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Magic Born

Page 4

by Rayanne Haines

  Neeren walked to his mom and touched his forehead to hers. It always amazed Alex at how easily he could calm her.

  “This is our home, Mother. I thought for a time it could be Alex's as well. But it isn't. Her place is where she began with her dragon.” He lifted his face and smiled at Alex. “I promise there will always be a place for you here, if you want or need it.”

  Alex smiled. “I thought you'd freak out. You always talked about how it was our destiny to rule together.”

  “It is our destiny to rule together. I understand you might not do so entirely from here.” He smiled a secretive smile. “I am also interested in seeing what the outside world can offer me.”

  Alex eyed him suspiciously. “You're fidgeting. You never fidget. You're a statue. What's going on?”

  Her mom chimed in. “For heaven’s sake. He's thinking about all the women he can meet out there.” She wandered out of the room mumbling under her breath. “This is all Quinn's fault.”

  Alex slapped her brothers shoulder. “Are you planning on bedding the rest of the population now that you've made your way through the Parthen?”

  He rubbed his left shoulder and raised a single brow. “Watch it, little sister. You're tougher than you look.”

  “Very funny. When did you start using sarcasm?”

  “I'm taking cues from you and other visitors.”

  “This is about Mar, isn't it? You want to visit her, and you think letting me go will pave the way for you to do so.”

  “I am”—he shrugged—“undecided about the witch.”

  “She thinks you’re too intense. You need to back off.”

  “Like your dragon has? You asked him to do so and now you haven't heard from him. Has this helped his case?”

  Flames crawled up her neck. Her lips flattened into a straight line before she answered, “What goes on between Collum and I is none of your business.”

  “Maybe what goes on between the little witch and I is none of yours.”

  “See how little you know about women.” She poked her finger into his chest. “I'm her best friend. Everything about her is my business.”

  Alex stood on her tiptoes and looked him right in the eyes. “Please tell me you didn't do anything creepy and stupid.”

  “I do not do creepy and stupid things.”

  “Riiiight, you keep telling yourself that.” She pushed her tangled hair off her face. “God, now I'm going to have to call and apologize for my brother.” She gasped. “Did you get handsy? Don't tell me you got handsy.”

  “I did not get handsy.” He cleared his throat. Shoved his hands in his pockets. “What do you mean by handsy?”

  Alex threw her hands in the air and spun away. “Crap. You did. For a guy who’s supposed to be legendary with ladies, you are so dense. You better not have put a strain on my friendship or you're in a lot of shit, brother.”

  He righted himself and raised his brow again. Using her birth name, he replied, “Alexedria, you worry for no reason.”

  Before she could comment, her mother and Quinn rushed back into the room looking satisfied.

  “Guess what,” Quinn squealed. “Your mom is coming for Christmas.”

  Chapter 7

  Mar stepped off the boat onto the bustling dock, becoming instantly enveloped in the big sights and sounds of the Greek people. Loud men laughing with other loud men. Beautiful women smoking cigarettes on the corner. Teenagers squealing with flirtatious delight. The scent of bitter coffee hung thick in the air. Coffee capable of holding up your spoon and coating your gut.

  Broken marble pillars lay haphazardly strewn around the dock. Thrown on a whim by Gods with no further use for them. Their ancient energy vibrating within everyone who spoke. These were a people of history. Of legend.

  Collum waited with hands folded across his chest. Legs apart. Every bit the legend Greek people whispered about in the dark. Mar waved. Smiled. She'd never had a big brother. It was almost eerie how quickly Collum fit the bill.

  “Hey, Puff. Howz you?” Mar yelled across the dock.

  Collum sighed but walked toward her smiling. “You have everything?”

  She pointed to the luggage behind her. “All here.”

  “Three bags, Mar? How did you end up with three bags? You were only on the island a couple weeks. And we came with nothing.”

  “Seriously, dude? Those are carry-on. I've been living with three pairs of shoes for two weeks. Those cats are shit shoemakers.”

  Collum grimaced. “Don't tell me you went shoe shopping.”

  “Well of course I did. Once the big crisis was over, Alex and I did some sightseeing. It's a pretty cool little island she has there. Aside from the terrible shoe stores.” She noticed his quick intake of breath at her besties name. “Yeah, Alex took me to all the places. Alex sure is a great lady. Smart. Funny. Tough. That Alex—what a woman.”

  He interrupted her. “I get it. I'm a dick. I haven't called. She asked me to back off. I did.”

  “Back off. Not disappear, dumb ass.”

  “Enough. I'll handle my relationship on my own.”

  Mar laughed at his pigheadedness. Poor guy had no chance. “Whatever you say, Puff. But don't come crying to me when it all blows up in your face because you waited too long to call.”

  “I'll endeavor to keep from doing so.”

  “Good, cause I'm team Alex all the way.”

  Collum scowled. “Did you tell her you were asked to be a guardian?”

  “You know I didn't.” She punched him the chest. Received a few odd looks from passersby. “It was a shitty thing to ask of me.”

  “If she accepts, you'll be able to soon enough.”

  “She's going to be even more pissed at you when she finds out.”

  “I know. Now hand me your bags.”

  Mar threw her bags at him. When he'd asked her to join the guardians she'd jumped at the chance. Being asked was one of the highest compliments of her life. She hoped Alex also accepted, and forgave her for keeping the secret. But Collum had been adamant. Being a guardian was a secret you carried with you to your grave. Secrecy was what kept them alive. As far as the world knew, Collum was the only guardian. It needed to remain so in order for them to effectively do their jobs.

  Mar preferred to live a private life anyway. She had her own secrets. Having a team at her back would be nice for a change.

  “Wake up, Mar.” He snapped his fingers in front of her face.

  “Sorry.” She grinned. “Thinking of all the shoes I'm going to buy here. Greek sandals—oh la la.”

  “There is no time for shopping.”

  Her stomach flopped. “Excuse me. I don't think I heard you correctly. Cause I know you didn't say I can't go shopping.”

  “You heard me correctly.”

  “No, I really didn't. I need warrior clothes, buddy. Unless you want this guardian performing feats of intrigue in patent leather pumps and a pink bustier.”

  He snorted. “You're telling me you don't own sensible clothing.”

  “Um, none here.” She fixed him with her toughest scowl. She didn't pout—ever. “I need clothes befitting my first mission.”

  Collum didn't blink, but he did give in. She'd consider it a win.

  “Fine.” He threw up his hands. Suitcases and all. “Head to the Kolonaki neighborhood. They have the best mix of luxury and local shops in Athens. Meet me at the apartment when you're done. You remember the address?”

  Mar jumped up and kissed his cheek. Thankfully he bent down a bit to make it easier on her. Six-foot six-inches tall behemoth. “Do I? I never forget a thing. See you later, Puff.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Three hours and three thousand dollars charged to his expense account, later, Mar knocked on the door to Collum's
Greek residence.

  Collum opened the door scowling. “You're late.”

  She scowled back. “Didn't know I had a curfew, boss.”

  “What the hell did you buy?”

  “Seriously, boss, you don't want to know. Just know I needed it all.”

  “Quit calling me that,” he snapped.

  Mar grinned. She still had it. “Sure thing, boss.”

  He scowled at her again but wisely said nothing else.

  She followed him as he turned his back to her. “Hey, aren't you gonna help me carry these?”



  From the set of his shoulders, she thought he might have grinned. She hitched bags over her arms and pushed past him.

  “I'm drinking your most expensive booze. All of it.”

  “You ship out at six tomorrow morning.”

  Mar pushed his office door open and threw her bags into the nearest corner. She ignored the antique furnishings; The millions of dollars of Greek artifacts lining the walls. She'd seen them before. Besides, see one dusty porcelain statue, you seen'm all.

  She stomped to the liquor cabinet. Rooted through until she spotted a bottle covered in dust. She pulled the cork and took a swig. The liquid curled in her mouth. She spit it out before swallowing.

  “What the hell?”

  Except for a slight crinkling around his eyes, Collum’s face remained impassive. “Vermouth. I don't make a lot of martini's. Now, if you're done destroying my carpet can we discuss your mission?”

  “Already? Thought I was going to Vancouver to meet my new superhero teammates first?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Some serious shit is going down now and I need you elsewhere.”

  Mar sniffed bottles on the top shelf, finally settling on a sweet-smelling bourbon. She plopped herself on a chair in front of the fireplace. Regally patted the one next to her. “Sure thing. I'm ready. What's the scope?”

  Under her lashes, she studied Collum as he poured his glass. He was a fine specimen. No one could deny it. But a little too, been-there, done-that for her liking. She couldn't even rile him like she really wanted to. It was like he was always in on the joke. Fun but a little less satisfying than when she really blew someone's mind. Maybe it was because he was over two-thousand years old and a dragon?

  He'd never own a bulldog. Would go for a wolfhound or something. She shook her head. Now why the hell had that thought entered her mind?

  Collum’s voice pulled her back to the moment at hand. He handed her a portfolio. “Five high-ranking immortals from different races have disappeared. My intel suggests they’re in Madrid, Spain. The vampires are involved. Someone's making a play for more power.”

  Mar closed the portfolio and folded her hands across her lap. Her heart raced. “I might not be the best person for this one.”

  “I disagree. You are the only person I trust with this.” He leaned over and grabbed her hands. “Look, I know this can be scary, overwhelming even. But you were asked to be a guardian for a reason. I have faith in you.”

  As he grinned she wondered if he realized he looked even more intimidating when he smiled. Either way, the smile wouldn't soothe her. Not if vampires were involved.

  “You’re Spanish. You're a relative unknown. You're cute enough to come across as no threat.”

  “Yeah, but . . .”

  “We need you on re-con. I can't go. The other guardians are booked. Jason and Idris are busy with other things. Diana is in India and will be for the foreseeable future. I need you to ask a few questions. Go to a couple parties.”

  “I do like parties.”

  “The cover is you're working for Marcus Wu, VP of Televale Industries, researching potential Spanish partnerships in the media industry. He’s been recruited to help us gather more intel. You're an intern. A highly valued one.” He winked.

  “In other words, people will think I'm his mistress checking stuff out for him in case he wants to break away from the family business?”

  While she waited for him to reply, Mar placed the portfolio on her chair and poured another bourbon. Amber liquid splashed against the crystal glass. She gulped it back and poured again.

  “People will think I'm a bed-hopper. I bought ninja clothes.”

  Behind her, Collum replied, “This is the job, Mar.”

  She squirmed. He had no idea of the risk she’d be taking. And she couldn't tell him. She loved Collum like a brother. The thought of losing his friendship because of her secret, terrified her. “Fine, but don't expect me to like it.” She threw back another shot of bourbon before saying, “I'll see you later, after I go shopping for the appropriate sleazy outfit.”

  “You fly out in three hours,” he reminded her.

  “How very spy-like of me. Flying out in the cover of darkness.”

  “Just make sure you're back in time. And eat something for goodness sake.”

  “Yes, Dad.” She flopped back in her chair.

  Who would've thought she’d end up here. Friends with The Guardian. Besties with his lover. She’d never expected a Parthen King with a bulldog to be a part of the picture. Thought she’d be alone her entire life.

  Mar grinned. “You know what? I'm good with what I have. I'll shop for what I need in Madrid. It will fit with the cover anyway.”

  She laughed at Collum. “People have a way of seeing what they want to see with me. They'll want to see a rich, Spanish girlfriend. So that's what I'll give them.”

  He raised his glass in a toast. “Take’m to school, Mar.”

  She took a deep breath and prepared to launch her future. “Plan on it, boss.”

  ~ ~ ~

  The air on the plane was suffocating. It had been years since Mar set foot in Madrid. She could hardly fathom why she agreed to do it now.

  A four-hour flight. Far too long and unbearably too short. They'd only taken off and she was already suffering. Collum had purchased a first-class ticket. Thankfully she wasn't squished between other passengers, but she also couldn't use magic to ease her discomfort. The guy across the aisle was a big ol' Spanish dude dripping in gold. She knew the type—thought every woman on earth was mad for him. Spent every night alone. She pushed the call button on her chair.

  A posh flight attendant appeared and asked Mar in Spanish, “Can I help you miss?

  “Si, Una botella a augua por favour.”

  When the woman returned a minute later, Mar popped a valium, chugged the water, and settled in to her cubicle for the duration of the flight. She closed her eyes, adjusted her shoulders, and placed her headphones on to block the noise of the crew and passengers.

  Five minutes later someone nudged her shoulder. She patted them away. Turned to her other side. The nudging continued.

  “Vete ya estoy durmiendo,” she said.

  “I know you're sleeping. It's why I'm here.”

  The scent of oranges filled her nostrils. She jolted up. Came face to face with Neeren. “You jerk. I told you not to enter my dreams. What are you doing?”

  He leaned over her, placing both hands on the sides of her chair. Her gut clenched. Green eyes, the color of summer. He licked his lips. His eyes narrowed.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  Butterflies fluttered inside her ribcage. “Why?”

  “To kiss you.”

  “What?” Her stomach dropped, and her toes curled.

  He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. His other hand remained on the arm rest. “It's okay. I'm a dream. You can kiss me, then pretend it wasn't real when you wake up.” He grinned at her. “I'm risk free.”

  She thought about it. For a hot minute the idea made sense. She could have a little taste. Wake up pretending this had been a normal dream. But they both knew it
wasn't. If Neeren was in her dream, it's because he’d placed himself there. It was as real as if he was sitting on the plane.

  She glared at him. “I told you I won't play this game. Do you want me to curse you?”

  He laughed. The sound was sinful. “No game. I'm giving you an out. You want to taste me. So, do it.” He leaned in. His hot breath tickled her neck.

  She dug her nails into the chair to keep from grabbing him and making a fool of herself. Her body leaned into him of its own accord. Breast to magnificent, rock hard, chest.

  “Yes, baby.” He lifted his other hand to stroke her arm.

  The word baby brought her back from the edge. He called her Maria. Not baby. She wasn't one of his harem and she wouldn't be seduced like one.

  She pushed against his granite chest. “My name is, Maria, asshole. Don't call me, baby.”

  He tilted his head and stared. Like what she said meant something.

  She barely refrained from kneeing him in the groin. “I don't like you. Remember?”

  He sat back on his haunches. “Keep telling yourself this . . . Maria.” A devastating grin curled his lips before asking his next question. “Why are you going to Madrid?”

  “How do you know I'm going to Madrid?”

  He pointed to the airline ticket sticking out of her purse. She shoved it back down. So much for being a sleuth.

  “Stop snooping. Where I go is none of your business.”

  “I've decided to make you my business.”

  She almost called the flight attendant over to complain about his bothering her. But of course, it would do no good. They were in her dream. In truth, she was sound asleep in her flight cubicle. Old rich dude probably snoring next to her.

  An errant thought interrupted. Was she talking in her sleep? “Hey, does this conversation happen in the waking world too?”


  She could tell she'd thrown him off balance with her question. Good. Time to take her power back.

  She teased him, “Slow, kitty. I asked you, if we're talking in my dream and it's supposedly real, am I talking in my sleep?”


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