The Indian World of George Washington

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The Indian World of George Washington Page 88

by Colin G. Calloway

  Menneville, Ange de, 61

  Mercer, George, 92, 115, 134, 158, 162, 172, 194, 199

  Mercer, Hugh, 160

  Merrell, James, 12, 153–54, 377

  Messquakenoe. See Painted Pole (Red Pole) (Shawnee), 416

  Mexico, 281

  Miami River council (1792), 414

  Miamis. See also Little Turtle and other Miamis; Northwestern Confederacy war Anglo-French rivalry and, 65

  British and, 384

  Cornplanter and, 403

  French and Indian attacks on, 61, 62

  Gist’s report and, 56

  Iroquois confederacy and, 160, 381

  Mahicans and, 413

  map, 21m, 46m, 186m

  migrations and mixings of peoples and, 51

  Sandusky conference and, 420

  trade and, 461

  Washington and, 459

  Wayne and, 436

  Miami towns, 381

  Miami Valley, 51

  Michigan, 293, 315, 382

  Michilimackinac fort, 178

  Middle Cherokee towns, 165

  Mifflin, Thomas, 334

  migrations and mixing of peoples, 43, 44–45, 51, 107, 467. See also westward expansion

  Mi’kmaqs, 228, 231. See also Treaty of Watertown (1776)

  Milford, Louis LeClerc de, 373

  military warrants, 308, 315

  militias, 120, 121, 434

  Miller’s Run, 265–66, 449

  Mingoes. See also Cayugas; Logan, John and other Mingoes; Senecas; Tanaghrisson Anglo-French rivalry and, 65

  Beaujeu and, 110

  Braddock and, 105

  Brodhead and, 248, 272

  Cherokees and, 126

  Dunmore and, 530n82

  Forbes and, 153

  Iroquois and, 51, 52

  map, 46m

  Post and, 154

  settlers and, 198

  Tanaghrisson and, 70, 87

  violence against, 194

  Virginia war with Shawnees and (1774), 208

  Minnesota, 382

  Minor, Stephen, 307

  Miró, Estevan, 355, 373

  Mishikinaakwa. See Little Turtle (Miami)

  missionaries, 28, 263, 303. See also Kirkland, Samuel and other missionaries; Moravians; Quakers

  Mississaugua Objibwas, 408

  Mississippi Indians, 107, 182. See also Creeks

  Mississippi Land Company, 178–79, 191, 211

  Mississippi River and Valley, 21m, 27, 49, 54–55, 130, 178, 337. See also Chickasaws; Spain; Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795)

  mixing of peoples, 43, 44–45, 51, 107, 470

  M’kmaqs, 21m

  Mohawk, John, 442

  Mohawks (Kanienkehaka), 3, 21m, 30, 51, 53, 222, 237, 238–39, 242–43, 248, 256, 390. See also Atiatoharongwen; Battle of Oriskany; Brant, Joseph and other Mohawks; Kahnawake Indians

  Mohawk Valley, 303

  Mohegans, 218. See also Johnson, Joseph; Occom, Samson

  Moluntha (Melonthe) (Mekoche Shawnee), 311

  Monacans, 19

  Monacatootha. See (Scarouady) (Oneida)

  Monongahela River, 54, 82m, 110–12, 114, 185, 187, 192, 199. See also Braddock’s defeat

  Monroe, James, 302, 303, 315

  Montcalm, Marquis de, 95–96, 135, 152

  Montgomery, Archibald, 164

  Monticello, 31

  Montour, Andrew (Satellihu) (Eghnisara) (Oneida-French intermediary), 58 Anglo-French rivalry and, 63

  background of, 55

  Croghan on, 55, 505n30

  at Fort Cumberland, 105

  Fort Pitt council and, 173

  Hamilton and, 131

  Indian allies and, 124–25

  Logstown Treaty and, 58, 59

  Pennsylvania and, 56

  refusal to translate British and, 173

  Treaty of Easton (1758) and, 156

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768), 189

  Washington and, 7, 92, 96–97

  Montour, Isabelle (“Madame” Montour), 55

  Montreal, 21m, 222, 256

  Montreal treaties, 30, 52

  Moravians, 263, 267, 273–74, 274–75, 276, 277, 458. See also Gnadenhütten massacre; Zeisberger and other Moravians

  Morgan, Daniel, 109, 112, 216, 271, 295, 434

  Morgan, George, 263, 265, 268, 269–70, 271, 278, 312, 342

  Morgan, Lewis Henry, 489

  Morris, Gouverneur, 271

  Morris, Robert Hunter, 97, 101, 103, 112–13, 116, 137, 152, 556n60

  Mountain Leader. See Piominko (Chickasaw)

  Mount Vernon. See also agriculture; tobacco agriculture and, 480, 481

  enslaved African Americans and, 289, 410, 482

  history/descriptions of, 25, 33, 40, 104, 524n1

  Indian land and, 25

  Indians and, 3, 9, 377

  lease of, 450

  map, 21m, 46m, 186m, 296m

  offer to lease, 450

  Potomac River and, 300, 524n1

  Washington and, 161–62, 165, 171, 266, 288, 289

  “mourning” wars, 30

  mulattoes, 20, 28

  Munsees, 250–51

  Murray, John. See Dunmore, Earl of

  Murray, Patrick, 384

  Muscle Shoals, 425, 432

  Muse, George, 203

  Muskingum River and Valley, 51, 132, 381

  Muskogean peoples, 27

  Muskogee language, 8


  Namacolin (Delaware), 54

  Nanticokes, 21m, 43, 156–57, 390, 416

  Nash, Gary B., 568n2

  Nashville conference (1792), 426

  national bank, 337

  national debt, 293, 327, 336, 385, 394, 446

  nationalism, American, 497n13. See also federal authority versus states’ power (national unity)

  national unity. See federal authority versus states’ power

  nation-building, 7, 12, 13–14. See also federal authority versus states’ power (national unity); westward expansion

  nation-to-nation relations, 12

  Neah Mico. See Eneah or Neah Mico (Creek)

  Neetotehelemy (Netawatwees) (Newcomer) (Delaware), 61, 174

  Negushwa. See Egushawa (Ottawa)

  Nenatcheehunt (Nenatchehan). See Delaware George (Delaware)

  Nenetooyah (Nenetuah). See Bloody Fellow (Cherokee)

  Neolin (Delaware), 175

  Netawatwees. See Neetotehelemy (Delaware)

  Nevins, Allan, 499n45

  New Arrow (Seneca), 401

  Newcastle. See Kanuksusy (Seneca)

  New Castle (Pennsylvania), 51

  Newcomer. See Neetotehelemy (Delaware)

  New Corn (Potawatomi), 443

  New England Indians, 21m, 218, 221–22, 228, 458. See also Abenakis and others

  New France, 49–50, 57, 90, 115–16. See also Canada; Menneville, Ange de

  New Mexico, 281

  New Orleans, 284, 298, 299, 354–55. See also Miró, Estevan; Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795)

  Newtown Point meeting (1791), 404, 405

  New York. See also Dunmore, Earl of (John Murray) and other New Yorkians; Sullivan, John and his campaign; Treaty of Albany (1701); Treaty of Canandaigua (1794); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784) Aupaumut and, 413

  federal government versus 301–4, 404, 405, 407, 442

  Fort Duquesne and, 85

  French and, 116

  Iroquois and, 30, 244, 245, 301–4, 404, 407, 413

  refugees from, 222

  Senecas and, 488

  Stockbridges and, 220

  Washington and, 85, 246

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 40, 290, 480

  New York Indians, 21m, 236, 416, 437, 455. See also Oneidas and others

  Niagara, 176, 251, 256

  Niagara meeting (1764), 182

  Nicholas, George, 324, 387, 393, 394, 412, 440

  Nicholson, Joseph, 196

  Nimham, Abraham (Stockbridge), 220

nbsp; Nimwha (Shawnee), 188

  Nipissings, 53, 94

  Nontuaka (the Northward) (the North Nation) (Cherokee), 423, 424–25, 429–30

  Nootka Sound Crisis, 365, 367

  Nopkehe. See Hagler (Catawba)

  North Carolina, 85, 108–9, 145, 164, 193, 233, 285, 299–300, 338–39, 348, 425. See also Blount, William; Catawbas; Franklin (state); Transylvania Company; Treaty of Hopewell (1785-86); Treaty of Tellico (1798); Tuscaroras

  Northern Neck (Virginia), 25, 34–36, 35m

  Northward, the (the North Nation). See Nontuaka (Cherokee)

  Northwest Coast Indians, 282

  Northwestern Confederacy wars. See also Hamtramck, John Francis; Harmar, Josiah; Philadelphia Indian diplomacy; Scott, Charles; St. Clair, Arthur; Treaty of Greenville (1795); Wayne, Anthony; Wilkinson, James Brant and, 408–9, 410

  Cherokees and, 422–23

  Cornplanter and, 404

  costs of, 446

  described, 381–82

  Indian resistance and, 378, 379m, 380, 382, 385, 387, 390–91

  Philadelphia Indian diplomacy and, 403, 405–6, 407–8, 412–14

  Simcoe and, 420–21

  southern Indians and, 429, 432–33

  war versus negotiation and, 397–98, 404, 416

  Washington and, 3, 378, 380, 386–87, 416–17, 433–42

  Northwest Ordinance (1785), 309–10

  Northwest Ordinance (1787), 314–16

  Northwest Territory, 293, 314, 316–17, 327–28, 396, 421. See also Northwestern Confederacy war

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 19, 208

  Nottaways, 19, 124, 129–30

  Nova Scotia Indians and settlers, 102, 180, 182, 201, 221, 227, 228, 230, 231. See also Beauséjour fort


  Obeal. See Cornplanter (Allegheny Seneca)

  Occaneechis, 27

  Occom, Samson (Mohegan), 218, 458

  Oconees, 373

  Oconostota (Overhill Cherokeee), 166, 193, 213, 232–33

  Odanak, 222–23, 225–27, 226–27, 514n74

  Ogaghsagighte (Jean Baptiste) (Kahnawake Mohawk), 223, 224

  Ogh-ne-wi-ge-was. See Farmer’s Brother (Buffalo Creek Seneca)

  Ohio, 178, 293, 315. See also Northwest Ordinance (1785) and (1787)

  Ohio Company of Associates (New England), 312–13, 314–15, 317, 388, 400

  Ohio Company of Virginia Braddock and, 104

  Braddock’s road and, 150–51

  British and, 47–48, 174

  Dinwiddie and, 50, 65, 66

  Duke of Cumberland and, 104

  forts and, 48, 67, 80

  Indian allies and, 108

  Indian land and, 47–49, 174

  Logstown and, 54

  Mercer and, 194

  Mississippi Land Company and, 178, 179

  Ohio country trade and, 54–55, 57

  Ohio Indians and, 160–61

  Pennsylvania and, 194

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 and, 183, 184–85

  Vandalia and, 194

  Virginia and, 81, 83, 120

  Washington and, 48, 104, 108

  Ohio country. See also Anglo-French rivalry; Belt of Wampum (the Belt) (Kaghswaghtaniunt) (Tohashwughtonionty) (White Thunder) (Seneca); Braddock’s defeat and other battles and campaigns; forts; Indian land; Indian mounds; land bounties; Logstown Treaty and other treaties; Northwestern Confederacy war; Ohio Company of Associates; Ohio Company of Virginia; Ohio Indians; Revolutionary War in the West; Royal Proclamation of 1763; Tanaghrisson; Tanaghrisson’s war; Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784); Treaty of Greenville (1795); Treaty of Lancaster (1744); Washington’s Indian land acquisitions; westward expansion Delaware diplomacy and, 155

  French and, 45, 48, 49–50, 51–52, 51–53, 53–54, 61, 74

  map, 46m

  migrations and mixings of peoples and, 51

  Peace of Paris (1783) and, 280, 281

  Potomac River and, 34, 36

  Quebec and, 280

  Thomson on, 8

  trade and, 49, 61, 160–61

  Treaty of Lancaster and, 34, 45–47, 49

  Virginians and, 41–44, 49

  Washington and, 6, 45, 259, 260, 311–12

  Washington’s 1753 trip to, 81, 82m

  Washington’s diplomatic expedition to (1753), 6, 66–83, 82m

  Washington’s military expedition to (Tanaghrisson’s War) (1754), 6, 81–101

  Ohio Indians. See also Indian land; Jay Treaty (1794); Northwestern Confederacy war; Pontiac’s War; Shawnees and other Ohio Indians; Treaty of Easton (1758); Treaties of Fort Harmar (1789); Treaty of Fort McIntosh (1785) Anglo-French rivalry and, 58, 62, 73, 84, 94–95, 107

  Braddock and, 108

  British sailor’s description of, 105

  Cherokees and, 144

  Denny and, 153

  Forbes’ campaign and, 153, 157

  history of, 50–51

  informant on Washington/Tanaghrisson ambush, 88

  Iroquois and, 51–52, 161

  Logstown negotiations and, 58

  map, 21m

  peace negations (1759 and 1761), 160

  Tanaghrisson and, 59

  Tanaghrisson’s war and, 93, 94, 96

  trade and, 160–61

  Virginia and, 49

  Washington and, 93, 96–97

  westward expansion and, 54

  Ohio River. See also Forks of the Ohio as boundary, 194, 263, 264, 311, 381–82, 406, 409, 417

  Cherokees and, 130

  forts, 61, 67–68

  French and, 49

  land for militia and, 83

  map, 21m

  Shawnee raids and, 273

  Tanaghrisson and, 63–64

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768) and, 189

  Virginia war with Shawnees and, 210

  Washington and, 204

  Washington’s Indian land acquisitions and, 178, 449, 450

  Ojekheta. See Otsequette (Oneida)

  Ojibwas, 21m, 51, 70, 72, 86, 110, 160, 178, 264, 282, 459. See also Northwestern Confederacy war; Pickawillany attack

  Okfuskee. See White Lieutenant (Creek)

  Old Briton. See Memeskia (Piankashaw)

  Old Smoke. See Sayengeraghta (Seneca)

  Old Tassel. See Corn Tassel (Cherokee)

  Oneidas. See also Battle of Oriskany; Good Peter and other Oneidas; Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and their confederacy (Five Nations) (Six Nations); Kanaghquaesa (Conoghquieson) (Oneida); Treaty of Canandaigua (1794); Treaty of Fort Schuyler (1788) American Revolution and, 235, 236–37, 239–42, 239–43, 244–45, 258–59, 458

  British and, 258

  colonials and, 237

  corn and, 236–37

  Indian clothing and, 216

  Iroquois and, 258

  map and locations, 21m, 51

  Mohawks and, 242–43

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 406

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 258–59

  Senecas and, 243, 258

  smallpox and, 281

  Sullivan’s campaign and, 248, 251, 254, 255

  treaties and, 303–4

  Washington and, 3, 240, 241, 243, 258

  O’Neill, Arturo, 348, 353

  Onondagas. See also Canasatego and other Onondagas; Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and their confederacy (Five Nations) (Six Nations); Treaty of Canandaigua (1794) American attacks and, 276

  American Revolution and, 240

  Anglo-French rivalry and, 63, 72

  Braddock and, 113

  Canachquasy and, 79–80

  Croghan on, 84

  Iroquois league and, 51, 52–53, 58, 63, 240

  Logstown Treaty and, 58, 59

  map, 21m

  neutrality and, 72, 80

  Ohio Indians and, 58, 93

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 406

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 248–49

  smallpox and, 281

  Sullivan’s campaign and, 248–49

  Tanaghrisson and, 57, 59, 6
3–64, 84, 90

  Treaty of Lancaster and, 54

  Virginia and, 54, 100

  Onontio, 57, 89

  Opechancanough (Powhatan), 23–24

  Opoia Mutaha. See Piominko (Chickasaw)

  Oppamylucah, Captain (Delaware), 57

  Oquaga (New York), 245

  Ore, James, 430

  Orme, Robert, 103–4, 109, 110

  Orono, Joseph (Penobscot), 231

  Osages, 110, 111, 343, 425, 426

  Ostenaco (Ustenaka) (Judd’s Friend) (Outacite) (Outacity) (Outassite) (Skiagusta) (Mankiller of Keowee) (Cherokee), 126–27, 128–29, 137, 164, 165, 166, 193, pl 2

  Otchikeita. See Otsequette (Oneida)

  Otos, 110

  Otsequette (Otsiquette, Peter) (Ojekheta) (Otchikeita) (Oneida), 406

  Ottawas. See also Egushawa; Northwestern Confederacy war; Pickawillany attack; Pontiac’s War alleged scalping and, 79

  Anglo-French rivalry and, 72

  Beaujeu and, 110

  Fort Pitt meeting and, 262

  Fort Recovery and, 437

  Iroquois and, 160

  map and locations, 21m, 51

  Ohio country and, 53

  Pickawillany attack by, 61

  Post and, 154

  Tanaghrisson and, 70

  Tanaghrisson’s war and, 86, 94

  Washington and, 459

  Wyandots and, 56

  Otto, Louis Guilllaume, 334, 363–64

  Ouconecaw. See Attakullakulla (Cherokee)

  Ouiatenon, 387, 388

  Outacite (Outacity) (Outassite). See Ostenaco (Cherokee)

  Overhill Cherokees, 43, 126, 127, 232. See also Attakullakulla and other Overhill Cherokees


  Pachgantschihilas. See Buckongahelas (Delaware)

  Pacific Northwest, 365

  Painted Pole (Red Pole) (Messquakenoe) (Shawnee), 311, 416, 443, 459, 460

  Pamunkeys, 19, 25, 28

  Panton, Leslie & Company, 364–65, 374–75, 470

  Panton, William, 425

  Papers of George Washington, 7

  Parker, Arthur C. (Seneca), 255, 487

  Parker, Ely S. (Seneca), 489–90

  Parker, Hugh, 48

  Parkinson, Richard, 480–81

  Parsons, Samuel, 312–13

  Passamaquoddies, 21m, 228, 230, 231, 232

  paths, 67

  Patton, James, 47, 58, 118

  Paxinosa (Bucksinosa) (eastern Shawnee), 144

  Peace of Paris (1783), 280, 281, 283, 348, 437

  Peale, Charles Willson, 10, pl 1,7,9,10

  Pekowi division of Shawnees, 51, 459

  Pemberton, Israel, 152

  Penn, Thomas, 103

  Penn, William, 60

  Pennsylvania. See also Anglo-French rivalry; frontier defense and Cherokee alliance; Morris, Robert Hunter and other Pennsylvanians; Sullivan’s campaign; Treaty of Easton (1758); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784); Treaty of Lancaster (1744); Walking Purchase Braddock and, 103, 104


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