Book Read Free

Rescue Me Please

Page 26

by Nichole Matthews

  The tail goes swish

  And the wheels go round,

  Giddy up, we’re homeward bound

  They spent two days at Rosebriar before piling into three rocking carriages and mounting massive four-legged beasts in a joyous caravan to Allingham Park.

  A feeling of easy camaraderie surrounded the men as they rode side-by-side, laughter filtered through the cracked carriage window from the ladies, Mrs. Collins and the cooing Tillie in the second carriage, followed by the many servants piled in the last.

  Persephone leaned across, moved the curtain and grinned when she encountered Parker’s smiling eyes. Her heart thrummed behind her ribs, his expression intent, watchful. She was finding it hard to believe that they had met only a little more than a month ago. Her smile widened and his brow cocked, displaying his dimple in his right cheek. She watched Rockwell nudge his shoulder and Parker briefly turned his attention in his direction, rubbing his shoulder as if he’d been mortally wounded. Rockwell’s amber eyes glinted humorously when he turned towards the carriage, touching the brim of his hat in acknowledgement and Persephone nodded.

  “Your husband is a dangerous man, Piper.” Persephone sat back against the thick velvety squabs and smiled at her new friend before returning her gaze back out the window. No matter where she was she was drawn to him and she was unable to resist the pull. They all were a family. Not just acquaintances. Family. That sounded wonderful.

  Piper reached across the carriage to hold Persephone’s hands tightly in hers. It took her another moment before she pulled her eyes from the scene playing outside the carriage window.

  “I am so glad you stumbled upon Rosebriar in your adventures.” Piper’s mouth tipped up in a sad smile. “We will call them adventures and then we needn’t talk of them anymore.”

  “I will be eternally grateful to your brother and to your aunt for taking care of us.”

  “I believe you’ve paid him back in full by agreeing to become his wife.” Piper grinned at her, then her eyes turned serious. “He’s always been such a kind man, but he has always put everyone else’s needs above his own.” A wry smile curved her lips. “I fear that in the past I took advantage of his good heart, but he deserves to have a happiness that is all his own.” She leaned forward, gripping Persephone’s hand. “I believe you and Tillie have given him that.”

  Persephone felt herself blush. “I believe all I’ve done is saddled him with two more whose needs he must put above his own; besides, I’ve not agreed to marry him yet.”

  Adele chuckled from her corner. “Playing hard to get, my dear?”

  “No,” Persephone said, pausing for a moment. “I cannot believe he would want all that comes with me. It is too much to ask of anyone.”

  “You’ll understand once you have a husband, Persephone.” Piper said with all the wisdom of her almost twenty-one years. “That’s what husbands do, but now you will be his and his alone and he will desire above all else to make sure you are taken care of. That your needs are met. That you are happy, and then in turn he is happy.”

  Persephone looked thoughtful. “That is hard for me to accept. It seems too much to comprehend.”

  “That’s because your most recent interactions with men have been dreadful.” Piper’s eyes were full of sympathy. “But they were not true men. A true man would never harm someone who is perceived weaker and gain pleasure from it, at that. Especially someone unwilling.”

  Persephone leaned back against the deep red velvet squabs unable to keep the smile from her eyes. “You seem so wise.” She turned towards Adele to see her lips curved up in a smile.

  Piper tapped her gently on the knee with her gloved hand, rolling her eyes. “I am a married woman.”

  “Heaven help us,” Adele murmured, amusement apparent in her tone.

  Persephone laughed. Genuine, heartfelt, and until recently, rare. “You are silly.”

  “I know it is bad form to repeat myself,” Piper added. “But I am very glad that you found Parker to take care of you and Tillie.”

  Persephone smiled at Piper’s words. “I am more than able to take care of the both of us on my own.”

  “Of course you are, dear,” Adele cut in.

  Piper nodded her assent, but her eyes narrowed at the impish gleam in Persephone’s eyes. “What are you not saying, Persephone?”

  “I am worth a bloody fortune.” Persephone’s eyebrows rose high and she pursed her lips to still the grin that wanted to spread over her face.

  “Fortune?” Piper asked on a cough.

  “My mother left me quite well off when she passed. I was unable to retrieve my funds without drawing attention to myself, so I was forced to live meagerly for some time.”

  Piper cleared her throat. “Just what do you mean quite well off?”

  “It would be vulgar to say,” Persephone answered.

  Piper crossed her arms over her chest and frowned.

  Adele laughed loudly, before adding, “Behave, Piper.”

  “Eight thousand a year,” Persephone answered anyway, knowing the Peregrine’s had no need for her money.

  Piper’s brow furrowed. “Is Parker aware of your circumstances?”

  Persephone shook her head, her nose wrinkling. “It never came up in the topic of conversation.”

  “Oh, dear,” Adele sank back against the red velvet squabs.

  Persephone looked at both ladies with a frown. “Will he be upset when he finds out?”

  Piper shook her head, grinning at her aunt. “This is going to be delightful.” She pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle her uncontrollable giggles.

  Adele nodded. “Quite.”

  Persephone bit her bottom lip, her brow furrowed with worry.

  Adele patted her hand. “It will be humorous. That is all, dear.”

  Piper took that moment to release the catch on the window and lean out in anticipation of Allingham Park coming into view, gesturing to Persephone to do the same. Persephone scooted across the seat and stuck her head out the window and her mouth dropped open. Situated on a hilltop, the Duke of Hawksley’s family home came into view little by little as they rounded the bend. “Isn’t it beautiful.” Piper sighed.

  “Quite,” Persephone agreed her laughter carrying on the wind. She was a little nervous to meet more of Parker’s family and friends. She lowered her hands to her lap so no one would see how bad they shook.

  “I’m completely envious of Miss Harris,” Piper sighed. “She’s been able to hold Gabriel in her arms for days and days.”

  “Miss Harris?” Persephone questioned.

  “Oh dear,” Piper’s mouth made a perfect O. “Have we never talked of Miss Harris? She glanced toward her aunt. “Firstly, she was our governess, then she remained on as our chaperone and a companion for Auntie.”

  “So she is currently residing at Allingham Park?”

  “She joined Poppy as soon as we heard she was enceinte.” Piper giggled. “Poor Hawksley. Poppy thought he was going to pull out all of his hair with worry.”

  “Well placed worry, my dear,” Adele added. “It’s delicious to see him so eagerly bound to our Poppy.” She smiled brightly.

  “Indeed,” Persephone agreed.

  Outside, Hawksley gestured towards the carriage. “They’re as bad as Poppy.” His head bowed, hiding his smile. “I swear she pokes her head out of the carriage window wherever we go.”

  “Never say,” Rockwell cried mockingly. “I cannot believe that to be true. The Duchess of Hawksley poking her head out of carriage windows.” He lifted his hand and threw it across his forehead. “Why, it’s unheard of.”

  “Very amusing.” Hawksley snorted.

  Persephone’s joyful laugh went through Parker’s skin and squeezed his chest. “And here I thought those days were over.” Parker choked back a laugh of his own. “And now I’ve somehow managed to be saddled with not one, but two more girls.” He groaned humorously.

  Rockwell and Hawksley looked towards each other and grinned. />
  Hawksley added, “It is well worth it, my friend.”

  “Delightful creatures,” Rockwell agreed.

  “I didn’t have any doubts.”

  The large three story structure composed of side wings which were built of brick and stone came into full view. A semi-circular Tuscan portico situated at the main entrance greeted them. Piper described the house as having six suites and fifteen chambers. There was also a large formal garden that included over seventy-five varieties of roses.

  Persephone’s gaze fixed as they drove down the long tree-lined drive, her palms damp. She took a deep breath of the cold air and glanced toward the men to find Parker watching her with a smile. She stared at him. Her foot tapped impatiently on the floor, as she was unable to contain her burgeoning enthusiasm any longer.

  The estate was swarming with a multitude of visitors when they arrived. Hawksley jumped from his horse tossing his reins to the waiting stable boy and met Archibald half-way up the steps. “Have all arrived, Archie?”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Archibald replied. They have all gathered in the Green Parlor, along with the duchess and Lord Foxworth.” Hawksley smiled at the mention of his son. “Ah, delightful.” He turned back to the others and watched as they exited the carriages. “Would you care to wash off our travel dirt or go directly to the parlor?”

  Adele spoke up first. “I am determined to meet Lord Foxworth before I make my way upstairs.”

  “Me, as well,” Piper chimed in, already beginning to make her way up the steps. “I cannot wait another second.”

  “Piper, darling,” Rockwell called after her, his hand outstretched. “Perhaps we should allow Hawksley to enter before you barge through the front doors of his house.” His brows lifted.

  Persephone chuckled as she watched Piper’s shoulder’s slump and trudged back to Rockwell’s side. Adele followed as they made their way into the house a cacophony of joyful sounds assaulting their ears as they entered.

  Parker took that brief moment to pull Persephone behind the carriage and crush his mouth to hers. Her lips were soft, and they parted when he ran his tongue over their crease. Their tongues tangled briefly before he released his hold and stepped back.

  “Ashford. Are you coming?” Parker could hear the humor in Rockwell’s voice.

  He stepped from behind the carriage tugging Persephone by the hand. They walked up the steps and directly into the melee. Parker stopped as soon as they entered and leaned down to whisper, “How are you feeling, Persephone?”

  She squeezed his hand and smiled up at him.

  “Good girl.” He grinned back.

  Just then a golden angel stuck his head out of one of the doors on the left and bellowed, “Hawks back and it looks as if he’s brought the entire Peregrine household with him.” He glanced back into the hall. “And a few stragglers have been added to the mix.”

  Persephone closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She could do this. She was no longer a prisoner. She was a lady born and bred. These were Parker’s friends and family, they didn’t want to harm her, or judge her in any way.

  Parker whispered down to her, “They are a little hard to take all at once, but rest assured, they will love you just as I do.”

  She smiled up at him and nodded.

  Just then, a vibrant redhead dashed into the hall stopping short when she spied Persephone. “Persephone?” Her mouth dropped open, then she ran towards her and pulled her close in a hug.

  “Chloé?” Persephone’s brow furrowed as she glanced up at Parker. “What are you doing here?” Her nervousness lessened as she was greeted by her old friend.

  Chloé pulled back. “Poppy is one of my dearest friends.” She leaned down and kissed Persephone’s cheek. “Several of us have visited Allingham Park for Christmas and to behold the new babe.” Chloé arched a brow, then her gazed flickered to Parker. “I should ask the same of you. How have you managed to find yourself entrenched with this hodgepodge of people, Persephone?”

  Parker stepped forward with a grin and put his arm around Persephone’s shoulder. “You are speaking to my betrothed.”

  “No,” Chloé exclaimed. “How delightful!” She clapped her hands together and bounced on the balls of her feet. “Two celebrations! Well, three if you count Christmas.” She sent Parker a sly glance. “You must tell me all about it.” She reached for Persephone’s hand and practically dragged her towards the parlor. “You must meet Poppy and her darling baby. Lord Foxworth.” Chloé giggled. “Such a lofty title, for such a small creature.” Persephone glanced over her shoulder in time to see Parker remove Tillie from Mrs. Collin’s arms and make his way toward the room. Persephone pulled to a stop and Chloé tugged. She looked back to see what had captured Persephone’s attention. “He will do just as he pleases.” She shook her head. “You cannot stop any of them. Is she yours?”

  Persephone nodded, her face pale, afraid of the reaction she would receive. The tension in her body faded as she watched one corner of Parker’s mouth twitch slightly at her concern.

  “Poppy,” Chloé called. “We have a second baby with us for Christmas.”

  “Delightful. Gabriel will have a playmate.” Persephone could see Poppy’s face light up, her blue eyes sparkling where she sat on the apple green chaise with Hawksley propped on the arm beside her with a tiny bundle in his arms.

  “I believe Gabriel is much too little to worry about playmates, Poppy.” He flashed her an indulgent smile.

  Miss Harris stepped forward, her arm twined with Piper’s. “Persephone, may I present one of my dearest friends, Miss Harris.”

  “Delighted to make your acquaintance.” Persephone smiled. “How lucky you’ve been to be at Allingham Park since Foxworth’s birth.”

  “I wouldn’t have traded the time for the world.”

  Chloé motioned for Persephone to sit in the chair closest to the chaise. “Poppy this is Persephone Anderton. We grew up together.”

  “Please, excuse me, Miss Harris.”

  “Small world.” Poppy grinned. “I understand from my husband that you are marrying my brother?”

  “Yes, Your Grace.” Persephone smiled, then dropped her gaze.

  “It is Poppy.” She smiled. “I’m sure you have learned by now that we stand on no ceremony in this family.”

  “Of course, Poppy.” Persephone smiled.

  “And I may call you…” Poppy’s head titled slightly with a raised brow as she waited for Miss Anderton to respond.


  Poppy perked up when she spotted Parker in the doorway. “I’m so happy to see you.” Her grin, big, and her dimple even bigger. “Bring that darling baby to me, immediately.”

  “Leave my betrothed alone, Poppy,” Parker called from where he stood next to Seymour, the golden angel who had greeted them when they first arrived. Parker sauntered into the room, the corner of his mouth lifted. “I see motherhood hasn’t improved your disposition any. Still as bossy as ever.”

  “Oh, pooh.” Poppy waved her hand at him as if he was a nuisance. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before laying Tillie in her arms. Then he turned to Seymour. “I could use a drink.” He trailed the back of his hand down Persephone’s cheek when he walked by.

  She looked up at him and smiled, her heart squeezed at his gentle touch.

  Seymour paused in front of her chair and bowed. “Lady Anderton, Lord Seymour.” He raised her hand and pressed a kiss to the back, then winked.

  “Seymour,” Parker drawled.

  “I’m only being polite.”

  “Be polite, without slobbering all over my fiancée.”

  Seymour rose and slapped Parker on the back, moving with him to the sideboard to pour some brandy. After they both took a sip, Seymour said, “Betrothed?”

  “Yes, Seymour.” Parker rolled his eyes.

  Saluting him with his glass, Seymour added, “You’ve always been one lucky devil.”

  “That he has,” Hawksley added from behind. Lord Foxworth draped
happily over his shoulder. “Would you care to hold my son, Ash?” he asked in amusement.

  Seymour stepped back, a look of horror on his face. “I would rather swim naked in the Thames.”

  With his brow raised, Hawksley snorted. “Then it is a good thing I was speaking to Ash and not you, Seymour.”

  Parker placed his tumbler of brandy down atop the side table and lifted the baby from Hawksley’s shoulder, cradling him in his arms and tickling the baby’s belly.

  Hawksley leaned against the wall, crossing one dust covered boot over the other with his arms crossed over his muscled chest. “You are a natural.”

  “I suppose that is good,” Seymour added. “Since you are acquiring a ready-made family.”

  Parker’s eyes rose to catch Persephone staring at him and he smiled as she turned away, a blush rising to her cheeks.

  Seymour glanced first at Hawksley, who was grinning at him, and then to Parker who looked smug. Then he rolled his eyes, holding up his hands. “No.”

  Parker handed the baby to Seymour and watched as he awkwardly settled the infant in his arms.

  “Are you sure you want me to hold your heir?” Seymour’s voice held a hint of fear and beads of sweat popped out on his forehead.

  “It is good to see you so discomposed, Seymour.” Parker laughed.

  Seymour’s brow furrowed even more and he lifted to baby up, holding him under the arms as far away from his body as his arms would reach. “Bloody hell, Hawk.” Seymour cursed. “Your baby leaked on my new coat.”

  Hawksley shot him a rueful glance as he nodded towards the nurse. He removed the baby from Seymour’s outstretched hands. Hawksley placed a kiss on Gabriel’s forehead before handing him over to his nurse.

  Parker blew out his breath and bent over at the waist laughing until tears ran down his face in rivulets.

  Hawksley flicked a non-existent speck of dust from his shoulder. “I’ll have you know, Seymour, Lord Foxworth does not leak.”

  Seymour chuckled, falling back against the wall.

  Persephone watched the back-and-forth jesting of the men. It was a pleasant scene. No fighting. Just teasing and laughter, it warmed her heart.


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