The Indian World of George Washington

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The Indian World of George Washington Page 90

by Colin G. Calloway

Braddock and, 105–6, 107

  Forbes and, 157

  at Fort Pitt, 177

  Fort Pitt council and, 173

  French and, 113–14, 116

  Logstown Treaty and, 60, 61

  peace and, 175–76

  Post and, 154

  raids by, 116, 123

  Stuart and, 118

  Tanaghrisson and, 90

  Tanaghrisson’s council and, 97

  Teedyuscung and, 153

  Treaty of Logstown and, 60

  wampum and, 72

  Washington and, 7, 68, 71, 93, 123

  Shingas’s Town (Sawcunk) (Beaver Town), 160

  Shirley, William, 127

  Shirley’s son (“Poor Shirley”), 110, 112–13

  Shreve, Israel, 449, 478

  sieur de La Salle. See Cavelier, René-Robert

  sieur de Marin. See Malgue, Pierre Paul de la (sieur de Marin)

  Silver, Peter, 544n9

  Silver Heels (Aroas) (Seneca), 7, 87, 108, 113, 127, 128, 165, 175, 262

  Simcoe, John Graves, 380, 410, 411, 418–19, 420–21

  Simpson, Gilbert, 295

  Sipe, C. Hale, 512n26, 525n29

  Six Nations. See Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and their confederacy

  Skenandoah (John Skenandon) (Oneida), 235, 241, 406

  “Sketch of the Creek Country” (Hawkins), 471

  Skiagusta. See Ostenaco (Cherokee)

  Skowonidous (Jerry), 108, 512n26

  slavery. See enslaved African Americans; enslaved Indians

  Sleeper-Smith, Susan, 387

  Slover, John, 276, 277

  smallpox and other diseases blankets and, 176–77

  Cherokee population and, 42, 164

  Fort Pitt and, 176

  Indian land and, 282

  Indian populations and, 19, 27, 158

  Newcastle and, 144, 512n26

  Onondaga and, 242

  path of, 27

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 2, 415

  Scarouady and, 152

  Southeast and, 164

  vaccinations and, 461

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 24

  Washington and, 11, 40

  westward expansion and, 281–82

  Smith, Daniel, 428–29

  Smith, James, 87–88, 120, 149, 156, 216

  Smith, John, 23

  Smith, William, 371

  Solomon (Iroquois), 565n36

  Somerset v. Stewart (1772), 201

  South Carolina, 42–43, 72, 85, 92, 117, 127, 163–64, 166, 233, 336, 429. See also Catawbas; Glen, James; Treaty of Hopewell (1785-86); Treaty of Long Island of Holston (1777); Yazoo Companies

  southern colonies, 182

  southern Indians, 99, 164, 306–7, 346–47, 349m, 350, 353, 422–23, 432–33, 474. See also Cherokees, Creeks and other southern Indians; Georgia and other southern states; Treaty of Hopewell (1785-86) and other treaties

  Southwest Territory, 339, 474

  sovereignty. See Indian sovereignty; US sovereignty

  Spain and the Spanish. See also Chickasaws; Creeks; Florida; law of nations; McGillivray, Alexander (Creek); Treaty of Mobile (1784); Treaty of New York (1790); Treaty of Pensacola (1784); Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795) boundaries and, 338

  Britain and, 365

  Jay Treaty and, 445

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 397

  Peace of Paris (1783) and, 348

  Potomac River gateway and, 298

  settlers and, 324

  southern Indians and, 3, 306–7, 346, 422, 425–27, 426–27, 428, 429, 431–32, 446

  treaties and, 285

  Treaty of New York and, 374–75

  Treaty of Paris (1763) and, 174

  Washington and, 3, 246, 375–76, 429, 431

  Wilkinson and, 434

  speculators. See also elites; Indiana Grant; Ohio Company of Virginia and other land companies; Washington’s Indian land acquisitions; individual speculators boundaries and, 193, 324

  Braddock’s road and, 151

  Cherokees and, 425

  “civilization” and, 475–76

  Creeks and, 350, 356–57

  federal authority and, 442

  Federal Indian policies and, 339, 340

  financial crisis and, 201

  forts and, 80

  Indian ownership and, 5

  Iroquois and, 404

  McGillivray and, 364, 373

  national unity and, 291–92

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 385–86, 393, 396

  Ohio country and, 45, 48–49

  profits of, 477–78

  promissory notes and, 336

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 183, 184, 185–88, 187m

  Schuyler and, 217

  Senecas and, 402

  settlers and, 37, 172, 202, 212, 309, 427

  states versus federal authority and, 324, 334

  surveying and, 36–38

  tobacco agriculture and, 202

  Treaty of Fort Pitt and, 268

  Treaty of Lancaster and, 34

  Virginia war with Shawnees and, 209

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 297

  westward expansion and, 173, 308

  spirits, 30, 41, 111, 469

  spiritual power, 44, 507n4

  Spotswood, Alexander, 28, 30–31

  squatters. See settlers (colonials, farmers, frontiersmen, squatters)

  “squaw campaign,” 266

  Stalking Turkey. See Cunne Shote (Cherokee)

  Stamp Act, 180

  standing armies, 6, 291

  Standing Bear, Luther (Lakota), 41

  Stark, John, 245

  statehood, 293, 297, 308–9, 315, 324

  states. See also federal authority versus states’ power (national unity); Virginia and other states

  St. Clair, Arthur. See also Fort Recovery background of, 316–17

  British and, 383

  Cherokees and, 144

  Indian allies of, 425–26

  Indian victory over, 379m, 405–6, 409, 411, 423–24, 434, 435, 439, 446, 459

  Iroquois and, 404

  Northwestern Confederacy victory over, 379m, 387–96

  Northwest Territory and, 327–28

  Ohio Company of Associates and, 313

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 1, 418

  portrait of, pl 9

  on strategy, 216

  war versus negotiation and, 382

  Washington and, 378, 386, 389, 392, 393, 394, 395

  St. Clair, John, 103, 111–12, 141, 144

  Steedman, William, 412

  Stephen, Adam, 85, 115, 123, 124, 149, 165, 172, 174, 176, 178, 210, 261, 299, 323

  Steward, Henry, 67

  Stewart, Robert, 162, 164, 172

  Stiles, Ezra, 286–87

  St. Lawrence Indians, 107, 222–23, 242

  St. Lawrence River, 139

  St. Leger, Barry, 242

  Stobo, Robert, 96, 199

  Stockbridges, 219–21, 251, 406, 413, 442, 458, 533n36. See also Hendricks, Solomon and other Stockbridges; Mahicans; Treaty of Canandaigua (1794)

  Stone, William, 248

  “Stranger Indians,” 27

  Strickland, William, 475

  Stuart, Charles, 105–6, 118

  Stuart, Gilbert, 461, pl 5

  Stuart, John, 182, 185, 189, 213. See also Treaty of Hard Labor

  “Suffering Traders,” 194

  Sugden, John, 459

  Sullivan, John Albany conference and, 238

  Brodhead and, 271, 272

  campaign of, 247–59

  Indian land and, 259

  map, 252m

  Onondagas and, 248–49

  Washington and, 247–48, 254–55, 257, 271, 272

  surveyors and surveying, 5, 36–38, 37–41, 38–39, 39m, 41, 45, 48, 286, 334. See also Gist, Christopher and other surveyors; Northwest Ordinance (1785) and (1787)

  Susquehannah Delawares, 143–44

  Susquehannah towns and tribes, 113, 131r />
  Susquehannah Valley, 22, 26, 43, 51, 99, 257

  Susquehannocks, 22, 24, 25, 43, 69

  Swashan (Abenaki), 223, 226

  Swiss, the, 29. See also Bouquet, Henry; Vattel, Emer de


  Taboca (Choctaw), 306–7

  Tachanoontia (Onondaga), 34

  Tachnechdorus. See Logan, John (Mingo)

  Taken Out of the Water. See Tekakiska (Cherokee)

  Tallassee King. See Hoboithle or Hopoithle or Opothle Mico (Creek)

  Tall King (Creek), 363

  Tamaqua (Beaver) (Delaware), 57, 60–61, 153, 154–55, 157, 159, 160, 173, 176, 177, 188, 506n53

  Tame King. See Hoboithle or Hopoithle or Opothle Mico (Creek)

  Tanaghrisson (Tanachrisson) (Thanayieson) (Johonerissa) (Deanaghrison) (the Half King) (Seneca), 72. See also Tanaghrisson’s war Anglo-French rivalry and, 62–65, 67, 68–72, 93, 105

  background of, 53

  death of, 99–100

  described, 68

  Dinwiddie and, 70, 90, 92

  English and, 90–91, 58, 99

  Forks of the Ohio fort and, 84, 85

  French and, 90–91, 510n49

  Gist and, 507n22

  Logstown negotiation and, 54, 57, 60

  Logstown Treaty and, 58–59

  on Montour, 55

  Pennsylvania council of, 97–98

  Saint-Pierre and, 76–77

  Shingas and, 61

  Six Nations and, 64–65, 91–92

  Venango meeting and, 75

  Washington and, 6, 67, 68–71, 72–78, 85–86, 87–89, 92, 93, 97–98, 100–101

  Tanaghrisson’s war, 81–101. See also Battle of Fort Necessity British and, 92

  Contrecoeur and, 87

  Great Meadows ambush and, 88–91

  Jumonville death and, 88, 89–90

  Washington and, 85–87, 87–88, 91–92, 93–94

  Tarhe (the Crane) (Wyandot), 443

  Tassel. See Corn Tassel (Cherokee)

  Tawalooth (Mohawk), 416

  taxes, 6, 180, 293. See also whiskey tax and rebellion

  Taylor, Alan, 327, 400

  Teedyuscung (Gideon) (eastern Delaware), 8, 117, 143–44, 153, 156

  Teesteke (Toostaka) (Common Disturber) (the Waker) (Cherokee), 423

  Tekakiska (Tekakisskee) (Taken Out of the Water) (Cherokee), 430

  Telfair, Edward, 354

  Tennessee, 27, 233, 285, 338, 339, 428. See also Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795); Treaty of Tellico (1798); Yazoo Companies; Yazoo Company

  Tennessee River, 21m, 189, 246, 305, 430

  Tewea. See Captain Jacobs (Delaware)

  Texas, 281

  Thanayieson. See Tanaghrisson (Seneca)

  Thaosagwat, Hanyerry (Hanyost) (Oneida), 251, 254

  Thatcher, George, 329

  Thawekila division of Shawnees, 51

  Thayendanegea. See Brant, Joseph (Mohawk)

  Thomas, George, 52

  Thomson, Charles, 8, 144, 153, 156, 418

  Three Fires, 381. See also Northwestern Confederacy war

  Ticonderoga, 152, 317

  Tidewater region (Virginia), 20, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33

  Timberlake, Henry, 128, 166

  Tioga Point meeting (1790), 398–99, 402

  Tiononderoga (Lower Mohawk Castle), 256

  tobacco Atlantic exchange system and, 32–33, 177–78

  boom-and-bust cycles and, 172, 177–78, 201

  as diplomatic gift, 68, 80, 370, 390

  enslaved African Americans and, 32, 33

  financial crisis and, 201

  single-crop agriculture and, 31–32

  slavery and, 26, 473

  speculators and, 202

  Washington and, 177–78, 184

  West Indies trade and, 557n98

  westward expansion and, 202

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 485

  Tohashwughtonionty. See Belt of Wampum (Seneca)

  Tomah, Pierre (Maliseet), 228, 231

  Toostaka. See Teesteke (Cherokee)

  Tootematubbe. See Colbert, George (Chickasaw)

  Town Destroyer (Conotocarious) (Devourer of Villages) (J. and G. Washington), 7, 13, 25, 69–70, 86, 125, 256–57, 401

  trade. See also Anglo-French rivalry; Atlantic exchange system; Logstown (Ohio country); Lydius, Henry and other traders; Ohio Company of Virginia; Ohio country; “Suffering Traders”; tobacco; Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795) Braddock’s road and, 151

  British, 445

  Cherokees and, 42

  Creeks and, 470

  Creek-West Indies, 368, 557n98

  Declaration of Independence and, 284

  deerskin, 25, 26, 27, 42, 306, 462, 470, 557n98, 577n73

  East against West and, 337

  federal authority and, 442

  Federal Indian policy and, 324

  global, 10

  Indian land and, 327

  Logstown Treaty and, 59

  McGillivray/Spain and, 364–65, 371

  Niagara and, 161

  Ohio country and, 49, 61, 160–61

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 255–56

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 181

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 negotiations and (1768), 188–89

  southeastern, 350

  Treaty of Easton (1758) and, 157

  Treaty of Lancaster and, 54

  Treaty of Pensacola and, 351–52

  Treaty of Westminster and, 125

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31, 33

  war versus, 226

  Washington on, 160–61, 452–54, 479

  West Indies and, 557n98

  westward expansion and, 36

  Trade and Intercourse Act (1790), 339–40, 341, 399, 403

  trading posts, 452–53, 461

  Transylvania Company, 213

  treaties. See also boundaries; diplomacy; Federal Indian policies; Treaty of New York (1790) and other treaties; war versus negotiation Confederation Congress and, 327

  federal authority and, 284–85

  Federal Indian policies and, 331

  Iroquois and, 30

  Jefferson and, 418

  land and, 307

  law of nations and, 325

  national unity and, 314

  Oneida land and, 303–4

  Thomson on, 8

  US Constitution and, 323

  Virginia and, 213

  Washington and, 7, 324, 325, 333, 357–60, 442–43, 465–66, 483, 492

  Treaty, Jay (1794), 444–45

  Treaty of Albany (1701), 52, 157

  Treaty of Albany (1722), 33, 52

  Treaty of Albany (Albany Congress) (1754), 98–99, 107, 118, 157, 321

  Treaty of Augusta (1783), 352, 355, 356, 358, 360, 368

  Treaty of Camp Charlotte (1774), 210, 261

  Treaty of Canandaigua (1794), 441–42, 456

  Treaty of Colerain (1796), 432–33

  Treaty of Easton (1758), 152–53, 155, 156–58, 160, 173

  Treaty of Fort Finney (1786), 310–11, 314

  Treaties of Fort Harmar (1789), 327–28, 400, 403

  Treaty of Fort Jackson (1814), 107

  Treaty of Fort McIntosh (1785), 310, 313, 314

  Treaty of Fort Pitt (1778), 264, 267–69, 271, 277, 278

  Treaty of Fort Schuyler (1788), 304

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768) boundaries and, 189–90, 193–95, 213

  Dunmore and, 201, 207, 211

  Shawnees’ lands and, 21, 198, 207

  speculators and, 189, 191–92, 194, 207

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 191–92, 194

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784), 301–3, 314, 400, 401–2, 403

  Treaty of French Lick (1784), 306

  Treaty of Galphinton (1785), 353–55, 356, 358, 360, 368, 372

  Treaty of Greenville (1795), 443–44, 447, 459–60

  Treaty of Hard Labor (1768), 189, 192–93, 213

  Treaty of Herkimer (1785), 252m, 303

  Treaty of Holston (1791), 423–25, 430, 462, 465–66

  Treaty of Hopewell (1785-86), 304–5, 306, 307, 337–39, 339–40, 372, 423, 430, 507n4

  Treaty of Lancaster (1744) Dinwiddie on, 58

  Logstown Treaty and, 59

  Ohio Company and, 48, 49

  Ohio country and, 34, 45–46, 47, 54

  Six Nations and, 52

  Tanaghrisson and, 59

  terms of, 33–34

  Treaty of Lochaber (1770), 186m, 193

  Treaty of Logstown (1752), 46m, 54, 57, 58–61, 69, 80, 118

  Treaty of Long Island of Holston (1777), 186m, 232–33

  Treaty of Mobile (1784), 306, 307

  Treaty of Montreal (1701), 52

  Treaty of New York (1790), 366–77, 393, 432, 433, 469–70 secret articles of, 369–70, 371, 374, 375

  Treaty of New York (1796), 490–91

  Treaty of Nogales (1793), 427, 429

  Treaty of Paris (1763), 174, 178

  Treaty of Paris (1783), 280–81, 283, 348, 437

  Treaty of Pensacola (1784), 351–52, 353, 373

  Treaty of Sandusky, 436

  Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795), 445–46

  Treaty of Shoulderbone Creek (1786), 355, 356, 358, 360, 368, 372

  Treaty of 1646 (Anglo-Powhatan), 24

  Treaty of Sycamore Shoals (1775), 213

  Treaty of Tellico (1798), 466

  Treaty of Tellico Blockhouse (1794), 349m, 430

  Treaty of Vincennes (1792), 415–16, 437

  Treaty of Watertown (1776), 229–30

  Treaty of Westminster (1730), 125

  Trent, William, 62, 65, 81, 85, 176–77

  “tribal map,” 43

  tributary Indians (Virginia), 20, 30

  Trueman, Alexander, 412

  Truman, Thomas, 25

  Trumbull, John, 352f, 368, 408, pl 3,4,8

  Tsu-la. See Chutloh (Cherokee)

  Tuckabatchee, 349m, 352, 355, 363

  Turtle Clan (Delawares), xiii

  Turtle Clan (Senecas), 263, 398, 400

  Turtle Heart (Delaware), 176–77

  Tuscaroras, 21m, 33, 43–44, 124, 129–30, 243, 244–45, 252m, 258, 303, 442, 533n53. See also Treaty of Canandaigua (1794)

  Tutelos, 156–57

  Twightwees, 62. See also Miamis


  Ucahula (Cherokee), 142–43

  Ugulayacabe (Wolf’s Friend) (Chickasaw), 306, 426–27, 431

  Uhhaunauwaunmut. See Hendricks, Solomon (Stockbridge)

  uniforms, traditional, 83, 114, 148–49, 370, 426, 427, pl 1. See also Indian ways of fighting/dress

  union, colonial, 99–100

  United States, 9. See also American Revolution; national debt; Revolutionary War in the West; individual Americans

  US Army. See also Wayne, Anthony and other leaders “civilization” and, 475


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