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Friends With Multiple Benefits

Page 28

by Luke Young

  “Me too,” Victoria said.

  “God, I really wish I could drink with you guys.” Jim frowned. “Maybe I wouldn’t want to jump out the window right now listening to this.”

  “Oh, just sit there and be quiet. We’ll get to you soon enough,” Victoria said.


  “You’ll find out.”

  When Brian returned, he handed a beer to each of the women then took his seat next to his wife. “Why are we talking about threesomes with two guys? Everyone knows the only good threesome is with two girls and one guy.”

  “That’s right,” Jim agreed.

  Victoria took a sip then motioned with her bottle to Jillian. “She started this whole thing by writing that M/M romance novel. Which I read, by the way, and it was fucking hot.”

  “Thank you.” Jillian smiled, proudly.

  Victoria announced casually, “That and I also found out that Jim here has a crush on Ryan Gosling.”

  “I do not have a crush on any dude.” Jim turned to her, shocked.

  “Okay…” Victoria flashed Jillian a skeptical look and sighed. “Then why were you fantasizing about giving him a blowjob in the tennis club?”

  “Wait, what?” Brian turned to his brother, horrified.

  Jim replied in a tired voice, “You were the one talking about it. Not me.”

  “We were talking about the she-devil bitch and her old boyfriends and you said how you thought Ryan was attractive and—”

  “I said that I understand why women are attracted to him and that most guys probably want to be him, you know, look like him, and be that cool.”

  “Oh, yeah, Gay for Gosling,” Brian began. “This comedian, Pete Holmes, has a whole routine about how he’s not gay but he would blow him just because he’s that cool.”

  “Exactly.” Jim nodded. “But more in a figurative sense.”

  “I mean, all you need to do is see the movie Drive,” Brian added.

  “Uh-huh, that’s what I told her.”

  “Okay, so now both of you want to perform oral sex on Ryan Gosling?” Jillian looked to Victoria with her eyes widened.

  “No,” Brian grumbled.

  “No, as I told her…” Jim motioned to his wife, “… there is nothing wrong with a man being able to appreciate another man for his talent or even for his body, for example, if he keeps himself in great shape.”

  “That’s right. But I’m never going to shower with you in the club again.” Brian shot him a pointed look then chuckled.

  “Okay, yeah, right.” Jim rolled his eyes.

  “All I’m saying is that there is nothing wrong with experimenting,” Victoria began. “And I don’t know why you won’t let me try out that strap-on on you.”

  “Really?” Jim sighed. “I thought we were going to keep this between us.”

  Jillian raised her eyebrows. “You were actually going to, you know, put it back there?”

  “Sure, why not.” Victoria shrugged. “He’s always trying to do it to me. I figure he might like it too.”

  “It must run in the family.” Jillian shot her friend an exasperated look. “All. The. Time.”

  “What?” Brian mouth dropped open. “I hardly ever try to do that.”

  “Um, what about last week.”

  “I was disoriented. We were in that funky position and I slipped.”

  “You slipped?” Jillian scoffed.

  “Uh-huh.” Brian shrugged. “But your ass is so adorable so you really can’t blame me.”

  “Awww.” Jillian gave him a smile. “That’s sweet.”

  Jim muttered, “I’m sorry, but I just don’t want anything going in back there. I mean, a woman’s ass is completely different than a guy’s. Guys have a lot more going on back there. Women are sugar and spice and guys are all beer and hot wings. It’s sorta gross.”

  “Exactly.” Brian took a sip from his beer.

  “You know…” Jillian took a moment then her eyes brightened. “This might be an interesting chapter in my new book. Women strapping-on and sharing that experience with their man.”

  “Oh, please no.” Brian sighed. “I usually like being involved in your book stuff, but don’t tell me this needs real live research.”

  “Oh, it does.” Jillian held her head high then took a sip from her beer.

  “Can’t you just rent a movie or something?”

  “No, I need see what it’s like first-hand.”

  Scowling, Brian shook his head as he slumped in his chair and tipped back his beer.

  “In fact, I think I’m going on strike for that…” Jillian made quote marks with her fingers, “… particular activity until we share this experience.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Victoria wore a naughty grin. “Yeah, me too.”

  “Wait.” Jim’s jaw fell open. “I don’t get any more sex until you violate me with that thing?”

  “No, you still get sex, but my ass is off limits until yours… isn’t.” She shot him a pointed look.

  “Oh, that’s okay.” He shrugged then after a few seconds his lips curled down into a frown and he whined, “But wait, I like doing that sometimes.”

  “And so do I, but I think this is going to be the new policy.” Victoria took a sip of her beer. “I actually brought it with me and was planning on pulling it out one night when you were off responsible adult duty.”

  “You were going to get me drunk and rape me with it?” Jim raised his hands.

  “I did not say rape.” She looked to her friend. “Did I say rape?”

  Jim frowned. “Well, I’m not doing that. I’ll be sleeping on my back the whole trip.”

  “Okay.” Victoria turned to Jillian. “You guys want to borrow it?”

  “No,” Brian answered quickly.

  “Maybe,” Jillian said.

  “It’s brand new and it has a couple different attachments. Some small ones for the less adventurous people out there.”

  Jillian smiled. “We’ll talk about it and get back to you.”

  “Uh, no, we won’t.” Brian shook his head.


  Thankfully the conversation shifted to something other than Brian’s backdoor as the two couples chatted away for about another hour. Suddenly, one of the twins woke up crying, which disturbed the other. Next Meredith started screaming and Kaylie was moaning as well. With the party disrupted, it was time for bed. Jillian gave Brian the night off as she put both boys in their seats and gave them each a bottle. Jim fed and changed Rob’s daughter then rocked her back to sleep. While all this was going on Victoria stroked Kaylie’s hair in the king-size bed in her and Jim’s room. With Meredith back in her crib, Jim headed into the bathroom. Victoria snuck out to the kids’ room and found the twins sleeping soundly in their cribs and Jillian rocking her granddaughter in a chair. Jillian whispered, “She just popped up again.”

  Grinning, Victoria watched the adorable little baby’s eyes getting heavy as she pawed sleepily at Jillian’s chest. Seconds later she was out and Jillian put her back down in her crib. Jillian poked her head over the twins shared crib and her heart melted at the sight. “They’re all so adorable.”

  “They couldn’t be cuter.” After gazing down smiling at the sleeping treasures, Victoria grabbed Jillian’s arm and led her to the hallway.

  She picked up a bag and held it out as she whispered, “Here it is.”


  “You know.” Victoria made a suggestive face.

  It took Jillian a moment, but she finally got it. “Really?”

  “I think he’s ready.”

  “How does it work?”

  Victoria pulled the harness out of the bag and demonstrated how the straps go around your waist and thighs. She took out one of the attachments and said. “The other ones actually look like real penises so maybe this is the best one to use.”

  Jillian nodded. “Okay.”

  “Plus this one has a lovely little business end that goes inside of you.” Victoria flashed her a smile

  “Oh, wow.” Jillian ran her fingers over the short nubby end while wearing a curious expression.

  “Good luck.”

  Jillian tiptoed past Brian, who was snoring slightly. After slipping into the bathroom, she stripped off her clothes. She placed the harness with its attachment on the sink and brushed her teeth. Her gaze kept going back to the device and she felt a tingle between her legs.

  Picking up the contraption, she snapped the two-headed appendage onto it then ran her fingers slowly over the delicately curved ends. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and touched her breasts with her lips parted. She moved her hand between her thighs and felt how incredibly wet she was at the moment.

  Holding the device, she moved to the doorway gazing out to her sleeping man and a smile formed on her lips. She secured the straps around her waist then adjusted the attachment down until the smaller end sunk slowly inside her. She gasped and her eyes drifted closed. She ran a finger over her clit and exhaled deeply. Her finger wandered between her thighs for a moment longer before she nearly lost her balance and her eyes quickly opened. She pulled herself back to reality, secured the thigh straps, and headed toward the bed.

  She moved to the edge of the mattress where Brian was sleeping on his side. There she slowly slipped the covers off him and discovered that he was sleeping naked. Kneeling next to the bed, she took his flaccid penis in her hand and gently caressed it.

  Seconds later his eyes opened and he groggily said, “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “I had to feed the babies and put them back to bed.”


  “Why aren’t you in bed?” Reaching out, he took hold of her right breast and ran his finger around her nipple.

  “I’m happy here.” Leaning down, she kissed him softly on the mouth then pressed her lips to his neck. After lingering there for a moment, she moved to his shoulder then finally to his abdomen. He gasped. She took hold of his growing cock and directed it into her mouth.


  She guided him onto his back then plunged her lips down over him, taking half of his length into her mouth. Slipping a hand to her neck, he massaged it gently. He returned his fingers to her breasts and teasingly caressed them as she wrapped her fingers around his balls and moved her lips faster and faster over him.

  He slid his hand down toward her pussy and she angled herself away from him.

  “What’s the matter?”

  She kissed his stomach. “Nothing.”

  “Why can’t I touch you? Are you ticklish tonight or something?”

  “Uh-uh.” She shook her head. “You can touch me soon.”

  She ran her tongue slowly around the ridge of his cock then plunged her lips over him again. He panted and closed his eyes. “That feels amazing.”

  He slid his fingers down her back to the cleft of her ass and playfully circled her tiny hole.

  She giggled and pulled away. “What did we say?”


  “Yes, really.”

  “Like I said, yours is so cute.”

  “I know it’s cute. Yours isn’t so bad either.”

  “No one said you couldn’t touch it.”

  Wearing a grin, she rose to her feet and wrapped her fist around the thin invading appendage protruding from its harness. Grasping it like a man would hold his cock, she smiled. “How about I touch it with this?”

  He turned on the light on the nightstand and rested back against the headboard. “She gave it to you?”

  “She did.” Jillian looked into his eyes while stroking the stick with her hand.

  His gaze went from the dildo to her face then back again and he whined, “Do we have to?”

  “Let’s just try it,” she said softly.

  “You’re not going to try to shove it in my mouth, are you?”

  “No, just touch it. It feels silky smooth.” She ran her fingers slowly over it and he did the same. “And it has a little part that goes inside here.” She took hold of his finger and guided it inside her soaking wet pussy.

  He pushed his finger further inside her and felt the end of the nub. “That’s kind of cool and you’re really, really wet.”


  He let his finger wander inside her for a moment longer before bringing it to his lips. “You taste so good too. Can I lick you after?”

  “Yes.” She wrapped her hand around his shaft then brought her finger up to the head and captured a drop of precum.

  He returned his finger to her wetness, slid it over her engorged clit then touched the end she evidently planned to use on him. He shrugged, unconvinced. “It doesn’t, um, look so bad.”

  “It could be fun.”

  “Maybe,” he replied hesitantly. “How exactly do we do it?”

  “Um, I’m not sure.” She paused a moment to think. “It looks like you’d have a hard time lying on your stomach right now.”

  “Yeah.” He motioned to his erection.

  “I know.” Her eyes brightened. “Move to the edge of the bed.” When she took a step back, he adjusted his position until his rear end was on the edge of the mattress.

  She slipped down to her knees and took his cock back into her mouth. He ran his fingers through her hair and moaned as she took hold of his balls and slid a finger under them to his perineum.

  She let his cock fall from her mouth, then pressed her lips between his balls, kissing them for a moment, before bathing them with her tongue. Then she looked up from him smiling. “You smell good. Did you shower?”

  “Yep, I had a feeling we were going to play.”

  Placing her hands under his knees, she pushed them higher until they were curled up by his chest. She kissed his right inner thigh then slowly shifted left running her tongue just under his balls. He gasped then took hold of his knees and pulled them closer to his chest. “Oh, Jillian, that feels—”

  He stopped speaking when her tongue swiped the center of his perineum then dipped down just above his spot. She sucked one of his balls into her mouth then let it fall before pressing her tongue between them and licking him with gentle strokes.

  He gasped. “Oh, God.”

  Lifting his balls up with her thumb, she returned her mouth to his thigh and ran her tongue all over his skin. He moaned loudly and his eyes rolled back in his head. She placed her index finger at his seam and worked the saliva she left behind a quarter of an inch inside him.

  He shuttered. “Oh, fuck…”

  Wrapping her lips around his cock, she took as much of him inside her mouth as she could while slowly pumping her finger inside his ass.

  After ten seconds of this mind-blowing attention, she rose to her feet and grabbed the lube out of the nightstand drawer. She squirted a generous dollop into her hand and slathered it on the dildo as she looked him in the eye. His lips parted as he reached for her lightly brushing her hip with his finger.

  She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and slowly stroked it up and down as she positioned the end of the strap-on at his entrance.

  He swallowed hard. “Be gentle.”

  “Oh, I will.”


  I hope you enjoyed this six installment to the series. This is really the only book in the series that doesn’t end with a cliff hanger. Although, I guess you could argue that what is happening to Brian is left up in the air. Did he like it? Did he hate it? Will he walk a little funny for a while? If there is another book, I’m sure we’ll find out, but if there isn’t, I don’t think you’ll hate me too much. At this point I’m on the fence about continuing on with the series. I’d like to move on to some other projects, but maybe I’ll come back to this crazy group of inappropriately fun people at some point. If you do want the series to continue, please let me know by emailing me at

  I love hearing from fans of the series. Feel free to email me with any questions, to maybe share a scene that you enjoyed or just to say hi at

  An excerpt from the relatively new and hilarious prequel, Friends Wanting Benefits, which tells the story of how Jillian and Victoria meet is included below.

  Please help spread the word about this series by posting a review online, telling friends or simply by liking my facebook author page by clicking here.

  If you are a big fan of this series, want more Victoria and don’t mind a little more spice in your reading, you will want to check out the series prequel released under my Ian Dalton pen name. DESPERATE THOUGHTS details Victoria’s back-story— the super erotic, mostly tragic tale of how she moved on with her life after the death of her husband.

  I’ve included an excerpt below for my new novel Chances Aren’t.

  To contact Luke or to be placed on a mailing list to receive updates about new releases, send an email to

  To find out more about the author and his work, see




  CHANCES AREN’T (Excerpt Included)


  The Friends With Benefits Series:







  The Friends With Benefits Prequel Series:


  Also Available:

  FRIENDS WITH EXPLICIT BENEFITS BOXED SET (Books 1-4 with select expanded Ian Dalton Scenes)

  Friends Wanting Benefits - Chapter 1

  In the large professionally decorated bedroom of a Miami stucco mansion, Jillian and George Grayson lay sound asleep next to each other in their king-sized bed. The clock showed 4:58 a.m. As good as the room looked, the odor of garlic and rotten eggs filled it, and it wasn’t pleasant. Not surprisingly, the smell wasn’t coming from the adorable and dainty thirty-seven year old sleeping beauty—it was spilling out of her slightly out-of-shape and motivationally challenged husband of nineteen years.

  Suddenly a loud, extended burst of flatulence echoed through the room. Hugging her pillow, Jillian stirred and swung her hand blindly at the source in the nearly pitch-black room. “You’re doing it again.”


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