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The Love Resort

Page 8

by Faith Bleasdale

  Before they started fake dating, he’d watched her first three films. She was awful. She was so wooden just watching gave him splinters. There was nothing believable about her performance. To be fair, the scripts of the films were terrible and so was the directing, but still, she was undeniably bad. He would get a good performance out of her, not because he believed for one minute that she could act, but because he had to. And a good director could get a good performance out of anyone, he truly believed that.

  Todd was still thinking about the film when Anne-Marie descended on him. He stood up, smiling at her. He had forgotten about lunch. He was introduced to Anne-Marie’s publisher, and as Katie came out in her pink sarong, he rushed inside to put some shorts and a T-shirt on.


  ‘So, Abigail, what did you think?’ Anne-Marie asked as they sat on the terrace of her house.

  ‘I think that they are the best-looking couple I have ever seen.’

  ‘Me too. Her skin is so smooth, her eyes sparkled like diamonds—and did you see how silky her hair is? And Todd, well, he’s just so gorgeous. Lovely broad shoulders and lean, smooth chest—and the way his boyish dark hair falls into his eyes...’ Anne-Marie sighed. ‘I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect-looking couple in my book.’

  ‘So you’re ready to start writing?’

  ‘Well, of course I have the story and I have the main characters, but I need to wait for my supporting cast, who are arriving this afternoon.’

  ‘So maybe tomorrow?’ Abigail’s voice was sharp.

  Hurt flashed across Anne-Marie’s eyes. Her publisher wasn’t being mean; she couldn’t be. She banished the unbearable thought. ‘Oh, Abigail, darling, your concern for my career is so lovely, so kind, and I do appreciate your support.’

  ‘Of course I’m concerned; I’m your publisher and your friend,’ she smiled sweetly.

  ‘Oh, you are my best friend. Soon, Abigail, soon, it will all start and I know that this one will be written in record time because it’s all here.’ She tapped her head.

  No, she must have imagined it. Abigail was only looking out for her friend, that was all, and Anne-Marie mustn’t let paranoia creep into her mind again.


  Todd was having a lie-down after lunch, having abandoned his script for a while. He heard Katie talking to Mary, her voice fairly loud. He smiled as he listened intently to their conversation.

  ‘Oh, you have done such a terrific job,’ Katie said. Todd wondered if she had sunstroke.

  ‘The laundry you gave me will be back tonight. I should bring it?’

  ‘Yes, please. As I said to the others, if there is a “Do not disturb” sign on, then leave the clothes by the door, but otherwise I want you to feel this is your home too.’ He didn’t think that she’d drunk much with lunch, but maybe she had.

  ‘Right.’ Todd pictured Mary looking uncomfortable and a little confused by Katie’s gushing.

  ‘Oh, this is such an adorable place, don’t you think?’

  ‘Yes.’ Mary’s voice was unsure.

  ‘And my husband and I are very happy here. Oh, isn’t he adorable?’

  ‘Yes, yes!’

  Todd laughed out loud. So Mary had the hots for him too! His laughter drowned out the rest of the conversation.


  ‘I came to check that you have enough champagne,’ Marcus said.

  Todd, back on the sun-lounger, looked up at Marcus. ‘Not sure, the way she drinks it,’ he replied.

  ‘Well, I’ll do a stock-take and replenish any that need it. Is there anything else that I can do for you?’

  ‘No, thanks.’

  Todd looked at him and practically swooned. He was tall, with beautiful dark skin, and shaven black hair. His arm muscles were evident beneath the polo shirt, and his legs, clad in white shorts, were long and muscular. He turned to go and Todd realised he needed to do something.


  ‘Yes, sir?’

  ‘Firstly, please call me Todd, not sir. Where are you from?’

  ‘I’ve lived in the Caribbean for as long as I can remember.’ Todd listened as Marcus explained that his father was Jamaican and his mother American. They had met while working in the tourism industry, which was why Marcus had chosen to follow them.

  ‘Lucky you.’

  ‘It’s nice.’ He seemed unsure.

  ‘It is that. Marcus, my wife is inside doing God knows what. I don’t suppose you could help me with the suntan lotion?’ He handed the bottle to Marcus and longed to feel his touch. While Marcus applied it, hands shaking, Todd felt every sense in his body come to life. Then he felt guilty. He shouldn’t have put Marcus in that position. But when he turned to thank him, they shared a look of understanding. It was an intense look, a look in which Todd was conveying the truth to Marcus. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself.


  ‘This is better than expected. Not only do we have Abigail keeping her busy, but now the film stars. When the competition winners arrive shortly we’ll have all the time in the world together,’ Ed said as he rebuttoned his trousers.

  ‘We do have work to do,’ Lily pointed out.

  ‘Spoil sport. We’ll be good and get our work done; but still, we should be able to spend more time together than usual.’

  ‘Do you feel guilty?’ Lily asked.

  ‘Yes, if I’m honest I do. God knows why. She’s treated me like dirt for so long. Anyway, you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that she doesn’t love me and definitely won’t miss me.’

  ‘Apart from maybe in a professional capacity.’

  ‘Exactly. It’d be more like losing a member of staff than a husband.’

  ‘You know, despite the fact that she’s so awful, I can’t help feeling sorry for her.’

  ‘And that is why I love you, Lily—you’re so sweet.’ He laughed. ‘Come on, let’s go get Anne-Marie’s gorgeous winners.’


  ‘The plane has landed,’ Lily told Ed. ‘They’ll be through any time now.’

  ‘Do we need to hold up the card?’

  ‘We’d better.’ Lily smiled. Ed winked as he held the card aloft. Normally this job would be done by a number of members of staff at the resort, but because of the importance Anne-Marie had put on the competition winners, Lily and Ed were acting as reps. They had taken one of the resort’s minibuses and a driver, and arrived at the airport in plenty of time.

  ‘They’ll be tired.’

  ‘Yes, well, once we’ve shown them to their rooms they have an hour before Anne-Marie’s welcome meeting.’

  ‘The rumour mill about Todd and Katie has started.’

  ‘What’s being said?’ Lily asked.

  ‘Nothing much. It’s just that the staff know they’re here so, as per Anne-Marie’s wishes, the chances are that the rest of the resort will know before long.’

  ‘Well, your wife thinks they’re the best things ever. I had to listen to her going on for hours and hours about them and how wonderful they were. I think even Abigail’s getting a bit fed up with her.’

  ‘What makes you say that?’ Ed brightened at the news.

  ‘Oh, she made this face; I don’t think she thought I saw her.’

  ‘You are kidding?’ He couldn’t imagine Abigail making a face at his wife. She was the person who had turned her into the monster. Abigail was Anne-Marie’s Frankenstein.

  ‘I’m not. Oh, look, I think that’s them.’ Lily moved forward to greet their visitors. ‘My name is Lily Bailey. I’m in charge of public relations for the resort. This is Ed Smith.’

  ‘I’m Anne-Marie Langdale’s husband, and we’d like to welcome you all to The Love Resort.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Emily said. Everyone introduced themselves.

  ‘Right, if you’ve got everything, let’s get going. I’m sure you all want to get to your rooms and rest.’ Lily started marching the group to the mini-bus like an overenthusiastic school teacher, which amused Ed no end.

d let Lily explain about the resort’s history and its facilities during the short drive. He listened as she gave the couples some background on the island but not too much; guests were not encouraged to spend too much time out of the resort except on organised trips. Organised by them, of course.

  ‘So, as you can see, the island is very tropical,’ Lily said. As she spoke, Ed took time to study their new guests.

  Emily was almost bouncing up and down with excitement as Jimmy held her hand tightly. She was truly gorgeous, and her smile was almost infectious. Jimmy was alternating between looking out of the window and looking at Emily. Ed smiled too. He was in love; he understood.

  ‘When we get to the resort, and you’re settled in your rooms, you’ll find there are full details of all the main attractions.’

  Ed looked at Tim, who lay across the back seat of the minibus with his legs draped over his girlfriend. Ed thought that Thea looked like she was listening intently, perhaps as if she expected to be quizzed later. He couldn’t be sure but Tim looked as if he was sleeping. But then it had been a long journey.

  ‘And, of course, the facilities at the resort ensure that there’s more than enough for you to do there, if you don’t want to leave,’ Lily announced.

  ‘Great,’ Lee said, nodding his head. He had his arm draped over Carla’s shoulder and she had her head tilted, nestled in his chest.

  Ed had to concede, Anne-Marie had got her good-looking cast, and they seemed exactly as she was expecting.


  ‘My goodness, this is fantastic,’ Jimmy exclaimed when they were left in their room.

  ‘Oh, Jimmy, it’s everything I dreamt it would be. It’s perfect, so perfect.’ Emily jumped up and down on the teak king-size four-poster bed, before they explored their room like children. They ran to the terrace, which had two sun-loungers covered in soft beige material, overlooking the sea. Then they went to the large bathroom, where the cool marble tiles glistened. Finally Jimmy stood behind Emily as she opened the closet, which was big enough to house their volume of luggage several times over.

  She pulled out the soft fluffy robe. ‘I am going to live in this,’ she squealed, slipping it on, then taking it off again.

  ‘It’s fantastic,’ Jimmy repeated, putting the television on and beginning to flick through the cable channels. He could barely believe that it was all real.

  ‘Oh no, you don’t. We won’t have time for watching telly while we’re here.’ Emily approached him seductively and he couldn’t stop grinning as he kissed his gorgeous girlfriend.


  ‘What do you mean there’s no minibar?’ Tim stormed, before slamming down the handset.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Thea emerged from the bathroom with shampoo in her hair from her aborted shower.

  ‘I just telephoned them to ask them about the minibar. I thought they must have forgotten to put one in but they said that they don’t have them in the rooms.’

  ‘Is that all? I heard you shouting and thought you were being mugged.’ Thea looked around at her luxurious surroundings. Every cupboard door was open, as were the drawers, as if Tim expected them to put a bar in there. She sighed. When she’d first walked in, the room was everything she expected. On the wooden desk, a bowl of inviting fruit welcomed them. The crisp white bed linen was crying out to be slept under. The mosquito net over the bed added to its romance; like something out of a film. But Tim had managed to find fault.

  ‘Thea, this is a posh resort and there is no minibar.’

  ‘Tim, it’s all-inclusive. You go to the bar and get what you want.’

  ‘That’s what she said.’

  ‘Who’s she?’

  ‘The woman on the end of the phone. Well, in that case I shall do as you both tell me.’

  Thea watched in horror as Tim stalked past her and out of the room.


  ‘Bloody hell, there’s about a hundred channels on this TV,’ Lee said, beaming at Carla.

  ‘Well, I’m not sure you’ve come all this way to watch TV,’ Carla replied in what she hoped was her seductive voice. She was sitting on the bed, trying to get him to look at her. But the TV had won. What was it with men?

  ‘Of course not, I’ve come here to get a wicked tan as well,’ he replied with a wink.

  She tried another tack. ‘I have never seen a bed as big as this.’

  ‘Yeah, it’s great.’ He didn’t look up from the television. ‘But you know that journey has really taken it out of me. I’m knackered.’ He lay back on the bed. She debated pouncing on him but then she decided that she probably didn’t smell so good after the journey.

  I’m going to take a shower.’ She threw him a last loving look before going to the bathroom. Poor darling looked wiped out, and she knew that a good night’s sleep would have him back to normal. For now, without Lee, she had to content herself with the free toiletries provided. She looked at them, presented in a pink heart-shaped basket, all with The Love Resort brand labels, and she felt excited. This was all so new to her. It was going to be nothing short of wonderful.


  ‘So what do you think?’ Anne-Marie asked.

  ‘Of what?’ Ed replied. He and Lily had just got back to the office.

  ‘Our competition winners, of course. You’ve met them. I still haven’t seen them.’ Anne-Marie was desperate to meet them, but she wanted to orchestrate it. Their first meeting had to be perfect, so she needed to be patient.

  ‘Oh, Anne-Marie, they are delightful,’ Lily quickly put in. ‘More attractive than in the photos, and they all look so in love.’

  ‘They do? They do?’

  ‘Oh, undoubtedly. I think you picked well,’ Lily finished.

  ‘Of course I did,’ Anne-Marie replied. ‘Now, I want you to ensure they are all in the welcome room on time, and then I shall make my entrance.’


  ‘Can you get that, Tim?’ Thea shouted. Then she remembered. Tim had gone on the hunt for drink. She stepped out of the bathroom and picked up the receiver.

  ‘Hi, Thea?’ an American voice enquired.


  ‘It’s Lily. Just to tell you that you need to be in the welcome room in forty-five minutes.’

  ‘Fine.’ Thea looked at herself. She was wearing a towel, and her hair was still soggy. She hung up and quickly pulled on some clothes, and tied her hair up. She knew that her most time-consuming act would be persuading Tim to leave the bar, and she needed most of the forty-five minutes for that.

  ‘Who was that?’ Emily purred as she slid out of bed, putting on her fluffy robe.

  ‘Lily. We’ve got the welcome thing to go to.’

  ‘Great. We get to meet the famous romance writer. I was going to ask her to sign a book; do you think that’s OK?’ Emily sounded shy; hesitant.

  ‘Of course it’s OK. You’ll have to go home with a signed book or everyone will think we’re nuts.’ Jimmy fell in love with her all over again at that moment. The vulnerable side to her melted his heart.

  He went over and kissed her. ‘I’d better go and shower then.’

  ‘I think I’ll join you,’ she replied.


  ‘So, this is a holiday but we have to go to a meeting. I just don’t get it,’ Lee objected.

  ‘What’s not to get? We get a horrible cocktail and a few details about the resort, we meet the famous author and we also find out what our publicity commitments are.’

  ‘Wow, you seem to have it all organised in your mind. I just don’t see why we have to go to a meeting on holiday.’

  ‘So, if they called it the welcome party you’d feel better?’

  ‘Christ, Carla, I think you just might be a genius.’ He reached over and grabbed her in a bear hug. ‘I suppose I’d better get washed and changed.’

  ‘Hurry up, and we can get a quick beer before this thing.’

  Lee’s eyes lit up. ‘Perfect. It’s all-inclusive, after all.’

  It wasn’t hard to find Tim. He was sitting at
the second bar she tried, engaged in a loud conversation with an American, who kept patting him on the back and ordering whisky for them both.

  ‘Tim.’ Thea approached him cautiously, like stalking prey. She worried that he would escape if she startled him.

  ‘Thea, my darling.’ He placed a wet kiss on her cheek, which she immediately rubbed with her hand. ‘This is...damn, I can’t remember your name.’ He gestured at his drinking partner. Thea cringed at the over-the-top public school accent he’d adopted.

  ‘I hate to break up the party, but we have to go to this meeting, Tim.’ She watched as Tim looked at his half-full whisky, then at Thea, then at his new friend. Thea held her breath. It could go one of two ways. He would come quietly or he wouldn’t come at all. Tim repeated his looking ritual once more. Then, to Thea’s relief, he downed his drink and stood up.

  ‘It has been a pleasure and I am sure that we will do it again.’ Thea rolled her eyes, said her goodbyes and steered Tim towards the welcome room.

  The six of them greeted each other like old friends. Then the awkwardness of strangers set in.

  ‘The rooms are lovely,’ Carla said.

  ‘Really splendid,’ Emily concurred. ‘And it’s so hot.’

  ‘The bar’s great,’ Tim said.

  Thea cringed. She was going to have to tell him to cut down on the drinking. The holiday was supposed to be an opportunity for them both to re-charge, not for Tim to spend two weeks drunk.

  ‘This holiday is going to be so cool,’ Lee said.

  Before anyone could respond the door opened. They turned and stared. Leading the pack of three was the tiniest, pinkest woman they had ever seen.

  ‘Oh, my darlings, welcome, welcome.’ Anne-Marie went up to each of them, hugging them to her and clapping her hands. Hot on her heels were Ed and Lily.

  Immediately, Thea knew that this had all been a hideous mistake. This woman wasn’t normal, although she should have known that anyone who owned something called The Love Resort wouldn’t be. She noticed Tim staring at Anne-Marie Langdale with his mouth open; she poked him and gestured. Was this romance? A pink fluffy woman who didn’t seem to be wearing shoes? She fought the urge to laugh and deliberately avoided looking at the others.


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