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Friends With Multiple Benefits

Page 18

by Luke Young

  “Yep, half a session with me and they’re completely cured,” Victoria flashed them an arrogant smile before tipping back her drink.

  “Wow, you’re that good,” Jillian said sarcastically.

  “Or maybe they were just that horny and meeting with me gave them the little nudge they needed to get over the hill.”

  “You know, your father is in pretty good shape for a man his age.” Victoria nodded her head. “Must be some good genes there. I think both you guys can look forward to aging pretty well.”

  “Okay, could we not talk about this?” Brian scowled. “I don’t really want to picture my parents doing anything remotely resembling sex.”

  “Lighten up.” Victoria rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah, let’s change the subject,” Jim added. “And I hate to be the one to remind you again that you really shouldn’t be discussing clients—especially ones that we know.”

  “Oh, they’re not my clients. I’m not getting paid.”


  “Can I just say one more thing on the subject?” Victoria asked with her eyes wide.

  “Do you really have to?” Brian whined.

  “I think you might find it interesting.”

  “Okay.” Jim sighed. “What is it?”

  “I’d say that your father’s penis is in the middle of you two.” Victoria shrugged. “I mean, size wise.”

  “Please stop.” Brian winced.

  She plowed ahead and added, “Jim, of course, is the biggest in the family then your father followed by Brian.”

  “Really?” Brian looked at her with her eyes bugging out of his head. “This is what you needed to share?”

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong. You’re all definitely above average. You all were blessed.”

  “Okay, that’s, uh, good to know.” Brian exhaled deeply. “Thanks.”

  Jillian chuckled. “So you’re saying in a penis line up it would be Jim, Edward, and then Brian.”


  “Jillian, thank you for restating that I’m bringing up the rear for no apparent reason.” Brian made a face.

  “Oh…” She put her hand on his knee. “I love your penis.”

  “I know,” he grumbled.

  “In fact.” She giggled. “You know how horny I get when your mother is around.”

  His frown disappeared and was quickly replaced with a smile.

  “Combine that with the fact that I’ve had three vodka tonics.”

  “Yes.” Brian sat a little straighter.

  “And not only is your mother here but she’s treating me like crap and questioning my ability to please you.”


  “I’d say you are in for quite a night.” Jillian made a face. “That is as long as the twins stay asleep.”

  “Well then.” Brian rose to his feet and rubbed his hands together, turning his attention to their guests. “It was great having you over.”

  “What?” Victoria shot her husband a look. “You’re kicking us out?”

  “Come on you had your dinner. You had your conversation and you heard her, right?”


  Brian added, “All the planets are aligned and believe me that doesn’t happen very often.”

  “Hey!” Jillian frowned.

  He waved his hand at her dismissively. “You’ve got a lot to prove so just stay focused.”

  “All right.” Jillian slumped back into the sofa.

  Victoria and Jim stood. She turned to her husband. “Maybe we should go home and do it too.”

  “That could be fun,” he agreed.

  Brian ushered them to the door. “Yeah, why don’t we just all go to our respective homes and do it.”

  “Okay. Okay.” Victoria sneered. “You know you could use some manners.”

  “Manners?” Brian pulled open the door. “In the last ten minutes you violated both patient-client privilege and ventured off into the way-too-much-information department.”

  “That’s your opinion.”

  “Good night.”

  “Have fun.” She held back a smile as she followed her husband out the door.

  “You too.” After closing the door, with a spring in his step he headed for the great room and said softly, “Jillian? Babe?”


  Jillian requested one last drink and, for what Brian had in mind, he thought a bath was in order. At about the same moment as he was topping off the tub and swirling around the bubble bath, Jim and Victoria walked into their bedroom and took off their rings.

  Jim headed into the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush out of the holder. He turned on the water then something caught his eye out the window and he froze. Directly in line with the partially closed blinds in their bathroom window was the window to the guesthouse bedroom.

  With the blinds fully open and all the lights in the room on, the Nash parents were in the midst of an age-defying super-advanced sixty-nine position. In fact, if it weren’t for the incredible degree of difficulty, Jim would have bailed horrified the moment he laid eyes on it. Instead he was captivated as if he were having an out of body experience and had lost all control of his limbs.

  Both his parents were completely nude. Edward stood upright with Beverly hanging upside down with her knees over his shoulders and his arms wrapped around her waist. Both had their heads buried in the other’s parts.

  Victoria walked into the bathroom, turned to look out the window, and said, “I guess they finished that video.”

  “What?” he asked in a soft, shell-shocked voice.

  “Yeah, they’re doing the Reverse Head Rush,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “My father has a bad back.” Jim scoffed. “He really shouldn’t be doing that.”

  “He seems to be doing fine.” Victoria patted him on the ass and headed to the sink.

  “We, um, we haven’t even done it that way, how, um—”

  “You want to try it?”

  “I don’t know.” He tore his gaze from the window. “I don’t know if I can ever have sex again.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Somehow I think you’ll be able to.”

  He closed the blinds. “Don’t they realize at night, you can clearly see into a lit room?”

  “Some people just aren’t ashamed of their sexuality.”

  “Well, some people really should be ashamed.” He looked at her through the mirror then squeezed some paste onto his brush.

  “Oh…” She held back a laugh. “Just brush your teeth then we’ll see if you can keep up with your old man.”


  The next morning, Brian woke up early wearing, of course, a bright smile. The alcoholic beverages Jillian consumed combined with her newfound commitment to proving her motherin-law wrong, had worked out great the previous night. He gave the boys each a bottle, changed their diapers and after playing with them for an hour or so, put the two well-behaved young men down for a nap. He stopped in the master bedroom and put his hand on his sleeping wife’s shoulder. Her eyes opened slowly and she asked, “What time is it?”

  “Almost ten.”

  “I should get up,” she said, groggily.

  “No, the boys are all set. Fed, changed, and napping. They’re probably down for at least an hour. You should sleep. You deserve it.”

  “Thanks.” Wrapping her hands around her pillow, she sighed.

  He lifted the covers off her and took in the sight of her nude body. “I wish I was coming back to bed.”

  “Me too.”

  Kneeling on the floor, he placed a single soft kiss on her lower back. She moaned. He moved lower then kissed her rear end.

  “That feels amazing.” She shimmied her hips.

  He took a deep breath then one last long look at her before covering her over. “I’m late.”

  “Be careful.”

  “Bye.” He kissed her on the cheek then headed out of the room.

  When he opened the door, he looked to the dark gray sky and cringed. It was ra
ining lightly with a strong wind blowing. He rushed to his car and headed to the set for his training with Amanda Jo.

  A few hours later, director Shelia Crane stood on the sound stage and called out, “Can I have everyone’s attention?”

  A handful of the crewmember stopped what they were doing and looked to the director while most of the others were too engrossed in their tasks to hear her. Frowning, she grabbed a bullhorn and repeated, “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”

  Everyone turned to her and she continued, “The hurricane that was supposed to miss us to the west is heading right for Miami. This is an emergency situation and I need everyone to leave the building immediately and get to a safe location. We have a bus out front leaving for the hotel if you need it.”

  Shelia rushed down the steps and to one of the producers. “Where are Amanda and Jake?”

  “Jake’s in his dressing room and I think Amanda is on the court,” the man replied.

  “Do me a favor and make sure the crew gets moving and I’ll take care of everyone in the back.”

  “You got it.”

  Shelia hurried through the large open room to the hallway toward the offices. Spotting a production assistant, she filled him in and sent him to spread the word. After informing Jake, she headed for the tennis court. The court sat in the middle of what was once an airplane hangar and was built out specifically for the television production. It looked to be an outdoor court, complete with landscaping, foliage, and trees. And from the angles they were shooting from and the magic of television, no one could tell the difference.

  Brian was in the midst of answering a question from Amanda when Shelia rushed up to the engrossed pair. “We’re evacuating because of the storm.”

  Brian replied, “I thought that was heading for Tampa.”

  “Not anymore. We’ve got to leave now.”

  Amanda headed to the bench and grabbed her phone. “I’d better call my driver.”

  “We already did. He’s should be waiting outside and Brian, we’ve got a bus going to the hotel if you–”

  “I’ve got my car.”

  Shelia scoffed. “Tell me you’re not planning on driving that Mini in the storm. Some of the roads are flooding. What is that thing like three inches off the ground?”

  “Hey, don’t bad mouth The Cooper. I love that car.” Brian grinned then shrugged. “Okay, so it’s not the most practical car with or without a category three hurricane bearing down on us.”

  “You should come with us to the hotel.”

  “I need to get home to Jillian.”

  Suddenly Brian’s phone beeped. He pulled it from his pocket and read the message. “It’s Jillian telling me about the storm.” He sent a quick reply.

  “My driver will drop you off.” Amanda looked at Brian wearing a bright smile.

  “Um, well, I—” Brian began until a loud rumble of thunder shook the building.

  Startled, all three looked up and the rain that had been quietly striking the building, like background noise all morning, kicked into high gear and sounded more like lead balls ricocheting off steel.

  “Okay, yeah, sure.” He nodded nervously. “That would be great.”

  The driver of the huge black Escalade held a large umbrella, which Brian and Amanda huddled under while making their way to the car in the soaking rain. The wind whipped up nearly stealing the umbrella away just as they reached the car. Once inside, the actress and her tennis teacher breathed heavily as they brushed some raindrops from their legs. The driver asked for Brian’s address and he gave it to him.

  “Wow, I’ve never seen it this bad.” Brian looked out the window. “I’d better call Jillian.”

  As he dialed the phone, Amanda leaned forward and whispered in the driver’s ear.

  “Jillian. Hey, are you okay?” As he spoke to his wife, Brian spotted the driver give Amanda a confused look before she said, “Just do it, Greg.”

  “I’m on my way home now, but it might be a while,” Brian said, “Um, no, just… I’m getting a ride home in one of the cars from the studio.”

  He glanced to Amanda and caught her typing furiously into her cell phone.

  “Okay, stay safe. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  As he hung up the phone, he saw Amanda hit one last button before she gazed up to her driver, waiting. The car reached a red traffic light behind a line of cars and slowed to a stop when a chime went off on the driver’s phone. Greg lifted his phone and took a moment to read the screen. He glanced back to the star with his mouth open and she snapped at him, “Got it?”

  “Yes, Miss Joseph.”

  “What’s, uh… is everything okay?” Brian asked.

  “Oh, yeah.” She waved her hand at him and shrugged. “Is everything okay at home?”


  “Good. So, how do you think I’m doing?”

  “You’re doing great. In fact, I can’t believe how much you’ve improved.”

  “I’ve been putting a lot of time into it.” She smiled. “When I want something you’ll find that I give it my all.”

  “Yeah…” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “That’s, uh, really the only way to do it.”

  A burst of thunder boomed shaking the car. Raindrops smashed with purpose on the roof of the large SUV as it headed down the road. A car approached at high speed, hitting a puddle of standing water. It launched a huge wave that crashed hard against the windshield, shocking all three occupants.

  “Jesus,” the driver exclaimed.

  Amanda turned to Brian. “Now aren’t you glad you didn’t try to take your car?”


  Twenty minutes later the car entered a gated community of mansions, turned right, then came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the street. The driver announced in an awkward tone, “Uh, Miss Joseph, there is a problem.”

  “I can’t believe this.” Amanda gave Brian a sour look. “I’ve told them to get this fixed over and over.”

  “What’s, uh… What’s going on?”

  “It’s this car the studio supplied. It has some electrical problems or something. Mostly when it rains.”

  “What do we do?”

  “They send another car.” She pointed out the window. “But luckily my house is right there, so if we run, we might not get completely soaked.”

  Brian shook his head. “Oh, I think I’ll just wait here. How long does it usually take for the car?”

  “Don’t be silly. Someone needs to help me into the house and you can just wait inside for the other car.”

  “Um…” Brian looked to the driver who appeared to be sitting unusually still in the front seat. “Is he going to call or?”

  “Greg, why aren’t you calling?” Amanda snapped.


  “Call for the car!”


  “Yes!” Amanda commanded.

  “Oh, okay.” Greg picked up his phone then after glancing to the back of the car nervously bent over at an odd angle as he pressed the screen.

  “So, are you going to help me?”

  “Help you what again?” Brian looked at her, confused.

  “Get to the house.”

  “Can’t um…” He began pointing to the driver, but when he took in her sad expression he forced a smile. “Sure.”

  She held her purse out to him. “Would you mind putting this under your shirt so it doesn’t get too wet?”


  “It’s a Louis Vuitton and I can’t put it under my shirt since it’s too small.” She lifted her shirt a bit exposing her tight abs.

  “Oh, yeah, sure.” Taking the purse, he slipped in under his shirt and looked at her waiting.

  “Let’s go.”

  She pushed open the door and took off running toward the house. He followed after her as the huge drops of rain pelted them everywhere. They dashed up the steep driveway then to the front entryway of the house, which was thankfully under cover. They looked at each o
ther chuckling and shaking their heads.

  He wiped the rain from his face and sighed. The wind shook the palm trees in front of the house until they were bent over at nearly a forty-five degree angle.

  “I need my keys,” she said loudly over the noise.

  He returned a confused look.

  “They’re in my purse.”

  “Oh.” He slipped the bag from under his shirt and handed it over. Suddenly the wind shifted and the rain fell almost horizontally as it began striking them again.

  “Holy shit,” Brian cried out as the wind pounded them.

  Amanda found the key and went to work on the lock, but the wind caused her to miss the mark. She tried again and brushed the rain from her face. “Can you help?”

  Reaching for the key, he lost his balance a bit and his body pressed against hers. “Sorry.”

  They shared a smile and he secured the key from her hand. He huddled close to the door, leaning against the frame, as he slipped the key into the lock.


  Over at the Wilde-Nash house, the power had just went out in the area, but the generator had kicked itself on and the main house was fully lit. Victoria had invested in a top-of-the-line, whole house model a couple years earlier after another storm kept the electricity off for three solid days. The guesthouse, however, was not connected to the generator. Wearing a raincoat and boots, Jim pulled open the back door to the house and spotted Beverly rushing toward him holding a bottle of wine. Edward was right behind her with something in his hand as well.

  “I was just coming to check on you guys,” Jim said loudly over the soaking rain.

  “We’re fine.” Beverly bolted into the house. Edward stepped inside and Jim quickly closed the door.

  “This storm is getting worse,” Jim said as he grabbed two bath towels from the counter.

  “It’s just awful.”

  “We were right in the middle of a video when the power went out,” Edward said.

  “Yeah, sorry we only have the generator over here.” Jim handed them each a towel.

  “Where are Victoria and Kaylie?” Using the towel, Beverly patted the raindrops off her arm.

  “We were all up early this morning. They’re both taking a nap. I’m going to wake them in about an hour for lunch. You guys hungry?”


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