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Forced To Kill The Prince

Page 42

by Hollie Hutchins

  Do what you love and the money will follow, I guess.

  And all I have ever really wanted was a family. It took so much to see that I had what I was looking for, all along.

  Looking at the ring my Silly Tom-Cat bought for me, just brought it home.

  That’s what we have made together, a home.

  "Are you coming, Babe?" He shouted, smirking at me from the car. Idiot. We got a shiny new Corvette and he painted it a ghastly color and installed his dumb seat covers. Some things never change.

  “Hold your horses, ya idjit!” I shouted at him as I followed him to the car.

  Ah, now isn’t this absolutely perfect?

  Promised To The Devil King

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Alien Abduction Romance

  Lori had a lot of heartache in her life. Her father died when she was a teenager, and her family ostracized her when she needed them most. Her dreams of going to school and seeing the stars never came to fruition after her father’s death. Lori had to take a job in a call center to make ends meet. But her father had bigger plans for her, even if she wasn’t ready for them.

  Damon is the ruler of the Avon race. His planet was destroyed by the Malice, another alien race that wants to dominate the universe by any means necessary.

  Posing as a human, he meets Lori on an online dating site and has an amazing night with her. When they are attacked by members of the Malice race, he teleports them back to his commanding ship, in hopes of winning her heart. He reveals a secret about her existence, which scares her to her very core. Does she believe him enough to give him all of her trust? Or will she defy him until the end? Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get everything you have ever wanted.

  * * *

  Chapter One

  I slide my fingers through my hair and stare blankly at the floor. Mounds of tears well up in my eyes, fighting my emotions, I stand up and start pacing around the room. This is all too overwhelming for me, and before I know it, tears are running down my cheeks, down my face. He’s all that I have and I have no idea what I am going to do without him. I’m not prepared to lose him. I think to myself. I’m not prepared for this. I don’t think anyone is ever prepared for this.

  “Lori.” My father yells from the other room. Gaining my composure, I wipe my face with my hands, take a deep breath and make my way into his room. The air is stifling inside. The very lack of it makes me feel anxious and short of breath. All the windows are closed and the lack of circulation makes the air as thick as a summer day in Georgia. My father is lying on his bed, propped up on a dozen or so pillows, arms crossed like a vampire sleeping in his coffin, which gave the room a dark and dreary feeling. Shaking off the shivers that ran down my spine, I wipe my hands on my pants and pull up a chair next to his bed. Taking my hand in his, he turns towards me and smiles.

  “Hey.” I say as a sob catches in my throat. Sensing my pain, he rubs his hand on my face, wiping the single tear that breaks past my wall of determination. “How are you doing?” I ask.

  “Lori, I have something that I need to tell you.” he says ignoring the question I had just asked him. I don’t have very much time, and you need to know these things before I go.” he says with assurance. I’m stunned by his strong acceptance of his death, and try to keep myself together. I know it’s important to listen to what he has to say because this is the last time I’m going to hear his voice, and I need to save it in my memory.

  “What is it Dad? You can tell me anything.” I say pulling his hand a little closer to me. He sputters liquid as he opens his mouth to continue, which sets him into a five minute coughing fit. I hand him a glass of water to calm him down, and he relaxes for a few moments. After his breathing settles down, he starts speaking again.

  “This is important, so I need you to listen, okay?” I nod my head in agreement, leaning closer on the bed trying to show him that he has my full attention.” When I was a young man, I came across a group of beings in the forest one day. I knew right away that they weren’t human. I approached them slowly, and found that they were very friendly. After speaking to one of the leaders, I found out that they called themselves Gray Hominoids and that they came from the planet Orion. Don’t you remember me telling you that aliens are real? This is my true life experience Lori. I know what I’m talking about.” Another coughing fit takes him before he can continue, and this gives me a chance to actually grasp what he is trying to tell me. I can’t believe that he would spend his last moments talking to me about aliens, especially when there are more important things that he should be discussing. But it figures that he would want to spend his last moments talking to me about his life’s work. It’s so infuriating. He must be delusional. That is the only conclusion I can come to grips with. I mean, we all know that aliens do not exist. I don’t want to upset him, so I’m just going to let him continue until he’s done. There must be something he wants me to hear; otherwise he wouldn’t be talking about it.

  “I’m telling you that you will finally get to see the stars. These men came here for a reason, a reason that I am not at liberty to tell you. However, when they come back, which they will, they will be coming back for you and then you can see the universe, sweetheart. And, it is more glorious than you have ever dreamed of. When I spoke to them, they told me that the universe is beautiful, and so is their planet. .I was so mesmerized by his description that I was kind of sad I wasn’t going to be able to see any of this for myself.”

  “Dad, what do you mean that I’m going to be able to see the stars? What are you talking about?” I interrupted him before he could continue. I was starting to get frustrated, and wanted him to get to the point. What did all of this really mean? My father sat up as best he could in bed, and sighed.

  “I wish I could explain this better, but it’s not my place to tell you. They asked me to keep it a secret, and they would tell you when it’s right I have already said too much. All, I know is that you are the chosen one my dear, and that puts my heart at ease.” he said while trying to catch his breath. I helped him get more comfortable and he mustered an I love you before his head rolled on the pillow for the last time. For the next couple of moments, I held his hand, hoping and praying that I would hear him inhale another breath, but I didn’t. Burying my head in his shoulder, I sobbed uncontrollably, as I tried to understand what he meant about me being chosen. I had no idea why he waited until the last minute to tell me these things. It didn’t bring me a sense of purpose at all, just made me feel more lost and alone than ever.

  Chapter Two

  Drumming my fingers on my desk, I stare at my phone intently, praying that I can use mind power to make it ring. Anything to get rid of my boredom and make the last five minutes of my shift go by quicker. I have been working at this dead end job for over 5 years now, and I can’t stand it. But, it pays the bills. Don’t get me wrong, Step up Your Software is a great company to work for. It’s just sitting in front of a computer all day, taking orders, is not that entertaining. I just expected more out of my life that staring at the three walls of my cubicle every day. Life was more exciting when I was younger. Maybe it was because I was more hopeful. I was a dreamer back then. My father was an astrophysicist and we would have long talks about seeing the stars one day. I had always hoped that would be in the back of a spaceship. Yet, my dreams never came to light. Life wasn’t easy after my father’s death. Instead of going to foster care, I became emancipated, and all the money my father left me went to paying off his funeral and the rest of his debts. By the time everything was paid, there was nothing left and I had to get a job. My dreams of going to school and seeing the stars up close had to be pushed towards the back of my mind

  The minutes tick by as if they are going in slow motion. It has been the same time every time I glance at the clock. My cell phone beeps and I sigh with relief.

  “Hi beautiful! How is your day going?” I smile as I read the text from Damon. He always knows how to brighten up my day. I just wish he would finally
agree to go out with me. Damon and I found each other on a dating website, and we have been talking for months. However, every time I bring up getting together, he always finds a way to avoid the question. It is really infuriating and makes me feel unwanted, but then he sends me text like this. I know that I shouldn’t be thinking that way; after all he continues to talk to me and check on me throughout the day. There are times that I don’t feel good enough for Damon, and maybe he feels the same way. It could be the reason why he hasn’t agreed to meet with me. It is easier to text someone throughout the day without having to invest all of his time with me. I often wonder if he is talking to other girls, after all he is pretty hot. I think I feel in lust with him the first time I saw his picture. He has the most angelic like blond curls that stop at his ears and center around his face, casting some sort of glow to his features. The first picture I saw of him, he was shirtless and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. His chest look like it had been chiseled from actual stone. That was how perfect it was. The two features that caught my attention were his eyes and his smile. His smile could light up any room. It was so bright and alluring. But, his eyes! Do not get me started on his eyes. I could see the galaxies in his eyes. They were the deepest blue that I had ever seen and they had this magnetic power where I could just stare at them all day long; and this is just looking at his picture. I have no idea what effect he will have on me if we ever do meet.

  “It’s ok. Just wanting it to go by faster and praying my phone doesn’t ring at the last second and I have to stay longer.”

  “What are you going to do tonight when you get off?” I stop and gasp when I read the text message. This is something Damon has never asked me before. I usually have to pull teeth to get him to talk about his day, and he almost never asks about mine.

  :”I don’t know. I don’t really have any plans. I was thinking about going home and making some dinner and sitting outside on my patio watching the full moon. It supposed to be really beautiful tonight. I think the weathercaster said it’s going to be a Harvest Moon. What are you doing tonight?”

  “Nothing really. I’m actually free tonight and was thinking about making plans.”

  “Do you want to meet up?” I sent the text and wait anxiously for his response. It feels like ages before my phone dings again Apprehensively, I read the message on my screen.

  “That sounds fantastic. How about we meet at this one spot outside of the city? It’s right off of the main freeway, and that way we can have time to ourselves and not have to bother dealing with other people. I just want you all to myself today. What do you think? Does 6:30 sound good?” I stare at my phone and can’t believe this is happening. Damon actually agreed to meet with me tonight! I need to go home and find something to wear.

  “That sounds perfect. That gives me just enough time to run home, freshen up and find my way to you. Would you like me to bring anything?”

  “Just your lovely self. I’ll see you at 6:30.” I smile as I clock out on my computer and walk out of the office for the day. It seems that my life has gotten just a little bit more exciting. At least if things don’t go the way I want them to, I will have someone to watch the Harvest Moon with.

  Chapter Three

  I fumble with my keys trying to open the front door. I have to push it open with all my might since it starts to stick during the summer months because of the heat. Frustrated, I finally walk in my studio apartment and groan. The place is not only dirty, but it’s also very simple. I keep telling myself that I need to decorate. What’s the point when you are hoping to move to a better place where you can afford more luxury? I should really clean up, but there isn’t time. I walk over to my little closet and comb through my clothes. I decide on a nice pair of dark blue jeans that are snug around my thighs and butt, which I am told are my best features. I chose a slinky black tank top that is cut low in the back, and will match it with some black boots. Jumping in the shower, I rinse off all of the stress from the day. The warm water feels good running down my back. I lean my head in, close my eyes, and start to sing the last song I heard on the radio. My spirits lifted, and my body clean, I wrap my head in a towel and walk into the bedroom. My house phone rings, as I get dressed, and I let it go to voicemail.

  “Hi, Lori. It’s Missy. I haven’t heard from you in a while, and wanted to make sure you were okay. I guess give me a call whenever you can. Love ya!” Missy is one of my family members who tried to stay in contact after my father died. It was really hard to be around people who always looked at you as a sympathy case, especially when they hardly spoke to you during family events growing up. My father was a bit eccentric for his family, and they always treated us like the black sheep, which was fine with me because I felt like they were too snobbish anyway. Putting the annoying phone call in the back of my mind, I finished getting dressed and made my way to the vanity to work my magic. After what seemed like forever, I was finally satisfied with the way I looked. I had put my hair up in a seductive up do, painted my lips a rosy pink color that matched my cheeks and headed out to my car.

  Damon had sent me directions while I was in the shower. I connected my phone to the car and let the navigation tell me where to go. Heading onto the main highway, I relaxed as I let the car get to about 70 and turned on the radio to distract me from the nervousness that would soon start to take over me the moment I got closer to the meeting spot. Before I knew it, I was about 10 minutes out, and my stomach started turning. I prayed that I didn’t have to pull over and get sick right before my date. How humiliating would that be? I remembered that I had some gum in my purse, and fished around until I found it. Popping it into my mouth, the mint immediately started to calm down my stomach, just as soon as my GPS told me to turn left. All that was on my left was a great big field. I noticed a small solitary car parked next to the field and parked right behind it. Turning off the car, I grabbed my purse and apprehensively got out of the car. Locking my door, I looked around, trying to spot Damon’s location.

  “You found it.” Damon says walking up to me. I smile shyly.

  “The directions you gave me were easy to follow.”

  “I told you that they would be.” He said swaying back and forth. Looking around, I notice that this field is completely empty of any trees, benches, and other foliage. What were we doing out here?

  “Why did you bring me out here in the middle of nowhere? You aren’t going to kidnap me are you?” I laugh nervously

  “Come on. I’ll show you.” He says as he grabs my hand and leads me towards the middle of the field. As we get closer, I notice a big blanket laid out on the ground, a picnic basket and a bottle of wine. I blush realizing that he wanted to do something romantic for me. “I remember you telling me that tonight was supposed to be the Harvest Moon. I thought that this would be the best spot to watch the moon, and even glimpse some of the stars. It’s supposed to be very clear tonight. We might be able to see all the way to Orion’s belt.” He said helping me sit down on the blanket. Crossing my legs, I got comfortable while he poured me a glass of wine. I take it from him graciously and take a sip to relax my nerves.

  “How did you find this place?” I ask. I’m still in shock that he went through all this trouble just to show me the stars. No man has ever been this diligent with me before. I was a little surprised, and actually flattered.

  “I used to come out here a lot to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. It is a great place to sit and just clear your head. Look.” He said pointing towards the sky. “Isn’t it beautiful?” It was really close to sunset and the stars were starting to glow behind the sun as it descended. I was amazed at the array of colors in front of me and noticed Damon watching me intently.

  “What?” I ask him feeling a little self-conscious.

  “Nothing.” He said with a grin. “You just looked so beautiful looking at the moon. You almost look like you have fallen in love.”

  “I have. This was my father and my favorite part of the night. We would sit outside and
he would tell me stories about all of the stars, stories that each culture had come up with to give meaning to each thing in the sky.”

  “That sounds fascinating” He said moving closer to me. “Do you think that there is life beyond those stars?” He asked me. I sat there and thought about my answer. I really didn’t know what was out there. My father was a huge believer in extra- terrestrial life, but I didn’t know how I felt.

  “Honestly, I have no idea” I told him. “My father was a huge believer in life outside of earth. He was an astrophysicist, and had dreams of me out in space one day.” I said looking down at my hands. “I think that if there is life outside of earth that it must be miraculous, and it could never compare to anything that I have ever dreamed of.” Damon smiled as I said that. I gulped as he leaned in closer to me. The tips of his lips brushed mine, and my heart fluttered. I kissed him back lightly. When he broke away, he had a huge smile on his face.

  “Lori, I would show you the star if I could.”

  Chapter Four

  Damon follows me back to my place to make sure I made it home safe. When I get back inside my car, I laugh with glee. This date had gone better than I could have ever imagined. He brought me to this field to watch the stars with me. Who does that? Especially on the first date? And, then he asks to follow me home to make sure I’m okay. Damon is my dream man, and nothing could make me change my mind about that. Things just have to continue getting better from here. I drive to my apartment, playing my favorite playlist and just enjoying the events that took place. I pull up in my parking space and Damon parks in one of the uncovered spaces. He gets out of his car, and walks up to mine before I have a chance to get out. Opening up my door, he takes my hand and helps me out. I close the door and lock it, but I can’t move. My back is up against my car door and he is staring at me so intently that all I can do is force down the lump that has lodged itself inside my throat. Moving closer, he wraps his hand around my waist and kisses me passionately.


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