Forgotten Wars
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terminology, 436, 444, 455
Malayan Indian Congress, 330, 339, 532
Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA), 473, 477–9, 480, 486, 489, 491, 493, 494, 497–8, 512–13, 515, 523
Malayan Overseas Chinese Self-defence Army, 413
Malayan Peoples’ Anti-British Army (MPABA), 446
Malayan Peoples’ Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA), 29–45, 52, 56, 58, 117–21, 122–3, 124–5, 129–30, 135–6, 196, 204–5, 226
5th Independent Regiment, 58, 446
8th Regiment, 117
alliance with British, 32–3, 35, 36, 127, 203–4, 341
Ex-Comrades’ Association, 435–6
in communist insurrection, 429, 431, 433, 446
massacre of, 34–5
numerical strength, 32, 39
relations with Japanese, 40, 273–3
resistance to, 42–7
Malayan Planning Unit, 99, 101
Malayan Security Service, 126–7, 202, 350–51, 369, 417, 418, 419, 426–7, 480
Malayan Special Branch, 480, 495, 508, 515
Malayan Spring, 197–209, 435
Malayan Union, 98–100, 130–35, 136, 209–17, 239, 275, 362, 368
Malays, 99, 277, 358–9, 408, 422, 499–503, 529–30, 532
and immigration, 332
and Malayan Emergency, 433–4, 437–8, 498–9, 512, 528
and Malayan Union, 130–36, 210–14, 216–17
identity of, 131, 213, 216, 332–3, 352, 362, 366–7, 530, 532
population statistics, 99, 332
as a name, 279
Malaysian Chinese Association, 454
Mallaby, Brigadier A. W. S., 177–9, 180
Maluku, 160
Man, the Wolf of Man, 376
Mandalay, 374, 402
Manipur, 297, 402
Mansergh, Major General E. C. G., 50, 179
Mao Zedong, 118, 239–40, 375, 385, 411, 445, 462, 485, 518
Marshall, David, xxii, 328, 534, 550–51
Martin, Kingsley, 184
massacres, 41–5, 148, 450
at Batang Kali, 449–56
at Batu Caves, 34–5, 126, 349, 514
at Bekasi, 182
of Karens, 74–5, 307, 393
sook ching, 24–5, 206, 233, 270, 545
Masuri S. N., 510
Masyhur al-Islamiah, 359, 360
Mau Mau, 523
Maung Gole, 234
Maung Maung, Bo, xxii, 61, 382
Maung Ohn, 396
Maxwell, Sir George, 132, 211
McKerron, P. A. B., 55
Melaka, 9, 212, 502 Melayu nationality, 366–7, 369
memorialization, 21, 59, 269–70, 272, 540–42, 544
Menon, Krishna, 96, 155, 303–4, 403
merdeka (‘freedom’), 163–4, 168, 187, 188, 189, 195, 217, 357, 418, 531, 533, 550
Messervy, General Sir Frank, 129–30, 290–91
Michaelis, Ralph, 228
Midnapur, 83
Min Sheng Pau, 120, 122, 282, 430
missionaries, 63, 297–8 Modern Daily News, 125
Moestopo, 177
Mokhtaruddin Lasso, 135–6, 167, 196
moneylenders, 85, 155, 250
Mons, 395
Monteath, Sir David, 227
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 256, 442, 457, 524
Mookherjee, Shyama Prasad, 294, 300
Moore, Captain, 318–19
moral rearmament, 76–7, 97, 499
Morrison, Ian, 184
Moulmein, 231–2, 392, 395
Mountbatten, Edwina, 55, 226, 403
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, xxii, 141, 520
and Burma, 60–61, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69–70, 73, 230, 233, 235, 257
and Indo-China, 147–8, 149, 151–2, 157, 158
and Indonesia, 159, 167, 171–5, 182, 185, 188, 192
and Malaya, 38, 88, 91, 106, 131, 203, 206–7, 208, 209–10, 214, 273–4, 277
and Nehru, 70, 172, 225–6, 285–6
governor general of India, 292, 372–3, 403, 462
head of SEAC, 12–13, 27, 38, 49, 53, 57–8, 60–61, 71, 110–11
viceroy of India, 238, 240–41, 285–6, 288–90, 292, 296, 324
Murray, Peter, 380, 396
Mus, Paul, 143, 145, 153
Musa Ahmad, 360, 419
Muslim League, 77, 85, 97, 242–6, 251, 286, 288, 293, 300, 302–3, 324
in Arakan, 250, 253, 293, 302, 389, 403
in Bengal, 85–6, 243–52, 293–6, 299–301
in Burma, 231–2, 253
in India, 85–6, 242–3
in Indonesia, 160–61, 162, 172, 194
in Malaya, 330–31, 356–7
Mustapha Hussain, xxii, 18, 29–30, 42, 92, 115, 194, 353–4, 366, 508–9, 516, 529–30
My side of history, 552
Myochit Party, 227
Nagas, 86, 293, 297–8, 404, 546
Nagasaki xxvii, 1, 4
Naidu, M. K. Ramachandra, 40–41 Nanyang Siang Pau, 120
Narayan, Jayaprakash, 18–19
National Salvation movement, 24, 30, 410–11
nationalism, 16–19, 23–6
in Asia, 48, 155, 170–71, 187, 188, 190, 198, 223, 324–6, 516–17
in Bengal, 22, 23
in Burma, 16–17, 23–4, 66 667
in India, 18–19, 222–3
in Indo-China, 142–3, 155
in Indonesia, 26–7, 161, 162–5, 174–5, 187, 188–9
in Malaya, 17–18, 24–5, 29, 35–6, 194–203, 212–13, 217, 329, 352–4, 364–5, 366–7, 434, 504–6, 532
Nazis, 83, 86
Ne Win, xxiii, 312, 381, 466, 467, 538, 549
Neesoon camp, 54
Negri Sembilan, 134
Nehru, Jawaharlal, xxiii, 18–19, 22, 59, 76, 77, 78, 90, 97, 155, 303, 536
and Southeast Asia, 76, 172, 225–7, 289, 302, 312, 324–6, 329, 330, 403, 461–4, 466–7, 482, 536–7
as prime minister of India, 292, 405–6, 457, 460–64, 482, 520, 536, 546–7
heads interim government, 261, 284, 285–6, 288–9,
Netherlands Indies Civil Affairs administration, 167, 169
New Democracy, 120, 190, 197
New Democratic Youth League, 119, 120, 121, 283, 363, 436, 475
Newboult, Sir Alex, 436, 453 News from Indonesia, 185
newspapers, 120, 128, 135–6, 147–8, 185, 198–9, 313, 386–7, 450, 480–81, 507–8
Ng Tiong Kiat, 412
Ng Yeh Lu, 125–6, 204, 571 n. 92
Ngo Din Diem, 539
Nguyen Ai Quoc, see Ho Chi Minh
Nicholson, Archie, 340
Nixon, Richard, 539
Nizamuddin, Khwaja, 300
Noakhali, 250–51, 292, 295, 299, 300, 301
Noone, Pat, 30, 492–3
Noone, Richard, 493
Nu, U, xxiii, 73, 310, 313–14, 315–22, 372, 375, 376, 377, 382, 387–8, 400, 460, 536–8, 541
and the minorities, 306, 392, 393, 394, 395, 398, 458–9, 464–7
Buddhist beliefs, 321, 376–7, 389–90, 465, 535–6, 542–3
Nuremberg trials, 73, 86
Nye, Sir Archibald, 180
Oatts, Colonel Balfour, 20
Objective, Burma!, 138, 543–4
Ochterlony monument, 245–6
Office of Strategic Services, 46, 127, 129
see also Central Intelligence Agency
oil, 11, 159, 255, 305, 458
On New Democracy, 118
Ong Boon Hua, see Chin Peng
Onn bin Jaafar, Dato, xxiii, 47, 211, 212–13, 214, 216, 277–8, 352, 360–61, 362, 407, 419, 426, 434, 498–503, 529
Operation Flush, 311–12
Operation Frustration, 430, 433
Operation Leo, 477–8
Operation St Bernard, 248
Operation Zipper, 12–13, 108
opium, 105–6, 121, 351, 389, 414
Orang Asli, 131, 474, 491–5, 517, 521
Oranje Ho
tel, 168–9, 175
Orient Club, 66, 69
Osman, Sheikh, 356–7
Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese Army, 44–5
Overseas Chinese Association, 42
Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation, 528 668
Overseas Chinese, 24–5, 120–21, 193, 198, 326, 411, 520
Owen, Frank, 27, 394
Ownership and control in the Malayan economy, 548
Pacific Tin, 439
Pagden, H. T., 109, 110, 126–7
Paglar, C. J., 93
Pahang, 418–19
Sultan of, 46, 214, 512
Pakistan, 249, 286–7, 288, 290–91, 392, 403–4, 461, 518, 539, 547–8
and the USA, 291
idea of, 23, 242–3
Palestine, 196, 418, 438, 441–2
Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 76
Panlong conference, 305, 309–10, 375, 391
Pan-Malayan Federation of Trade Unions, 339, 481
Parkin, Leonard, 451
Parkinson, C. Northcote, 504–5, 524
Partai Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya, see Malay Nationalist Party
Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI), 161, 166, 191, 204, 419
Partai Rakyat, 531
Paskin, John, 499
Patani, 417, 418
Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai, 15, 18–19, 21, 89, 97, 243, 285, 404, 405
Patiala, Maharaja of, 289–90
Paw Tun, Sir, xxiii, 66, 71, 227, 233, 257
Pearce, Major-General Sir Charles Frederick, xxiii, 65, 236, 237
Pearn, R. B., 381, 459, 460
Peasants’ Front, 419
Peck, Gregory, 544
Pelita Malaya (‘The lamp of Malaya’), 217, 360
pemuda (‘youth’), 163, 164, 165, 172, 173, 176, 179, 181–2, 186, 187, 195, 354–5, 371
Penang, 49–50, 117, 119, 326–7, 330–31, 353–4
People’s Volunteer Organizations (PVOs), 68, 75, 229, 234, 253, 265, 314, 320, 374, 377, 384, 392–3, 458, 464–5, 467–9, 562 n. 4
Perak, 31, 42, 92, 119, 128, 134, 210, 359–60, 413–15, 420–21, 423, 424, 428, 429, 445
Sultan of, 131, 214, 357, 407, 502
Percival, Lieutenant General Arthur Percival, 49, 50, 89
pergerakan (‘age of movement’), 160, 161
Perjuangan Kita (‘Our Struggle’), 183, 185, 353
Pethick-Lawrence, 1st Baron (Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence), xxiii, 66, 76, 77, 230, 231, 242, 265, 285, 292, 304
Pethick-Lawrence, Lady, 76
Petrovsky, Constantine Constantinovich, 2–3
Pham Ngoc Thach, Dr, 144, 150
Phelps, Ira, 439
Philippines, 4, 538–9
Pissoo, Sweeper, 28
Planter’s Wife, The, 440
Po, Sir San Crombie, 74
police, 93, 130, 207, 234–5, 246, 247, 276
in Malayan Emergency, 437–9, 479–80, 528
prisoners of war
Allied, 2–4, 6, 53–4, 56–7, 111, 148, 167–8, 177
Japanese, 7, 53, 61, 123, 139, 146, 149, 153, 254–5, 260, 268, 269–73, 311, 331, 339, 542
fighting for the British, 172–3, 181, 240, 271
Pritt, D. N., 219
prophecies, 5, 162, 386
prostitution, 18, 82, 112, 119, 154
psychiatric cases, 57–8, 217–18
public health, 61, 63–4, 104–5, 249, 358
Pulai, 446–7, 473, 490
Punjab, 81, 82, 242, 286, 287, 289–90, 292, 296
Purcell, Victor, xxiii, 99, 100, 110, 113, 118, 121–2, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 198, 201, 203, 207, 208–9, 274, 524, 526
Purple Plain, The, 544
Pusat Tenaga Rakyat (Centre of People’s Power – PUTERA), 364–71, 517
Puteri Kesatri, 194
Puthucheary, James, 434–5, 506, 508, 548
Pye, Lucien, 476
Quiet American, The, 539
Quit India Movement, 18, 83, 251
racism, 549
and the military, 153–4, 222, 527
in British Empire, 19, 20, 110, 200, 225, 329, 378, 525, 550