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The Twelve Hot Days of Christmas

Page 12

by Неизвестный

  “What’s going on?” she whispered.

  Daniel gave her a half -smile. “Claiming. Now, no more talking,” he said and placed a finger against his lips.

  Lisa turned her body to the right so she could see how Paige was handling all this. Her expression was not the same as it had been before Daniel had kissed her. Her eyes were wide, but she didn’t look as though she wanted to get away. If Paige felt fear, it looked as though she welcomed it.

  That’s how I feel, Lisa thought.

  Someone was trembling, but she couldn’t tell whether it was her, one of her friends, or all three of them.

  When Keith returned to her, he stopped and looked down at her for a moment. With a smirk, he reached out to tug down her clothes and didn’t stop until they were in a wad at her ankles.

  Beside her, Sara whimpered. “Shh…” Daniel cooed, slipping her clothing over her shoulders as Keith had done with her.

  “Hey,” Keith murmured. “Over here.”

  Lisa looked at him obediently. She knew her eyes were green pools of fear and desire, but she let him see. He rocked back on his heels, nodded to himself, and grabbed her.

  She felt herself fall and clutched at his arms, but he already had her, taking her to the floor, straddling her. God, he was beautiful. She trembled beneath him. She didn’t understand what, exactly was happening, how the twins were managing to control it, but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was going to be fucked.

  Just a few feet away, Daniel was on top of Sara the same way, brushing her hair out of her face and planting little kisses on her cheeks and lips. The older women pressed in on them. They had Paige, who watched curiously as several sets of hands undressed her.

  Keith guided her face back to him. “No,” he said sternly. “Your attention belongs right here.”

  She studied his face, wondering what he was going to do next. He narrowed his eyes and flared his nostrils at her, then lowered his head to cover her mouth roughly with his. It was almost too much. She had never felt comfortable under his gaze and now he was holding her down to kiss her.

  He pulled away abruptly and gave her a self-satisfied look, turning his head slightly to the side. “I’ve wanted you for a long time,” he breathed. “But you…you always wanted my brother. Is it because he felt like the safe one? He’s not, you know. He’s just like me, only he’s nicer about it. And tonight, he’s going to fuck you just like I am. And your little friends too.”

  The certainty in his tone sent hot bolts through her stomach. “I…but…” was all she managed to utter.

  He snickered and wound his hand in her hair.

  “We’re on stage,” she was finally able to say. “What if someone sees us?”

  “No one has a key except for staff.”

  “What if they see us?”

  “Then they see us.” He tightened his grip on her hair and lowered his lips to her neck as he pressed his tights-covered groin against her naked one, making her whimper. She was so wet for him she could hardly stand it. She could hear Sara moaning under Daniel, but Keith kept his fingers in her hair and wouldn’t let her turn her head to see what was going on. She heard movement behind her, where Paige was, but she didn’t know what was happening.

  Paige grew quiet amid the cooing of the older girls, but Sara’s moaning grew louder. Lisa wanted to know what Daniel was doing to her friend, and what her friend was doing with Daniel. She began to squirm in Keith’s grasp, fighting against his weight and the pull of her hair.

  Finally, he stopped and followed her gaze, then looked down at her. “You want to see what’s going on?” he asked. “Fine.”

  Keith took his weight off of Lisa and roughly flipped her over on her stomach. She raised up on her elbows and looked around. To her left, Paige had her eyes closed in bliss as a few of the older girls tweaked and caressed her nude body. They had unfastened her long blond hair, and at least three of them had their hands in it. To Lisa’s right, Daniel had his tights down and was sliding in and out of Sara slowly, while she moaned beneath him and watched him with large eyes. He didn’t even look at Lisa.

  A bright green condom wrapper lay near them like a piece of discarded confetti. It had no sooner dawned on her what she was looking at then she heard that telltale tearing sound behind her and the sharp smell of latex was in her nostrils, bringing back her earlier panic. Before she could react, however, Keith’s weight was on her, pressing her stomach against the cold hardwood stage. He groaned long and loud as he slid the length of his erection easily into her slick opening, then settled his chest along her back and his mouth close to her ear.

  “He doesn’t want you,” he whispered. “Not the way you want him to.”

  “What do you mean?” Lisa gasped, stinging from the words.

  “He’s not going to be your one and only boyfriend,” he said, rocking his hips against her bottom. “We decided we wanted the three of you as a set, for the both of us. And we always get what we want.”

  Lisa’s brain reeled with the information, but he thrust into her so hard she couldn’t speak. “Oh my God,” she finally managed to say as he filled her and pressed against her walls, forcing intense pleasure-pain into her body. Owning her.

  “You,” he said, nipping the back of her neck, “are so…mine…”

  She surrendered as he fucked her, as he made her gasp and claw at the hard floor. The hot pressure in her gut became almost unbearable as her clit rubbed against the stage, spreading heat between her legs and exploding, making her helpless in the throes of ecstasy. She hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes until she’d opened them again and saw Daniel looking at her intently through his clown makeup.

  He pulled himself off Sara, who lay there with her eyes closed, snaking a hand between her legs. Daniel pulled off his used condom and handed it to one of the older girls, who made a show of taking it gingerly as he gave her a smack on the bottom. Then he kicked off his tights, pulled off his tank, and came over. His erection was huge and glistened with his own juices.

  Keith pulled out and also undressed, meeting his brother’s eyes as he walked over and accepted Paige as a gift from the older girls. He put his hand gently against Paige’s cheek and brushed his lips against hers. Paige watched him, breathing heavily. Then he pulled away and pointed to the ground. She looked at him questioningly for a moment, then obeyed him, lying on the stage and opening herself. He gave her a lascivious smirk as he put on a fresh condom, stroking himself as he did so, and was on her, pounding into her in animal frenzy, making her arch and writhe.

  Daniel straddled Lisa on his knees and flipped her over unceremoniously. Though the expression was softer than his brother’s, there was still no mistaking the look of ownership in his eyes. It was a look she would have given anything to see just a few hours ago, a look she would have found sweet and romantic. Now it scared her, and forced painful shards of desire through her body. He wasted no time preparing himself and mounting her and shoving his cock in to the hilt, fucking her hard.

  Daniel was the one who made her climax first, pounding into her, watching her reactions as he worked his hips. She threw back her head and gasped open-mouthed as though fighting for air. Grinning, he let himself come. She shut her eyes and rode the pleasure for a long time, listening to the grunting of her friends, and the cooing of the ballerinas as they began to make out with each other.

  Eventually, she felt someone mount her again. It was Keith. He pressed his lips together and shoved his cock inside her, holding her wrists to the floor and fucking her furiously.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” he said. There was a hard edge to his voice.

  Lisa focused her eyes and looked at him.

  “Tell me,” he said through gritted teeth, pushing his cock into her hard, making her furrow her brow and groan.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered, and meant it.

  He came with a satisfied smirk.

  Late that night, they all returned to the dressing room as though from any
other night’s exertion onstage. No one said much while changing into street clothes. Lisa, Paige, and Sara gave each other questioning looks while the guys removed their makeup. The ballerinas left more quickly than usual. When Lisa and her friends tried to follow, Keith stopped what he was doing.

  “And just where do you think you three are going?” His tone was teasing, but Lisa realized the intent was serious.

  “Home?” Sara said.

  “Nope,” Keith replied, and went back to cleaning his face. “You’re coming home with us tonight. Now that you belong to my brother and me, we want to fill you in on a few rules.”

  “I don’t get it,” Lisa said, her pulse hammering all over again.

  “Oh, you will,” Keith replied, smirking at Daniel, who smiled back. “You will.”

  Ten Lords a’ Leaping

  by Debra Hyde

  What it is, I don’t know, but once the presents get opened, everything about Christmas dulls. The lights on the tree seem to twinkle less, the empty space under the tree looks drab, even the eggnog loses its robust flavor. Maybe it’s post-holiday letdown, but the day after Christmas, I’m one dull dude. I doubt that even a hot, naked Santa with a hard-on could perk me up.

  This year was no exception. Even the freshly fallen snow seemed dingy this time around.

  “I hate it when Christmas ends,” I complained, staring out the window. “The days are short and cold and the nights long and dark.”

  “So much for merry and bright.” Michael, my ever-mirthful lover, pointed out the obvious. His eyes narrowed. He was good at scrutiny, too. “It’s the monotony of winter…and the monogamy.”

  The monotony of monogamy? “Since when?” I asked.

  “The Christmas party at Chuck’s, Eric. You’ve been testy and agitated ever since, and you and I both know why.”

  How could Michael say such a thing? I loved him. He was mercurial and fun, full of energy and enthusiasm, and never one to turn down a hot fuck from me. I could never tire of him.

  One step ahead of me, he knew exactly what I was thinking. “I know you love me, bonehead. But enough with the denial.”

  “But –”

  “But nothing. You could fuck me three ways to midnight every day until Lent and you’d still be restless. And it’s time I did something about it.”

  I must’ve looked a bonehead at that point, stunned and speechless as I was. What did Michael mean? And what did monogamy have to do with it?

  “I told people about this funk of yours and it turns out they’re eager to relieve you of it.”

  “What?” I scoffed. “Visits from the ghosts of Christmas past?”

  “More like the Twelve Days of Christmas. Except I can only afford one.”

  “Which one?” Michael grinned wickedly.

  “Ten lords a’ leaping.”

  Something leaped, all right. My cock. Maybe he was right; maybe I did need some variety. One thing was for sure: Michael was the gift that kept on giving. But still I was skeptical—we were going to throw away monogamy just like that? How would he feel? How would I feel? But still…

  “So how’s this going to work?”

  Michael eagerly spilled the details. “Over the next twelve days, you will be reunited with a fuck buddy from your past. Maybe it’ll be one guy, maybe you’ll get tag-teamed. Anything goes—cocksucking, fucking, a little bondage and even discipline, maybe. You name it, you get to do it. The only proviso: latex barriers.”

  I was stunned and speechless. Then again, it’s hard to talk with your jaw on the floor. Michael laughed, amused to see me so flabbergasted, and when I tried to respond, he waved me off.

  “No complaints, Eric. And…no turning back. I’ve already made all the arrangements and these boys can’t wait to get their hands on you. You game?”

  The twinkle in Michael’s eyes was irresistible, and I surrendered to it like a schoolgirl who finally got a smile from the local heartthrob. Game? You bet. I could hardly wait. That night, it took me forever to get to sleep, and when I finally did, it wasn’t sugar plum fairies that danced in my head.

  * * * *

  I was a bit agitated that Michael didn’t rush his grand scheme into action. What a cock tease. Two days went by before I saw the first sign of his devious plan. I emerged from the shower to find a uniform laid out on our bed. Dark pants and a blazer, its handkerchief pocket emblazoned with a coat of arms I didn’t recognize, a dress shirt and necktie, dark shoes and socks, and a tiny note that said only “Wear Me” attached to the collar all awaited me.

  I didn’t understand the nature of the suit until I stepped in front of the mirror to adjust the tie. I looked like a prep school boy.

  Evidently, role play awaited me as well.

  Michael approached me from behind, winding his arms under the blazer until his hands rested on my pecs. A gentle kiss on the back of my neck.

  “God, you look hot.”

  I felt his hard cock pressed against my backside.

  Michael murmured the compliment in my ear, his nose nuzzling my hair. I wanted him right then and there, but he slapped my ass with a “Come on—can’t be tardy!” and hurried me along.

  My lover behind the wheel, we drove twenty minutes into the country—prep school country, that is. As we passed ominous iron gates and stately, brick dormitories, I knew which one we were heading to: The Norwich, home to many trust fund babies and scions. Which meant only one thing.

  “Jack,” I said.

  Michael nodded.

  Jack, onetime fuck buddy, taught at the prestigious academy. It didn’t surprise me that Michael had put him first in line. Jack had, after all, played matchmaker between us. After he’d had his fill of both of us, that is.

  Michael parked outside an old brownstone. We both stepped out of the car as he tossed me a backpack and a warning. “Don’t be late.”

  The backpack felt weighted with books. Damn, he had thought of everything.

  “Get going. Room 106.”

  I found the room without much trouble, but my stomach was filled anticipation. I hadn’t seen Jack in months, not since he’d taken a sabbatical and skipped town for a while. But when I entered the room, Jack was nowhere to be seen. In his place stood two “boys,” men like me: Jack’s boys. I remembered them from one of the holiday parties we’d attended. Uniformed and a good decade younger than I was, they seemed ready for some good old-fashioned schooling – but not without a little mischief first.

  “You Eric?” one of them asked.

  I nodded.

  “We heard about you,” the other shot. He was burly and sounded like trouble waiting to happen.

  “Teacher’s pet,” the first one countered.

  Correction: They were both looking for trouble. Burly slipped his cock through his school uniform zipper and began it. Like him, it was stout and thick—and hard in an instant. The other guy, Slim, laughed and followed suit, but upon unzipping, he lit up with an idea. “Hey, let’s play a game!”

  “What?” Burly asked.

  Slim dug through his backpack, brought out a sandwich bag of graham crackers, and handed one to each of us.

  “Let’s see who can shoot their wad first onto a cracker!”

  “You pervert,” Burly hurled.

  “That’s right,” Slim demurred. He took it as a compliment.

  “Come on, Eric. You game?”

  That was twice I’d heard that question. Twice someone had enticed me with it. Who was I to refuse such kismet?

  A good old-fashioned schoolboy circle jerk ensued. The three of us whacked off like madmen, fed off of a hunger for each other. The sounds of fists pumping our cocks, male groans and gasps, sweat filling the air, all drove us onward.

  Then Burly teased me. “Eric the erect,” he tossed off. “Man, would I like to drive it up your ass.”

  That’s all it took. I came, gasping and sputtering. Jism shot from my cock, and it felt like a geyser, it was so intense. Somehow, I managed to hit the cracker. Euphoric, drifting in p
leasure, I squeezed every drop from my cock.

  Suddenly, the door crashed shut. The whole room reverberated. Books slammed against the desktop. A voice boomed.

  “What the hell’s going on in here?”

  Jack, of course, and he was none too happy. He stood behind the desk, peering at us over his glasses.

  “Three mischief-makers, I see.”

  His eyes bore into me.

  “And one who’s made more mischief than the rest.” He leered. “Come up here, Master Eric.”

  I approached. He pointed to one end of the desk.

  “Drop your drawers. Hands on the desk.”

  I assumed the position; he assessed it.

  “Feet away from the desk. Legs apart. Stick your ass out.”

  Jack’s orders rippled with confident authority, the kind that came with knowing no one in his right mind would dare question him.

  “Young Master Stephen, why don’t you get your mouth around that shriveled-up cock of his?”

  Stephen, aka Slim, situated himself beneath me and sucked away. Still sensitive from my orgasm only moments before, I gasped at the feel of his mouth around me.

  Jack stepped behind me. I felt his eyes staring hungrily at my ass. Was he going to take me? The thought made me ache with anticipation.

  “Young Master Franklin, fetch me my paddle.”

  The order sent a shudder through me. My ass clenched; my cock lurched. A giggle tickled my cock – Stephen chuckling at my reaction.

  Taking the paddle from his pupil, he placed a hand on my back to steady me and rested the paddle momentarily on my ass. “It’s one thing to come into my classroom and find students up to no good,” he began. “But when one of those students has his no-good all over a cracker? Well, that makes him the whipping boy.”

  The hardwood of maple wasn’t my hard wood of choice, and experience had taught me to dread its first strike. But Jack’s dominance thrilled me and, as curious as the proverbial cat, I wanted to see where he would take me.

  I felt another giggle between my legs as the paddle pulled away, swung, and met my sensitive cheeks with a deafening thwack! Its sting was every bit as fierce as I remembered, driving deep into my flesh and forcing my cock deeper into Master Stephen’s mouth. His moan of delight mingled with my own moan of endurance. My cock swelled, ready for action.


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