The Indian World of George Washington

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The Indian World of George Washington Page 91

by Colin G. Calloway

  Creeks and, 356

  federal authority and, 439–40, 442

  Federal Indian policies and, 333, 335–36

  Indian destruction of (1791), 391–92, 497n13

  national unity and, 291, 322

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 385, 386

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 391–92, 394, 396

  US Congress and, 386, 433

  US sovereignty and, 438

  Washington and, 289, 291–92, 333, 433–34, 486

  westward expansion and, 327

  US Congress Cornplanter and, 400

  Creek land acquisitions and, 357

  meeting with Delawares, 269

  Red Jacket and, 404–5

  southern Indians and, 353

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 392–93, 394–95

  trading posts and, 453–54

  US armed forces and, 386, 433

  US Constitution, 100, 317, 321–25, 357–60, 376, 550n7

  US Declaration of Independence, 218–19, 229, 279, 284

  US Senate Blount and, 474

  Cherokees and, 424

  Creeks and, 357–60, 368, 369–70

  Iroquois and, 321, 407

  Jay Treaty and, 445

  St. Clair and, 385, 392

  treaties and, 323, 333, 346, 357–60, 368, 369–70

  Treaty of New York and, 376–77

  Treaty of Vincennes and, 415–16

  US sovereignty, 9, 325–26, 345, 438. See also federal authority versus states’ power (national unity)

  Upper Canada, 408. See also Simcoe, John Graves

  Upper Creeks, 21m, 318, 346, 347, 363, 365–66, 373, 376, 474, 554n1. See also Treaty of Mobile (1784)

  Uskwa’li-gu’ta. See Hanging Maw (Cherokee)

  Ustenaka. See Ostenaco (Cherokee)

  Utsi’dsata. See Corn Tassel (Cherokee)


  Valley Forge (1778), 224, 236, 243

  Van Braam, Jacob, 67, 76, 95, 96, 199

  Vandalia scheme, 194, 199–200, 209

  Vanishing Smoke. See Sayengeraghta (Seneca)

  Van Schaick, Goose, 248–49

  Vattel, Emer de, 325

  Vaudreuil de Cavagnial, Pierre de Rigaud de, 115–16, 135

  Venango, 51, 63, 68, 71, 76, 78, 124

  Venango, Fort, 46m, 162

  Venango meeting (1753), 73–75

  Vermont, 299, 301

  veterans, Revolutionary, 291, 292, 309, 313–14, 315, 336, 380, 442. See also land grants and land bounties; Ohio Company of Associates

  “Vices of the Political System of the United States” (Madison), 355

  Villiers, Louis Coulon de, 93–94, 94–95

  Vincennes, 414. See also Treaty of Vincennes (1792)

  Vincent, John (Kahnawake Mohawk), 226

  Vincent, Lewis (Louis Vincent) (Captain Lewis) (Sawantanan) (Sawatanen) (Huron), 226

  Virginia. See also Anglo-French rivalry; Dinwiddie, Robert and other Virginians; Fort Duquesne; Fort Pitt meeting (1775); frontier defense and Cherokee alliance; land grants and land bounties; Ohio Company of Virginia and other Virginian companies; Potomac River; Revolutionary War; Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768); Treaty of French Lick (1784); Treaty of Lancaster (1744); Treaty of Logstown (1752); Virginia Regiment; westward expansion backcountry of, 122

  Braddock and, 103, 104, 108

  captives and, 118

  Catawbas and, 30, 124, 135–36

  Cherokee alliance with (1755-1758), 124–26, 128–29, 130, 133–34, 137–38, 140–41, 142–47

  Cherokees and, 164

  Chickasaws and, 305, 306

  Creeks and, 366

  defense of Ohio country and, 81

  enlistment bounty and, 139

  enslaved African Americans and, 25, 26–27, 28, 121, 481–82, 579n33

  federal authority and, 285, 307, 336–37

  Fort Necessity and, 100

  forts and, 115

  French and Indians and, 120

  Hendrick on, 99

  Indian land and, 194, 212–13, 233, 307

  Indian trade and, 24, 162

  Joncaire and, 73–74

  Kentucky and, 212, 262, 285, 299

  Logstown Treaty and, 59

  maps, 35m, 39m

  Northwestern Confederacy wars and, 446

  Oconostota and, 166

  Ohio country and, 45, 62, 65, 80

  Ohio Indians and, 58

  Overhill Cherokees and, 127

  Pennsylvania and, 29, 199, 202, 209, 260, 262

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 278

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 182–83

  Saint-Pierre’s letter and, 81

  scalpings and, 131, 163

  Shawnees and, 208–11, 265

  Shingas attacks and, 114

  Tanaghrisson and, 59, 68–69

  Treaty of Hard Labor and, 189

  Washington and, 81, 99, 114, 115, 120

  Virginia Company, 22, 24

  Virginia Military District, 307

  Virginia Regiment. See also Byrd III, William; Crawford, William; land grants and land bounties; Stephen, Adam; Tanaghrisson’s war attacks on Shawnee towns (1756), 126–27

  Byrd III and, 164, 165

  Cherokee war and, 165

  composition of, 83

  Dinwiddie and, 81, 100

  disbanded, 166

  Forbes’ campaign and, 149–50

  Fort Duquesne and, 85

  Fort Necessity withdrawal and, 96

  French and Indian War and, 6

  Indian land bounties and, 199–203

  land bounties and, 191–92

  “lesser sort” and, 121

  Montour and, 124

  roll of officers (1754), 529n40

  Tanaghrisson’s War and, 81, 85, 89

  uniforms and, 148–49

  Washington and, 83, 92, 100, 111, 114–15, 123, 138, 139–40, 167

  Virginia Regiment, 2nd, 13, 139, 140

  Virginia’s Indian country Indian land and, 20–26, 30–31

  Indian populations and, 4–5, 19–20, 28–29

  Ohio country and, 41–44

  slavery, gun trade and disease and, 25, 26–27, 26–28

  surveying/speculation and, 37–41, 39m

  westward expansion and, 5, 29–37, 35m, 41–44

  vocabularies, 312, 464


  Wabash Indians, 328, 386, 403, 414, 459. See also Northwestern Confederacy war

  Wabash Valley, 51, 387

  Wahunsonacock (Powhatan), 22–23

  Waker, the. See Teesteke (Cherokee)

  Waldo, Albigence, 236

  Walker, John, 261

  Walker, Thomas, 49, 109, 189, 191, 193, 261

  Walking Purchase, 60

  Wallace, Anthony, 397, 485

  Walpole Company (Grand Ohio Company), 194, 199–200

  wampum belts. See also gifts, diplomatic Braddock and, 106

  Cherokees receiving, 232

  Cherokees to Denny, 153

  Clark and, 272

  Delawares refusing, 117

  Denny to Ohio Indians, 153

  Dinwiddie and, 92

  diplomacy and, 72–73

  Efau Hadjo to Washington, 474

  Forbes to Ohio Indians, 157

  Fort Pitt meeting and, 262, 263

  Guyasuta and, 176

  Hamilton sending, 131

  Joncaire and, 56–57

  Jumonville’s death and, 90

  Lignery to Indians, 158–59

  Logstown negotiations and, 57

  Morris receiving, 113

  New York and, 301

  Niagara meeting and, 182

  Northwestern Confederacy and, 413, 416

  Onondaga receiving, 100

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 407

  rejection of, 69

  Sandusky conference and, 418

  Scarouady giving, 117

  Tanaghrisson and, 70, 71, 72, 75, 85, 92

  Teedyuscung receiving, 144

  Treaty of Easton (17
58) and, 155

  Treaty of Fort Finney and, 311

  Treaty of Fort Pitt and, 267

  Treaty of Greenville and, 459

  war belts, 175

  Washington and, 1, 2, 68, 70, 72–73, 85, 92, 93, 129–30, 196, 426, 442, 572n111

  Wawhatchee and, 134

  writing versus, 269

  Ward, Edward, 85

  War in the West. See Revolutionary War in the West

  Warriors’ Path, 30, 44, 54, 115, 188

  war versus negotiation. See also diplomacy; right of conquest British and, 380, 396

  federal power versus states and, 300

  Indian raids and, 328

  Jefferson and, 485

  Northwestern Confederacy and, 397–98, 404, 416

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 397–98, 415

  Pickering and, 405

  Sandusky conference and, 420

  trade and, 226

  Treaty of New York (1790) and, 371–72, 376–77

  US Senate and, 358

  Washington and, 316, 333, 378, 387, 393–94, 396, 397–98, 403, 411, 412, 418, 421, 485–86

  Warville, Jacques-Pierre Brissot de, 405, 481

  Washington, Anne (sister-in-law), 40

  Washington, Augustine (father), 26, 32, 40

  Washington, Bushrod (nephew), 294

  Washington, Charles (brother), 195

  Washington, D.C., 336–37

  Washington, George. See also American Revolution and other wars and battles; Dinwiddie, Robert and other non-Indian contacts; diplomacy; Ohio country; Philadelphia Indian diplomacy; speculators; Tanaghrisson and other Indian contacts; Town Destroyer (Conotocarious) (Devourer of Villages); Virginia Regiment; Washington’s Indian land acquisitions; Washington’s Indian policies Assembly seat and, 172

  as biblical figure, 287, 544n14

  birth of, 26

  death of, 482–83, 487

  diseases and, 2, 40

  House of Burgesses seat and, 162, 261

  ignorance of history of, 130

  Indian prisoner and, 78–79

  inexperience of, 87–88, 91, 92

  journal of expedition of, 95

  legacy of, 6–7, 483–92

  lying and, 93

  marriage of, 164, 177

  military career of, 40, 103, 104, 499n45

  overview, 1–15, 499n45

  paintings of, 14, pl 1, 13

  retirement concerns, 477–83

  scapegoating by, 172

  Washington/Indian allies and, 221–31

  wealth and social status and, 32

  will of, 479–80, 482

  young, 7, 37–41, 499n45

  Washington, George (Delaware), 8

  Washington, John (great-grandfather), 25, 26

  Washington, John Augustine (Jack) (brother), 104, 178

  Washington, Jr., Augustine (half-brother), 47

  Washington, Lawrence (grandfather), 26

  Washington, Lawrence (half-brother), 40, 47, 50, 104, 524n1

  Washington, Sarah (niece), 40

  Washington Crossing the Delaware (painting), 14

  Washington’s Bottom, 198, 295, 296m, 297, 449

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions. See also Kanawha River and valley; Mississippi Land Company; Ohio Company of Virginia; Royal Proclamation of 1763; westward expansion acreage of, 7, 39m, 478, 531n98

  American Revolution and, 234, 243–44, 283, 294

  Cornstalk on, 264

  Crawford and, 85, 187–88, 192, 195–96, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208, 211, 212, 271, 479

  Dunmore and, 202, 203, 204, 206, 211, 294

  Fort Stanwix Treaty land rush and, 211

  his birthplace as, 26

  Johnson’s Pennsylvania boundary and, 185

  land grants and bounties and, 171–72, 174, 179, 184, 191–92, 191–93, 195–203, 199–206, 211, 292, 294, 400

  land rush and, 285–86

  liquidation of, 449–50

  Mohawk Valley and, 303

  national unity and, 294–98, 296m

  Ohio Company of Associates and, 313–14

  Potomac River and, 290

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 250–51, 261, 266, 271, 280

  settlers and, 205–6, 285–86, 295–97, 296m, 330

  surveying/speculation and, 37–40, 39m, 48, 286

  Virginia war with Shawnees and, 209–10, 211

  Washington’s policy and, 3–6, 14

  Washington’s retirement and, 477–79

  Washington’s travels in Ohio country and, 75–76, 161, 163, 294–98, 296m

  westward expansion and, 171–72, 448–50

  Yorktown and, 280

  Washington’s Indian policies. See also “civilization”; federal authority versus states’ power (national unity); war versus negotiation; westward expansion Cherokees and, 128, 468

  Cherokees and Chickasaws and, 337–40

  Christian education and, 342–43

  Hammond on, 566n58

  humanitarian, 328–32, 343, 377, 380, 417, 485, 489

  Indian freedom and, 321–22

  Indian land and, 3, 5, 6–7, 328–29, 414, 415, 417, 418

  Indian sovereignty and, 325–26, 329

  influences on, 324–25, 326–27, 343–44

  Iroquois and, 321–22

  war debt and, 327

  Waterford (Pennsylvania), 63

  Watson, Ekanah, 406

  Watts, John (Kunoskeskie) (Young Tassel) (Chickamauga Cherokee), 423, 430, 460

  Waweyapiersenwaw. See Blue Jacket (Pekowi Shawnee)

  Wawhatchee (Cherokee), 134–35, 137

  Wayne, Anthony and his expeditions, 343, 379m, 418, 421, 434–39, 443–44, 447, 459, 461

  Weas, 51, 314, 328, 387, 459

  Weiser, Conrad, 53, 55, 73, 79, 97–98, 505n30

  Welch, James, 478, 480

  Wellenreuther, Hermann, 541n48

  Wells, William, 414, 461

  Wendats. See Wyandots (Wendats)

  werowance, 23

  Western Indians. See Northwestern Confederacy war

  “western land,” 4. See also Indian land

  Western Reserve, 308

  West Indies, 350, 557n98

  Westos, 27

  West Virginia, 194, 196–97, 478

  westward expansion. See also boundaries; Indian land; land grants and land bounties; Northwestern Confederacy war; Northwest Ordinance (1785) and (1787); Ohio country; settlers (colonials, farmers, frontiersmen, squatters); speculators; surveyors; treaties Albany Plan and, 98–99

  big government and, 483

  Britain and, 179–81, 328, 396

  British and Spanish and, 444–46

  “civilization” and, 331

  civilization for land and, 330

  Dunmore and, 200

  enslaved African Americans and, 448, 449, 482

  farmers and, 193

  federal authority versus states’ power and, 290, 307–18, 323, 446–47

  Federal Indian policies and, 326–27, 333–34

  federal power and, 422

  Franklin and, 544n14

  Indian identity and, 286

  Indian sovereignty and, 9

  justice and, 486

  Mt. Vernon reorientation and, 524n1

  national identity and, 12

  national unity (federal authority versus states’ power) and, 327, 333–34

  Northwestern Confederacy and, 433–44, 446–47

  Pickens and, 429

  Pickering on, 344–45

  Potomac River and, 36, 48, 96

  religion and, 286–87

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 182

  smallpox and, 281–82

  St. Clair on, 328

  tobacco and, 202

  Treaty of Paris and, 174

  Virginia and, 115

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 5, 29–37, 35m, 41–44

  war in the North and, 422, 433–47

  war in the South and, 423–33

and, 3, 6–7, 163, 171, 179, 193–94, 290–91, 308, 309, 323, 326–27, 329, 447, 450, 486, 524n1

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 171–72, 448–50

  white racial consciousness and, 285

  Wheelock, Eleazar, 225, 240, 241–42, 344

  whiskey tax and rebellion, 336, 337, 382, 439–40, 497n13

  White Bird King. See Fusatchee Mico (Creek)

  White Chief of the Abenakis. See Gill, Joseph Louis

  White Eyes (George Morgan) (son of White Eyes), 342–43

  White Eyes (Quequedegatha ) (Koquethagechton) (Delaware), 262–63, 267, 268, 274, 278, 279, 457

  white identity, 12, 285

  White Lieutenant (Creek), 363, 376

  White Mingo (Kanaghorait) (Seneca), 196, 262, 264, 265

  White Thunder. See Belt of Wampum (Seneca)

  Wiencek, Henry, 579n39

  “wilderness,” 5, 11, 13

  “wild” Indians, 38, 41–42

  Wilkinson, James and his expedition, 379m, 388, 434, 461

  Willett, Marinus, 352, 364, 365–66, 429, 435

  William, George, 38

  William Penn’s figurehead, 570n24

  Williams, Glenn F., 530n82

  Williamsburg talks, 233

  Williamson, David, 274–75, 276, 277

  Williamson, Hugh, 356–57, 374

  Wills Creek, 54, 80

  Winchester (Virginia), 65, 115, 132, 137. See also Fort Loudon

  Wingenund (Delaware), 276, 327

  Wisconsin, 315, 382

  Wolcott, Oliver, 301

  Wolcott Jr., Oliver, 492

  Wolfe, Patrick, 316

  Wolf’s Friend. See Ugulayacabe (Chickasaw)

  women, Indian, 10, 60, 105, 140, 198, 387. See also Queen Aliquippa

  women, non-Indian, 119

  Wood, James, 203–4, 261, 529n62

  Wood’s River Company, 47

  Woyi (Pigeon) (Pouting Pigeon), 166

  Wyandots (Wendats). See also Northwestern Confederacy war; Ohio Indians; Tarhe (the Crane); Treaties of Fort Harmar (1789) Battle of Fallen Timbers and, 443

  boundaries and, 420

  Braddock’s defeat and, 110, 112

  Brodhead and, 248

  Delawares and, 132, 263, 267, 274

  diplomacy and, 160, 416, 443

  Fort Pitt meeting and, 262

  French versus English and, 56, 116

  Iroquois and, 262

  maps and locations of, 21m, 46m, 51

  Sandusky campaign and, 274, 276, 443

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 390, 391

  Virginia war with Shawnees and, 210

  Washington and, 248, 459

  Wyatt, Francis, 24

  Wyllys, John, 384

  Wyoming River Valley, 99, 117


  XYZ Affair, 497n13


  Yazoo Companies, 340, 363, 373, 432, 557n90


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