Ethan begins rubbing circles over her hood, teasing her into ecstasy and she comes with a crash. I pull myself from her mouth, wanting to spray her perfect titties with my come.

  I shower her chest with my release, loving the way her pure breasts look dripping with my salty manhood. She’s moaning in pleasure as the orgasm rocks through her body, Ethan is relentless with his hand, pushing her farther and farther over the edge. Watching her continue to get off gets me hard as fuck all over again, and this time I need to be the one to fill her.

  As we are headed to the bathroom to shower, we hear a knock on the door, and Ethan turns from us. “I’ll chat outside with the masseuses while you two wash up.” My cock thanks my oldest friend and Chloe grins before pulling him in close for another kiss. Her mouth finds Ethan’s and her bare breasts press against his chest. His cock is still hard, and when there is a second knock on the door, he pulls away.

  “Go take care of one another, I’ll get them to back off so you can finish.”

  Knowing he is doing me a solid, I squeeze Chloe’s bare ass and pull her into the bathroom. I reach into the shower and turn on the head, but before we can enter, she’s on the bathroom floor, on all fours.

  “I don’t want you to wash me up, yet, Enzo. I want you to get me dirty first.”

  “Oh, Bella,” I moan, kneeling behind her creamy ass and spreading her cheeks. Her pussy is still wet from Ethan and I take a towel, wiping her cunt clean. When I run my finger over her, her pussy is pulsing with heat.

  “Your cock is so huge, Enzo,” she begs as I run the tip of my shaft over her ass, teasing her with my hard-on. “I need your massive cock to get me off, please.”

  Not wanting to make my love wait, I press myself deep inside her, and she arches her back as I fill her hole with my cock. I pull her toward me, cupping her perfect tits with my hand, pushing deep inside her like she begs me to do.

  “Harder, Enzo, fuck me harder, I need it.” Her cries could wake the entire fucking resort but I don’t care. I love it when she calls my name, when she cries for my come to fill her sweet pussy.


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