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The American Lover

Page 9

by G E Griffin

  I realised that while we’d been easily chatting away, our meal had come and gone, and now a heart shaped chocolate torte dessert had appeared in front of me.

  “I don't think I can manage this,” I sighed, as I pushed it away.

  “Are you for real? In my experience, women love anything involving chocolate,” Caleb commented in disbelief.

  “Oh trust me, I love chocolate. But I don't want to feel sick by forcing myself to eat too much, not when I'm already sick with nerves,” I confessed.

  “Honey, you have nothing to be nervous about.” Caleb reached over to squeeze my hand reassuringly. “Tonight is all about relaxing, letting go and enjoying yourself.”

  Just then the DJ started up.

  “To all you lovers out there this evening, here’s a track to help get you in the mood for some romance…”

  James Blunt’s ‘You’re Beautiful’ started playing.

  “Oh dear lord, how corny is that?” My nervous moment passed, as I burst out laughing.

  “Shocking, I gotta agree,” Caleb grinned back, as he polished off the last of his dessert. “But very appropriate, as it happens. Have you any idea how beautiful you look tonight, Faith?”

  “It’s okay. You don't need to bother with any kind of flattery, seeing as I'm the one who made the first move here. I propositioned you, remember?” I arched my eyebrows as I took a small sip of my champagne.

  “For the record, I don't flatter or make glib compliments just to get laid, Faith,” he frowned.

  “No, I don't imagine you need to,” I murmured.

  The next track to come on was Charlie Rich’s ‘Behind Closed Doors.’

  How very apt. We were surrounded by couples, and that’s how we must appear to everyone else, even though we were anything but. Appearances can be very deceptive.

  “Dance with me. We can get some coffee later. Come on, Faith.”

  Caleb stood up, grabbed me by the hand and led me over to the small dance floor. The DJ winked at us as Marvin Gaye’s ‘Sexual Healing’ started booming out.

  “Really?” I laughed as I shook my head. “Could this get any cheesier?”

  “Hey, Marvin’s a classic for a reason,” Caleb grinned back, as he took me in his arms. I found myself pulled up against his broad, solid chest, with one of his muscly arms around my waist, the other holding my hand as he entwined his fingers with mine. He was so much taller than me that I was glad I’d decided to wear my boots with heels, to at least add a couple of inches to my height, as he gently tucked my head under his chin and then effortlessly started moving us around the small dance floor.

  “You’re a good mover, I’ll give you that,” I murmured against his chest. No doubt that scored him a lot of points. The general consensus amongst most women was that if a guy had good moves and rhythm on the dance floor, chances were, the same would apply in bed.

  “Just let yourself go and relax, Faith. Forget about everything else, just be in the moment, here with me,” he whispered. He pulled me even closer, so my breasts were pressed right up against him, then he ran his hand over my hip, up to my waist, and then back over my hip again. Caleb was checking out my curves, and by his soft growl of approval, he seemed to like what he found. That made me feel like a proper woman again, rather than the sexless lump of nothingness I seemed to have been for the longest time.

  I closed my eyes. This felt so good. I hadn't been held or touched like this in such a long time. The way Caleb was holding me wasn’t about being consoled or comforted, it wasn’t in any way connected with grief.

  This was about a woman and a man, enjoying each other, making each other feel good, appreciating each other’s differences.

  Might be corny as hell, but I had to give it to him, Marvin had got it right. This was all about sexual healing.

  As Caleb very softly nuzzled behind my ear, my breath hitched as a surge of longing and desire swept through me, catching me by surprise, as feelings that I’d almost forgotten existed reached right down to my deepest innermost lady parts. My libido was suddenly being woken out of its deep hibernation, as wonderful, exciting feelings began to surface and make me feel alive again, properly alive for the first time in so very long.

  This was exactly what I needed, to submerge all the grief and sadness of the last two years. All I wanted was to enjoy this physical closeness, to give myself over to the pure simple pleasure of being this close to a man’s body. I just wanted to absorb the thrill of anticipating where these feelings were leading.

  “You have no idea just how incredibly sexy you are, Faith,” Caleb whispered, making no attempt to prevent his very obvious erection pressing into me, a wicked little smile playing on his handsome face as he ground his hips into me. He was proving that he wanted me. Really wanted me.

  And that made me feel incredibly empowered. A guy like Caleb, turned on by little old me.

  As we carried on dancing for a few more tracks, I didn't really take too much notice of what they were, or of anyone else around us. I was too busy letting myself absorb the sensations as Caleb subtly let his hands explore my body, while I did the same with his.

  I felt the tautness of his waist, the hardness of his chest, the broadness of his shoulders. He felt the curve of my hips, the dip of my waist, the fullness of my breasts pressed against him.

  Everything was going well so far, but I needed to check something else out. I reached up and pulled Caleb’s head down to softly kiss his lips, to test my reaction to kissing someone who wasn’t Drew. I had to know if I was going to find it too weird, before things went any further.

  As our lips touched, I didn't recoil in horror, as I feared I might. Our first proper little smooch felt nice, really nice in fact, and I wanted more, much more, as smouldering desire quickly leapt into red hot flames.

  Now there was no hesitation, no doubt in my mind. I was really going to do this. I needed this, I needed to lose myself with Caleb, to forget everything else except this basic life force washing over me, now that I knew that it hadn't been extinguished. Despite everything that had happened, I still carried that primal need to bond with another human being.

  “If it’s okay with you, I’d really like to carry on kissing you, but I think we need to head somewhere more private first,” Caleb whispered in my ear, his close proximity making my nerves tingle and zing.

  “I want that too,” I whispered back. “I want us to take things to the next level.”

  “You’re sure, Faith?”

  I didn't answer. Instead I pulled back, took his hand, and made for the exit.


  Tension stretched between us as we made our way upstairs to Caleb’s room. Sexual tension, humming loudly.

  As we stood in the lift, I toyed nervously with the handle of my overnight bag, thinking to myself that overnight might be a rather optimistic assumption.

  Caleb opened the door to let me in, and as he flipped on the light, I couldn't help noticing the very large bed that dominated the room. But before I could hesitate and get myself too hung up about exactly what that signified, Caleb took me in his arms and kissed me.

  It was a deep, hungry kiss, demanding and passionate, leaving me in no doubt about what was going on between us.

  But then he paused and gently took my face in his hands. Big, soft, warm hands. Nice hands.

  “Are we still good here?” he whispered, his amber eyes full of concern.

  So then I flipped.

  I was done with everyone being concerned about me, checking up on me, worrying about me. I didn't want Caleb to stop, I didn't want time to think about anything else. I didn't want time to make comparisons with someone else whose name I didn't even want in my head right now. All I wanted to think about was what my body was screaming out for.

  Sex. Raw, hot sex to totally blow me away.

  “Don’t mollycoddle me, Caleb. What I want… what I need, is for you to fuck my brains out.” I saw his eyes widen in shock. “I’m not made of glass, I'm not some delicate littl
e flower, and I know what I want, why I’m here in your room. All I want is for you to make me forget everything.”

  A slow smile spread across his face.

  “Well, well, Faith Jackson. Seems you’re one of those prim looking little girls who’s got a dirty, dirty mouth in the bedroom. And I gotta say, that is so fucking hot…”

  He picked me up and threw me down on the bed, then quickly undid his cuffs and pulled his shirt off over his head in one quick, well practised movement.

  Wow. Broad shoulders, toned abs, slim waist and snake hips with that sexy V muscle definition that disappeared into his jeans, along with a tidy smattering of dark chest hair.

  I was so busy admiring Caleb’s body, that it took me a moment to realise he was unzipping my boots to take them off.

  “Oh… no…wait a minute… hang on… I need to go and get undressed.” I’d got so caught up I'd forgotten my plan to head off to the bathroom. But as I scrabbled around trying to get up, Caleb pushed me back down on the bed to finish removing my boots, before grabbing the edge of my sweater dress and pulling it up over my head.

  “You just ordered me to get on with fucking your brains out,” he smirked. “So that’s exactly what I'm going to do.”

  “But you weren’t meant to see me like this,” I tried to protest.

  “I told you it doesn’t matter,” Caleb insisted, as he removed my dress and tossed it on the floor.

  I stopped protesting, realising it was too late to worry about disappearing off to the bathroom now, seeing as he already had a perfect view of my lovely tights and hadn't gone running for the hills.

  Caleb climbed onto the bed and knelt over me. He gazed down at my body, running his hand down my leg and making me shiver. Then he peeled the offending tights slowly down my legs to remove them, until I was lying there in just my bra and boy shorts.

  “I told you before - these are just the wrappings. Now I can see you have gorgeous, sexy legs, nice and long and shapely, so it makes no difference whether you hide them away in pantyhose or not, Faith,” he grinned.

  He took both my hands in one of his and held them above my head, then bent down and kissed me, slowly at first, just teasing my lips until I let him in, so that our tongues could start gently dancing together. Exciting anticipation warmed my insides, provoking a deep yearning for more. It felt so good that I gasped in disappointment when he broke off the kiss to start nipping and sucking my neck, heading down towards my breasts. He let go of my hands to run his fingers over the edge of my bra, before dipping them into my cleavage.

  “Seems you’ve been concealing a truly awesome body, Faith. Now I’d really like to see it properly.” He flipped onto his back, pulling me over to straddle him.

  He paused for just a few seconds, hesitating just long enough for me to stop him if I wanted, before unfastening my bra.

  But I didn't want.

  I was literally aching for him to cup my breasts in his big strong hands. I looked into his eyes as my bra dropped away, and felt a glow of satisfaction when I saw his look as he stared at me.

  “Jesus, Faith, just look at what you’ve been hiding away under all those layers of clothes. It’s criminal, just fucking criminal, when you have the most perfect breasts I think I've ever seen.” He cupped both my breasts in his hands then gently squeezed them together as he lay there on his back with me on top. He lifted his head to take one of my nipples into his mouth, sending hot sparks right through me.

  “Oh my God…yes,” I found myself groaning. I arched my back as he gently teased my nipple with his teeth and then his tongue. First one side, then the other. I was so aroused that I was grinding against his erection as I lay on top of him, but the harsh fabric of his jeans reminded me that he had yet to remove them.

  “Caleb…” I whispered. “You're still dressed…”

  “It’s okay, just relax. It’s all under control,” he murmured reassuringly. “You don't need to worry about a thing, except letting go and enjoying yourself.”

  I found myself flipped onto my back again.

  “Close your eyes, baby. Just let it happen,” he urged. As I complied and closed my eyes, I felt him slipping my knickers off, then heard him unzipping his jeans and removing them. I opened my eyes just in time to see Caleb moving back next to me on the bed, both of us now fully naked.

  “Hey, no peeking,” he scolded. “You’ll find the sensations much more intense if you keep your eyes closed.”

  “I know, but… I need to see you. I don't want to be picturing… anyone else,” I whispered, hoping I didn't have to spell it out to him.

  “Well, in that case… Just look right at me, Faith.”

  He got it. Caleb understood. He lay on his side next to me, then kissed me again, as his hand gently trailed over my stomach.

  “You have such soft skin,” he murmured, as he let his hand trail even lower, and then grazed his finger tips over my hips and along my thighs.

  Caleb was obviously intent on taking things slowly, no doubt assuming it was the best approach with me. But it wasn’t what I wanted. I didn't want time to reflect, I just wanted to be completely overwhelmed by the physical sensation of him pounding into me.

  But then, as he continued to hold my gaze, I felt the gentle touch of his finger tip skilfully caressing my clitoris in the most exquisite way, and like a tightly wound spring, after just a couple of minutes of his ministrations, I practically ignited into a powerful climax. I screwed up my eyes at the intensity of the sensations washing over me, and gave a long low moan as my body shuddered and convulsed with pure orgasmic pleasure. Finally, once I’d ridden out the last of the waves, I slowly opened my eyes.

  “How was that for you? Good?” Caleb grinned rather smugly, obviously delighting in his sexual prowess.

  “Not bad, I guess,” I grinned back, now feeling thoroughly relaxed and at ease.

  “Not bad, eh? Well, that was just for starters, a little ice breaker to get you in the mood,” he chuckled.

  As he lay next to me on the bed, I let my eyes trail down his body... and… Wow. No question, he was definitely up for some action, and there’d be no complaints from me about being short changed in that department.

  “So, it seems you’ve got something here that needs taking care of,” I murmured, taking his solid shaft in my hand. Mm, velvety soft, yet hard as steel. Caleb hissed his approval, as he lay back and closed his eyes.

  He moaned softly when I stroked his length with my fisted hand, as I trailed little kisses down his chest, carrying on downwards, following the trail of his soft belly hair to its final destination. I loved how he made all these sexy little grunts and moans of pleasure as I kissed and licked all along his length, before sucking him into my mouth and swirling my tongue around the sensitive underside of his thick cock.

  “God, you're killing me here, Faith. That feels so fucking good, but I can't take too much of it,” he groaned, as he caught hold of my head to stop me.

  “If that’s the case, then I suggest you’d better get on with fucking me,” I smirked, loving the fact that clearly I hadn't lost my touch; I was still good at this.

  “Not gonna argue with that.” Caleb reached over to his bedside drawer and took out a condom packet.

  “Here. I’ll do that for you.” I took it from him and ripped it open. Caleb watched in wide eyed wonder as I put the condom in my mouth, took hold of his length and then leant over to carefully roll it onto him using just my tongue.

  “There. All done.” Thoroughly pleased with Caleb’s speechless reaction, I refused to let myself dwell on how many times I’d practiced this little trick on Drew before I’d perfected it.

  “You really are naughty as fuck, aren’t you, Faith?” Caleb growled, as he rolled me onto my back and then hovered over me.

  “Are you complaining?”

  “No, I’m sure as hell not.”

  And yet Caleb still paused for just a minute as he searched my face, obviously checking for any hesitation on my part. Although i
t was sweet of him, we’d already passed the point of no return as far as I was concerned, and I arched my hips to position him right at my entrance, so he could feel for himself the lush evidence of just how ready for this I really was. Then I ran my fingers through his silky black hair, pulling him to me for a deep kiss, my tongue enacting what I wanted his body to do to me.

  I couldn’t have made it any clearer about what I wanted, so finally Caleb braced himself to take his weight on his elbows, and then slowly slid right in.

  It felt amazing. The way he filled me and stretched me was absolute perfection. Somehow, as he slowly stroked in and then out, in and then out again, it seemed to dispel the haunting emptiness of the last two years, as we performed the age old ritual of merging to become one.

  “You feel so good, Faith, so fucking good,” he groaned.

  The pleasure he was obviously gaining from my body made me feel alive, made me feel like a real human being again, as his body also set mine alight with equal pleasure.

  I dug my finger nails into his back as I clung to him, feeling my climax building, working my internal muscles to greedily clench him and take him in deeper still, to totally lose myself with him.

  I sensed that Caleb was holding back, as he continued the deeply satisfying rhythm between us, putting my needs before his, fine-tuning his responses to mine, ensuring that I continued the relentless climb.

  It was only when I finally felt myself go over the edge into an intense climax, clenching and milking him as he was buried deeply within me, that he finally allowed himself to fly over the edge too.


  Afterwards, I lay there, the enormity of what I’d just done hit me. I’d just had sex with another man. Someone who wasn’t Drew.


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