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The Academic Bride: Billionaire Marriage Brokers Book One

Page 10

by McConnell, Lucy

  Nick tucked the phone against his shoulder, grabbed the seat belt, and leaned across her to click it in place. Janel felt her pulse quicken as his scent washed over her. Nick put the key in the ignition and the car came to life. He pulled the phone away from his ear and leaned back, the smell of his shaving cream hanging in the air. “She’s yours until you get yours fixed or ...” He glanced over his shoulder at her rust bucket and turned back, lifting one side of his mouth in a crooked grin. “... have it recycled into something useful.” He used the same teasing tone he’d had when trying to steal her ice cream.

  Janel’s breath caught, and the air between them charged with memories of the last time they were this close. Janel tipped her head, considering Nick’s nearness and the way it made her feel.

  “Hello? Nick, are you there?” Robert’s voice interrupted their space.

  Nick stepped back. “Have a good class.”

  He was back on the phone before Janel could tell him “thank you”.

  She carefully backed the SUV out of the garage and pushed the button to put the door down. Once she was on a main road, she hit the gas and raced to campus. The surge of adrenaline spiking under her skin had nothing to do with her speed and everything to do with Nick. Being that close to Nick, if only for a moment, made it impossible for her to deny her feelings. She wanted what they had shared over ice cream. It wasn’t only the steamy kisses she desired. It was Nick and his goodness that melted every bit of her resistance.

  He was such a good man, everything she’d ever needed or wanted and didn’t know she was looking for. He took care of her without making her feel incapable. It wasn’t that she couldn’t buckle her seatbelt; it was that he’d wanted to do something for her, something that said he cared. She couldn’t deny it any longer. She was falling for him, and she needed to act on it before they grew further apart.

  Class was a blur as half her brain worked over the problem of how to show Nick she cared when he was determined to avoid her. Thankfully, she’d taught the same chapters every semester and could do it on autopilot.

  As soon as class was over, she jumped back in Nick’s SUV and drove home, hoping to catch him.

  The sliding garage door revealed his absence. Janel dragged her feet up the stairs to her suite. Flopping onto her bed, she stared up at the ceiling. There had to be some way to connect with Nick. Some way to let him know she was willing to explore more between them. He could keep the money and the stuff—she wanted the man.

  Chapter 18

  Nick wasn’t sure if Janel planned to go home after her class, but he wasn’t taking any chances. He’d moved too fast the other night with that kiss and assumed too much. Putting himself out there, and being rejected, was downright embarrassing, and he wasn’t about to make a fool of himself twice.

  He entered his office elevator and ran his hands through his hair. Nick considered his biggest advantage in the business world was his ability to read people. If that was true, how could he have misread Janel? Her every action and reaction that night told him she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  Caught up in replaying the tug-of-war over ice cream, trying to decide where he went wrong, Nick didn’t pay attention as Darrin threw his arm between the almost shut doors.

  “Hey,” said Darrin.

  “Hey,” replied Nick as he stared at the carpet.

  “Man, you don’t look so good.” Darrin shoved Nick’s shoulder. “Old lady troubles?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Blow her off. Let’s go to Vegas this weekend.”

  Nick barely held back his surprise. “I’m married.”

  “Right. It’s obviously not agreeing with you. You need to play—be free.”

  Nick considered it. He had the money, he had the time, and he had enough troubles … a weekend in Vegas would be easy.

  The image of Janel leaning her cheek into his palm came to mind. Nope. There would be no trip to Vegas. Not as long as his ring was on her finger. No, that was a lie—not ever again. He’d tasted something much sweeter than anything he’d ever find on the Strip. Just like when a new product rolled out, a benchmark was set and there would be no point looking at an inferior product.

  Not that Janel was a product.

  Janel was his and he was hers—at least for the rest of the year. Nick wanted to honor that, honor her. Would she know? Probably not. Especially since he was doing everything he could to avoid her. But he knew, and that was what mattered.

  Chapter 19

  Janel walked through the lab on autopilot. The smell of ancient dust tickled her nose.

  For days, she’d wandered through life completely wrapped up in her thoughts of Nick. He never made it home before she went to bed, and he was gone before she woke up. They were going to have to meet up at some point. Janel wanted that point to be sooner rather than later. The more time that went by, the lonelier she felt without his notes or texts.

  She tapped lightly on her advisor’s door and waited for his invitation to come in. Professor Ford sat behind his cluttered desk, his glasses perched on his forehead. Janel sat down in the green leather seat across from him.

  “You wanted to see me?” she asked.

  “Yes, I got an email from my buddy in Tikal. He said you haven’t sent the request forms or filed for the permits.”

  Janel jolted as though she’d stuck her finger in a light socket. “What? They aren’t due until the 25th.”

  Professor Ford’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s the 27th.”

  Janel pressed both her hands to her cheeks. No, she couldn’t have missed the deadline. The amount of red tape it took to get permission to excavate a Mayan temple was outrageous. If she missed one deadline, she’d have to start all over again. “Is it too late?”

  “Henry filed an extension, but you only have until tomorrow morning.”

  Janel cringed. The permits were easily over a hundred pages—in Spanish. She jumped to her feet. Her classes were done and Nick was scheduled for some R&D meeting tonight. If she worked straight through till morning, she might be able to do this.

  “Wait,” said Professor Ford. “Is everything all right? You’ve been distracted for the last couple of days, and it’s not like you to miss a deadline.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just … personal.”

  Professor Ford’s eye dropped to her ring. Janel could see the wheels turning.

  Quick, secret engagement + Janel’s change in behavior + husband he’s never met + her reluctance to talk about her wedding = controlling and possibly abusive husband.

  He squared his shoulders. “You know, if you need help…”

  Janel fought the urge to laugh. Nick was the farthest thing from an abusive husband in the world. She plopped back into her chair. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  He waited, his fingers steepled and his brow low.

  Janel weighed how much she could tell him and still honor her confidentiality agreement. As long as she didn’t talk about how they met and focused on the issue at hand, she’d be safe. “Nick’s … amazing. We just … I said something stupid, and now there’s this distance. I don’t know how … Ugh! Marriage is not supposed to be this hard.”

  Professor Ford barked a laugh. “Marriage is the hardest thing you’ll ever do.”

  “Harder than filing for a dig in Guatemala?” she pressed.

  He leaned back in his chair and spoke softly. “A hundred times harder.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk.” Janel sighed.

  Professor Ford considered her. He seemed to have let go of his suspicions.

  Janel folded her hands in her lap.

  “It’s worth it. When you get to where Marion and I are, you can see that the bumps in the road were just bumps. They aren’t roadblocks.”

  Janel twisted her ring on her finger. She and Nick would never get to that point. They had an expiration date. Janel’s eyes stung, and she blinked to hold back the tears. Had she missed her chance with Nick?

bsp; “Janel, you can get through this. All you have to do is study it out like you always do.”

  “Thanks.” Janel stood and moved quickly to the door. “I’ll have those requests filed by tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll let Henry know they are on their way.”

  Shutting the door behind her, Janel hurried down the hall. Everything she needed was on her dresser at home. She pulled out her phone and blocked out the entire night. Not that Nick would be home anyway. It just felt good to have something to put on her evening instead of staring at Nick’s green boxes on the calendar while she ate dinner—alone. She needed to get her focus back.

  The whole point of this marriage was to get her to Guatemala. It was her goal, her drive, and her life, until one mind-numbing kiss from Nick turned her brain to mush. No more mush! From here on out, she’d keep her head when it came to South America and her husband.

  Now, if she could just get her heart to cooperate, everything would fall into place.

  Chapter 20

  Nick was surprised to see Janel’s light on when he pulled up the driveway. She was usually sound asleep before he came home. He pulled into the garage and cut the engine. Letting out a sigh, he hauled his sorry butt out of the car. He couldn’t keep this up. Staying at the office until all hours of the night and getting up early were taking a toll. He’d fallen asleep at his desk twice this week.

  Brenda woke him up in time for his meetings, but she didn’t look too happy about it. She probably suspected that all was not well at home and that he was using his work schedule to avoid the issue. The woman wasn’t dumb. Thankfully, she merely pursed her lips, handed him notes, and left him to handle his private life on his own.

  He plunked his keys in the bowl next to the back door.

  Taking his shoes off in the mudroom, Nick tiptoed up the stairs. He paused at the top. Janel’s door was wide open, and from here, he could see that her bed was empty.

  A few quiet steps gave him the angle he needed to find Janel asleep at her desk. She didn’t look at all comfortable, with her neck kinked and her glasses askew.

  Nick looked from her room to his. He sighed as he set his shoes down just inside her door. He couldn’t just leave her there.

  What on earth could have kept her up this late? He pulled his phone from his pocket and checked their calendar. She’d blocked out the night, but didn’t say what for. Was she waiting for him? Did she feel the emptiness in the day like he did?

  He hit the lights as he passed the switch. The glow from Janel’s laptop would be enough to see by, and hopefully she wouldn’t wake up too much as he transferred her to the bed.

  “Janel,” he whispered.

  “Hmmm.” Janel moved and hit the computer’s touch screen, cutting out the screen saver and revealing a document with an official seal in the corner. Nick leaned over and made out the word “Guatemala.”

  Her expedition.

  He had to hand it to her: she was determined to make this happen. She put as much effort and concentrated focus into her trip as he had in creating his IdeaTech. Funny how a guy could feel jealous of a country.

  Nick set his phone down, took the Spanish-English dictionary off Janel’s lap, and set it aside. Sliding his arms under Janel’s knees and behind her back, he lifted her off the chair. She sighed and rested against his chest. The warmth that spread through his body was a testament to his need to keep away from Janel. He simply couldn’t help himself from hugging her closer before laying her on the blankets. He brushed her hair away from her face, and she leaned into his palm in her sleep. Nick’s heart pounded. The sound was too loud in the quiet room. It would be easy to kiss her, just a small one on her cheek or forehead.

  He stepped back, sliding his hand out, and waited to see if she stirred. She didn’t. Man, she was out.

  Nick ran his hand through his hair. He was exhausted.

  He went to shut the computer when an email popped up.

  Files due by 9 a.m. our time.

  It was from a Professor Ford.

  Nick clicked through the open files. It appeared Janel was almost done. But if she slept in, she’d miss the deadline. Picking up her phone, Nick set an alarm for 6:30 A.M. and set the phone on her nightstand.

  Once in his own room, he set his alarm for six. That would give him enough time to shower and shave before Janel’s alarm went off. He could make sure she was up before he left.

  Shaking his head, he wondered if he really would be able to keep his distance from her. It seemed every time he got near her, he couldn’t help but find a way to be close. Like when he buckled her into the car. She could have done that herself, but he wanted the excuse to touch her. He was definitely drawn to her. But he’d misread her once already. Unless she gave him a clear sign, he’d keep his feelings to himself.

  Chapter 21

  Janel woke in a panic. She couldn’t remember going to bed or setting her alarm. She pressed her hand to her cheek. The only thing she remembered was a dream about Nick tucking her in bed. She rubbed her face. It was so real.

  Stumbling to her desk, she found her glasses and slid them on. The room was still dark, and the sun wouldn’t be up for at least an hour. She turned on the lamp and sat down to get to work. Now wasn’t the time for dreams—at least not the kind she was having. The dream she needed to focus on was the one about to evaporate if she didn’t get her permit papers turned in.

  Her phone chirped. Probably Professor Ford. She pressed the speaker phone button without checking the caller ID.


  “Hello, is Nick there?” asked a woman’s voice.

  Janel gave her phone a funny look. Who would call her phone looking for Nick? “Brenda, is that you?”

  “No, this isn’t Brenda. Can I please speak to Nick?”

  “Nick’s busy at the moment. May I take a message?” Janel sorted through her notes.

  “No, you may not. I want to speak with Nick.”

  Who was this chick? Janel didn’t like the idea of any woman thinking she could demand Nick’s attention like that, and she fully acknowledged that her hackles were up. “You can’t speak with Nick right now, but this is his wife and I’d be happy to take a message.”

  The woman didn’t say anything as Janel tapped her fingers against the desk.

  “Did you say wife?” the woman finally asked.

  “Yes, I did.” She pushed the button to take the phone off speaker and pressed it to her ear.

  “How long have you been married?” The woman’s voice sounded small, and Janel wondered if she’d been too harsh. If this was a business associate she could have handled it more professionally. Of course, if it was an ex-girlfriend or one of those women from the ball, she needed to be firm.

  “Three months.”

  “Well,” the woman huffed. “That explains a lot.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Tell Nick that his mother will be there in fifteen minutes to congratulate him on his wedding.” Click.

  What? Janel pulled the phone away from her ear and saw the home screen. Her phone had a picture of a Mayan temple for wallpaper. This phone had plain blue wallpaper.

  How did she get Nick’s phone?

  Her dream!

  It wasn’t a dream. Nick had tucked her in bed last night. He must have accidentally switched their phones. She looked at the doorway in horror. What had she done?

  Breaking into a run, Janel screamed, “Nick!” as she burst out of her bedroom door. With every step, she cursed under her breath. Racing across the sitting room she ran through his bedroom door and pounded on the door to the bathroom, where she could hear the shower going. “Nick!” She pounded again and the water turned off.

  The door flew open just as she considered slamming her shoulder into the heavy wood. Nick stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair plastered to his forehead and water trickling down his immaculate body. Janel stared for a full five seconds before she remembered why she was there and a fresh wave of panic
made her hands shake as she held up his phone.

  “You took my phone.”

  Nick raised his eyebrows. “Sorry.”

  Janel waved her hands. “No, you took my phone and I answered this one and it was a woman and she was demanding to speak to you and I was mad 'cause she called my phone and I thought she was a stalker ex-girlfriend and I told her we were married.” Janel pressed her free hand to her cheek. “I told her we were married, Nick!”

  Keeping one hand on the towel, Nick placed his other hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. We’ve told lots of people we are married.”

  Janel’s voice wobbled. “Not our parents.”

  Nick took the phone out of her hand and checked the caller ID. His face went pale.

  Janel felt stupid. “I’m so sorry.” She’d ruined everything. She said all the wrong things! Any trust they’d developed over the past three months was too vulnerable to withstand a blow like this.

  Nick tossed the phone on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. “She was going to find out sooner or later.”

  Tears came, telling Janel she was more sensitive when it came to Nick than even she had realized. The moment he’d buckled her into that SUV, her heart grabbed a hold of him and she didn’t want it to let go. If she’d ruined things, she’d never forgive herself either for causing trouble with his family or for falling in love.

  Janel gasped. Was she falling in love with Nick? Janel looked into his worried eyes. Nick was kind; he cared for her and for her comfort, working hard to make sure her needs were met. He did small things that showed her she mattered to him, from loaning her his car to buying a book about the things she studied. He laughed with her, teased her, and when they were together she felt complete.

  And while her stomach flipped and her heart lifted when he touched her, it was more than that. The feelings she had were long-term, like the feelings she had for her family: they were always there and would always be there, never fading, but growing stronger as the years went by.

  Yep, she loved him.


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