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Rescue Me Please

Page 16

by Nichole Matthews

“Should we retire to the parlor?” Piper asked, placing her hand in the crook of Rockwell’s arm.

  Once in the parlor, the men arranged the table and chairs and retrieved the cards. Piper and Persephone stood to one side watching and chatting of things of no consequence. Persephone had enjoyed their easy friendship, not pretentious, pompous aristocrats who suffered each other’s company for appearance sake. They truly enjoyed being with one another and Parker truly loved his sisters. A sense of peace chipped away at the wall she had built around her heart opening her up to the possibility that goodness still existed. That it hadn’t been stripped away while she had been caged.

  Parker asked Rockwell, “What do you suppose they are whispering about?”

  Rockwell studied his wife before answering, “Ribbons.”

  Parker rammed his elbow into Rockwell’s ribs and he let out a loud oomph. He clutched at his side and tried not to laugh. It hurt too much.


  Persephone looked up as their easy silence was finally broken, her gaze clashing with Parker’s.

  Rockwell just smiled and one eyebrow cocked up.


  Parker lounged back in his chair and stared at Persephone as she scooped up yet another winning trick.

  Rockwell snorted. “I believe we’ve been duped.” He shook his head, smiled slightly, his eyes crinkling attractively at the corners.

  Parker’s eyes narrowed as he looked from Piper to Persephone.

  Persephone raised her brow. “I do not recall you gentlemen asking how well I played before we began this game.”

  Parker’s eyebrows went up at her retort. “Captain Sharp.” He threw his head back and laughed.

  Rockwell followed suit. “I keep saying that I will stop underestimating the women in our lives, Ash.” He rubbed his hand across his strong jaw.

  Persephone couldn’t prevent the trill of amused laughter from escaping her lips at their exasperation.

  Parker’s lips quirked at her laughter as he retrieved the cards, organized them, and began shuffling. “Another rubber, my ladies?”

  Persephone and Piper looked across the card table at one another and giggled.

  Parker sat the cards back on the table. “I don’t like that smile one bit.” He grinned at Persephone his dimple a deep groove in his cheek that made her quiver inside.

  Rockwell added, “Perhaps we should quit while we are ahead?”

  Parker’s eyes never left Persephone’s sparkling eyes as he answered, “Perhaps you are right.”


  The north wind doth blow

  and we shall have snow,

  and what will poor robin do then,

  poor thing?

  He’ll sit in a barn and keep himself warm

  And hide is head under his wing,

  Poor thing.

  Persephone stood with her cheeks on fire, up on her tiptoes hidden in the trees. The warm woolen pelisse she wore pulled tightly around her body to ward off the cold air whistling through the branches. She was going to hell for sure. She craned her neck to peer through the winterized branches, sparse with leaves. She hadn’t known he would be out here when she decided to go for an early morning walk to clear her head. She hadn’t known anyone would be foolish enough to take an early morning dip in a cold lake during the winter. Granted this winter seemed milder than usual, but she could still see her breath crystalize on the air.

  There was so much activity in the house now that his sister and her husband had arrived that she had required a moment of quiet before the hectic day began. She desperately needed a moment to think. Confusion and desire battled within her. After being held on Parker’s lap two day prior, she could think of nothing else. It was as if her brain was in a fog since that moment. The feel of his hard body beneath hers made her face flame and even deeper shade of red.

  She bit her lip to keep the mischievous laughter at bay when he gasped as he quickly rose from diving under the cold water. What was he doing out here anyway? It was much too cold to be swimming.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off his biceps and wide, muscular chest that tapered into powerful hips and thighs outlined plainly by the wet linen shirt clinging to his body. The sight of his masculine body sent shivers snaking along her spine. She could see through the wet material that his skin was still showing brown from the sun, not just his face and neck like a lot of gentlemen she had seen over the past couple of years. Everywhere. Which intrigued her further.

  Her mouth watered as she continued with her observation. She leaned in against the tree trunk in rapt attention when he lifted his arms to scrape the water back from his face and hair. All the breath left her as she could do nothing more than simply stare. His chest muscles bulged, his nipples hard, protruding from dark brown areolas visible through the wet linen. He was in a word, magnificent. She drew in a shaky breath, rubbing hard at her hot cheeks when he stripped off his shirt leaving his hair sticking out in unruly spikes from his head. She caught a glimpse of his chest beaded with water. She watched as he twisted the shirt in his hands, ringing out the excess water before gingerly sliding the cold material back over his still damp flesh. She found his grimace humorous as the shirt clung once again to his wet body.

  Persephone stared. She itched to reach out and touch him, to feel his hardness beneath her hands and her throat closed. She felt hot, tingly, confused and most assuredly to make a fool of herself.

  Parker bit the inside of his cheek to stifle his smile. He felt her as soon as she stepped to the edge of the woods peeking through the trees, the unexpected invasion into his life. She was maddeningly intriguing. His spontaneous plunge in the lake was to cool his over-heated ardor because certain parts of his anatomy obviously didn’t know how to behave in polite society and especially when she was in the vicinity. Even now, just knowing that she was hiding in the cover of the trees watching, his sex hardened. He took a long, bracing gulp and stayed in the freezing water with hopes that it would ease his desire, but no such luck.

  “Persephone,” he called, his voice quivered on the edge of laughter, assuming a careless pose. And she watched as his white teeth flashed in a broad grin and his puff of breath floated in a rising cloud in front of his face as he chuckled.

  Blast! Her pulse skipped as she sucked in a shallow breath of surprise. Her heart fluttered as his voice full of amusement carried through the trees.

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are…” his voice trailed off.

  She screwed her eyes closed tight.

  “Persephone,” he sang.

  Her eyes flew open. With sheer fortitude, she stiffened her shoulders and with graceful movements stepped out from the tree she was hiding and gave him a tentative smile. Her steps faltered. “I-I-I beg your pardon. I didn’t mean to intrude, P-P-Parker,” she exclaimed, stammering, imploring as her cheeks flushed delightfully with embarrassment. A smile wavered on her lips.

  “You haven’t intruded.” His blue eyes danced, his eyes roaming over her alabaster skin flushed a vibrant red. He lifted his arms and ran his fingers through his hair slicking it back, making his cheekbones all the more prominent. “I daresay you never imagined finding anyone, let alone I, taking a plunge in this frigid water in the middle of winter.”

  “You will catch your death,” she pointed out; genuine amusement sparkling in her eyes. She tried to concentrate on her breathing, but her heart continued its race and her body felt restless with each step he took in her direction.

  Parker chuckled, swiping at the droplets of water that still clung to his face and neck. “If Aunt Adele should find out, I would indeed be subjected to a dreadful scold.” He walked the remaining few steps out of the water and picked up his coat, holding it in front of his body as a shield. He didn’t want her running and screaming from him, which he had a feeling she would do if she saw how affected he was by her very presence. To distract himself, he leaned over and shook his head like a wet dog sprinkling her face and front with cold drops of

  “Parker,” Persephone sputtered, stepping back. She couldn’t control herself any longer. Laughter bubbled up and spilled over. Here happiness didn’t seem so far away and the past seemed a distant memory that she was slowly beginning to bury in the back of her mind.

  Parker’s bright blue eyes pierced through her with a heated intensity as he watched her laugh. “You should definitely laugh more often.”

  Persephone flushed as she lowered her eyes.

  A grin split Parker’s handsome face, revealing the beautiful smile she loved so much and the distracting dimple on his right cheek. His fingers gently grasped her chin and tilted her head back, forcing her to look at him. “It pleases me that you have begun to let down your guard.”

  She returned his smile but her expression was cautious. There was still a part of her soul that was afraid to truly believe in his goodness. That it was just a cruel trick on his part to lure her into his darkness that he had learned to hide so well. Just as everyone else had.

  Parker’s fingers skimmed across her jaw. “Believe,” he said, surprising her. Had he read her mind? Her innermost fears, her innermost desires revealed to him somehow? His rough fingers left a heated trail of pleasure everywhere they touched. She felt as if she had caught fire. Every bone in her body melted and longed for more. “Did you know your freckles are more pronounced when you are outdoors?”

  Persephone rolled her eyes in a most unladylike fashion.

  Parker chuckled as he traced the tiny freckles that were sprinkled across her cheeks and nose.

  “Here.” She sighed, a frown forming across her face as she began to unbutton the pelisse. “You are shivering.”

  “If you believed that I would receive a set down from swimming in the middle of winter.” He chuckled. “Imagine what my aunt would do if I returned wearing your pelisse leaving you to suffer the cold unprotected.” He shivered, but not from the cold. “I have no desire to be on the receiving end of that ire.”

  She tilted her head. “I have yet to see your aunt lose her patience with you.” Her wide green eyes searched his face. “If anything she dotes on you to the point of overindulgence.”

  He reached out and stroked a finger along the seam of her lip. “I cannot deny that I have been coddled by her since I was just a boy.”

  Her breath caught at the rasp of his fingertips over her lips. “What are you about, Parker?” Her skittishness returned with his feather light touches.

  He stared into her eyes. “Are you going to scold me for allowing her indulgence to continue?” He leaned towards her so close she could feel his warm breath against her cold cheek. “I don’t have the heart to ask her to stop.”

  “What are you about?” Her eyes widened in a combination of confusion and desire.

  He was quiet, searching for the right words to say. “I am…”

  “Persephone.” They both heard Piper’s voice as she called out from a short distance.

  “Damn,” Parker cursed mildly and Persephone stiffened. “Meddling sisters will be the death of me.” He picked up his boots. He leaned closer, his lips a breath away from hers. “It has been a pleasure, Persephone.” He closed his eyes briefly. “One I hope to repeat in the not so distant future.”

  Persephone sucked in a slow breath, afraid to end their obvious connection. Afraid to lose the moment. He grasped her hand and pressed his lips to the inside of her wrist, then he tapped her nose with his finger. “If you hurry, you can cut her off on the path,” he whispered loudly before he sprinted in the opposite direction into the shelter of the tall trees.

  Persephone wiped at the droplets of water still sprinkled over her face and headed back down the path. “Piper?” she called back, unable to lessen the smile that was still spread widely across her face. She prayed to God that there would indeed be a future. Was it too much to hope that dreams could come true? She had to believe that anything was truly possible and that she would not have to pay with the rest of her life for sins that had been thrust upon her unasked for, undesired, and regretted.

  Piper was breathing hard when she stopped in front of Persephone. “I thought I saw you heading this way.” She linked their arms. “Come to see the lake?”

  Persephone smiled good-naturedly unable to suppress the happy feeling that coursed through her body. “It’s as lovely as you described.” She pulled her along, lifting the basket swinging from her arm as they went. “Shall we feed the ducks?”

  “Delightful.” Piper walked next to Persephone and took a large handful of the stale bread, tossing pieces to the loud ducks as they approached the lake. “What plans have you for the day?”

  “I’ve not made any definitive plans for the day,” Persephone replied with a quizzical look in Piper’s direction.

  “Excellent.” Piper grinned. “Then we will head to Ashford, I would love a new bonnet for Christmas.” Seeing the worried look in Persephone’s eyes, Piper added, “I would love to gift you with something for Christmas, you cannot deny me that pleasure.”

  “I have nothing to give in return.”

  “You have added a true smile to my brother’s face.” Piper patted her hand. “That is gift enough.”

  “I’ve done nothing…”

  “Pooh,” Piper interrupted. “You’ve done enough.” She dragged Persephone closer to the lake and the quacking ducks so they could toss the remainder of their stale bread before heading back to the house and a warm fire.


  Hugh Lucas, the Marquis of Manton, shook his head. “Do not ask for trouble, Granville.”

  “Are you challenging me?” Granville demanded. Anger pounded through him, and he didn’t care.

  “I’m advising that you need to get control of the situation,” Manton growled. “St. Claire made sure that I was made aware that you’ve lost the girl.”

  “Fuck,” Granville swore furiously.


  Georgie Porgie pudding and pie,

  Kissed the girls and made them cry

  When the boys came out to play

  Georgie Porgie ran away.

  That afternoon was a whirlwind of activity. The girls took the afternoon to shop and spend an exorbitant amount of money in Ashford while Parker and Rockwell rode around his extensive property and talked of strategies. Then they topped off the day with a delicious meal and another round of cards that ended with Parker walking Persephone to her room.

  When they reached her door, he carried Persephone’s hand to his lips and kissed the backs of her fingers. “Sleep well, Persephone.” He was well aware that his nearness ruffled her senses; he felt the same in reverse, then he left her at her door and made his way half-way down the hall before his steps slowed and he finally stopped.

  What was he thinking? The thought of walking away sent a pang of regret through him that nearly incapacitated him.

  There were still lingering signs of fear. He could see them haunting her eyes when she thought no one was looking. She was still hesitant when he touched her, no matter how innocent his intentions.

  Innocent? He went still. Hell, he knew his intentions weren’t innocent. It had moved well past that for him. Like a slow fire burned.

  He ached.

  His heart pounded when he heard her voice.

  His palms sweat when he caught her clean, fresh scent floating through the air.

  His speech left, when she smiled.

  His fingers curled into his palms biting into his flesh, his heart pounded against his chest. He should have kissed her. A real kiss. Not some brotherly peck on the back of her hand. He should have kissed her like a man kisses a woman he desires. He should have kissed her…

  He was fifty times— no, one hundred times a fool.

  He had always believed it would come upon him like a fast moving storm, not this slow, deep burn that built over time that finally overtook him.

  That felled him.

  That brought him to his knees without warning and definitely not with a woman batt
ered and scarred. Overcome with fear. He scrubbed his hand over his face and groaned as he ruffled his hair and suppressed a growl.

  He could tell she thought more of him than a rescuer. She was attracted to him as a man. If only he could break down her barriers. His heart kicked into gear slamming into his chest. His desire for her so immense he ached with the pain.

  He should have kissed her.

  The corner of his mouth turned up in a wry smile at his thoughts.

  Persephone leaned back against the door her heart beating fast. Its erratic rhythm was almost painful against her ribs. She wanted to feel what she felt with him always. She should run, but she couldn’t make herself run from him.

  Every time the thought entered her mind to grab Tillie and sneak out in the dark of night and not look back, she remembered his hands on her face. She remembered the gentleness in his eyes when he looked at her. His patience. His kindness. His voice left her knees weak. Left her longing for the dreams she had as a little girl. He was the knight who came to her rescue when she was locked in the highest tower. It was a foolish, girl’s dream.

  He looked at her and all speech fled; she tried to swallow past the lump closing up her throat. When he kissed her hand she couldn’t control her trembling. She rubbed her damp palms down her skirt as she listened to the echo of his steps fading down the hall, thankful that she had advised Lucy not to attend her that night. She had no desire to explain her odd behavior.

  Life was short and unpredictable. What if she never saw him again? She’d spent so much time hiding.

  So much time running.

  So much time in fear.

  She was tired of being afraid. Afraid that each time a man reached out for her that it was out of perversion and not out of kindness. She was a fool to even have those thoughts. He was nothing but kindness. Perhaps her feelings were magnified because he wanted nothing from her. But she had caught him looking at her with the same longing that she knew was mirrored in her own eyes.


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