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The Veils of Valoria

Page 13

by Kirsty F McKay

  “Don’t,” she ordered and seized his mouth once more, probing deeper.

  His mind surged with different visions, and ones which he had no wish to share. Using what little power was restored to him, Kane erected walls around the secrets he must protect.

  She released her hold and met his gaze. “What is it that you are guarding, my apprentice?”

  “Nothing you need concern yourself with. Some memories remain sacred.”

  She loosened the lace of her gown. Kane averted his eyes away from the swell of her breasts. She laughed and pressed her body tightly against his. “Don’t resist me,” she purred.

  “Mistress, you go too far.”

  Morbae’s warning was met with a hiss.

  Kane groaned, her mouth taking his once more, her tongue plunging deeper, sending fire to his groin. She continued to search into the furthest recesses of his subconscious, for what, he could not be sure. Kane’s stomach churned with dread. Not all the walls he erected had survived her attack.

  Satisfied with the discovery she had made, she released him and glanced down towards his bulging erection. “A reminder that you are mine.”

  Kane cursed, allowing his anger to take control and dampen the swell below. “You had no right. Have I not served you well?”

  She ignored his question. “Morbae, I have chosen my apprentice well.”

  “You could have destroyed him, Mistress.”

  Kane glared. Unbelievable, twice this night, my life threatened by the ones I have given nothing but loyal service to. I shall not forget, and neither shall I forgive.

  “A small risk given his abilities. Now that I possess a Nyrvallia, we cannot fail.”

  Morbae’s eyes widened. “A rarity indeed. But if you have discovered this, so too can the Master, if he hasn’t already.”

  “Too absorbed with his power to even scratch below the surface of those who serve him,” she scoffed. “The Master failed to seek out the ancient texts before he destroyed the Moren. He has lost the knowledge, but I have not and as soon as I am free…”

  “What is a Nyrvallia?” Kane demanded.

  She smiled and stroked his cheek tenderly. “A conversation for another time. Now my apprentice, heed my words, for if you disobey me, know that your suffering will be greater by my hand than anything the Master can bestow. Under no circumstances mention the Nyrvallia to the Master or the creatures you travel with.”

  “When will you tell me what it is? What I am?”

  “As soon as the prophecy fulfils, and I am released. Only then will I share the secret of your heritage.”

  Kane fumed. “I have no choice but to obey.”

  “Wise words,” Morbae replied.

  “You are not to consume any more of the blood I gave you or indeed you will risk the Master’s discovery. He must not know that the Lyboria failed.”


  She kissed him briefly on his cheek. “We will speak again in a few days.”

  Kane nodded as she took her leave, the chamber doors closing quietly behind her.

  “Do not fail us, apprentice.”

  Morbae’s words echoed in the void as Kane released his connection and searched for that familiar pull, catapulting him forward. The creature drew closer but did not attack. It merely followed behind as far as its abilities would allow it to travel. When Kane no longer sensed its presence, he instinctively rubbed the scratch on his hand, confused by the physical reaction and his emotional response to it.

  A judder in his body signalled he had reconnected. The transition was much quicker than before. Kane swept all thoughts of the creature to one side, concerned as to how much time had passed while he had lain unconscious on the floor. Rising, he noted with relief the brooch still clutched in his hand and shoved it inside his pocket.

  Pulling the door of the tent aside, Kane completed his surveillance. If the Fallen grieved for their brethren, it wasn’t evident, given how they tussled over the remains that littered the ground.

  Kane caught sight of Barrock hunched over in the distance, Gallo and Rivik at his side, their heads bowed and raw flesh dripping from their mouths. Good, at least I have time to regain my composure and consider the choice.

  Kane repositioned the Hymorius table to the furthest corner of the tent and murmured an incantation. A bottle appeared with the cork removed, accompanied by a large crystal goblet. Kane seated himself and poured. He swilled the red liquid and took a moment to inhale its fragrance, the last of his reserves from home. A necessity following the betrayals that he had tolerated. His fingers drummed on the table as he sipped slowly. The liquid warmed his throat and travelled to greet the fire that blazed within.

  Had the Master’s plan succeeded, Kane would have endured hours of unnecessary torture. For that, he would not forgive.

  Neither would he forgive her intrusion of his mind, the breaking down of his memories and secrets of the past. Her refusal to divulge the Nyrvallia, unacceptable.

  Kane swallowed the last of the liquid, an attempt to curb the monster that raged within. He vowed the two would suffer, their desire to reign defeated by his hand. I will take control of all four realms, and they will kneel or die.

  He considered the three Fallen outside. Barrock his second in command prone to challenging him. More than likely Kane would raise suspicion if Barrock was to become completely subservient, although the Master’s latest display of temper may be enough to convince the others.

  Gallo and Rivik swore to be his protectors, and yet disappointingly fled at the first sign of trouble. Kane considered which of the two Fallen would be the better choice. Gallo far more obedient than Rivik… and yet.

  Kane reflected on his exchanges with Rivik. Each time something within the abyss of Rivik’s eyes stirred. Kane could not quite put his finger on what that was. The Lyboria would indeed help him to uncover the truth and use it to his advantage. With the decision made, Kane poured another large glass and waited. They didn’t keep him long.


  He drained the contents of the bottle before summoning the Fallen inside. His lips curled into a sneer as he noted Gallo and Rivik, keeping their distance behind Barrock. Rising from his chair, Kane approached and studied the two carefully. Gallo struck a more submissive position. Rivik stood his ground. There it is again, slithering in the depths of his eyes. What is it that this creature hides?

  Kane turned his attention to Gallo. “You were both sworn to protect me, were you not?”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “And yet at the first sign of trouble, you turn tail and run like cowards.”

  Rivik snarled. A challenge?

  Barrock spun to silence his brethren with a warning look. Kane watched with interest as Rivik refused to meet his gaze. Does he know I suspect?

  “If you’re going to do it, Commander, I suggest you get on with it.”

  “What is that you think I am going to do to you, Rivik?”

  “That’s why you summoned us. To finish what the Master started.”

  “Silence, Rivik,” Gallo snapped.

  Barrock glared at them both. “Forgive him, Commander, it’s been a difficult night for our brethren. Rivik sorely regrets his actions.”

  “Do you indeed?”

  Rivik continued to look away. “Yes, Commander.”

  “We will not fail you again,” Gallo reassured.

  “I expect not or you will suffer the same fate. Now leave me.”

  Barrock gestured for the others to leave. “Yes, Commander.”

  “Not you, Rivik.”

  The Fallen stopped in its tracks and turned to face him. “Is there something you need from me, Commander?”

  “You will remain here. There is something I wish to discuss.”

  Kane smothered the urge to laugh at the look exchanged between all three. “If I were going to kill him, I would have done it by now.”

  Giving his brethren one last glance, Barrock quickly ushered Gallo out of the tent.
  “So, you have no intention of killing me?” Rivik asked once they were alone.

  “No, but torture isn’t out of the realm of possibilities,” Kane smirked.

  “I’d rather you kill me and have done with it. I grow tired of all this.”

  “You are unlike the others, and that intrigues me. I have no intention of killing you. Nor will I torture you. It seems you have done enough of that yourself.”

  “Then what?”

  “A choice and a chance for you to be different, set yourself apart from the others, make yourself indispensable to me.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a choice,” Rivik muttered.

  Kane reached into his pocket. “I gave you form, power in this world. Now I can give you more. In return for your total allegiance to me.”

  “Your mark burns in my hide, you already have my allegiance, whether I like it or not.”

  “Yes, but I don’t have you, do I? I can see it in your eyes. There is something you hold back from me. I want to know what that is.”

  Rivik shifted uncomfortably. “I have no idea what you speak of, Commander. Perhaps you have suffered a blow to the head.”

  Kane studied him closely. “No Fallen would dare speak to me like that, and yet you do, despite my mark.”

  “Forgive me, Commander. It must have been the effects of this night.”

  “I am no fool, I sense there is more to you, and that is the only reason you live.”

  “If there is, Commander, it is not something I am aware of.”

  “Yet you sense a difference, don’t you? Something that sets you slightly apart from the others.”

  Rivik sighed and met his gaze. “What is it that you think you know, Commander?”

  Kane considered the question. What indeed?

  Although the answer still eluded him, Kane knew he was close. Rivik looked all the more uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “Accept my offer and we shall together discover your secret.”

  “And what if that secret is something neither you or I may like? Can you still guarantee my life?”

  “If you accept my offer, your life is guaranteed, of that I can assure you. The power you shall have will be more than that of your brethren. You will be stronger. As to what hides behind your eyes, I sense it will only enhance our purpose. I intend to unlock it, and in return reward you.”

  Kane felt the sweet taste of victory as Rivik met his gaze and slowly nodded his head.

  “I accept your offer, Commander. But do not forget your oath to me.”

  Pulling the brooch free from his pocket, Kane pinned it to Rivik’s chest. “You have my word.”

  The gold melted into Rivik’s skin. Kane’s stomach churned as a foul smell assaulted his nostrils. He placed a hand over his mouth to stifle the rising vomit. Rivik wailed and dropped to the floor, eyes wild and body convulsing. A forked tongue lashed out at Kane and caused him to flinch. The wailing reduced to a hiss. The convulsions finally slowed and stopped.

  At last, there was silence. Unable to tell whether the Fallen was dead or unconscious, Kane shifted closer. Something wriggled free from Rivik’s body. Kane froze, not quite believing what he was seeing. The dark mass climbed on top of the Fallen’s frame. It forced entry to Kane’s mind. “You know what I am?”

  Kane nodded slowly, unable to formulate the words.

  It laughed. “Not quite the transformation you were expecting.”

  “How is it possible?” he asked, regaining some of his composure.

  “Not possible until now.”

  “Will you remain in that form?”

  “No, like the Fallen, I need a body to inhabit, to enable my survival in this world.”

  “Are you Rivik?”

  “I am Rivik.”

  “You recall that you gave your allegiance to me?”

  “You have released me, Commander. My allegiance is yours without question. My reward, however, I will decide. You will repay me for my services when the time comes.”

  “What is it that you desire?”


  “On who?”

  “A conversation for another time. The others have sensed something is wrong.” The dark mass dissipated into Rivik’s body.

  “Commander, is everything alright?” Barrock called from outside the tent.

  Rising from the floor, Rivik quietly took his place at Kane’s side. Sensing that Barrock required proof, Kane signalled for him to enter. “An understanding reached as you can see,” he replied, gesturing to Rivik standing close.

  “Forgive me, Commander. We cannot lose any more of our brethren. Our numbers have dwindled, and the others grow restless.”

  Rivik growled. “I have accepted my fate, Barrock. There shall be no further challenge.”

  Kane sensed Barrock’s suspicion, the Fallen scenting the air. “Something smells strange.”

  “Remnants of my power, a punishment for Rivik’s disobedience.”

  “And what of Gallo? He ran too. You cannot blame Rivik in isolation?”

  “You will find as we speak the mark removed from Gallo’s hide. He is demoted and will receive no extra favours from you or I. Rivik, however, will retain his position having proved himself, this night, to me.”

  “Very well, Commander. Will you take another of my brethren to join Rivik?”

  “I have neither time nor patience to replace Gallo. Rivik will stand alone and serve me or else face the consequences.”

  The two Fallen were silent for a moment, each studying the other. “Do you accept your fate, brother?” Barrock asked.

  “I do, and there is no need to fear, I shall not be the one to fail again,” Rivik hissed.

  Barrock nodded slowly. “Then so be it, brother. You alone will now bear the responsibility. There is nowhere for you to hide.”

  Kane smiled. “Indeed.”

  “What are your orders, Commander?”

  “Take me back to the place the darkness is at its strongest, where there is no resistance to greed and temptation. Such a place will have a clear energy signature, one that we can easily track. Remember the girl we found in the town? Her scent as she willingly gave in to her desires before you tasted her flesh? I want more like her, Barrock. Find and take me to them.”

  Barrock lowered in front of him.

  Rivik nodded his agreement. “I shall follow, Commander.”

  Kane’s mouth curved into a smile. “Lead the way and find what I desire.”

  They exited the tent, heading in the direction of the town, Rivik following close behind. Kane’s mind raced with the possibilities of the Fallen’s true nature as they moved from street to street, keeping hidden amongst the shadows. A night of revelations and one of possibilities.

  Barrock paused occasionally to scent the air, his excitement palpable. The two Fallen broke into a run, stopping outside of a drinking tavern.

  Kane dismounted. “Do not reveal yourselves.”

  “Yes, Commander.” Barrock slunk back into the shadows.

  “Summon us if you have a need,” Rivik replied.

  Kane nodded and entered the tavern. A brief silence greeted him. He stared around the occupants of the dimly lit room and smiled once he found the one he had been seeking, the drone of conversation resuming as he strode to the mahogany counter and waited. He sensed at least a dozen pairs of eyes boring into his back and turned his head, his gaze meeting the sultry glance of the brunette sitting in the centre of the room, the man who accompanied her oblivious to the lack of interest in his conversation. Kane’s eyes flicked appreciatively across the swell of her breasts, and he smiled. She averted her gaze and brought her attention back to her companion. Kane drummed his fingers on the mahogany counter and waited.

  “What can I get you?” A dishevelled-looking male approached, lifting a rag from his shoulders to wipe a glass.

  Kane gestured to the couple in the corner. “What is the lady drinking?” he asked.

  The tavern keeper followed his gaze and smirked.
“Vodka and coke.”

  “I shall have the same, and another for the lady.”

  “Listen, mate, I’m happy to take your money from you, but a friendly word of warning seeing as you’re new here and I don’t like blood in my carpet. Stay clear of that one, she’s Ronan’s skirt.”

  “Is that Ronan?” Kane asked, studying the man in the corner.

  “No, that’s Jimmy, Nicki’s brother. But I wouldn’t be messing with him either.”

  “And why is that?”

  “He works for Ronan and he’s just been released from prison for GBH.”

  Kane frowned. “What is this GBH?”

  “Grievous Bodily Harm. Got a nasty temper on him that one. The last idiot to start a fight with him is in a wheelchair. He’s lucky it wasn’t a body bag.” The tavern keeper turned away to pour the drinks.

  Kane studied the couple and smiled to himself as the man stood up and walked quickly past him, disappearing through another door.

  He shifted his attention to the brunette. She met his eyes and ran a hand seductively through her hair before picking up her glass and taking a long drink.

  Kane whispered an incantation and pulled a crisp note from his trouser pocket. “Thanks for the warning, you can keep the change,” he instructed, collecting the two glasses. He sauntered to the table and placed a drink in front of her.

  “Why, thank you, sugar, but you really shouldn’t have.”

  Kane stroked a finger down her cheek and brushed her lips gently. “I think I should.” He lowered himself into the man’s seat and took a sip of the liquid. It had a strange taste yet was not completely unpleasant to the palate.

  “I haven’t seen you before, do you live locally?” she asked.

  “No, I’m just looking for someone.”

  “Who are you looking for, sugar?”

  Kane gave a slow smile. “You.”

  She laughed and leaned forward, her ample cleavage exposed further as she studied him with interest. “Why me, sugar?”

  “I like what I see.”

  “Really? Well I…” Her gaze slid past him. “Shit,” she muttered.


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