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Magic Born

Page 9

by Rayanne Haines

  Behind her, footsteps pounded down the long-blackened corridor.

  Mar calmly walked back into her cell and sat down on her filthy cot. She spoke directly to her awakening mother. “It's okay, Mother. I forgive you for what you are about to do.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Four male vampires rushed the cage. Three tackled Mar on the bed while a fourth picked Isabella up off the floor and dragged her dead weight from the cage.

  Mar covered her face with her hands as best she could. Practice makes perfect and she'd had a lot of practice defending herself. Blows landed like dumbbells against her arms. Chest. Head. Purple and black bruises would set in soon.

  “Enough!” Isabella’s voice rang out in the cell.

  In front of Mar an unlucky vampire turned to ash. Isabella stood behind him with teeth bared. She wiped a drop of blood from her broken nose.

  “No one touches her,” Isabella said to the remaining vampires while snapping her nose back into place.

  They nodded quickly and stepped away from Mar.

  “Tie her up you idiots. Or do you want her having another go at me?”

  Her mother paced the cell. As soon as Mar was secured to the bed, Isabella walked over and gripped her chin. “Who did you contact?”

  Mar stared into her mother's eyes. Her clear, sane eyes. Had she been played?

  Fake it till you make it— “What are you talking about, Isabella?”

  “Don't play stupid with me, Maria. I know you didn't come to Madrid for a sightseeing visit. I also know you've been making friends with some very important players.” Isabella gripped Mar's chin harder and leaned in. “Now who did you contact?”

  Mar ripped her head out of her mother’s grasp. Stared at her defiantly. “No one. The phone was dead by the time I reached it.”

  “And when should we expect, no one, to reach us? I'll put out something special to welcome them.” Isabella laughed at her confused look. “I have immortality. He wants fire.”

  Mar struggled to breathe. “What Fire? Who wants Fire?”

  Isabella flipped her hand in the air. “You’ll see. We know you've been hanging around with that holier than thou, Dragon. His time is over. Our time is now. When should we expect him?”

  Mar collapsed against the wall. Relief washed over her body in waves. For a moment, she'd thought Isabella meant, Alex. Collum? Well he could take care of himself.

  Mar studied her mother. She looked different. Sane. “Who is the mysterious, he, and how come you aren't insane? Last time I saw you, you were a raving lunatic.”

  Isabella laughed. It was a low, throaty sound that echoed over the walls. “You haven't seen me in over a dozen years, Maria.”

  Something like censure lay under her words. Maria's hackles rose. “Are you admonishing me, Mother?”

  “Well, I mean really. Not to reach out to me? I could have been dead for all you knew.”

  Mar blinked. “A—you’re evil, and B—you’re already dead.”

  “Quit being so melodramatic. We have much to talk about. First we have to get through this.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Isabella glanced at the shadows. “I'll come see you after you've had a chance to calm down a bit.” She walked out of the cage but turned back to Mar before locking the door. “Also, I apologize for hurting your wrist. Sometimes I glitch. I'm trying to get better.”

  Chapter 13

  Alex gripped Jason's arm as she stepped out of the limo sheathed in velvet. The forest green dress they'd picked fit like a glove, complimenting her runners figure. Her legs peeked through a high front slit as she walked. Full length sleeves covered the flame tattoos. The deep V neckline dipped to her navel. She'd never worn anything so blatantly sexual in her entire life.

  This dress was different from anything else she owned, including the clothes Neeren purchased for her. This dress was about owning her body. Her sexuality. Herself.

  In three-inch gold heels, she topped six feet. Her loose hair flowed down her back like fire. Blood red lipstick and black mascara completed the look. Power flowed through her blood. Feminine power. She was strong, sexy, and in control.

  Jason winked at her. “Collum is going to lose his shit when he sees you.”

  Alex grinned wickedly. “Are you sure he'll be in there?”

  “Oh, he'll be in there. He's looking forward to introducing you to immortal society.”

  She blushed. “But only as the daughter of Gray Taleisin, right? No one is to know about our relationship.”

  “Yes. People will be more likely to open-up to you if they don't know about your relationship with Collum. As soon as word of your mating spreads, they'll clamp up.”

  She'd never understand why everyone was so afraid of Collum. She shook her head. Flames licked her back as she did so. Alex grinned and walked arm in arm up the red carpet with Jason. Her stride sure, strong. Heads turned. Her name a whisper among the other guests. The story of her resurrection spread quickly.

  No expense had been spared at this party. Jason explained earlier it was a high-ranking political event. A bit like a Presidential fundraising dinner in the mortal world. Alex might even see some people she'd always thought were mortal.

  Apparently Brad Pitt was a descendant of Thor. Which made sense when she thought about it. And Angelina Jolie? An ice demon from a world called Ungor. It never would have worked out.

  Alex marveled at how her world had changed. Over one thousand candles lit the path to the front door. Centaurs bowed low on their front knees as guests filed past. Massive iron doors thrown open. As they approached, a fairytale came alive inside the house. Flowers of every color hung from the ceiling. Waterfalls, suspended in mid-air, filled the room with moist fragrant air. More candles floated in every corner of the great hall. Fairies flew around the room carrying large trays of champagne.

  Jason tugged on her arm. Alex turned to him breathless.

  He winked again. “Not all bad, hey?”

  She grinned from ear to ear. “No. Not all bad.”

  The room was a sea of navy suits and champagne glasses. Alex stood out from the crowd. Admiring glances followed her across the hall. As they took their places at a table of eight, Jason quickly introduced her to the other guests. They all nodded politely. Interested in this new elemental. Alex struck up easy conversations. Several people asked about her brother. There was a lot of interest in Parthen’s solitary king and when trade with the island would open.

  One seat remained empty. Collum would arrive later as befitting the Dragon King and one true Guardian.

  Jason wore a light gray suit. His tie slightly askew. His hair tousled. He looked like a night librarian. Much of it was an act. His clothes. Persona. Alex’d gleaned much already. There was a lot more under the surface with Jason. No vampire was that nice.

  He'd explained her job tonight was to ask as many naive questions as possible from everyone . . . but especially from the vampires. She was to play the newbie card, while trying to dig up as much info as possible about the vampires. They were hoping a vamp would let their guard down enough to let something, anything, slip about missing immortals and who was killing them.

  Collum believed it all related to a turf war. Someone hoped to amass enough power to take over. They'd need a lot of kills to make it happen. He'd sent Mar to Madrid to check things out. Idris was in Romania talking with the Old Ones. Alex had been charged with seeing what she could find out tonight.

  Dinner was about to start when Collum walked in, dressed in a charcoal three-piece suit fitted to perfection. A slight checkered pattern shifted as his muscles stretched under the fabric. His dark, wavy hair rested like silk against his shoulders. Liquid fire caught in Alex’s throat.

  Every candle flickered as he walked past. Each guest stood, then bowed
. Collum’s face was hard. Granite. Ancient power cut along the line of his cheekbones. He greeted a few guests. Shook the hand of the elemental elder, Lachon Findel. The two chatted briefly.

  Alex’s tattoo crawled against her flesh. He who created fire, had entered the room. A slight murmur carried across the hall as Collum walked to his table. He looked like Ares. God of War. Conqueror. His eyes narrowed when he saw her. A promise of sin in their depths.

  Alex tossed her hair behind her back. Instinctively thrust out her breasts. Her skin tightened. She licked her lips. He stalked across the hall, ignoring everyone. When he reached the table, flames in the candelabra flared. It took everything she had not to reach for him. Fire slammed against her chest, begging to break free and reach him.

  “What are you wearing?” Collum snarled.

  A picture of him ripping the dress from her body tore through her mind. Alex bit her lip as heat racked her body. “Do you like it?”

  “My only love,” he growled. “You are a fucking goddess.”

  The ends of her hair ignited. He reached for her.

  Conversation at the table exploded. Soon, everyone in the room knew the Dragon had called the Fire Elemental, his love.

  Beside them Jason sighed with frustration. “Well, there goes that idea.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Two hours and no regrets later, Alex and Collum left the party hand in hand. They'd shrugged off the disastrous beginning. Collum quickly introduced her to the assembled guests as his girlfriend. Inwardly, Alex cringed over the word. Secretly waited with baited breath for him to mess up and say, Mate. When had she started to think of herself that way? They were supposed to be taking their time, waiting—like modern relationships dictated. Being with him in public had changed something. Maybe, she thought for the hundredth time, waiting was ridiculous.

  Not once had she imagined wanting to be with a man like Collum. How childish of her. How naïve. Alex had discovered he was so much more than a dragon king. He was also funny, loyal, and thoughtful. And kind. Endlessly kind to those he cared for.

  They danced the night away. Made out in alcoves and laughed like teenagers. It might have been the best night of Alex's life. She'd failed in her first mission. Neither of them cared. Now, they leaned against his BMW arm in arm.

  “You should have told me about the guardians before,” Alex admonished him.

  Collum nodded. “I should have. I'm doing a few things wrong. Trying to figure out what it means to share myself.”

  “And you made Mar keep a secret from me. Not cool.”

  “Yep. I blew it.” Collum curled his fingers around hers, driving warmth into her palm.

  “What if I'd said I didn't want to join your elite band of spies?”

  The corner of his upper lip curled with humor. “We're a little more than spies, lover.”

  “Right. You rule the world. Answer the question please.”

  “You're my mate. I'd have changed the rules. Still might.”

  Her chest fluttered at the word, mate, on his lips. “No more secrets?”

  Collum had the good grace to look apologetic. “I mean, I'm two thousand, babe. I've done a lot of stuff. It's gonna take a while to fill you in on everything.”

  Alex looked up at the night sky. He'd stared at this sky before humanity existed. A cool breeze lifted the hair off her shoulders. She sighed. Understanding him wasn't going to be easy.

  Loving him would be.

  Alex pulled Collum’s head down and kissed him. He gripped her waist. Kissed her back. It wasn't a desperate need for each other rocking them this time. It was gentle, and frivolous—hands touching intimate places between bouts of laughter.

  The other guests gave them a wide berth as they walked to their cars. Alex certainly wasn't an unknown anymore. After tonight, word of her parentage, and relationship with Collum would spread like wildfire. She was certain by mid-day tomorrow every immortal would know the new Parthen Fire Queen had captured the heart of the Dragon King. It was better. Alex was no good at subterfuge. If Collum still wanted her to be a guardian, her role would have to be something other than re-con.

  Collum grinned at her. “I guess we blew that didn't we.”

  Alex melted, then swatted his shoulder. “I didn't blow anything. You walked in and caused an uproar.”

  He slowly pushed his hand inside her dress and massaged her breast. “What did you expect when you wear something like this around me?”

  “Self-control, Collum,” she stuttered on a moan as his finger flicked her nipple.

  The air around them shifted. Collum removed his hands from her dress and leaned back on his heels. Inner light pooled in the center of his dark eyes. He pulled a box out of his pants pocket and lifted the lid. A blinding solitaire diamond as large as her thumb glittered back from the blue satin coating inside.

  “Marry me, Alexedria. In your human church. On a mountain top. Wherever you want. Marry me.”

  Alex’s breath beat like thunder in her chest. Electricity shot through her legs, leaving them weak. It surprised her much she wanted it. How quickly she'd realized she was meant for him. The word, Mine, flashed through her thoughts. And it was true. He was as much hers as she was his. This was real belonging. Not ownership, but knowing deep in your bones your soul has always been the companion of another.

  Her voice was rock solid as she answered. “Yes, my dragon. Name the date.”

  Fire blazed in his gaze. Collum pressed the ring on to her finger.

  “I'm going to fuck you against this car,” he growled in her ear.

  Her knees gave out as his hand pulled her skirt above her knees.

  Behind them someone cleared their throat loudly. It was enough to bring Alex back into the present. She frantically pushed Collum away.

  Collum growled low in his throat before turning to their intruder. “What?”

  Jason appeared out of the darkness. “You two really need a room. But first . . . Collum we need to talk about what happened tonight and come up with a new strategy.”

  “Not now. Fuck off.”

  Embarrassment flushed Alex's skin as she hastily shoved her skirt into place. “Collum. Go talk with him.”

  Collum stroked her cheek. A promise of forever clearly shining in his eyes.

  Yep, Alex thought. Marrying this guy. “It's true,” she said. “We totally blew it. You better talk with Jason about our next move. I'll meet you at your hotel, okay.” She grinned at Jason.

  Collum sighed, straightened his suit, and handed her keys to the BMW. He kissed her nose. “I won't be long.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex admired Collum's frame as he and Jason walked away. God, when had she become a love-struck fool? She blamed Collum for being so freaking gorgeous it hurt to look at him.

  She fumbled with the keys in the dark, trying to unlock the car door. Collum had parked near the edge of the lot. Typical male—worried about someone putting a dent in his car. Nice for making out. Not so nice when trying to find the lock in the dark. On her third try the keys fell from her hand.

  “Shit.” Alex groaned.

  She almost called Collum and Jason back but they'd moved on quickly. Alone in the dark, she shook off a foreboding shiver, hitched her skirt up, bent down, and searched for the missing keys. Gravel bit into her knees. Her heels twisted her ankles in an unfriendly angle.

  Blind in the dark, Alex sifted through dirt under the vehicle. “Unbelievable. Stupid shit.”

  Behind her, someone giggled.

  “Need some help?” asked a young female voice.

  Alex smacked her head on the outside mirror as she jumped up. “Ouch, goddammit. Sneak up on a person why don't you.”

  She rubbed the back of her head while searching out the faceless voice. It was so dark now Alex could
only make out a silhouette. Very thin, average height.

  The female voice cut through the dark. “I have a flash light on my cell phone. Here.”

  Bright light flashed into Alex’s eyes.

  “I'm Brita. Lose your keys?”

  Alex blinked “I dropped the stupid things trying to unlock the car door.”

  “Where's your friends?” Brita asked.

  Something in the lilt of her voice put Alex on edge. She replied cautiously. “They went to get my coat.”

  Brita shrugged her shoulders. In the glow from the flashlight Alex made out short hair. The bottom half of her head was shaved. The top half glued up in tiny spikes. She wore a silver mod style dress with knee high boots. Very hipster, Alex thought. She looked about sixteen years old.

  “Yeah,” Brita said. “My dad went to get the car and told me to wait out here. I don't know why he couldn't park in the lot like everyone else.”

  The tension in Alex's shoulders eased a bit. “What kind of car does he drive?”

  “Oh, some old guy Mercedes.” Brita waved her hand in annoyance.

  The fist of tension around Alex's chest released its tight grip. This was a kid, not an assassin. “Men. Can you shine light around the bottom of the car?”

  Alex bent down a second time, careful to steer clear of the mirror. On her hands and knees, she directed Brita to position the light to shine under the car. Alex refused to think about the damage she was causing her beautiful dress.

  “I think I see them. I’m gonna have to stretch. Can you shine the light under further?”

  “Sure thing.” Brita kneeled beside her.

  A sharp prick at the back of Alex’s neck stung like a bee sting. Burning ice seeped under her skin. Muddled her thoughts. Her hand froze. Then her body.


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