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Highlander's Heart 0f Steel (Beasts 0f The Highlands Book 5)

Page 15

by Alisa Adams

  Cat looked at the exotic and mysterious girl who had become her closest friend. Cat had met Kaithria on a trip to Cat’s new sister-in-law’s home in the Caithness area of the Highlands. Brough Castle was on Dunnett Head, the farthest and most remote tip of Scotland. The castle had been attacked and Cat’s sister-in-law, Swan, had fled with Kaithria, another girl named Neilina, and six orphans along with Swan’s old horse master Beak. When they fled the castle Swan had met Cat’s older brother Wolfram, and the two had eventually fallen in love. When Neilina was bound and determined to return to Brough to look for her missing father, the girls had all gone with her, Cat included. She had so wanted an adventure after being sick for so long.

  Now, she and Kaithria were going to her uncle Keir’s castle for a visit while Cat’s new home was being repaired and readied. She certainly could no longer live with her brother, his new wife, and their six children. Soon to be seven, since Swan was pregnant.

  Uncle Keir did not seem to mind that his niece had suggested she follow him on his journey home for a visit, as well as her idea to bring her new friend Kaithria along as a chaperone.

  Uncle Keir was riding well ahead of them. He was eager to be home and had picked up the pace.

  Kaithria and Cat watched as Keir suddenly stopped, raising his arm for them to stop as well. They did not come any closer but stayed at a safe distance.

  Kaithria tensed as she watched two riders approach the road from a field of heather. Keir was sitting on his battle-scarred horse, tall and intimidating, watching them. One hand was on the handle of his sword that hung along his kilt. His horse was alert as well, his torn and ragged ears pricking towards the two riders approaching.

  Kaithria noticed that one of the riders was as large as Keir. This person rode what looked like a very large draft mule. The other person was on a small Highlander pony.

  Kaithria nudged her horse closer to Cat, who was staring at the large person on the draft mule. She was biting her lower lip.

  “Lady Catriona?” Kaithria asked her friend. “Do ye know those riders?”

  Cat nodded her head vigorously and continued to bite her lip.

  Kaithria studied the two people, then she gasped softly.

  Cat looked at her friend and gave her a weak smile. “Aye, they are women, as ye may have noticed,” Cat said in response to Kaithria’s surprise.

  She did not sound happy.

  “That one is wearing breeks,” Kaithria said quietly in awe as she studied the one on the big mule. “She is vera large.”

  “Aye, as large as me uncle, and ye’ll not find many as big as him save perhaps me brother Wolf, or Greysteil McKinnon,” Cat said unhappily.

  Kaithria glanced at Cat. Her friend looked slightly fearful.

  “And the other woman?” Kaithria asked. “On the pony?”

  “That pony can only be King Bobby, and riding the little king is Aunt Hextilda.” Cat’s frown changed to a smile.

  Kaithria turned back to look at the big draft mule and the small shaggy highlander pony. They were as odd a pair as their riders. One, a very large woman in breeks and the other a small, very frail and old-looking woman whose grey hair was in total disarray in a knot on top of her head.

  Kaithria could hear fragments of their conversation. “It seems they are out looking at sheep,” she said softly as she watched and listened.

  The large woman suddenly turned and pinned her eyes on Kaithria. Kaithria could not see her with the sun in her face, but she looked very stern. The woman turned to say something to Keir, then turned her mule around.

  The two women rode off through the purple heather. The jaunty Highland pony was trotting double-time to keep up with the mule’s trot. The older woman on the pony was bouncing all over its back as her grey hair bobbled this way and that.

  Keir looked back and waved to Kaithria and Cat. His eyes stayed on Kaithria a moment.

  “There is a shorter way if we follow them,” Keir called back, “but we can stay on the road. ’Tis easier for your auld horses,” he added with a look at his niece, “and your little rabbit-donkey,” he said with a laugh in his deep, booming voice. “I’ll be riding ahead,” he called out and put his mottled brown, scarred destrier into a canter. One of the horses’ torn ears flapped up and down as he cantered away.

  Kaithria looked back at Bunny to make sure she was coming along as they began walking. She tensed at a movement to the side of her vision. She frowned. There it was again. It was not a huge woman on a big mule or a small person on a pony. It was that figure of the lone rider on the horse, far off, on a hilltop. Just watching.

  “Lady Catriona, do ye see—” Kaithria started to say more, but Cat cut her off.

  “Dinnae fash Kaithria, there is nothing to fear, for these are Gunn lands we are on noo! Besides, if anyone dares to come close, we shall fight them as we did at Brough,” Cat said with relish.

  “Lady Catriona,” Kaithria said, “do not wish for a fight.”

  “But we could—” Cat started to say hopefully.

  “We end fights,” Kaithria said quietly. “We dinnae start them.”

  Cat’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. Then she brightened, sitting up taller. “Shall we take the shortcut, off the road? Twill be an adventure! Uncle Keir says it would be hard on the horses but I think he underestimates our old battle horses!”

  “Nay, we stay on the road, ’tis safer,” Kaithria said.

  Cat looked at Kaithria with a thoughtful frown. “Safer,” she sighed. “Do ye ever seek excitement? Yer life must be so boring!” she said with a huff of breath. “Ye are always so calm, so...composed...” She hesitated, but then added, “I have never seen ye laugh, or cry, or get angry.”

  Kaithria looked over at her friend. Her face was serene, as usual.

  Cat sighed. “Vera well then, let’s be off. We will stay on the be safe.”

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  Copyright Alisa Adams Publications © 2020

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  Amazon: Alisa Adams


  This book is a work of fiction. Some of the characters are real historical figures, but the others exist only in the imagination of the author. All events in this book are fictional and for entertainment purposes only.




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