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Fostering Faust

Page 14

by Randi Darren

  Alex, Holly, and Anna immediately got to work. Moving every single item in the room over to the door.

  “Fuck them and their plans,” Carla muttered, staring at the barricade. “They can sit out there until Rudolph or the guard shows up. Stupid asses.

  “If this had been my outfit, none of this shit would have happened.”

  “No, because they’re dead. Remember? And you’re not her anymore, you’re my Two,” Alex said, pitching his voice low for her ear alone. “And you’re damned impressive, Two. Damned impressive. You did wonderfully.”

  He reached over and patted her shoulder, making sure to lightly caress her back as he did so.

  “Mm… thanks,” Carla mumbled, obviously unsure how to take that.

  “So… what’s our plan?” Alex asked.

  “No plan. We sit and wait, just like I said. Though I think you should finish up your marriage hunt tonight.”

  “Yeah… I would tend to agree.”

  Carla turned and looked to the two women. “Get some sleep. You might need to take a watch at some point. No telling how long we’ll be here.

  “And you, take this.”

  Holding out the sword to Alex, she waited.

  “You’re likely to be forgiven for holding a bladed weapon in your defense; I wouldn’t be. Just stab it through the door at anyone who tries to come through. Nothing terribly hard about that.”

  Alex nodded his head and stepped up to the barricade. He figured he could probably get a good stab in from here.

  “What are you going to do?” he asked, looking back to Carla.

  “Sleep right here next to you. Need a nap. Adrenaline is wearing off.”

  Saying nothing more, Carla lay down practically at his feet and almost immediately began snoring.

  Looking back to the door, Alex had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wondered if he’d ever really get used to this world.

  Probably not. But then again, where else could I literally indenture people with oaths sworn on gods?


  “That was different,” said an echoing voice from his side.

  Alex jumped and swung the sword around, pointing it at the voice.

  Sitting on the desk they’d moved into the barricade… was the wraith.

  “Jumpy?” it hissed.

  “Uh… a bit? I thought… you weren’t coming back. You said you weren’t,” Alex said.

  “I lied, I guess. I do that,” said Leah flippantly. “Don’t worry, they’re out cold. I added a little something to them to make sure of it.

  “I just wanted to stop by for a chat real quick.”

  “Kinda… the wrong time for that, isn’t it? I mean, it doesn’t sound like this is over out there. I swore I heard people shouting and fighting.”

  “You did. It’s the king’s guard. Apparently someone got out and spread the word that the count of Brit had been slain. City is in a bit of an uproar, and everyone is questioning the guard’s abilities.

  “Kinda funny. Well, I think it’s funny,” Leah said. “Now the king has a black eye over something he started. And yeah, you were right. They were here to keep you in place till the marriage hunt was over.”

  “Ah… are you… supposed to be able to tell me all this? This seems like something gods wouldn’t be able to do in these situations.”

  “Normally not. But you did such a good thing. You got me this,” Leah said, and then held up her hands.

  A blue, wraithlike Eugenia popped into being in the shadow’s cupped palms.

  It was on its knees, looking to be brokenly sobbing.

  “This… is worth at least four months of contracts. It’s a shame you’ll only get half a month out of it since the crystal was half full. But hey, them’s the breaks,” Leah said.

  Then she clapped her hands together, and the wraith vanished in a splut.

  “Her soul is quite… tasty. I’ve already used her a bit just to get an idea of where she sits on the whole morality scale. I plan on giving her to my husband.

  “He never does anything with the captured souls I offer him, but he doesn’t turn them down. He knows I do it out of love,” she said, her voice taking on a strange tone.

  “I see. Alright… so… I just need to wait it out here?” Alex asked, unsure of himself.

  “I think so. We’ll see. I can’t imagine them breaking in here before the guard retakes the hall, at least.”

  So she’s not omniscient.

  “No, I’m not,” Leah said, nodding her head at him.

  But you can still read my mind.

  “I sure can.”


  “Oh, and because that soul will probably make my husband pay attention to me, I’ll probably be gone for a while, but who knows.

  “I personally hope it’s a long while. He does tend to get mad at me when I do stuff like this, and… punishes me.

  “So I’ll be occupied. I owe you a favor for this. You have till tomorrow to decide on what you want.”

  “Got it. I’ll think on that,” Alex said. Then he shook his head. “Wait, how did you get her soul? It looked like she had a heart attack or something, and cracked her head open. Was that you?”

  “Mm, yes. She was in the act of betraying you. I could see her thoughts, and the course of action. I just… took her soul at the right time. I can’t exactly intervene to help you, you know. But I can take my contracts as I please,” Leah said.

  Then her head whipped to one side.

  “Lovey!” she cried, her voice uncharacteristically ecstatic and bright. It felt like reality itself had split at her single word.

  Then she vanished as if she had never been there.

  Alex hung his head with a sigh and stared at his boots.

  “This is all so fucked up.”

  Chapter 13

  Eventually, someone came to check the interview rooms.

  Alex was feeling feisty and paranoid. He didn’t trust the people claiming to be the royal guard—even if it was them—and refused to remove the barricade.

  He’d told them directly who he was and that the barricade would only be pulled down if his own personal guard showed up.

  They’d been resistant so far to his demands. It was a pity for them that Alex simply refused to budge.

  He imagined the panic and confusion would only get worse outside. That a crowd outside the hall would probably form. And knowing Rudolph, he would probably raise holy hell for everyone involved.

  That wasn’t even including if Walter showed up.

  No, Alex could afford to wait. They were safe. They were secure.

  “My lord?” Rudolph called from the door, breaking through his thoughts.

  “Ah, Rudolph? Thank goodness. Do you have everyone with you?” Alex called to the door.

  “I don’t, sir; they forbade it. They’re saying that you won’t come out until you speak with me,” Rudolph said, his voice taking on a strange quality.

  “I’m not going anywhere with them. If they can’t even guard a hall at a well-known ball for a count, I’ll not trust them with my life.

  “They can all go back to the king. I’ll wait here until they’re gone and you’ve secured the hall.”

  The silence on the other side of the door was deafening.

  “Sir, that is… you would rather your house guard take you to the king?”

  “No. I’d rather my house guard take me home! Oh, I also have Anna Ulles and Holly Lin with me. I imagine their fathers or relatives might be out there trying to find them.

  “It might behoove you to let them know we have them secured.”

  Again, a pause.

  He’s talking to a guard captain, I bet. Probably just now realizing I’m not kidding around.

  “I’ll be right back with our guard, sir. The royal guard will be leaving now and turning it over to our people. Do I have your permission to invite Master Ulles inside?”

  “Of course, of course,” said Alex.

  Then yes, he is out ther
e and causing a problem. Good. Though it’s concerning there is nothing for Holly.

  Looking back towards Holly, he met her eyes.

  “Are you alone in the city right now?” he asked directly.

  “Only servants… Father will be back tomorrow. He… needed a contract updated for my possible marriage to you,” Holly said.

  Ah. Though I do wonder at that phrasing. Did she attempt to court any others?

  “I apologize if this ruins your chances at any other balls tonight. I do realize I wasn’t the only one on the books,” Alex said, curious to see if she’d admit to seeing other interviews.

  “I wasn’t attending any other balls. Father was updating the contract because marriage to a count would require a different wording in the terms.

  “Father wouldn’t want the possibility of his titles passing to our children, if we had them.”

  Oh. I guess… yeah, that makes sense.

  In Anna’s case, it doesn’t matter; she doesn’t have titles.

  Nodding his head, Alex settled in to wait.

  Carla laid her head back down and closed her eyes, while Anna and Holly resumed whatever conversation they’d been having.


  Master Ulles hadn’t accompanied them to his mansion the previous night.

  To be honest, Alex hadn’t thought about it at the time. He’d gone to his room and passed out, leaving Anna and Holly to Walter to take care of.

  It wasn’t until the next morning, when Walter handed him a letter from the master merchant, that he realized Alex had possibly been incredibly rude.

  He hadn’t even checked to see if the man had followed them. Not to mention he wasn’t quite sure what to say to the man. His daughter was… unique… to say the least.

  Dodged that one, I guess.

  Setting the letter down, Alex leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling above him.

  “Sounds like Daddy,” Anna said, getting his attention. Snapping his head down, he found her sitting in a chair across from him at the dining table.

  “He’s willing to make sure I’m alright, but he has other business to take care of,” Anna continued, reading the letter between them.

  “Just like that?” Alex asked. He wasn’t actually complaining. There’d been a few times in his previous life when he’d done exactly the same thing.

  “Mm, yes! Daddy’s just like that. It’s a good thing. Did you sleep well? Walter said it wouldn’t be right for either of us to sleep near your room until we’re lawfully wed,” Anna said. “Personally I don’t care, because it’s only unsigned paper in the way at this point.”

  Only then did he realize she was in the same dress as the previous day.

  And that Holly had joined them as well, but was busy with something at a side table.

  “Ah, yes. That’d be inappropriate,” Alex agreed. “Walter is a stickler for rules, but ones I agree with and very much appreciate in this case.

  “Your father… won’t be upset that you didn’t go home, Anna? Or you, Holly?”

  Alex hoped to draw the other woman into the conversation. Anna had a tendency to draw him into her own pace and run him over.

  “Daddy won’t mind. I already told him we’d have our marriage contracted today,” Anna said happily.

  Holly paused and then turned her head to the side, her eyes catching his own.

  “Father would not be happy, but he also wouldn’t be upset since you were the only man I was interviewing with at this time. He would have viewed it as a chance to get to know one another more so,” she said.

  “Had you been interviewing others?” Anna asked, her head turning towards Holly as well.

  “Originally… though they were all merchants. None were willing to meet with us outside of a formal acceptance of intention. I think most are aware of our financial status.”

  Holly came over to the table with a silver tea set in her hands.

  Setting down a tea setting for Alex, then Anna, and finally herself, Holly sat down next to the other woman.

  “I think I’ve met with every man in the entire capital,” Anna said, her mouth turning down in a frown. “None of them were very nice, and I didn’t feel like any of them would be right for me. Then I met you, Alex!”

  One could certainly never forget meeting you, Anna. That’s to put it mildly for my own part.

  “This is lovely, thank you,” Anna said, turning her head to Holly after taking a sip.

  “Thank you,” Holly said, smiling shyly at Anna.

  I wonder what they were talking about last night. Or hell, even after we got back. They’ve been together since the whole thing started.

  “Where’s your personal bed servant?” Anna said, looking around.

  “What?” Alex asked. “Oh, you mean Two. I think it’s her day off today. I don’t keep track of her when she goes out.”

  “So you did give her a permanent day off? That’s good. Does she still sleep with you for it?” Anna asked, her tone innocent and plain.

  “Ah… yes… but she gets two days off,” Alex said, not quite sure what to make of where this conversation was going.

  “Good. Do you plan on turning the other slaves into bodyguards as well?” Anna said, adding another sugar cube to her tea and giving the liquid a swirl with her spoon.

  “I… no. They don’t—” Alex paused, looking to Holly, who was watching him with no expression.

  Finally, he looked back to Anna.

  Did they talk about it already? She’s not surprised or concerned.

  “They don’t have the right skill sets. For it. As bodyguards, that is.”

  “That makes sense. Daddy is always saying you can’t use a hammer as your tool every time. Sometimes you need a knife,” she said, nodding her head with a smile. “I take it they’ll be serving in your bed then? I wonder if we should work out a rotation early on so there’s no confusion later.

  “Oh, I already informed Master Walter that your bedroom would be your own, and Holly and I would share one for now. It’d be best that way, so you won’t have to worry about taking your slaves to our bed and worrying we’ll be there.”

  Anna gave him a bright smile and took another polite sip of her tea.

  Serving in my bed? Wait, you what to Walter?

  “That is—” Alex said, wondering how to broach the subject. Then he stopped.

  She said… share a bedroom. That’d mean they’re expecting to both marry me?

  I mean, that wouldn’t be a terrible idea. Anna would be ideal for finances and… well… as she herself said… an equal partner, to a degree.

  Holly would be a tool, no matter which way I look at it.

  There was a sharp knock at the door to the dining room.

  “Enter,” Alex called, looking that way.

  Rudolph immediately stepped in, carrying what looked like a handful of dispatches.

  “My lord, these all arrived with the same courier. I’ll wait outside for your replies,” Rudolph said.

  A second man hurried in and set down an inkwell, letter opener, pot of pounce sand, quill, a small writing tray, and some paper in front of Alex.

  Must be the king.

  Anna looked at the papers, then turned to Holly with a smile. “I’ll go first.”

  Holly ducked her head to Anna, then took her tea setting with her and left the room without a word.

  “Should I be concerned?” Alex asked after having watched Holly leave.

  Picking up the letter opener, he slit open the envelope on top.

  After pulling the paper out, he read it over quickly.

  “This is a marriage contract,” Alex said, reading over the terms and qualifications.

  “Yes. It’s mine. Just go ahead and sign at the bottom. I already signed it and had it documented at the royal clerk’s office,” Anna said, leaning forward over the desk.

  She was practically spilling out of her dress as she indicated the location to sign and the seal.

  “Holly’s won’t be here
until later, with her father. You’ll need to write up a contract between the two of you before that.” She gave him a wide smile when he looked up to her eyes.

  Instead of her cleavage, where he’d been looking without realizing.

  “I also got a lot of information out of her we can use against her. She’s such a silly thing. Told me everything.

  “We’ll have her family wrapped up and bound in no time at all, if you want them that is,” Anna said, still smiling at him. “Though I won’t let you hurt her or give her to anyone else. She’ll be your second, and a tool, but I do like her and will keep her for myself, if nothing else.”

  Apparently what’d happened was Anna had pumped the living hell out of Holly for information.

  For Alex to use against her.

  With that easy smile and simple demeanor of Anna’s, Holly probably hadn’t even worried about it.

  It means Anna already figured out what I had planned for Holly. Even to the point of looking for information to hold against her and bend her into the tool I want her to be. Even if it were completely against her morals and desires.

  She also already figured out the game I’m playing. She could easily be useful to me with almost no need for explanation.

  For an idiot, she’s a genius.

  Looking down at the contract, Alex confirmed what it was.

  The terms were straightforward and easy to read. The entire thing was set up as an equal marriage between a member of the peerage and a commoner.

  The only big caveat was her dowry was indeed ten-thousand gold coins, and Anna’s alone.

  Anna retained very few rights in this agreement other than that, and was putting herself practically in his sole possession.

  Even less than Holly would ask for. But… that means it’s just a straightforward marriage, isn’t it?

  He realized Anna was offering him exactly what she’d said at the start. A wife, confidant, and partner.

  That she’d accept everything he dished out at her, and work to better it for themselves.

  He picked up the ink-bottle, unscrewed the top, took the quill in hand, dipped it in, and signed his name on the line.

  He then spread a bit of the pounce sand over his signature and set the contract down.


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