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The Love Resort

Page 3

by Faith Bleasdale

  ‘At least you’re here,’ Harriet, their appointed publicist, replied dryly. ‘As we don’t have much time, I’ll get straight to the point. The wedding is soon. The planner is working on the details now, and will be seeing me tomorrow to discuss it. Then we’ll pick a date. The press will be given false stories, we need to keep them off the scent, and then, at the last minute, correct details will be leaked.’

  ‘Is that necessary?’ Todd paled. The publicist was following her orders, he knew that, but the way she was talking about them, it left him feeling as if he were nothing more than a commodity. Which, he admitted to himself, was exactly what he was to the studio bosses.

  ‘It is. We need coverage. Then there’s the honeymoon.’

  ‘No one said anything about a honeymoon.’ Todd trembled.

  ‘But what a wonderful idea,’ Katie added, licking her lips.

  ‘They decided at the last minute. Otherwise it looks suspicious. So, here’s what you’re going to do. We did some research; we wanted something that would give you the romantic image we’re trying to project. So, you’ll spend two weeks—’

  ‘Two weeks?’ Todd’s eyes were wide with horror.

  ‘Yes, two weeks. At The Love Resort.’

  The silence was all-consuming.

  Todd didn’t know what to think. The agreement he’d signed mentioned a marriage but not a honeymoon. He weighed up the chances of objecting but he looked around the table at the happiness shining on the faces of the moneymen, the people who would really benefit from this wedding, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to get out of it now. So, he, Katie and The Love Resort it would be then.

  A fake wedding, a fake honeymoon, and a fake bridegroom. He was losing his pride, his honour, and he was deceiving people who paid to see him in films. He didn’t feel great about himself, but he told himself that it was temporary. As soon as he directed his film, made it a success, then he’d face the world with his truth and be able to stop living a lie. The problem was that the idea of coming out to the world terrified him almost as much as it terrified the Studio. He was going to have to add ‘coward’ to his ever-growing list of negative traits.

  He snuck a look at his wife-to-be, who had furrowed her brow (how with all the Botox she was rumoured to have had, he had no idea), and seemed to be trying to look thoughtful. He resisted the urge to laugh; he wasn’t sure if Katie even knew how to think.

  ‘The Love Resort sounds real tacky,’ Katie said. ‘Why can’t we stay on a deserted island. Of course, a luxury deserted island. You know, somewhere where we’re alone. Apart from the staff.’

  ‘The resort is owned by Anne-Marie Langdale, the famous novelist,’ Harriet explained, ignoring Katie’s comments. ‘It’s exclusive, and it’s romantic. You guys will prove how genuine your love is by staying at The Love Resort. Perfect. It’s for couples only; it’ll probably be full of honeymooners. You’ll be in luxury accommodation and we will have you flown over there by private jet.’

  ‘Really? Private jet?’ Katie crossed her legs, showing another flash of her underwear. The men in the room were all turning red. Todd looked away.

  ‘Yes, Katie, and I’ve been assured that you will have your own private swimming pool and Jacuzzi, and your own cook, so that although you will be expected to be seen around the resort sometimes, most of the time you will have all the privacy that you crave. Well, as long as the publicity is done.’

  ‘Oh, well, maybe I’ll consider it.’

  ‘No, Katie, you won’t consider it, because it’s already been decided.’

  ‘So, here are the plans.’ Harriet stood up in the large room. Twenty of the top studio executives stared at her. She turned to Todd and Katie. Katie was flicking her over-highlighted hair, Todd looked and felt as if he was about to be beheaded; he refused to meet Harriet’s eyes. She cleared her throat. ‘The wedding will take place as soon as possible, fitting in with all schedules. It’ll be held at Bernie’s house, which he has kindly lent for the occasion.’

  ‘My pleasure.’ Bernie Chester was the head of the Studio and one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.

  ‘So, Bernie is also giving Katie away. We’ll invite four hundred people, the closest friends of everyone involved, and everything is set. We’ve told the press they’re going to Vegas this week. Next week, we’ll leak that they’re going to marry in Malibu, and so on until someone will leak the truth. We invite the press to gather outside the venue and we promise them a photo call, which will keep the fans happy at the same time.’

  ‘We could always release pictures to the press,’ Todd suggested, feeling sick now the reality was hitting him.

  ‘Sure, Todd, but if they see you guys marrying for themselves, it will be better. We have to convince the world—you know what the speculation is like. So then you will stay the night in a hotel, before flying off to The Love Resort the following day. The press will no doubt follow you to the airport and when you’re at the resort we’re going to have someone come over at some point to interview you.’

  ‘Why? It’s our honeymoon,’ Katie asked.

  ‘Someone will fly over for one day. You two are about to become Hollywood’s hottest married couple. Your public needs to know about your honeymoon. I’m going to choose the best publication—maybe Entertainment or Movie World. Anyway, they will fly over, interview you, take photos and that’s it. Oh, apart from the fact that you have to sing the resort’s praises—that’s part of the deal.’

  ‘Harriet, I think you’ve done a fine job,’ Bernie said.

  ‘We’ll also release publicity photos of you with Anne-Marie Langdale. Imagine the captions: “Hollywood’s honest newlyweds with the queen of romance”.’

  Everyone broke into riotous applause.


  Your Holiday

  If you make the wise decision to holiday at The Love Resort then your expectations will be exceeded.

  Not just luxury accommodation, attentive service, the best amenities and fantastic food will be made available to you. A holiday at The Love Resort gives you more. Much more!

  There is a magic here that has to be seen to be believed.* There is a wonderful experience awaiting you, which you would be foolish to miss.

  Official Love Resort Brochure

  *In this case there is no actual magic for you to see. It’s meant in a figurative sense and the Love Resort is not liable if you don’t ‘see’ any magic.


  Lily was able to arrange the competition for exactly when Anne-Marie wanted it. The editor of Exclusive Holidays saw the competition as a huge coup and was instantly willing to shuffle some features around to accommodate it. It was a huge relief to Lily, who had been enduring increasingly threatening looks from her boss. Lily was suffering from nightmares about Anne-Marie, a knife and a garrotte. She wrote the copy, she came up with the wording for ‘the New Love package’, and she set the question. This was all done within a week of Anne-Marie coming up with the idea. Lily had worked on nothing else. And although she was still unsure if the competition would result in a flurry of more youthful bookings, she was determined to do her job well, and to try to keep her difficult boss happy. Despite the way Anne-Marie treated her, she still felt that she owed her. After all, she was stealing her husband. Not a natural homewrecker, Lily couldn’t stop the guilt any more than she could stop her feelings for Ed. For the first time in her life, her emotions were in control of her.

  ‘Well, it’s a good start,’ Anne-Marie conceded, when Lily showed her all that had been arranged.

  ‘We could have the winners here within two months.’

  ‘I want them sooner.’ Anne-Marie glared at Lily.

  ‘Well, then we will have to add into the competition that those applying must be free to come at the time we want them,’ Lily responded calmly. She was struggling, but determined to do anything in her power to keep her boss happy.

  ‘Fine, add that. How about Abigail?’

  ‘What about her?’

  ‘Lily, d
o you never listen to what I say? I wanted her to have the best bungalow.’

  ‘Ed said he was dealing with that.’

  ‘Well, where is Ed?’

  ‘Tennis lesson.’

  ‘Go and tell him that I want him here as soon as he’s finished. Really, Lily, I thought you’d be far more efficient than you are.’

  Lily walked away, smarting. She had worked for difficult people before, but never had she been treated this badly. If it weren’t for Ed, she would have walked, but she couldn’t. Not until he did.


  After Ed had been delivered to Anne-Marie and was being interrogated as to his intentions for Abigail, Lily sat at her desk, putting the finishing touches to the latest press release. Lost in thought, she almost jumped when the fax machine sprang into action. She picked the message up, read it and smiled. Was this a fair swap for Ed? Anne-Marie would probably think it was more than fair. She was sure that it would make her working life easier; she silently thanked the Studio for giving her this gift.

  ‘Katie Ray and Todd Cortes are getting married,’ Lily announced.

  Anne-Marie looked up intrigued. ‘The Hollywood stars?’

  ‘You may have read about it. They’ve been dating for a few months and are just about to announce their engagement.’

  ‘Lily, do you really think I have time for gossip?’ Anne-Marie snapped.

  Lily counted to five, and smiled tightly. ‘Of course not. But I can get them to honeymoon here.’ Lily was beginning to get excited; this would really put The Love Resort on the map with the young, rich and famous. Maybe Anne-Marie would get what she wanted after all.

  ‘How?’ Anne-Marie asked suspiciously.

  ‘I used to work for the Studio. Anyway, if we give them a free honeymoon, luxury all the way, and spring for a private jet, then we can have them.’

  Anne-Marie’s face was a picture. ‘They only happen to be the hottest couple on the planet. Oh my God, it’ll be perfect. My book will write itself. When, when will they come?’ She jumped up and jigged around with childlike excitement.

  ‘They’re getting married soon; we’re getting the dates in the next couple of days.’ Lily had never seen Anne-Marie this way; she guessed that Ed hadn’t either, as he wore an amused grin.

  ‘So, we can have them and the competition winners at the same time?’

  ‘If you think that’s a good idea.’

  ‘The publicity will be unsurpassable. I want them all at the same time. Hang on. I’ve just thought of it.’


  ‘The huge success I am going to be as a result of this. Think of it: we’ll be so in demand with beautiful people.’

  ‘We are already in demand,’ Ed pointed out.

  ‘Ed, don’t you ever listen? These will be the sort of people we want.’

  ‘It’ll cost.’

  ‘It’ll be worth it,’ Anne-Marie stated. ‘My new book will not only be full of beautiful people but the inspiration will be Todd and Katie. Can’t you just see it?’ Anne-Marie hopped from one foot to another, then started circling the office. ‘They will be my main characters, the competition winners my supporting cast. Oh, it’s so blissfully perfect. The publicity for my book can be based around this, and both the book and the resort can be assured of huge success.’ She finished her speech with a curtsy, as Lily and Ed looked on, open-mouthed. Lily was unsure if she was expected to applaud or not.

  ‘I’ll do what I can,’ she stuttered, as she recovered. She wasn’t sure if it was a genius idea or a completely insane one for Anne-Marie to base her book around these strangers. However, she knew that it was best not to argue with her boss.

  ‘Of course you will, dear, that’s what I pay you for. Now, Ed, we need to get ready to collect Abigail.’


  ‘Abigail, over here.’ Anne-Marie waved frantically as her publisher appeared through customs. Abigail rushed over, and the two women embraced. Ed hung back; Abigail looked just as he remembered her: tall, scary, and without the hint of a conscience. Otherwise why would she have snared him into her Anne-Marie trap? God, how he hated her. This woman had a lot to answer for.

  ‘Oh, hi, Ed,’ she said, kissing the air next to his cheek and thrusting her Louis Vuitton luggage at him. He smiled wanly. It was no surprise that she treated him as if he was staff; after all, she had recruited him. She had used his sister to get him and Anne-Marie together and his flattered ego to ensure they fell in love, before finally the monster that had been hidden from him was unleashed. He had no doubt that Abigail knew exactly what she was doing to him. As a result, he held her largely responsible for ruining his life.

  ‘You must be exhausted, let’s get you home so you can rest.’ Anne-Marie sounded like a schoolgirl as she linked her arm through Abigail’s and they set off. Ed sighed and trailed behind them. He almost laughed out loud at the sight of them: Anne-Marie in her long flowing pale green dress and satin slippers, and Abigail in her power suit and high-heeled shoes. How she had managed to travel for ten hours like that, he had no idea. The thought of the heat and her inappropriate outfit made him feel slightly better; she would regret it as soon as they left the air-conditioned terminal. He looked around the airport at the holiday-makers in shorts, T-shirts, summer skirts, and flip-flops, and shook his head as he hurried after the two bizarre women, and out into the hot Caribbean air.

  They talked non-stop in the car, Anne-Marie with her most annoying little-girl voice, and Abigail with her mouth full of gravel. Ed was relieved when the porter took the luggage and them to the bungalow. He went straight to the office to see Lily and reclaim some of his sanity. What little he had left.

  ‘She’s here?’ Lily looked up at him and smiled tenderly.

  ‘Oh, yes, the witches are once again together.’

  ‘Ed, you’re so naughty.’

  ‘And, with her here, I’m about to be naughtier. Tonight, I’ll sneak down to yours before dinner—she won’t notice. Then after dinner I’ll do the same.’

  ‘Twice in one night?’ Lily arched one of her eyebrows.

  ‘Let’s see if we can make it three times.’

  ‘We might as well go for four in that case.’

  Ed strode over and kissed her. She was definitely the woman for him.


  ‘So, you see my problem,’ Anne-Marie said as she and Abigail sat on the terrace outside Abigail’s bungalow, sipping martinis and soaking up the sun.

  Anne-Marie hitched her long dress up and put her bare feet up on a footstool. Abigail had discarded her jacket, but looked uncomfortable in her heavy skirt and blouse. Anne-Marie pretended not to notice; she needed to talk to her; it couldn’t wait.

  ‘Oh, darling, I do. This place was going to be your inspiration, but instead it’s killing your creativity. Maybe you should sell it.’ Abigail wiped her brow with her sleeve.

  Anne-Marie looked horrified. ‘But I love it here. It’s so much nicer than England. The weather is fabulous every day. My house, although small, is darling. I have food prepared for me whenever I want it, and I have my own spa. Apart from that, the beauty is unsurpassable.’ She looked at the view and felt it hit her as it always did. It was, indeed, breathtakingly beautiful.

  ‘You’re not wrong there.’ Abigail lit a cigarette.

  ‘But it’s the people. You see, Ed did the figures—you know he runs the business side of things—well, he charges people about ten thousand dollars for two weeks here.’

  ‘What?’ Abigail choked on her martini.

  ‘He says that it’s fair. They get all this, it’s all-inclusive and they also get me. Of course, it can cost more.’

  ‘Anne-Marie, I hate to point out the obvious, but that’s your problem, right there.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Philip and I could maybe afford to stay here, but when we were in our twenties, or even our thirties, we couldn’t have done. You’re pricing the youngsters out of the market.’

  ‘But what about young rich famous peo

  ‘Well, I don’t know, but there must be some reason they’re not staying.’

  ‘Yes, because it’s becoming well known that it’s full of old, fat, unstylish people. Oh, Abigail, I’m so disappointed.’ Anne-Marie felt as if she was about to crumble.

  ‘I understand. So, what are we to do?’ Abigail violently stubbed her cigarette out.

  ‘Well, I’ve already done it. I’ve run a competition.’ Anne-Marie cheered up as she told Abigail all about it. ‘And also, this is a miracle, but you’ll never guess what I’ve pulled off.’ Anne-Marie’s face filled with childlike excitement.

  ‘Well, don’t keep me in suspense, I can’t bear it,’ Abigail said, without a flicker of emotion.


  ‘Darling, I’ve said it before, you’re a genius. How on earth did you swing it?’ Abigail looked genuinely interested after Anne-Marie finished telling her about Todd and Katie.

  ‘Oh, I have my ways,’ she replied mysteriously. ‘Anyway, I’d better get going. I’m sure you’d like to shower and change.’ Anne-Marie looked at Abigail dripping with sweat, and tried not to grimace. ‘I thought we’d have dinner at the house tonight. I’ll get someone to escort you up. I’ve decided to send Ed away—he can dine with the staff or with Lily—and we’ll be alone together to have a delicious gossip. Does eight sound OK?’

  ‘Yes, I’ll be ready and waiting.’


  ‘That young man you sent to bring me up here—André?’ Abigail said as they dined on Anne-Marie’s terrace.


  ‘He’s very attractive.’

  ‘Oh, I know. All the staff are. I’ll take you on a tour tomorrow and you’ll see.’

  ‘Anne-Marie, if the staff are so beautiful, and the resort certainly is, can’t you base your book around that, and ignore the guests?’

  ‘No, impossible. You see, they’re everywhere and just as I imagine André walking out of the crystal-clear sea, his hair sparkling like a crown with droplets of water, his chest shimmering in the sun, as he makes his way slowly up the beach...this fat grey-haired woman in a gold lamé swimming costume makes an appearance and it’s all ruined.


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