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Friends With Multiple Benefits

Page 11

by Luke Young

  “Almost ready?” Brian strode into the bedroom then stopped in his tracks and sighed. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”

  “I’m not going,” she whined.

  “What? Why?”

  “Look at me. Just look at me.”

  “You look amazing.”

  “Amazing?” Turning to him, she sneered.

  “Yes.” He moved to her and cupped her rear end with his hand.

  “My ass is huge. I… I… have stretch marks everywhere. I still have almost eight weeks to go and I look like I’m about to explode.”

  “You don’t.”

  “Yeah.” She frowned at her reflection in the mirror. “My belly button is never going to be the same.”

  Slipping down to his knees, he placed a gentle kiss on her lower back. “Your ass is still cute.”

  “Really?” She moaned softly.

  “Yes, really.” He slid her panties down a few inches and kissed the tops of her cheeks, one then the other.

  “That feels good.”

  “If we had more time, I would explore them a little more.” He extended his tongue and ran it down an inch into her cleft and she shuddered.

  “Stop,” she said, playfully. “You’re going to make me all wet.”

  He rose to his feet and kissed her shoulder then reached around to cup her incredibly swollen breasts. “At least you’re not throwing up anymore and these… just wow.”

  “They are too big.” She studied them in the mirror, frowning.

  Shaking his head, he widened his eyes. “There is no such thing as having too big of breasts.”

  “Yes, there is.”

  “No, there isn’t.”

  “Maybe I’ll let you rub them later if you’re a good boy tonight.”

  “I’m always good.” He raised his palms. “When do I not behave myself?”

  “No ogling those young hot actresses.”

  “What? Me?” He scoffed. “When do I do that?”

  “Um, last time I saw you with a young hot actress, you were naked and taking a shower with her.”

  “I was not taking a shower with her. She just happened to be in the shower room with me. She was having trouble with her plumbing or something.”

  “I’ll bet she was.” Jillian sneered. “Oh, God, I hope she leaves you alone tonight.”

  “I’m sure she’ll behave herself as well. I haven’t heard from her since that night you scolded her. I think she got the message loud and clear.”

  “She’d better or I might just punch her in the chest and one of her implants would probably burst.”

  “What? Those aren’t fake.” He gave her a skeptical look.

  “You’re kidding, right?” She turned back to the mirror and picked up a pink lipstick. “Everyone knows she has implants.”

  “No way. They’re a little…” he paused cringing, “… you know, saggy, like real ones.”

  “Oh, you are saying real ones are saggy?” She shot him a disapproving look.

  “Not in a bad way saggy, but in a normal way. A beautiful way. Fake ones can be so high up on a woman’s chest and be so stretched out that they look like they’re about to explode. I’m not a big fan of the fake ones.”

  “I agree, but Amanda has teardrop implants.”

  “What the hell are those?”

  “They look natural.”

  “I’ll say.” He widened his eyes.

  Turning back to him, she frowned. “Keep it up celebrity shower boy.”

  “I’m just kidding.” He held back a laugh.

  “Yeah, right.” She returned to the mirror and dabbed at the corner of her mouth with a tissue.

  He glanced at his watch. “Oh, crap. The car is going to be here in a few minutes and we still have to pick up Victoria and Jim.”

  “Okay. Okay, I’m almost ready.”

  Two blocks away, Victoria and Jim sat across from one another on opposite sofas in the living room. He in an expensive suit and her in a beautiful gown, they looked amazing. The baby was spending the night with Victoria’s parents and the two were looking forward to a star-studded night on the town.

  She gazed out the window as he looked her over wearing a hungry expression. “You look incredible.”

  “Thanks,” she replied casually.

  “No, I mean, you really look incredible.”

  Turning to him, she grinned. “Oh, really? It sounds like someone’s horny.”

  “We haven’t done it in more than a week and yes, I really, really miss you.” He adjusted the front of his pants shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

  She shot him a suggestive smile. “Well, why don’t I pencil you in later for an hour-long appointment?”

  “I’m not sure I can wait that long.”

  “Sorry, babe, you’re going to have to. I’m not about to get myself all messed up fooling around with you. It took me an hour to get my hair to look like this.”

  “And it looks great.”

  “Thanks, but you’d better try to control yourself.”

  “It’s getting bigger.” He glanced at his groin then gave her a wide-eyed look.

  “That’s because you keep touching it.”

  “Okay, I’ll stop.” He tore his gaze from her then sat up straighter on the sofa. Placing his hands on his knees, he took a deep breath. “I’ll be okay.”

  Victoria rose to her feet then headed to the window. “What time are they supposed to be here again?”

  Jim checked his watch. “Not for five minutes.”

  She separated the curtain and glanced out the window to the mulch beds, bending just slightly at the waist accentuating her curvy rear end. “You know, we really need to weed out there. I can’t believe they are so big again.”

  “Oh, crap,” Jim began, his gaze locked on her ass. “That’s not the only thing that’s big again.”

  “Must be all that rain we got last week.”

  He quickly got to his feet and headed for her with his growing erection straining in his pants. He pressed it between the cheeks of her ass. “I really don’t think I can wait.”

  Her eyes drifted closed and she moaned. “My God, that feels good, but really this isn’t the time.”

  “I’ll be fast,” he whined. “And I won’t mess you up at all.”

  Craning her neck, she looked back to him. “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  “I’m serious. Make it fast.”


  “And if you mess me up at all you are in trouble.”

  While she slipped her panties down her legs, he worked his cock through his zipper. Then he folded her dress carefully up and onto her back. After drinking in the sight of her gorgeous parts, he slipped inside her slowly.

  “Oh God.” She moaned.

  “Oh, Victoria.” He worked his hips back and forth with his eyes closed and his hands on his hips.

  She bent over further and moaned loudly as he pumped into her faster. Suddenly the black limo pulled up in front of the house. She waved her hand back at him. “Crap, they’re here. Hurry up.”

  “Okay.” After glancing out the window, Jim closed his eyes tightly and flexed every muscle in his body as he drove into her harder and faster.

  “Come on.”

  The car horn beeped twice and Victoria said, “I’m serious. Finish now or you’re going to have to wait.”

  “Okay. Okay.” Jim moaned breathlessly. “Almost…”

  “You feel so good.” She gripped the curtains with both hands as she bent at the waist and pushed her hips out rocking back and forth timing herself with his thrusts.

  “Oh my, God… yes… yeah…” He held his breath and lifted up on his tiptoes.

  Suddenly there was a knock on the window and both Victoria and Jim’s eyes blasted wide open in shock.

  “Shit.” Victoria slipped away from Jim and they both struggled to catch their breath.

  “Who was that?”

  “I don’t know, but fix yourself up and let’s
go.” She pulled her panties up and straightened out her dress.

  Jim concealed his still swollen erection in his pants and took a few deep calming breaths. “Sorry, I just couldn’t finish.”

  “It’s okay.” She headed to the mirror on the wall and gazed at herself smiling. “I still look good. You can’t really tell that you were just violating me, can you.”

  He looked her over. “No, not at all. How about me?”

  She turned to him and her gaze went to his groin. “You better keep your hands in front of your, you know, until the swelling goes down.”


  Covering the problem area, he cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Brian rushed back to the car wearing a grin. He slipped in next to Jillian. “You’re not going to believe this, but—” Noticing the driver gazing back at him he curled his lip.

  Jillian said, “Believe what?”

  “Um, well.” Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, “They were doing it right by the window.”

  “Right now?” She scoffed.

  “Yep.” Brian gave the driver a timid smile. “Um, they’ll be right out.”

  After nodding, the driver pushed a button on the dashboard and the dark glass partition rose between them.

  “You know, I’m not surprised.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah, me neither,” he said and they shared a knowing look.

  “Here they come.”

  Victoria led the way down the sidewalk with Jim following close behind. Brian sighed. “Just look at them.”

  The chauffeur got out and headed around the car.

  “I know. It’s sickening. Can’t they control themselves? They’re like animals or something.” Jillian shook her head.

  “I did just log a few minutes admiring your naked ass before we left too.”

  “Yeah, but you weren’t screwing me in front of the window with a limo waiting outside.”

  “That’s true, but I wanted to.”

  The chauffeur opened the car door and Victoria slipped inside followed by Jim. They sat across from the judgmental frowns of Jillian and Brian wearing their slightly guilty grins. No one said a word.

  “What’s the matter with you two?” Victoria asked.

  “Oh, nothing.” Jillian held her head high as she asked condescendingly, “You guys running late?”

  Victoria glanced to her man. “No, not really, we’ve been ready for a little while, but we sort of got detoured.”

  “Detoured?” Jillian asked.

  “He was fucking me by the window.”

  Jim said casually, “Yeah, she looks pretty hot, so I couldn’t control myself.”

  “She does look good.” Brian shook his head in agreement as the driver pulled the car away from the curb.

  Jillian began, “Well, at least you got it out of your system before—”

  “No, I didn’t, um, finish.” Jim motioned with a scowl and a head nod to his brother. “Someone scared the crap out of us.”

  “Yeah, maybe you should be more concerned about what your Peeping Tom husband is doing than what we’re up to.” Victoria sneered.

  “Hey, I just sent him out to be sure you guys knew we were here waiting. We don’t want to be late, you know.”

  Jim put his hand on Victoria’s knee and Jillian shot him a disapproving sneer. “Maybe you should keep your hands off her for a while.”

  “Yeah, baby. It looks like you’re still a little…” Victoria made a face. “You know, worked up.”

  Shifting in his seat, Jim put his hands over his lap. “Sorry.”

  “He can barely keep it hidden when it’s not in an excited state,” Victoria announced proudly.

  Brian scoffed. “It must be so difficult dealing with that huge problem, dude.”

  “Shut up,” Jim snapped. “Jealous bastard.”

  “You know, I’m sick of hearing about…” Brian cringed. “All that stuff. If you don’t mind, keep those little details to yourself.”

  “There’s nothing little about it,” Victoria said then she shared a laugh with Jim.

  “Okay, let’s just change the subject.” Brian looked out the window and sighed.

  Jillian held her head high. “I’ll have you know Brian is plenty big and—”

  “Jillian.” Brian put his hand over hers. “Please don’t.”

  “Sorry.” She turned her attention to Victoria. “I do want to change the subject also, but I need to say one last thing. Don’t embarrass me tonight. I don’t need you two running off to the bathroom and doing it or making a scene. You’ll just have to wait until you get home.”

  “All right,” Victoria began. “Geez.”

  Jillian said, “Brian and I had a brief moment before we left the house too.”

  “Really?” Victoria replied, skeptically.

  “That’s right,” Jillian added in a parental tone, “but we were adult enough to nip it in the bud and we decided to wait.”

  “A bud is right,” Victoria said then she chuckled as she elbowed Jim. When he finally got the joke, he laughed loudly.

  Brian gazed at them, confused. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

  Scowling, Jillian whispered in Brian’s ear and he frowned. “That’s not cool. I have a lot more than a—I’m not even going to go there.”

  “Oh, I’m kidding.” Victoria rolled her eyes. “Lighten up.”

  Brian grumbled to Jillian, “Why the hell did we invite them again?”

  “Um, they’re really our only friends in the whole world.”

  “Oh, that’s right.”

  Jillian said, “Let’s just have a good time tonight without ending up on TMZ or something, okay?”

  “Okay.” Victoria nodded in agreement.

  Jim smiled. “So, I guess Amanda Jo is going to be there, right?”

  “She is,” Jillian replied.

  “I still can’t believe that I saw her naked.”

  “I still can’t believe that he…” Jillian motioned toward her husband wearing a disappointed look, “… showered with her.”

  “Twice in one day.” Brian sighed. “Are you ever going to stop bringing this up?”

  “So, if you caught me showering with Brad Pitt, you would let it go?”

  “Um, well, probably,” Brian said with as much confidence as he could muster.

  “Yeah, right.” Jillian rolled her eyes.

  Victoria put her hand on Brian’s knee. “Face it, you are never going to hear the end of this. At your funeral it will probably come up in the eulogy.”

  Jim burst into laughter. “It will probably be on his headstone. Brian Nash, loving husband and father. Once showered with Amanda Joseph.”

  Brian grumbled, “I never thought I’d say this, but can we please go back to talking about Jim’s huge penis.”

  The four shared a laugh. Brian grabbed the bottle of champagne as Jillian handed Jim and Victoria a glass.


  Just as the three non-pregnant riders were polishing off their second glasses of champagne, the limo arrived at the theater. Brian exited the car first and carefully helped Jillian to her feet. The two couples made their way past security and down the red carpet. Jillian spotted the director Paul Ford with Natalie on his arm. The two were still dating and rumors of an impending engagement were floating around.

  As they neared the front door, Brian heard his name being called out. Turning to find the source, he spotted Amanda Jo standing with a woman holding a microphone in front of a cameraman. When they made eye contact, Amanda stared back at him wide-eyed and enthusiastically waving him over. Jillian spotted the star of her movie and frowned slightly. Brian looked to his wife with his eyes widened apparently for some indication as to what he should do. She returned a halfhearted shrug of approval.

  Brian extended his hand to Jillian and the two made their way over to Amanda and the reporter.

  “Here is the man I was telling you about,” Amanda began. �
��Without his help I never would have learned to play.”

  Brian stared into the camera wearing a confused expression accentuated with a silly smile. Jillian elbowed him in the side, and when he finally snapped out of it, he simply mumbled, “What?”

  The correspondent from the E-channel shared a look with her cameraman before she said, “Amanda Jo was telling us you were instrumental in teaching her tennis so she could take on this role in the film.”

  “Um, I, yeah…”

  Placing her hand on his shoulder, Amanda came to his aid. “He’s a hero really. Let’s just say that things weren’t exactly working out with my first coach. I was truly struggling and considering walking off the film, but this amazing man right here agreed to take me on and he was the best.”

  Jillian stood to the side glaring at Amanda as Brian said, “Yes, I worked on the tennis with um—”

  “He owns a tennis club and one night we even worked past midnight when I was having trouble with my swing. He even let me shower at his club. Isn’t that right, Brian?”

  “Shower, yeah. I did let her shower.” Brian glanced to his wife and caught her angry expression.

  “He’s seen me sweaty and a mess,” Amanda said then she pointed to Jillian. “And here’s his wonderful wife. The writer of the novel the movie was based on and also a producer on the film.”

  Jillian’s frown morphed into an awkward smile as the camera turned to her.

  “I should thank her for loaning me her wonderful husband and writing such great material.”

  The reporter focused her eyes on Jillian’s huge belly. “Wow, it looks like someone is expecting. Really expecting.”

  “Twins,” Jillian replied.

  “Congratulations. When are you due?”

  “Not for another seven weeks or so.”

  “You look fabulous,” the reporter commented.

  “Thank you.”

  “We understand that the movie has been tracking well and there’s a lot of buzz surrounding the release.”

  “That’s right,” Jillian replied. “We’re all very excited.”


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