Book Read Free

Cry Havoc

Page 15

by Baxter Clare

  “Can’t do it by phone?”

  “I think it’d be better if I talked to him in person.”

  That was true, but Frank couldn’t justify the expense.

  “Try the phone first, see what you can get.”

  Lewis nodded.

  “What’s Hernandez say about all this?”

  “He won’t talk to us. Yelled at us to go away. He’s got nothing to say. He’s freaked.”

  “We’re gonna need him.”

  “Yeah, I know. He’ll be all right. We just gotta let him chill a bit. He’ll come around.”

  “Unless the Mother gets to him first. What can you hit him with?”

  “Not much”—Lewis shrugged—“nothing serious. Noah said we should get a priest to bless him. Kind of like do an exorcism on him or some nonsense like that so that he wouldn’t be afraid to talk to us.” Lewis snorted, “I told him I work for LAPD, not Mental Health Services.”

  “That’s not such a bad idea.”

  “Puh-lease,” Lewis groaned.

  “Think about it. There’s a lot these boys could be telling us, but they’re afraid. This’d be the same as a witness protection program. We guarantee them safety in exchange for information. We don’t even have to relocate the bastards. Just sprinkle ‘em with holy water. I like it. Check it out.”

  “You’re serious,” Lewis gawked.

  “Yep. A priest might not work though,” Frank said, hunkering across the desk toward her cop. “We might need somebody like the Mother, a priestess or whatever who does this same kind of voodoo shit. Somebody Echevarria and Hernandez believe could counteract the Mother’s mojo. Check it out. See if they’ll bite.”

  Lewis’s laugh came out like a bark.

  “And if they do? Where I’ma find this priestess, huh? I’m supposed to look her up in the Yellow Pages. Axe around at the Local Wizards 14?”

  When Lewis was done amusing herself, Frank asked, “You forget who writes your evaluation reports?”

  The rookie sobered.

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Good. Don’t. Anything else?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  Frank pointed at the door.


  The next morning, on her way to the lieutenants’ meeting, Frank cornered Darcy outside the men’s room. Making sure no one was within earshot, she said, “Hey. You think your ex would do us a favor?”

  “For you,” he rumbled, “maybe. But she sure as hell won’t for me.”

  “This guy on the Colonel Sanders case, Hernandez, he knows shit but he won’t talk. He’s petrified. Thinks the Mother’s got curses on him. Noah was thinking we could get somebody like a priest to break the spells. To cleanse him or whatever, convince him he’s safe. I was thinking your wife might be equivalent to Mother Love. Maybe we could get Hernandez to go for that. What do you think?”

  Darcy folded his arms.

  “I could ask her, but if your man doesn’t believe in her it won’t do any good. So I suppose it’s up to him.”

  “You let me work on him. Meanwhile you work on your wife.”

  “My ex-wife,” he corrected.

  “Right. Find out what she’d charge. I’ll have to figure how the hell to bury it in expenses.”

  Frank sat distractedly through the meeting.

  What if Noah was right? Maybe they could gain Hernandez’ trust by protecting him with some bigger, badder mojo. Frank wasn’t against humoring a witness if he helped bring the Mother down. It amused Frank to think of turning the Mother’s own weapons against her.

  It was late when she returned to the squad room; except for Noah and Lewis, everyone else had gone home.

  “Hey,” Frank said to Noah. “Lewis told me your idea about the priest. You think if we could find another voodoo queen like the Mother that Hernandez’d go to her?”

  “Maybe,” he considered. “He might be scared enough to try anything.”

  “Talk to him. Find out.”

  In her office, Frank found a note on her chair. She read, X says yes but you have to bring him to her. She won’t come up here.

  “Deal,” Frank said to the room.

  She didn’t know what Noah had told him, but Hernandez was eager to meet Marguerite James. Frank was pretty curious too. And surprised.

  Darcy’s ex greeted them silently at her front door. She was at least a foot shorter than Frank expected and bordering on plump. She was barefoot, in a sleeveless white dress belted with a bright assortment of scarves. Dozens of beaded braids ended above the swell of her breasts and Frank forced herself to look away. The woman’s breasts were perfectly round and full and they pressed against her blouse like jail-bound cantaloupes making a run for it, dark nipples sent out as the advance team.

  She wordlessly appraised Frank and her witness. She didn’t even have a glance for her ex-husband. Hernandez fidgeted, swiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Frank endured a silent appraisal, thinking Marguerite James looked like a woman who knew secrets and wouldn’t tell you what they were. Frank had a dozen questions she probably wouldn’t ask Darcy until she knew him a hell of a lot better. Marguerite studied her a lot longer than Frank thought necessary, seeing as Hernandez was the client.

  “Follow me,” she commanded, leading them through a living room decorated with carvings and sequined flags. In the rear of the apartment she let them into a windowless room. It was empty but for a large table with two chairs opposite a flowery altar. She told Frank and Hernandez to sit.

  “Tell me about this woman who’s cursed you,” she demanded of Hernandez. He glanced at Frank and she jerked her head in assent. He nervously told Marguerite about Danny and the hexing of his yard and Echevarria’s, and the identical tongue he’d gotten but thrown away. He said he’d been going to Mass twice a day but didn’t know if a Christian god could fight these older gods.

  Marguerite smiled for the first time. She asked for more details about the hexes. Hernandez was vague and Frank filled in what she could.

  “Do you know this woman?” she asked, her blunt gaze on Frank.

  “Not well.”

  “But you’ve met her?”


  “Describe her for me.”

  When she’d talked to her on the phone, Marguerite had indicated she knew Mother Love. Reputations evidently spread among the Afro-Caribbean religions like AIDS in shooting galleries. Anyone evincing talent as a priest or priestess didn’t remain a secret for long.

  “I thought you said you knew her,” Frank asked back.

  “I know of her,” Marguerite snapped. “But we don’t travel in the same circles. Tell me your perspective.”

  Frank shrugged, starting with a physical description, but Marguerite interrupted, “No, no, no. What’s she like? Her personality.”

  “Like I said, she’s not very big, but she’s … forceful. She seems larger than she is. She’s proud. Arrogant. Been used to having things her way for a long time.”

  “How does she dress?” Marguerite asked. “Tell me about her appearance.”

  “She’s flamboyant. She’s got a big personality and she dresses big. She had on a red blouse, silk I think. And big hoop earrings. Lots of bracelets. Very—”

  “Does she wear beads?”

  Frank peered into her memory.

  “Yeah. I thin—”

  “What color?” Marguerite barked.

  Frank closed her eyes, unprepared for the interrogation.

  “I want to say glass. Red. Maybe white.”

  Marguerite’s unexpected smile was as powerful as a searchlight. Turning to Darcy, she asked, “How well do you remember your orishas?”

  “Not very well.”

  Marguerite rolled her eyes.

  “Which one would be associated with red and white?”

  Darcy had to think a minute but his answer was apparently satisfactory, for Marguerite said, “There. You’re not as stupid as you think.”

  “I’m not the one who thinks I’m stupid,” Darcy
bickered back.

  She flipped her hand at him.

  “You two leave,” she told the detectives. “I will take care of Mr. Hernandez. What I’m going to do,” she told him carefully, “is rid you of the spells this woman’s put on you. I’m going to give you protection too, like an invisible shield, so that whatever she tries to put on you will bounce right off of you and back to her.”

  Marguerite took one of Hernandez’s hands in both her own. She leaned into his face and asked, “Do you believe I can do that?”

  Hernandez glanced at Frank again, then back at the woman holding his hand. They waited for his answer. Finally it came in a timorous nod. Marguerite tilted an eyebrow at Frank and Darcy. They returned to the living room where Frank studied Marguerite’s art collection. She couldn’t vouch for its quality but the quantity was impressive enough. Running her good hand over a beaded fetish, Frank asked, “What was she giving me the third degree for?”

  “I don’t know.” Darcy sulked. He’d been morose all day and Frank had to prod him for answers.

  “How long’s this going to take?”

  “About an hour.”

  “What’s she going to do?”

  Pressing his thumbnail into the caulking of the windowsill, he shrugged. “I suspect she’ll cleanse him—rub oils on him and smudge him—then she’ll invoke an orisha. My guess is she’ll call upon Shango. That seems to be Mother Love’s god. Plus, he’s the god who protects against evil. She’ll have to set an altar to attract him. The gods are like six-year-olds. They’re easily bribed. She’ll pray over Hernandez and probably make him a mojo that’ll make him feel safe. But like I said, it all depends on how much faith Hernandez has in her.”

  “What’s an orisha?”

  “One of the African gods. There’s a whole pantheon with a specific hierarchy, much like the Greek pantheon. Each god has dominion over a specific natural phenomenon. They each have their own attributes and personalities. It’s pretty involved.”

  Frank nodded at a tall carving of a bent old man.

  “She do any of these?”

  “No, she just collects them. She’s a physics professor.”

  “No kidding?”

  When Darcy didn’t respond, she asked, “Where at?”

  “UC Irvine. She’s a bigwig in plasma physics.”

  “Plasma physics,” Frank repeated. She was thinking Marguerite was as impressive as her ex when a door banged.

  “Where’s your daughter?”

  “She’s spending the night at a friend’s. I wanted to see her but Marguerite doesn’t like the schedule disrupted. She can be a regular bitch.”

  Frank examined a row of book spines.

  “That why you left her?” she ventured.

  “It was the other way around.” Darcy grunted, then volunteered, “I used to have a pretty bad temper. I came home drunk one night, I don’t even remember it, but I guess I hit her. I woke up in the tank and by the time they let me out she’d changed the locks. She packed my things in a couple of boxes and brought them outside for me. Her brothers were with her. She had a big gash on her cheekbone and her right eye was swollen. She told me to expect the divorce papers within a week and that I’d never see Gabby—my daughter— again.”

  Darcy went Code 2 again and Frank said to the books, “I thought you had custody every other weekend.”

  “Yeah, we’re working it out. It’s not as much time as I want with her, but it’s better than what it used to be. She wouldn’t even let me see her in the beginning, or call her. She had a restraining order. Plus those brothers. But it’s getting better. I’ve just got to be patient and not lose my temper. That only sets me back.”

  The conversation died in uncomplaining silence. Darcy went outside to spit tobacco and Frank wished she’d brought some work to do. She pulled a book from the shelf, a doctoral thesis on African religious art.

  She found Shango in the index but it directed her to Xango. She browsed the indicated entries, discovering he was the god of pride, arrogance, and warfare. He loved all physical sports, often carried an ax or a club, usually made of copper, and his favorite colors were red and white.

  As Darcy said, he was associated with all natural phenomena, ruling over lightning and fire. That reminded frank of Jill’s informant, who claimed to have seen lightning over the Slauson house.

  Even as Frank rationalized that the CI had seen a spotlight or some explicable weather event, her lower brain whispered, not a coincidence.

  Frank flipped to another entry. Xango was the god to call upon for help with black magic. He had to be propitiated with large offerings, and was especially fond of crabs. A red rooster should be used for sacrifices to Xango, and though he was fair, and often called upon to settle judgments and disputes, he had a fierce temper, often burning those who offended him.

  Lincoln Roosevelt torched in a St. Louis flophouse. Billy Daniels burned while he slept. Gough’s pimp immolated in his hooptie. Tito Carrillo rolled up and lit like a blunt.

  Frank snapped the book shut. Was the Mother appeasing her god and eliminating competitors at the same time? Why hadn’t she burned Danny too? Or the Colombians? Because she’s smart enough to change her MO, Frank answered herself.

  She jumped when Marguerite opened the door. Shelving the book, Frank asked, “All done?”

  Marguerite approached without a sound, as if she were trying to catch a spooked animal.

  “I’m done with him,” she emphasized. She crossed her arms and they disappeared under the overhang of her breasts.

  “How much contact do you have with Mother Love?”

  Darcy started to come in the front door, but Marguerite held up a hand.

  “Leave us alone,” she said without looking at him. Darcy retreated. Frank was tempted to join him. Holding Marguerite’s gaze was like holding a live coal and Frank almost stepped back. She didn’t. Besides making her look silly, she realized, it wouldn’t do any good. She could be standing across the room and Marguerite James would be just as formidable.

  “We’re investigating her nephew’s murder. He worked for her. She was one of the last people to see him. I’ve talked to her.”

  “Just about the investigation?”

  Frank hesitated.

  “Other stuff. She explained santeria to me. Said she was a healer. Could see things. She warned me about a dog.” Frank held up her bandaged hand and gave Marguerite her most winning grin. “I didn’t listen.”

  “That’s all? No other contact?”

  “No offense, Mrs. James, but why am I getting the third degree? Hernandez is your client, not me.”

  As if Frank hadn’t spoken, Marguerite pressed, “Did she ever touch you, or offer you food or a drink?”

  Frank shook her head, then remembered her visit to the church.

  “She put her hand on my arm for a second.”

  “Did you notice an itching or burning afterward?”

  Frank had a crude answer, but asked instead, “Is Hernandez ready?”

  Marguerite’s head tilted to the side, the physicist analyzing data.

  “I gathered from the tone of our telephone conversation that you don’t have much use for my religion. I don’t care about that. I’m not a proselytizer. But like Mother Love I can see things, Lieutenant. And I can see her hand all over you. It’s like you’re walking in a black cloud and you don’t even know it. I can help if you like. Maybe. I’ve heard much about her. Her hand is very strong.”

  Frank smiled, “I appreciate your concern, but I think I can handle her. Are you done with Hernandez?”

  Marguerite also smiled, but where Frank’s smile had bordered on condescension, Marguerite’s was wise, the secrets in her eyes hidden in plain view. Frank felt oddly contrite.

  “I’ll get him,” the priestess offered.

  Marguerite led a much calmer Hernandez to the front door. She and Darcy exchanged terse custody plans for the following weekend, then Frank paid her fifty dollars cash. Per their telephone conver
sation, Frank was to pay whatever she felt the service was worth. Frank had consulted with Darcy who’d explained mambos traditionally didn’t charge for their work, accepting donations instead. Marguerite took the money without looking at it. She started to close the door.

  “Wait,” she said, ducking inside. When she came back, she handed Frank her university business card. Her home phone was written on it.

  “If you change your mind, call me. Anytime.”


  Hours ago the neighbors had flipped “Closed” signs and pulled iron gates across their doors. The halogens over head were all shot out and Saint Barbara’s Spiritual Church of the Seven Powers crouched in the dark. Above it, a thin rind of moon curled against newly blackened sky. It was beautiful. Frank thought about forgetting this. Just showing up at Gail’s and locking the door and holding her all night.

  Voices spilled from across the street. Frank looked at the moon once more then followed a vague crack of light at the side of the church. She listened at the door, recognizing the Mother’s sultry timbre.

  “Who got Spirit wid’ ‘em?” she implored, and Frank stepped inside.

  The church was dim with incense smoke and dull yellow lights. The Mother clapped next to the pulpit, exhorting the small congregation. Frank sat in a vacant pew, meeting the eyes she felt all over her. But even a lifetime on the streets couldn’t prepare Frank for what she saw in the Mother’s eyes. It hit her like a blow to the head, a flare of hatred, so pure and undisguised it was breathtaking. A perfect black-hole of hate.

  Frank’s bladder swelled. Bullets nor knives or angel-dusted behemoths had ever scared Frank as much as the tiny woman in front of her. No one could hate that much and not kill. Or worse.

  Tommy Trujillo bounced into her head. He’d beaten her up on her way home from school one day. She was in third grade, he was in fifth. He wanted her Batman lunch box. He took it after bashing her ear bloody. When she told her father what had happened, he’d slapped her. Frank had been stunned.

  “Do you know why I hit you?”

  She’d backed away from him. He’d followed, slapping her again. It was a light slap, its unexpectedness more frightening than its sting. He slapped her again. And again, until Frank was furious. Until she slapped back. Then he’d grinned and pulled her to him. Kissed her tears.


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