The Indian World of George Washington

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The Indian World of George Washington Page 89

by Colin G. Calloway

  Braddock’s road and, 150–51, 157

  Connecticut and, 307

  Creeks and, 366

  Croghan and Montour and, 56, 57

  Delawares and, 99, 131, 132

  Forbes’ road and, 150–51

  forts and, 80, 84

  French and Indians and, 63, 100, 120

  Indian trade and, 162

  Iroquois and, 143, 237, 244

  Kanuksusy and, 108

  land grants and, 187

  Logstown Treaty and, 59

  migrations and mixing of peoples and, 51

  Montour and, 55

  Northwestern Confederacy wars and, 446

  Ohio Company and, 47–48, 57

  Ohio country and, 45, 49, 61, 65

  Ohio Indians and, 97, 157

  Onondagas and, 52, 63

  scalp bounties and, 131, 177, 272

  Scarouady and, 113

  Senecas and, 401, 402, 404

  Shawnees and, 62, 209, 265

  Shingas attacks and, 114

  Virginia and, 29, 199, 202, 209, 260, 262

  wampum and, 100

  Washington and, 114

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 480

  Penobscots, 21m, 228, 229–30, 231. See also Treaty of Watertown (1776)

  Peorias, 1, 414

  Pequots, 218

  Perkins, Thomas, 212

  Peters, Richard, 100, 293

  petroglyphs, 9

  Pheasant, the, 196, 197–98

  Phelps, Oliver, 402, 564n19

  Philadelphia, 281, 337, 405, pl 11

  Philadelphia Indian diplomacy. See also Sandusky conference (1793); Treaty of Vincennes; Treaty of Vincennes (1792) Brant and, 408–10, 411–12, 413, 417

  British and, 401, 409, 410–13, 414

  Cook and, 413

  DuCoigne and, 414

  Indian disunity and, 405–6, 412–13, 413–14, 416

  Indian land and, 416–17, 418

  Iroquois and, 1, 407–8

  Logstown council fire and, 53

  Northwestern Confederacy and, 403, 405–6, 407–8, 412–14

  Ohio country and, 52

  Pickering and, 398–400, 404–5

  Putnam and, 414

  Red Jacket and, 416–17

  Senecas and, 398–404

  war versus negotiation and, 397–98

  Washington and, 1–3, 406–8, 411–12, 415, 567n89

  Philadelphia meeting (1796), 459–61

  Piankashaws, 1, 51, 61, 314, 328, 384, 414, 459. See also Memeskia (Old Briton); Miamis

  Pickawillany attack, 61, 72

  Pickens, Andrew, 353, 429, 432, 466, 570n39

  Pickering, Timothy. See also Sandusky conference (1793) Brant and, 409

  Cherokees and, 430

  Cornplanter and, 440–41

  Iroquois and, 398–400, 404–5, 441–42

  Jay Treaty and, 445

  Oneidas and, 304

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 2, 406–7

  portrait of, pl 10

  Quakers and, 455

  Senecas and, 398–99, 408

  southern Indians and, 430–31

  as speculator, 556n60

  Treaty of Canandaigua (1794) and, 443

  Treaty of Greenville and, 444

  Washington’s Indian policy and, 343–45, 406–7

  Piedmont area, 21m, 27, 31, 36

  Pigeon (Woyi) (Pouting Pigeon), 166

  Pinckney, Charles, 434. See also Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795)

  Pine Creek meeting, 62

  Piominko (Piomingo) (Opoia Mutaha) (Mountain Leader) (Chickasaw), 7, 305, 306, 390, 425–26, 427, 436, 460, 569n24

  Pipe (Hobocan) (Hopocan) (Captain Pipe) (Delaware), 263, 267, 268, 271, 276–77, 278. See also Treaties of Fort Harmar (1789); Treaty of Fort Pitt (1778)

  pipes, 2, 331

  Piqua division of Shawnees, 207, 273

  Piscataways, 22, 25

  Pisquetomen (Delaware), 153–55, 156, 157, 173, 176

  Pitt, William, 139–40, 152

  Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), 159, 162, 262. See also Fort Pitt

  plats, 36

  Pocahontas, 23, 28

  Pond, Peter, 412

  Pontiac’s War, 6, 176–77, 179, 180–81, 262, 525n29

  Pope, John, 375

  population estimates of Indians, 19, 28, 283

  Portsmouth (Ohio), 56

  Posey, John, 185

  Post, Christian Frederick, 153–54, 157, 173, 521n28

  Potawatomis, 1, 21m, 72, 112, 160, 414, 443, 459. See also Northwestern Confederacy war; Pickawillany attack; Treaties of Fort Harmar (1789)

  Potomac River and Valley agriculture and, 23

  Iroquois and, 34

  map, 21m

  Mount Vernon and, 25

  national unity and, 289, 297–98, 298–99

  Ohio Company and, 54

  Powhatans and, 22

  Washington and, 96, 179, 290, 298–300, 479

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 298–99

  westward expansion and, 36, 48, 96

  Pouchot, Pierre, 161

  Pouting Pigeon (Woyi) (Pigeon), 166

  Powhatan (Wahunsonacock) (Powhatan), 22–23

  Powhatans, 19, 22–25

  Pratt, Charles, 205

  Preston, David, 513n36

  Preston, William, 209

  Prince, the. See Kithagusta (Cherokee)

  private property and property rights, 23, 380, 454, 458, 471, 472

  Proctor, Thomas, 404

  promissory notes, 336

  Putnam, Rufus, 313, 380, 385, 414, 434, 450


  Quakers, 8, 62, 103, 115, 121, 155, 393, 418, 424, 455, 456, 488, 490, 572n104. See also Pemberton, Israel

  Quebec, 21m, 181, 221, 222, 280. See also Dorchester, Lord; Haldimand, Governor; Quebec Act

  Quebec Act, 211, 212

  Quebec meeting (1790), 374

  Queen Aliquippa (Seneca), 79, 91, 92, 100

  Quequedegatha. See White Eyes (Delaware)


  race, 12, 28, 464. See also enslaved African Americans; enslaved Indians; Indian identity; mulattoes; white identity

  Randolph, Beverly, 366, 418, 420, 429

  Randolph, Edmund, 1, 340, 395, 439

  Randolph, Peter, 126

  Randolph, Peyton, 202

  Raphael, Ray, 568n2

  Rappahannock River, 22, 31, 34, 40

  Rasmusson, Barbara, 530n82

  Raven of Chota (Savanukah) (Cherokee), 213, xiii

  Raven Warrior of Hiwassee (Cherokee), 142, 143, xiii

  Read, Jacob, 302

  Red Coat. See McGillivray, William (Chickasaw)

  Red Jacket (Sagoyewatha) (“Keeps Them Awake”) (Cowkiller) (Seneca) boundaries and, 416–17

  “civilization” and, 456

  Cornplanter compared, 402

  medal and, 332f, 489–90

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 407

  Pickering and, 399–400, 404–5, 441

  portrait of, pl 12

  Sandusky conference and, 417

  Senecas and, 412–13

  Shawnees and, 417

  Washington and, 7, 406, 408, 416–17

  Red King (Chickasaw), 306

  Red Pole. See Painted Pole (Messquakenoe) (Shawnee)

  Redstone Creek, 54, 199

  Reed, Joseph, 247

  refugee crisis, 256, 258

  religion. See also missionaries; Moravians; Quakers British sailor and, 105

  Cornplanter and, 401

  Indian identity and, 489

  land rights and, 23

  Oquaga and, 245

  Red Jacket and, 456

  Washington and, 10, 287, 341, 458, 544n14

  Washington’s Indian policies and, 270, 341–44

  westward expansion and, 286–87, 330

  Revolutionary War in the West. See also Sullivan, John; Town Destroyer; Van Schaick, Goose British and, 279, 281

  Brodhead and, 271–72, 273–74

>   Clark and, 272–73

  corn and, 251, 278, 280

  Crawford and, 265–66

  Delawares and, 266–71

  Fort Pitt meetings and, 261–65

  frontierspeople versus elites, 260–61

  Gnadenhütten massacre and, 275–76, 277–79, 278–79

  Indian land and, 269, 279, 280

  McIntosh and, 266

  Oneidas and, 258

  Onondagas and, 248–49

  Sandusky expedition and, 276–79

  smallpox and, 281–82

  Washington and, 7, 245–46, 246–47, 249–50, 279, 280

  Reynolds, Joshua, 166, pl 2

  right of conquest, 34, 48, 99, 300, 316, 327, 330, 484

  right of preemption, 181, 212, 325, 334, 405, 407, 564n19, 580n46

  right of purchase, 420

  Rising Fawn. See Keehteetah (Cherokee); Treaty of Tellico (1798)

  Ritchie, Matthew, 449

  roads Braddock’s, 46m, 104, 108–9, 110, 150–51, 157, 160, 173

  Creek country and, 470

  diplomacy and, 412, 417

  Forbes’, 46m, 150–51, 157, 160, 173–74

  St. Clair’s, 390

  Robert Cary and Company, 165, 178

  Robertson, James, 425, 426

  Robinson, Sr., John, 47

  Rochambeau, General, 224

  Rock Landing meeting, 361–63

  Rogers’s Rangers, 222

  Rolfe, John, 23, 28

  Ross, James, 478

  Ross, John (Cherokee), 468, 487

  Round Bottom, 39m, 478

  Roy, Marie le, 119

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 boundaries and, 186m, 190

  British and, 180–85

  Dunmore and, 201, 529n43

  India opinion and, 205

  Peace of Paris and, 293

  Trade and Intercourse Act compared, 340, 403

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768) and, 191

  US and, 293

  Virginia and, 212

  Washington on, 292

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 187–88, 190, 192, 195, 201, 202, 203–4, 206, 211, 294

  Rush, William, 569n24

  Russell, William, 266


  Sagoyewatha. See Red Jacket (Seneca)

  Saint-Aubin, Ambroise (Maliseet), 228, 229

  Saint-Pierre, Jacques Legardeur de, 75, 76–77, 80–81

  Salt Lick Town, 210

  Sandusky (Ohio), 51, 275–76, 276–78, 379m, 417–18, 436. See also Wyandots (Wendats)

  Sandusky conference (1793), 417–21

  Sandusky Wyandots, 443

  Saponis, 30, 130

  Saratoga (1777), 220, 224, 243

  Sargent, Winthrop, 313, 392

  Satellihu. See Montour, Andrew

  Sauks, 416

  Saunt, Claudio, 351

  Savanukah. See Raven of Chota (Cherokee)

  Sawantanan (Sawatanen). See Vincent, Lewis (Huron)

  Sawcunk (Beaver Town) (Shingas’s Town), 160

  Sayengeraghta (Sayenqueraghta) (Kayenquarachton) (Kayinguaraghtoh) (Old Smoke) (Vanishing Smoke) (the Seneca King) (Seneca), 257

  scalp bounties, 130–31, 163, 177, 261, 272

  scalpings Brodhead and, 274

  of Crawford, 277

  “French and Indian War” and, 218

  of Hardin and Trueman, 412

  Kentucky militia and, 328

  Ottawas and, 79

  Sullivan’s campaign and, 251, 254

  Washington and, 130–31, 146

  Wayne and, 439

  Scarouady (Scaroyady) (Monacatootha) (Monacatoocha) (Oneida) Anglo-French rivalry and, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 100, 105

  background of, 53

  Braddock and, 105–6, 108, 110, 113

  “Dinwiddie” and, 92

  Hamilton and, 131

  smallpox and, 152

  Tanaghrisson and, 70, 97, 100

  Treaty of Logstown and, 57, 91

  Washington and, 67, 68, 71, 87, 88, 92

  Scarouady’s son, 108, 109

  Schuyler, Philip Cayugas and, 535n16

  Indians and, 222, 224–25

  Iroquois and, 238, 239, 243, 300, 442

  G. Johnson and, 217

  New York and, 301

  Oneidas and, 241, 258

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 246, 249

  on Sullivan’s campaign, 248

  Sullivan’s campaign and, 247

  Tuscaroras and, 258

  on westward expansion, 291

  on white enlistees, 219

  Scioto Company, 314, 315, 388

  Scioto River and Valley, 51, 56, 126, 204–5, 210

  Scolaguta. See Hanging Maw (Cherokee)

  Scotch-Irish, 29, 121, 182, 206, 207, 237, 295–96

  Scots, 33, 139, 144, 172, 177, 206, 297, 347, 472, 480. See also Scotch-Irish; Stephen, Adam and other Scots

  Scott, Charles and his expedition, 379m, 387, 434, 436

  Seagrove, James, 375–76, 428, 429

  Seminoles, 347, 363, 471, 474, 554n1

  Seneca King, the. See Sayengeraghta (Seneca)

  Senecas. See also Battle of Oriskany; Cornplanter and other Senecas; Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and their confederacy; Mingoes; Ohio Indians; Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784) American Revolution and, 244–45

  British and, 263–64

  Brodhead and, 272

  “civilization” and, 341, 455–56

  Cook and, 413

  Fort Niagara and, 161

  Indian unity and, 318

  Iroquois and, 413

  land losses of, 488

  map, 21m, 46m

  migrations and mixing of peoples and, 51

  murders of, 398, 404

  Oneidas and, 258

  Oneidas/Tuscaroras and, 243

  peace league and, 30

  Philadelphia Indian diplomacy and, 398–404

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 249, 250–51, 265

  Sullivan’s campaign and, 248, 254, 256

  Washington and, 3, 146, 244–45, 246, 406, 489–90

  settlers (colonials, farmers, frontiersmen, squatters). See also agriculture; boundaries; frontier defense and Cherokee alliance; land rushes; national security; Northwest Ordinance (1785) and (1787); Revolutionary War in the West; Royal Proclamation of 1763; Swiss, the and other settlers; westward expansion American Revolution and, 237

  Aupaumut on, 413

  Bouquet and, 174

  Braddock’s road and, 151, 173

  Cherokees and, 164, 427–28, 526n57

  Creeks and, 350, 432

  elites and, 26, 194–95, 198–99, 260–61, 280, 334

  federal authority versus states’ and, 324, 580n41

  forts and, 115, 120

  French and Indian allies and, 116

  hunters versus, 286

  Indians and, 179–80, 260, 452

  Iroquois and, 237–38

  Kentucky and, 268, 297

  Mississippi Land Company and, 179

  murder juries and, 565n28

  national unity and, 284, 285–86, 288

  Northwestern Confederacy war and, 380

  plantation economy and, 172

  Pontiac’s War and, 180

  Rock Landing meeting and, 360

  Sandusky conference and, 420

  scalpings by, 163–64

  Shawnees’ land and, 207

  Spain and, 324

  speculators and, 37, 172, 202, 212, 309, 427

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 393, 396

  Treaty of Fort Pitt and, 268

  Treaty of Holston and, 425, 430

  Treaty of Hopewell and, 430

  Treaty of Paris and, 174

  Virginia and, 193

  Virginia Regiment and, 121

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 28

  war with Shawnees and, 209

  Washington and, 7, 122–23, 178, 198–99, 201, 261, 279, 285–86, 291, 334, 447, 483

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 294
–95, 330

  Seven Nations of Canada, 222, 416, 437, 490–91. See also St. Lawrence Indians

  Seven Ranges, 309

  Seven Years’ War, 90, 124. See also “French and Indian War”; Tanaghrisson’s war

  Sevier, John, 299, 339

  Shamokin Daniel (Delaware), 154

  Shanango River, 51

  Shannopin, 5

  Shaw, Francis, 230

  Shaw, John, 89

  Shaw, Leonard, 424, 462–63

  Shawnee River, 49

  Shawnees. See also Blue Jacket and other Shawnees; Chillicothe division of Shawnees; Fort Pitt meeting (1775); Northwestern Confederacy war; Ohio Indians; Scioto River and Valley; Shawnees’ land; Treaty of Camp Charlotte; Treaty of Fort Finney (1786) American Revolution and, 230

  ancient, 9

  Anglo-French rivalry and, 65, 72, 73, 116–17, 152

  Beaujeu and, 110

  Brant and, 409, 417

  British and, 173, 175, 311

  Brodhead and, 272

  R. Butler and, 8, 312

  captives and, 118–19

  Catawbas and, 72, 126

  Cherokees and, 126–27, 128, 213–14

  “civilization” and, 575n33

  Clark and, 273

  Dunmore and, 208–9, 530n82

  Forbes and, 153

  frontier war and, 124

  history/divisions of, 51

  Iroquois and, 84, 117–18

  Logstown Treaty and, 59

  Mahicans and, 413

  map, 46m

  migration and mixing of peoples and, 43, 44, 460–61

  Ohio country and, 50–51, 53

  Pennsylvania and, 62, 99, 209, 265

  Post and, 154

  Red Jacket and, 417

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 278

  Sandusky conference and, 420

  scalpings and, 273

  settlers and, 198

  Tanaghrisson and, 64, 70, 71, 97, 98

  Tanaghrisson’s war and, 92

  Treaty of Fort McIntosh and, 310

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768) and, 193, 207

  Treaty of Lancaster and, 52

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 20

  wampum and, 71–72

  war losses of, 162

  war with Virginia (1774) and, 207–11

  Washington and, 71–72, 146, 204–5, 310, 459

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 204–5, 210, 211, 264–65

  Wayne and, 436

  Westos and, 27

  Shay’s Rebellion, 288

  Shelby, Evan, 246

  Shenandoah Valley, 21m, 29, 30, 31, 33–34, 38–40, 39m, 115

  Shenango River, 51

  Shingas (Delaware) Anglo-French rivalry and, 93


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