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Forced To Kill The Prince

Page 83

by Hollie Hutchins

  “Who do you feel is better than who the king has picked for you?” The woman asked me.

  “The king himself!” I exclaimed. “

  “The king?” Skelton screams.

  “Yes, the king. As the leader of this civilization, he has a responsibility to the people. This is a sacrifice he needs to make for his people. To show how much he cares about the wellbeing and furtherance of the population.” Braun threw his head back and laughed.

  “The king already has a Queen.” he shouted over all the commotion in the room. I was stunned. The whole time I’ve been here no one has mentioned the queen at all, and now when I make my bold move, they announce that he is married to another. This doesn’t change how I feel though.

  “Well, that might be the case, but he still needs to make a sacrifice for his people since this is something is so important to him, so important that he sent The Grays to go and find someone in the galaxy who is worthy of this task. Shouldn’t this new beings come from the very loins of the king? If I was you, I wouldn’t expect anything less. This is not my only request though. Back on earth, I was a genetic engineer and I would like to continue my research. So, I request that I be given an office in the palace with a library, and have the best academics in the kingdom sent to me “The woman was glaring at me and without saying a word, she sat down in the smaller throne next to King Leo. And, I realized at that moment that she was the queen.

  “You’re not actually listening to this are you?” Skelton bellowed. “She has to pick one of us. This was the deal. She can’t change it. She doesn’t have that type of authority.”

  “Calm down.” King Leo yelled. The whole room became silent. “Sandy, let me introduce you to my queen. Queen Alisha this is Sandy, the woman has been sent here to help us.” The woman glared at me, but nodded her head in welcome. “Sandy has had a very long journey and she must be very tired. Why don’t we show her to her room to rest? We can figure this all out tomorrow.” King Leo said. The woman who had led me to the palace earlier that day, took my hand and helped me towards my room where I would wait for King Leo to come to me.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you crazy?” The woman asked me as soon as we walked out of the throne room.

  “Excuse me?” I was stunned at the woman’s abruptness. She hadn’t addressed me since we met a few hours ago.

  “You shouldn’t have done what you did. Queen Alisha is a very vindictive woman, and now I fear for your safety.” The woman indicated to me.

  “I thank you for your concern, but I will be fine. I know what I’m doing.” I said to her. I really didn’t know what I was doing, but I wasn’t going to explain myself to someone I didn’t know if I could trust.

  “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. This is your room.” she stopped at a door, pushed a button and slid it open. I wouldn’t have been able to tell it was there if I hadn’t of seen it for myself. “If you need anything ask for Mindy.” she said and rushed down the hall. She was probably trying to get away from me. I couldn’t blame her. What I had done was really out of character for anyone, and I was hoping that it went over well with the king. I walked in the room and the door closed behind me. I jumped in shock. I was going to have to get used to that. The room resembled the one I was staying in on the ship. It was very bland. There were no decorations on the walls or any color in the room for that matter. It was literally just black and white. I walked over to the bed and noticed a pair of clothes had been laid out for me. I realized that I was still wearing the same clothes since last night. I should change, but I wanted to have a shower first.

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I moved up and down to test out the firmness of the mattress. It felt feather soft, and I could already feel my eyes start to droop. Taking off my shoes, I set them on the side of the bed, drew down the fluffy cover and crawled underneath it. I was woken up by a noise outside my door –around what I thought was three in the morning. I didn’t know how time worked here. The door to my room opened with a whoosh and the king walked in. Startled, I jumped up in bed and hit my head against the wall.

  “Ouch!” The king sits down on the bed beside me, puts his hand behind my head and starts to massage it. He gulps, but doesn’t utter one word. The air in the room becomes heavy, as if it was feeling the tension between us. The King leans in closer, and puts his mouth on top of mine. I open my eyes in amazement, and start to close them as his kisses become more passionate. He starts pushing his body more on top of me. Is this really happening? I ask myself. Did my plan really work? He must have really listened to what I had to say. OMG! I can’t let him seduce me with what I’m wearing. I must look a fright, with these disheveled clothes on. I slide out from underneath the king. I can see the rejected look in his face, but he still hasn’t uttered a sound. The heat in the room is excruciating, as I start aching for his mouth on the rest of my body, for his touch. I let my hair fall down to my sides and start swaying my hips in a seductive motion. I want him to know that I want this as much as he does. He gets comfortable on the bed, giving me all of his attention, and waiting for my show.


  “The King is not in his room, Your Highness.” the guard tells me.

  “Where would he be at this time of night?” I ask in protest. I have a really good feeling of where he is, and it infuriates me. If he exercised her proposal, he is going to have hell to pay. He knows what I think about other women in his bed, and he has never once gone against my wishes. But, I saw how he looked at her when she said she wanted only him as his mate, and since I haven’t been able to give him any children, he might start to wonder if it was me that was infertile, and not him. Turning around in fury, I storm down the halls towards Sandy’s room. I don’t know what I would do if I did catch him in there, but I do need to find out. There is no guard standing watch outside her room. Yet, I hear noises coming from within.

  “Did Mindy take Sandy to her room?” I ask a servant walking by.

  “Yes, Your Highness.” The servant says in earnest. “She is in her office; would you like me to get her for you?” I think about it for a moment. Mindy is the head of our security detail, and she has access to all of the security footage for all of the rooms in the palace, save for the king’s and mine. I would be able to see if my husband was actually inside Sandy’s room, and what he is doing in there.

  “No. I will go to her find her.” I wave the servant off and prepare to send Sandy out on an errand while I figure out what my husband is up to.


  I unbutton my blouse from the top, slowly, seductively humming a tune to keep the king’s attention. A wide grin is plastered on his face, as he sits up in anticipation. I rub my hands through my tussled hair, slowly grinding against the bed, as I slowly inch my blouse off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. My hands move down my sides and stop at the button on my pants. I slowly unbutton them and let them fall gingerly to the floor. The King gulps as he is staring at scantly naked body. The only things covering me at the moment are my black lace bra and panties. I place my knee on the edge of the bed and crawl towards him, like a cat. I put my hand on his chest, push him down on the bed, and straddle him. He moans as I push my mouth on top of his, grabbing his head and pushing him closer to me. My tongue opens his mouth and I move it around wildly, wanting to feel him, taste him. I can feel the passion between us rising, and I move my hand down his chest and onto his groin.

  The king must realize what I was starting to do, and he pulled away from me. He slowly started kissing down my neck and my shoulders, inching my bra strap down, unbuttoning the back, he let my breasts fall out. Picking one up with his hand, he positioned his mouth on top of my nipple, circling his tongue around; I felt the wetness and his breath, as they sent goosebumps down my spine. I groaned as his teeth gently nibbled on my areola. A shoot of liquid appeared on my panties, and he must have felt it because he smiled. Grabbing me by the hips, he flipped us over to where he was on top of me. Keeping my breast firmly in his mo
uth, his hand grazed down my leg, until he reached my inner thigh. Parting my legs open, he slipped his finger inside my panties and felt how ready I was for him. Laying his head on my chest, he listened to me moan as he plunged his finger deep inside me at a steady rhythm. Just when I thought I was going to climax, he pulled his finger out, and slid off my panties. At this moment, I knew I wanted to ride him that I wanted to be in control. I slid out from underneath him again, and straddled him, this time easing him inside of me. We both gasped as he entered me, the sensation was so great that my hips started to move impulsively.

  I could tell that Leo didn’t like me being in control, and flips me over so he is on top of me, pushing at a speed I have never felt before. We keep at this power game, until I feel my orgasm rising. I straddle him once more, and move my hips along with his steady rhythm. My cries keep building and building, until we scream out in unison, exhausted at our game, but deeply satisfied.

  Chapter Six

  I wake up to a knock on my door, and alone. Naked, I jump out of bed and throw on the clothes that were set aside for me the day before. After we had made love, lying in each other’s arms, Leo answered some questions I had, and one of them was how to work the door. Pushing the button on the wall, the door slid open, and in walked Skelton with a tray of food.

  “Can I help you?” I asked exasperated. This man had woken me up from a good night’s rest, something I didn’t get to have very often. Setting the tray down on the bed, Skelton adjusted himself next to it.

  “I brought you some breakfast. You must be really hungry after your journey.” he said with a smile. I faked a smile back, but he was right. I was really hungry. The food on the plate looked edible, and I helped myself to some of it while I waited for him to continue. I mumbled a thank you as I waited. Seeing that I was eating, Skelton got up and moved closer to me. He put his hand on my leg and started to rub it. Instinctively, I smacked it away.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I screamed. The tray of food crashed to the floor as I scrambled to get away from him.

  “Why don’t you want to mate with me?” he yelled back. “Any woman on this planet would be grateful to have me, but you don’t want me.”

  “So, why don’t you go and have sex with one of them?” I asked. His very presence in my room was starting to infuriate me, and I needed to get out of there.

  “Because I’m too good for them!” he yelled. “Do you know how people would treat me after we got married? How they would treat me after we helped repopulate our civilization? They would treat me like a hero, and you’re taking that away from me.”

  “Well, get over it because it’s not going to happen.” I tell him. “I wasn’t brought here to help you build your reputation.”

  “You were brought here to breed.”

  “Get out!” I yelled loud enough for the whole palace to hear. Skelton glares at me and storms out of my room. Good riddance! What would make him think I would pick him anyway? I said to myself as I lie back down and enjoy the rest of my morning in peace.


  “Your Majesty.” Skelton announces as he storms into my chambers, and disturbing my solitude. I was fuming over the events of the previous night, and I hadn’t slept a wink. So, I was in a pretty foul mood.

  “What do you want Skelton? I am in no mood for your antics right now.” I tell him. I watch him from my chair as he paces the room back and forth. His animation always amuses me.

  “We can’t let the king do this. He promised that she would pick me or Braun. I would have been happier if she chose him over me – like that would really happen. But, now she has gone and made an ultimatum with the king, and he’s entertaining it. It’s unfair and you know it.” I listen to what he says, and it’s true. It’s very unfair how the king made a promise to these two men and then broke it. The images of last night keep going around and around in my mind.

  After I left the hallway, I had found Mindy in her office, surrounded by paperwork. She stood when I came in, shocked at my arrival. I needed to get her out of her office, so I could spy on Sandy without her knowing. I didn’t want any of this to get back to the king. I told her that the king wanted some of his favorite snacks, and they were out of them in the kitchen. She offered to go, which left me alone in her office. It took me a few moments to find the switch that turned on the hidden cameras. The switch was underneath her desk, a clever place for it. I turned it on, and the wall in front of me turned, allowing me to see everything that was going on in the palace. I quickly closed and locked the door behind me, and found the camera that was positioned in Sandy’s room. What I saw was appalling. My husband was having sex with her, and enjoying it. I know I should have turned away, but something in it aroused me, and that’s what made me the maddest. My husband had never looked at me that way.

  “You’re right. It isn’t fair! The King should keep his promises to his people, and he shouldn’t be going around sleeping with every woman in the kingdom that is attracted to him. What if we do something to change how he feels about her?”

  “I know just the thing. I have been thinking about it since I left her room this morning.” Skelton said in earnest. “I sit up in my chair, anxious for any idea that would change our current situation. “What if we kidnap her?”

  “Go on.”

  “I was thinking about taking her to my dungeon and having my way with her. I know that sleeping with her wouldn’t be enough to make her mine, or to make the king change his mind. But, inseminating her will. I will make sure that I get her pregnant, and then the king will be forced to let me have her.” He said with a chuckle.

  “Fantastic!” I slammed my hand down on the table in front of me. “But, I do have one little demand.”

  “What is it? Anything for you, Your Highness.”

  “I want to witness it as it happens.” I say with a smile. Not only does it arouse me even more than last night, but I need to be there to witness her conception. I need to make sure that my husband stays mine, and only mine.

  Chapter Seven

  Mindy had finally come to check on me later on in the morning. She had seen the breakfast tray scattered on the floor, but didn’t make any comment. She had just picked it up and set down another tray for lunch. While I was eating, she laid down a couple of towels, and drew a bath. I could smell the steam rising up, as well as the rose oil she used to accentuate the water. No one had ever drawn a bath for me before, and I was feeling kind of good at that moment. Stepping into the bathroom, I removed my clothes, and let myself soak in the tub.

  “I’ll be right back.” Mindy said leaving me alone with my thoughts. I really hadn’t given myself time to really think about what has happened to me lately, or access my surroundings. Come to think about it, I really haven’t left my room since I got here. I think I’m going to take a walk today and learn more about this beautiful place that is now my home. I feel myself drifting off to sleep, but a loud noise outside my door snaps me back to attention. I carefully get out of the bathtub and throw on the bathroom Mindy had laid out for me. Cautiously, I peek my head around the corner to see who is in my room. I wish there was something I could use for a weapon, but there isn’t even a lamp in the room, and my shoes are all the way on the other side. Before I have time to think, two burly men with masks, grab me and tape my mouth shut. One of them throws me over his shoulder and runs out of the room. It is like deja vu all over again.

  I fight the urge to pass out because I need to know where they are taking me. This is the only way I can plan an escape, especially in a place I have never been before. The two men must have planned their escape route well because I do not see anyone at all. They take me outside the palace, in front of the glass towers. There is a staircase leading down to the cellar and this is where they leave me, chained up to a bed nonetheless. I try to fight my way out, but it is useless. The chains are strong, and I don’t have the strength to break them with my hands.

  “You might as well get relaxed because you aren’t
going anywhere for a while.” Queen Alisha says to me. She saunters towards me, dressed in what seems to be a black leotard. It hugs every curve of her body. Her black, bushy hair is pulled up in a bun, and she seems to be carrying a type of whip. Is she going to torture me? “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.” she whispers to me, as her lips graze mine. I try to comment, but my mouth is still covered in tape. But, that doesn’t stop me from trying. “She smiles as her eyes follow the length of my body and stops at the strap on my bathrobe. “It seems we grabbed you at the proper time. We wouldn’t want to damage those precious clothes of yours.” she said yanking my bathrobe open, exposing me to the room and the cold air. My nipples hardened immediately in response to the freezing temperatures in the room. “Let me help you warm up.” The Queen says as she licks my nipple with her tongue. She caresses the right nipple with her fingertips, as she envelopes the whole of my left areola with her mouth. I squirm in protest, but it just makes her such harder.

  “Is she ready for me yet?” Skelton asks striding in the room buck naked. My eyes open wide in astonishment taking in the girth and length of his manhood. I am suddenly very aroused, and my mind automatically turns to the king. He is the only person that I want to satisfy the hunger inside of me, but I don’t have any choice in the matter. It seems like Skelton is going to have his way with me chained to the bed. The Queen moves away from us and sits over in the chair, observing the show before her. Skelton eyes me lying there, fully exposed and he stiffens. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes beautiful and ready for me.” Skelton’s body towers over me, and I can’t even tough him. He roughly grabs my breast in his hands as he plants a sloppy kiss on my mouth. Tearing the tape off with his teeth, he forces his tongue inside my mouth, at the same time he parts my legs open with his hands. He maneuvers his right hand and pulls my butt off the bed, tossing my legs over my chest and thrusts his manhood inside of me. I gasp as all of him enters me at once. The Queen continues watching from the other side of the room as Skelton thrusts deep and hard inside of me. His kisses, as well as his body, pins me to the bed, as he thrusts faster and faster inside of me. His body jerks as I feel him orgasm inside me. He falls on top of me, panting, as I feel his sticky seed all around my legs.


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